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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Title: Cultural Lesson Plan

Design a lesson plan for your school that teaches students about different cultures.  At a minimum, include the following categories in your lesson plan:  Objectives, Procedures, Reading Assignments, Materials, and Assessment.  In addition, attach an assessment that you will use to determine if the students learned from your lesson.  There is a lesson plan template you may use located in course resources.  Your lesson plan must be entirely original.  Please provide title page, citations, and reference page for this assignment.

Reference ( listed is one below . Please add additional resources)

Nieto & Bode, P. (2012). Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of 
Multicultural Education 6th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson

FYI: Please make sure reference name is not bold and on a separate page, title page should have name , date course and professor, avoid clichés, headings are needed when necessary, use heading for conclusion. Please see the two attachments

160 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

An argumentative paper in which you evaluate the benefits of a "Backward Design" approach to classroom instruction.

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

For this Assignment, select one of the topics listed below, research the topic using primary sources, and be sure to respond to the questions. The paper should be 4–5 pages long (body) and should specifically address all parts of the question.


Along with the text, use a minimum of five scholarly journals, books, articles, or other academic sources. You will find many journal articles pertaining to your topic of choice.

Textbook Information

Title:                                        Development Through the Lifespan, 6th Edition
Author:                                    Laura. E. Berk
ISBN:                                      0205958699 
Publisher:                                Pearson
eBook or Physical text:            Physical text

The research paper should:

Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).
Use correct APA formatting per the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition.
Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.
Be written in Standard American English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Kaplan University Writing Center for help.
Your Assignment should include:

Title Page.
Body of the paper (4–5 pages).
Reference Page.
Select one of the following for the focus of your paper:

Explain how adolescents develop substance abuse problems. 
What influences lead them to drinking or using drugs?
What risk factors are common amongst adolescents who develop addictive disorders?
Using one of the developmental theories that you have studied, explain how the adolescent’s self-identity is affected by the addiction.
Propose interventions that could be used to reduce the risk of experimenting with alcohol and drug use.
Emotional Intelligence

To meet the writing requirement, you will need to demonstrate the use of clear communication that is well-ordered, unified, and insightful. Work will display proper content for the Assignment, as well as proper organization, grammar, paragraphs, mechanics, and APA writing style.

297 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


ELCC Content-Based Assessment #2

The Theory to Practice Exam is an essay assessment completed at the conclusion of “Leadership Principles and Ethics.”  The exam requires candidates to recall content knowledge learned in coursework and to apply it in a narrative form.  There are two parts to the exam:  Part 1 is made up of 4 short-essay items that directly request candidates to recall and expound upon content in at least 250 words each.  Part 2 is case-based and requires candidates to respond in an extended essay format of at least 1,000 words each.  Each case response is to follow a framework provided by a set of guiding questions.


ELCC Standard Elements 
Educational Leadership Constituent Council

ELCC 1.1    Candidates understand and can collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school. 

ELCC 2.1    Candidates understand and can sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for students.

ELCC 3.3    Candidates understand and can promote school-based policies and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff.

ELCC 3.4    Candidates understand and can develop school capacity for distributed leadership.

ELCC 4.2    Candidates understand and can mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the school community.

ELCC 4.3    Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers.

ELCC 5.2    Candidates understand and can model principles of self- awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior as related to their roles within the school.

ELCC 5.3    Candidates understand and can safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity.


PART 1: Short Essay Directions: The first part of the Theory to Practice Exam requires you to write four short-answer essays of at least 250 words in response to four content-knowledge items.  Each response is to integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.  

Short Essay Item 1: “Having been hired as the first principal of a new charter school, propose to the board a process for developing a shared vision of learning for the school.  Include methods for involving stakeholders and apply theories relevant to building, implementing and  stewarding  the vision.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”      ELCC 1.1

Short Essay Item 2: “As an educational leader, you are responsible for the teaching and learning aspect of education.  Describe the learning environment for which you will strive.  Include how you will apply theories of human development behavior, personalized learning environment, and motivation to influence school culture and to ensure student success.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”      ELCC 2.1

Short Essay Item 3: “As a school administrator, how will you develop a plan of action to address needs of students, parents, and caregivers?  Include approaches for collaboration with stakeholders and strategies for effective oral and written communication with families and caregivers.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”      ELCC 4.3

Short Essay Item 4: “Ethical behavior is characterized by honesty, fairness, and equity in interpersonal, professional, and academic relationships.  Explain how ethical behavior influences school culture, student achievement, and your own leadership. Support your statements with examples.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”      ELCC 5.2

PART 2: Case Study Directions: Two problem-based case studies comprise this portion of the Theory to Practice Exam. Respond to each case with at least a 500-word essay.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.  The following set of questions serve as a framework for your responses, but you are also to ensure that you specifically address the questions at the end of each case study.

1.    What specific problem is presented in the case? 
2.    How does what you learned in the courses in school administration and/or assigned texts apply to the problem? 
3.    What should be done to solve the problem? 
4.    Why did you select the particular solution that you did? 
5.    How will you know if the solution is successful?

Extended Response: Case 1 – “Crisis Management” 
“You are the recently-hired principal of a suburban school consisting of approximately 1,000 students.  At a Parent-Teacher Association meeting, some parents express concern about an increase in criminal activity in the neighborhood surrounding the school.  Although there has not been an increase in discipline problems on campus during the school day, there have been some incidents of minor vandalism after school hours.  As the principal of the school, you have also had concerns about crime in the area.  Although you were not prepared to make a formal presentation to the parents, you have already made some small changes to improve security around campus by amending school-based discipline management policies and plans.  Shortly after the meeting, the superintendent tells you that one of your first projects is to develop a comprehensive school crisis management plan.  She informs you that the current plan was developed piecemeal, is outdated, and needs to be totally revamped.
    “Describe strategies you would implement to support a safe and secure learning environment, including prevention, crisis management, and public relations.  Considering the case scenario, what implications are there for a school-based discipline management policies and plans?  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”      ELCC 3.3

Extended Response: Case 2 – “A Changing Community”
“Over the course of the past 10 years, Lincoln High School and its surrounding community has changed dramatically.  The area has also fallen on hard times economically as many of the industries have shipped jobs overseas.  With the downturn in the economy and subsequent layoffs and falling property taxes, the urban-fringe community of Lincoln Heights has resisted raising local taxes or passing bond measures to raise funds to make much-needed repairs to the high school.  This has hastened the change as many upper-middle class families have fled the community for the suburbs. Many of these were Caucasian families and the school racial demographics have changed from 55% Caucasian, 23% Latino, 16% African American, and 6% Asian to 36%, 29%, 25%, and 10%, respectively.  Along with problems of an aging physical plant, Lincoln has failed to close the gaps between the academic success rates for those who are identified as economically disadvantaged or minority and their more affluent white classmates.  To top it off, there has been a revolving door in the principal’s office, with three new administrators coming and going in the span of just 4 years.  Each administrator publically expressed frustration with the district office and school board.  An exasperated superintendent and school board realize the school is headed in the wrong direction and that a fundamental change in leadership philosophy and vision need to be made, but they cannot agree on how to move forward.  
    “If you were to apply for the principalship at this school, how would you convince the superintendent and school board that you have the knowledge base (1) to create an environment where distributed leadership is sustained; (2) to mobilize diverse community cultural resources; and (3) to safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity?  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”    ELCC 3.4 ELCC 4.2 ELCC 5.3

RUBRIC: Responses to both Part 1 and Part 2 items will be scored by a rubric representing the following three components: (a) Evidence of Meeting ELCC Standard Elements, (b) Mechanics, and (c) Composition skills.  Each of the three components will be scored on one of the following performance levels as described by the quality indicators within the rubric: 

MET: Advanced
MET: Proficient
NOT MET: Developing
NOT MET: No Evidence Provided 

Expectations for mechanics and composition skills are evaluated in relation to appropriate English essentials (i.e., parts of speech, punctuation, mechanics, spelling, and grammar), sentence construction, and paragraph development (see The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) pp. 87-115 for information regarding specific expectations).

EDUC 645/740 Theory to Practice Exam (revised 7/17/2015)
by Angela Mason
Instructions & Rubric
Instructions & Rubric
Open the attachment below to read the directions and to see the rubric that will be used to grade this assignment.

Attachments  DIRECTIONS_AND_RUBRIC___Theory_to_Practice_Exam.doc

Short Essay 1
Short Essay Item 1: “Having been hired as the first principal of a new charter school, propose to the board a process for developing a shared vision of learning for the school.  Include methods for involving stakeholders and apply theories relevant to building, implementing and stewarding the vision.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”  (Reply in a short-essay narrative of at least 250 words by clicking on the “Edit” button.  Enter your text in the space below this chart.)    ELCC 1.1

Short Essay 2
Short Essay Item 2: “As an educational leader, you are responsible for the teaching and learning aspect of education.  Describe the learning environment for which you will strive.  Include how you will apply theories of human development behavior, personalized learning environment, and motivation to influence school culture and to ensure student success.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”  (Reply in a short-essay narrative of at least 250 words by clicking on the “Edit” button.  Enter your text in the space below this chart.)    ELCC 2.1

Essay 3
Short Essay Item 3: “As a school administrator, how will you develop a plan of action to address needs of students, parents, and caregivers?  Include approaches for collaboration with stakeholders and strategies for effective oral and written communication with families and caregivers.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”  (Reply in a short-essay narrative of at least 250 words by clicking on the “Edit” button.  Enter your text in the space below this chart.)    ELCC 4.3

Short Essay 4
Short Essay Item 4: “Ethical behavior is characterized by honesty, fairness, and equity in interpersonal, professional, and academic relationships.  Explain how ethical behavior influences school culture, student achievement, and your own leadership. Support your statements with examples.  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”  (Reply in a short-essay narrative of at least 250 words by clicking on the “Edit” button.  Enter your text in the space below this chart.)    ELCC 5.2

Case 1
The following set of questions serve as a framework for your responses, but you are also to ensure that you specifically address the questions at the end of each case study.
1.    What specific problem is presented in the case?
2.    How does what you learned in the courses in school administration and/or assigned texts apply to the problem?
3.    What should be done to solve the problem?
4.    Why did you select the particular solution that you did?
5.    How will you know if the solution is successful?
Extended Response: Case 1 – “Crisis Management” 
“You are the recently-hired principal of a suburban school consisting of approximately 1,000 students.  At a Parent-Teacher Association meeting, some parents express concern about an increase in criminal activity in the neighborhood surrounding the school.  Although there has not been an increase in discipline problems on campus during the school day, there have been some incidents of minor vandalism after school hours.  As the principal of the school, you have also had concerns about crime in the area.  Although you were not prepared to make a formal presentation to the parents, you have already made some small changes to improve security around campus by amending school-based discipline management policies and plans.  Shortly after the meeting, the superintendent tells you that one of your first projects is to develop a comprehensive school crisis management plan.  She informs you that the current plan was developed piecemeal, is outdated, and needs to be totally revamped.
    “Describe strategies you would implement to support a safe and secure learning environment, including prevention, crisis management, and public relations.  Considering the case scenario, what implications are there for a school-based discipline management policies and plans?  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”  (Reply in an essay narrative of at least 500 words by clicking on the “Edit” button.  Enter your text in the space below this chart.)    ELCC 3.3

Case 2
The following set of questions serve as a framework for your responses, but you are also to ensure that you specifically address the questions at the end of each case study. 
1.    What specific problem is presented in the case?
2.    How does what you learned in the courses in school administration and/or assigned texts apply to the problem?
3.    What should be done to solve the problem?
4.    Why did you select the particular solution that you did?
5.    How will you know if the solution is successful?
Extended Response: Case 2 – “A Changing Community”
“Over the course of the past 10 years, Lincoln High School and its surrounding community has changed dramatically.  The area has also fallen on hard times economically as many of the industries have shipped jobs overseas.  With the downturn in the economy and subsequent layoffs and falling property taxes, the urban-fringe community of Lincoln Heights has resisted raising local taxes or passing bond measures to raise funds to make much-needed repairs to the high school.  This has hastened the change as many upper-middle class families have fled the community for the suburbs. Many of these were Caucasian families and the school racial demographics have changed from 55% Caucasian, 23% Latino, 16% African American, and 6% Asian to 36%, 29%, 25%, and 10%, respectively.  Along with problems of an aging physical plant, Lincoln has failed to close the gaps between the academic success rates for those who are identified as economically disadvantaged or minority and their more affluent white classmates.  To top it off, there has been a revolving door in the principal’s office, with three new administrators coming and going in the span of just 4 years.  Each administrator publically expressed frustration with the district office and school board.  An exasperated superintendent and school board realize the school is headed in the wrong direction and that a fundamental change in leadership philosophy and vision need to be made, but they cannot agree on how to move forward. 
    “If you were to apply for the principalship at this school, how would you convince the superintendent and school board that you have the knowledge base (1) to create an environment where distributed leadership is sustained; (2) to mobilize diverse community cultural resources; and (3) to safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity?  Integrate course content from the present and/or previous courses in educational leadership, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.”  (Reply in an essay narrative of at least 500 words by clicking on the “Edit” button.  Enter your text in the space below this chart.)    ELCC 3.4 ELCC 4.2 ELCC 5.3

RUBRIC: Theory to Practice Exam – ELCC Assessment #2
        3 pts    MET
2 pts    NOT MET
1 pts    NOT MET
0 pts
1.1    Short Essay Item 1    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge in collaborative school visioning; theories relevant to building, articulating, implementing, and stewarding a school vision; and methods for involving school stakeholders in the visioning process.  In all of these areas, the candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge in collaborative school visioning; theories relevant to building, articulating, implementing, and stewarding a school vision; and methods for involving school stakeholders in the visioning process.  In most of these areas, the candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge in collaborative school visioning; theories relevant to building, articulating, implementing, and stewarding a school vision; and methods for involving school stakeholders in the visioning process.  In few, if any, of these areas, the candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.    No
0 points
2.1    Short Essay Item 2    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge of theories on human development behavior, personalized learning environment, and motivation; and ways school culture can be influenced to ensure student success.  In all of these areas, the candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge of theories on human development behavior, personalized learning environment, and motivation; and ways school culture can be influenced to ensure student success.  In most of these areas, the candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge of theories on human development behavior, personalized learning environment, and motivation; and ways school culture can be influenced to ensure student success.  In few, if any, of these areas, the candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
4.3    Short Essay Item 3    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge of approaches to collaboration with family members and caregivers implementing strategies for effective oral and written communication.  In both of these areas, the candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge of approaches to collaboration with family members and caregivers implementing strategies for effective oral and written communication.  In both of these areas, the candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge of approaches to collaboration with family members and caregivers implementing strategies for effective oral and written communication.  In only one or neither of these areas, the candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
5.2    Short Essay Item 4    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge of the relationship between ethical behavior, school culture, and student achievement; and the effect of ethical behavior on one’s own leadership.  In both of these areas, the candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge of the relationship between ethical behavior, school culture, and student achievement; and the effect of ethical behavior on one’s own leadership.  In both of these areas, the candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge of the relationship between ethical behavior, school culture, and student achievement; and the effect of ethical behavior on one’s own leadership.  In only one or neither of these areas, the candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
3.3    Case Study 1    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge in school strategies supporting safe and secure learning environments including prevention, crisis management, and public relations and examines implications for school-based discipline management policies and plans.  In both of these areas, the candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge in school strategies supporting safe and secure learning environments including prevention, crisis management, and public relations and identifies implications for school-based discipline management policies and plans.  In both of these areas, the candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge in school strategies supporting safe and secure learning environments including prevention, crisis management, and public relations and only loosely implies connections to school-based discipline management policies and plans.  In only one or neither of these areas, the candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
3.4    Case Study 2: Element 1    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge of the meaning of distributed leadership in a school environment and both how to create and how to sustain it.  The candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge of the meaning of distributed leadership in a school environment and both how to create and how to sustain it.  The candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge of the meaning of distributed leadership in a school environment and both how to create and how to sustain it.  The candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
4.2    Case Study 2: Element 2    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge of the mobilization of community resources that represent diversity in all of the following ways: culturally, socially, and intellectually.  The candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge of the mobilization of community resources that represent diversity in at least two of the following ways: culturally, socially, and intellectually.  The candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.    The candidate provides insufficient content knowledge of the mobilization of community resources that represent diversity in only one or none of the following ways: culturally, socially, and intellectually.  The candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
5.3    Case Study 2: Element 3    The candidate provides outstanding content knowledge of all of the values of democracy, equity, and diversity.  The candidate integrated course content, applying theory to practice in meaningful, practical ways.    The candidate provides basic content knowledge of at least two of the values of democracy, equity, and diversity.  The candidate related course content, acknowledging a connection between theory and practice.     The candidate provides basic content knowledge of only one or none of the values of democracy, equity, and diversity.  The candidate mentioned course content, but did not clearly apply theory to practice.      No
0 points
None    Mechanics    No errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.    Three or fewer errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.    More than three errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.    Does Not Represent Graduate-Level Writing 
0 points
None    Composition    All of the following aspects are presented with exceptional quality: coherent, cohesive, sentence and paragraph structures.     Most of the following aspects are presented with acceptable quality: coherent, cohesive, sentence and paragraph structures.     Few of the following aspects are presented with acceptable quality: coherent, cohesive, sentence and paragraph structures.     Does Not Represent Graduate-Level Writing 
0 points

Candidates understand and can collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school.
Candidates understand and can sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a personalized learning environment with high expectations for students.
Candidates understand and can promote school-based policies and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff within the school.
Candidates understand and can develop school capacity for distributed leadership.
Candidates understand and can mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the school community.
Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers.
Candidates understand and can model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior as related to their roles within the school.
Candidates understand and can safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity within the school.

4103 Words  14 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Assignment 1: Interview Preparation and Discussion

Refer to the Course Project Overview in the left navigation area. Per the Course Project, you have selected a mental disorder to work on for your course project.  As part of your course project, you will conduct field research on the practice related to your selected disorder. In your field research, you will interview a mental health professional to learn about the practice related to diagnosing and treating the disorder. In this assignment, you will prepare for the interview.
•Provide a brief introductory paragraph identifying and discussing the DSM disorder you have selected (furnish appropriate APA citations and References).
•Write ten interview questions that will bring out the information you need. 
•Formulate questions that ensure an appropriate understanding of the disorder. These questions should assist in differentiating the chosen disorder from those found within and outside its parent category. 

Tips for approaching your future Interview with a Mental Health Professional
Ideally, you will select a mental health professional in your local area whom you can interview in person. However, if this is not possible, you may choose to select a mental health professional who is located in another city or state. Some students who live in remote areas may choose to contact state or national mental health-related organizations to find potential interviewees. Such organizations include:
•The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):
•Mental Health Treatment Facility Locator (SAMHSA-sponsored):
•Veterans Administration Hospitals Locator (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs):
•The Salvation Army’s Harbor Light Centers Locator:

In that case, you would conduct a phone interview.
Ensure that the person you interview has a background in the disorder you are studying

296 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a page and a half for each of the content areas listed below. Use peer-reviewed journal articles that are reliable sources only.  Finally, this final comprehensive review must end with a 2-3 paragraph summary of what was learned while conducting the course-long review (for all 10 content areas combined).  

e.g., Goal Setting and Decision-Making; Development and Allocation of Resources; Social Environment Influences; Life Cycle and Family Structure Influences; Consumer Issues and Decisions.

e.g., Parenting Rights and Responsibilities; Parenting Practices/Processes; Parent/Child Relationships; Variation in Parenting Solutions; Changing Parenting Roles Over the Life Cycle.

e.g., Family and the Law; Family and Social Services; Family and Education; 
Family and the Economy; Family and Religion; Policy and the Family.

e.g., Formation of Values; Diversity of Values in Pluralistic Society; Examining Ideologies; Social Consequences of Value Choices; Ethics and Technological Changes; Ethics of Professional Practice

e.g., Planning and Implementing; Evaluation; Education Techniques; Sensitivity to Others; Sensitivity to Community Concern.

214 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe the person's background, psychological perspective, and the contribution he made to the field of psychology.

35 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Changes in personality as a result of trauma

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Short Assignment: “The Circle” 100 points 
Length: 2-3 pages. Typed, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font, one inch margins.

After reading and participating in class discussions focusing on “The Circle” by Dave Eggers, respond to the film with the following connections. 
1. Text to Self: How does the novel, “The Circle” relate to your life? Explain.
2. Text to Text: Can you find some similarities between “The Circle” to another text you have read? Explain.
3. Text to World: Relate the novel to a social issue happening currently in the world. Explain.
4. Text to Media: Make the connection with “The Circle” to a recent media story you have read or watched in the news. Explain.

I will be looking for a thorough explanation on each of the four connections listed above. In order to receive a passing grade, work must be thoughtful, respond to the prompt, and conform to academic writing standards.

164 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Author Peggy Hutchison writes: “…extensive obstacles to friendship exist in families, communities, and services. As a result of these obstacles, people interviewed in this study reported knowing about very few real friendships which exist between people in their communities with handicaps and other citizens. This finding that the majority of people with handicaps still have few or no non-disabled friends is consistent with other findings” (Hutchison, 2010).

After viewing the film, Inside I’m Dancing, and evaluating Hutchinson’s idea (both in the film and in your experience), please answer the following in a post of at least 250 words. Be sure to draw upon the issues raised in the film and your reading materials to answer the following:

In what ways might it be possible for persons who are differently abled to enjoy deep and meaningful friendships compared with those outside of the community? 

What are the challenges?

What are some of the special considerations for having friendships with persons 

who are differently abled?

What is your own experience of friendships with persons who are differently abled?

185 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.)

Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns:

Values, Health Perception
Role Relationship
NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment.

After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses. 

In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected.

Identify two or more wellness nursing diagnoses based on your family assessment. Wellness and family nursing diagnoses are different than standard nursing diagnoses. A list of wellness and family nursing diagnoses, from J. R. Weber's Nurses Handbook of Health Assessment (5th ed.), can be found at the following link

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

219 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

1-Identify five questions that you could ask someone with preschool experience about how they support language acquisition for the stages of development in the classroom.  Document the interview.  You can record the interview (with permission) or you can write your questions and answers. 
2-Analyze the provided answers using your knowledge gained, the textbook, and at least one other resource to substantiate or refute their answers.  You can provide elaboration for or against their responses further strengthening your own understanding.  
3-Summarize and explain three ways you will meet the needs of children in this stage to support their language development using the provided answers and your knowledge.

The interview can be submitted as a video, an audio recording, or a Microsoft Word document (which would be two to three pages in length).  You will also submit a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document (in addition to the title page and reference page) with your developmental level selected and elaboration of three ways you can meet the needs of the children in this developmental stage.  Please support your ideas with information from the textbook and at least one other outside resource.  Your paper must be written in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and include at least one scholarly resources in addition to the course text.

226 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Paternal age and schizophrenia: a population based cohort study

18 Words  1 Pages
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