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Questions We Can Help to Answer

Ethnic minority therapists tend to have better multicultural counseling relationships than clients with white therapists. Most times they are perceived to be more culturally sensitive due to being more involved in communities of color thus having more awareness and using more of a cultural framework (treatment orientation) in their clinical practices. This explains a little why minorities prefer a minority as a therapist, clinician or etc. My topic would be why does an ethnic therapist’s treatment orientation have better results when dealing with multicultural clients in counseling? 

Prepare a 10 page comprehensive research paper integrating a discussion of how you see your research findings as significant to the field of psychology relating to the topic above. Also, illustrate an understanding by giving examples from clinical practice that supports your research. 

A minimum of 10 scholarly journal articles dated within the last 2 years are to be used related to cultural counseling and diverse populations. 
PLEASE use an adequate amount of in-text citation throughout the paper when using all articles. 
Please use online databases or hard copies for journal articles. You will know it’s a good article if you can easily cite the article based on APA format (I.E author, year, & etc.)
NO random articles found online they will not be considered scholarly journal articles.
Also please remember this is APA format so all references and in-text citation should be referenced properly. 

241 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

The optional bonus activity will be based on the theme of representations of deviance and crime in music.  It can either be specific song titles that discuss crimes and/or deviance, or it can be crimes or specific forms of music that singers/song writers have participated in themselves (If you are discussing crimes and deviance committed by singers/songwriters, it has to be supported with some sort of proof - at a minimum, a newspaper source).  

81 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Prior to leaving office, in an unprecedented move, President Obama - in light of recent mass public shootings - called on congress, anti-gun and second amendment advocacy groups alike to bring forth reasonable and practical reforms to curb gun-related violence.  If you represented one of these groups, what would your recommendation be to the President?  Responses are typically four to 8 paragraphs in length (tho I do not count off for length). Now remember, you are addressing the President.  So keep it civil and professional. As with all other written assignments in this course, all sources must be cited using the approved styles (ASA, APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard). age length, only for content).

121 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

1.CENTRAL QUOTATION. Quote a sentence (or excerpts from linked sentences) from the text that you think is central to the author's (or authors') implicit or explicit argument(s). Always cite the page.

2. ARGUMENT. In a few sentences, state the author's explicit or implicit argument. Be sure to include both: what the author is arguing for, and what s/he is arguing against. This is the most challenging part of the exercise and brilliant, condensed precis will win you high praise.

3. QUESTION. Raise a question which you think is not fully, or satisfactorily, answered by the text. The question should be a question of interpretation or of inquiry, not simply a question of fact.

4. EXPERIENTIAL CONNECTION. Say, in a few lines only, how the argument confirms or contradicts your own experience or common sense.

5. TEXTUAL CONNECTION. Connect the argument of this text to an argument or point you find in another reading assignment covered in this course or one you have picked up from earlier study or elsewhere. Present a quote from the other text (citing it properly), and explain how the present text/argument contrasts with, contradicts, confirms, clarifies, or elaborates the other text's argument or point.

6. IMPLICATIONS. Lay out what this argument (#2 above) implies for understanding or improving society, relations between individuals, or groups (e.g., inter-ethnic, nations, etc.) or any facet of social or cultural reality (a few sentences only).

AQCIs should not exceed one typed page. They should be typed or word-processed, proofread and printed with the same degree of care as other essays. NB By far the most difficult part of the AQCi is the precis of an article into 10-12 lines. This is a fundamental transferrable skill that you should all acquire before leaving. Here is your chance to practice!

309 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:


Write an analysis of “The African Anthropocene” by Gabrielle Hecht, Put this in the context of our discussions in this course overall. What does the Hecht article add to the general view of the Anthropocene crisis that we have been developing? How does it relate to issues of imperialism and racism? You may wish to look in particular at How Magdoff and Williams deal with such questions in their book Creating an Ecological Society, in order to put the Hecht article in context.

94 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

James Pattison discussed the importance of humanitarian intervention in situations where mass attrocities, genocide, and/or crimes against humanity are being committed.  Please write an essay, following the established guildlines, which answers ALL of the following questions:

a)Please name and describe the three types of positive incentives that Pattison discussed in his talk.  

b) Of the three positive incentives, which do you think would be the most effective in addressing mass attrocities?  Why?

c) Briefly cite and describe ONE example--within the past 15 years--when one of the positive incentives (listed by Pattison) affectively emeliorated a situation involving mass attrocities/genocide/crimes against humanity?

109 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Sexual advantages and disadvantages

13 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write a paper regarding the diversity in professional sport athletes from all leagues. NFL, NBA, NHL etc. and how it effects our society today as a whole.

36 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

This paper involves more than just simply summarizing the development of a relationship.  While you will want to offer some description of the relationship; the main emphasis should be on how it has developed in communication between two people.  You should organize your paper into the following three parts:

1.Introduction:  Describe the relationship.( father/Mother)  Who are the participants?  What is the history of the relationship? 22 years of marriage. Married twice to each other
  What is the current status of the relationship?  Remarried to each other
This information should be relatively brief.  Next, introduce the body of the paper by indicating the terms/concepts you will use to analyze the relationship.

2.Body:  In this section of the paper you will analyze the relationship using interpersonal communication concepts, terms, topics, etc.  This is by far the longest section of the paper.

•First organize the body of the paper around the stages of relationship development (see your textbook and utilize your research).  These stages can provide an excellent outline for the paper.  The key here is to talk about how the stages are created in COMMUNICATION.  How did communication change to move the relationship to another stage, and how did communication define a certain stage?

•Select at least three concepts that we’ve discussed in class and apply them to your relationship.  You may discuss these concepts and how they affected the communication in your relationship as you take us through the stages, or you may want to discuss them apart from the stages in terms of how they have played out in your relationship.  Use evidence to support your claims and use it in each stage---using direct quotes from the text, and specific examples from your relationship. 


3.Conclusion:  This section includes a brief summary of the body of the paper.  End the paper with some reflections on your relationship, and what you learned as a result of writing this paper.

347 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

● Title 
● Abstract 
● Proposal Text 
● Introduction 
● Background to the problem 
● Purpose of study 
● Significance of the problem—theoretical, empirical, policy/practical 
● Specific study objectives [3-5] 
● Conceptual Framework 
● Theoretical perspectives 
●Definitions of concepts—provided as you use terms in text, citation 
●Literature Review—builds case for hypotheses 
● Hypotheses—expected relationships between independent and dependent variables 
● X is related to Y 
● X is related to Y controlling Z 
● W, X, and Z together predict Y 
● Research Methods 
● Sample and data sources 
● Target population 
● Sampling Frame 
●Sampling Procedures 
●Response rate 
● Representativeness 
● Data Collection 
●Procedures for obtaining data 
● Variables 
● Dependent 
●Specific measures linked to defined concepts 
● Questions, categories, and codes—how data will be treated 
● Independent 
● Control 
● Analysis 
● Statistical approach 
● Ethical considerations 
● Risks of harm 
● Privacy and confidentiality 
● Findings 
● Provide dummy tables that will test hypotheses 
● Summary and Implications 
● References—in a consistent format (ASR, APA, MLA, etc.)

185 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

This video describes the scientific method used in sociological research. These are the steps we will be following for your critical assignment, which will be completed in stages throughout this course. Please review this video before formulating your potential research questions to gain a better understanding.

Determine the research question - You will come up with a maximum of 3 research questions that you would like to potentially study and write it up in a 2 page (not including title and reference pages) APA formatted paper. For each question, explain what you intend on researching, why it interests you, and how it relates to the course.

* My research interests are in group behaviors, influence, or empathy.

130 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

What is the potential risk and benefits for animal assisted therapy with people with mental illness? How can literature in animal studies help us understand some problematic dimensions of pet-assisted therapy?

40 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

What is history? Can ideas cause historical change? You must discuss BOTH Marx and Weber

24 Words  1 Pages
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