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extensive obstacles to friendship exist in families, communities, and services

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Author Peggy Hutchison writes: “…extensive obstacles to friendship exist in families, communities, and services. As a result of these obstacles, people interviewed in this study reported knowing about very few real friendships which exist between people in their communities with handicaps and other citizens. This finding that the majority of people with handicaps still have few or no non-disabled friends is consistent with other findings” (Hutchison, 2010).

After viewing the film, Inside I’m Dancing, and evaluating Hutchinson’s idea (both in the film and in your experience), please answer the following in a post of at least 250 words. Be sure to draw upon the issues raised in the film and your reading materials to answer the following:

In what ways might it be possible for persons who are differently abled to enjoy deep and meaningful friendships compared with those outside of the community? 

What are the challenges?

What are some of the special considerations for having friendships with persons 

who are differently abled?

What is your own experience of friendships with persons who are differently abled?

185 Words  1 Pages
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