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Questions We Can Help to Answer

Global security environment

10 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

choose whether you agree with or disagree with, but you must have something reasoned to say. Simply posting “I agree” or “I disagree” will not earn you any points. 
Before writing your reply: Read students’ essays carefully. Consider: • Whether the facts are presented clearly, accurately, and fairly • Whether all of the needed facts are presented • Whether logic and reason is used to present the argument • Lastly (and as a lessor part thereof) you may write about whether you agree or disagree with his or her stated opinion and conclusions .

How to write your reply: a) These are not to be merely opinion posts, nor are you “grading” what you fellow students wrote. b) Argue (in a friendly, professional manner) that important factual points were left out, and/or that the material could be more clear, accurate or fair. You must explain what was left out or what should have been stated differently, how and why. c) Show that you have carefully read the post to which you are replying, with statements such as “I like it that you said …., but I think you should have also mentioned      .” d) If you disagree with his or her opinion and conclusions, bring more information in order to bolster your own side of the discussion. e) Talk about substance, not grammar. I will grade grammar mistakes, that is not your place. Your assignment is to engage in reasoned discussion about the topic. Ø There is no word minimum count or maximum word limit for replies, but please make sure that you give reasoned statements, follow all of these instructions, and also do not go on at too much excessive length. You should be able to complete each of the two replies in about one or two paragraphs. Follow all instructions, but be brief. Ø Each of your replies should: • Be polite. • Be reasoned. 


After completing Lesson 13, choose one contemporary policy issue that is salient and likely to at least sometimes influence for which political party people tend to vote. For example, people who want more healthcare coverage for the American population tend to vote Democratic, while those who oppose such expansion often vote Republican. The same can be said about LGBT rights. People who want to see these rights expanded are more likely to vote for a Democrat, while people who see the expansion of these rights as a detriment to society are more likely to vote for a Republican. Once you have chosen your topic, look for fake news about this topic. There is a lot of fake news out there, so it should not be too difficult to find, but if you can’t find any, change your topic and try again. For example, if you choose “Obamacare,” voter identification laws, global warming, or the transgender “bathroom bills,” you will find a lot of “fake news” and misinformation (also sometimes called “alternative facts”). Fake news unfortunately often influences how people feel about any given policy. Do a little looking around online in reference to your chosen topic and see what you can find that you can identify as fake news (propaganda and lies disguised as news and/or facts). Be careful not to confuse actual facts with fake news or vice versa. Write informative facts first; keep opinion statements to a minimum. Be sure to back up all opinion statements with supporting factual evidence and logic. Cite sources as needed.


When it comes to discussing transgender rights, one of the more specific issues discussed is access to public restrooms. Most transgender men feel more comfortable using the women’s restroom, while most transgender women feel more comfortable using the men’s restroom. According to Kasandra Brawbaw’s article in, Everything You Need to Know About ‘Bathroom Bills’, the bill is an attempt to enforce public bathroom laws by biological means (if they were a boy or girl at birth). A transgender man would be required to use the women’s restroom, and a transgender woman would have to use the men’s restroom, therefore making it a crime if those who identify as transgender break the law (Brawbaw). Those who are in favor of the bathroom bill hold a similar belief that by incorporating biological differences, this law would ensure the safety of everyone and simplifies gender assignment in public restrooms. Many of those who are against the bathroom bill argue that it goes against the equality and acceptance that the LGBT community have been fighting for.

In an interview with CNN’s 3 Myths That Shape the Transgender Bathroom Debate, Maine Human Rights Commission Executive Director Amy Sneirson expressed it the best, saying, "I know there is a lot of anxiety associated with this issue, but it seems to be based on fear rather than facts. Given this, it is really disheartening to see so many states (and now our federal government) choose to treat people who are transgender with what looks like hatred” (Grinberg and Stewart). In relation to this statement, it is simple to find fake news that discuss apparent crimes committed by transgender people due to anti-discriminatory laws; at the same time, there is an appalling amount of legitimate news about those taking advantage of anti-discriminatory bathroom laws and committing crimes of sexual harassment and invasion of privacy.

Like many social media websites such as Facebook, it is convenient, accessible, and gullible to absorb news that is shared by friends and family without checking the legitimacy of the story and its sources. As I browsed the topic of transgender bathroom laws, I remembered recently scrolling on Facebook to read an article, along with a short rant, that a former coworker of mine posted. Jane (name has been changed to conceal identity) posted on her Facebook how outraged she was about a transgender bathroom incident and that allowing transgenders to use whatever bathroom they want opens the doorway to more sexual harassment and invasion of privacy crimes.

The article, titled Transgender Charged with Raping 10-Year-Old Girl in Bathroom, was posted by the Daily Wire, known for reporting news with a conservative approach that appeals to Republicans and those alike. Upon reading Jane’s rant, I clicked on the article to see how it was written when describing the incident. Amanda Prestigiacomo of The Daily Wire reported, “Miguel Martinez, a biological male who identifies as a woman and goes by the name Michelle, allegedly ‘invited’ the 10-year-old into a bathroom on March 23, where he proceeded to grope her breasts and genitals and penetrate her” (Amanda Prestigiacomo). I did a Snopes fact check on this article and sadly, half of the story was true. While Martinez did rape a 10-year-old girl, it did not happen in a public bathroom setting. The girl was the daughter of Martinez’s friend and the incident occurred in a bathroom at Martinez’s friend’s home. According to Snopes’s fact check Kim Lacapria, “The post doesn’t cite any specific bills — likely because when people refer to ‘bathroom bills,’ they generally mean bills proposed (usually by Republicans) that prevent transgender people from using the restroom that corresponds to their gender. These laws have been considered by the legislature in 14 states in 2017, including Wyoming” (Lacapria).

To summarize this social media incident, the article title was obviously misleading and the story was distorted in a way that would make readers outraged; Jane was under the impression that the incident itself had to do with transgender bathroom laws, when it was not the case at all. It has become far too common for us to be easily persuaded without identifying the facts and the truth first. While stories such as Michelle Martinez’s appear to be rare, reports of sexual harassment in public bathrooms are often tied to the topic of transgender people wanting access to public bathrooms; this is an issue because it hurts those in the transgender and LGBT community. The best way to prevent fake news such as this from embedding audiences is to fact check, read upon sources, avoid sharing the news link on social media, and educate those with the truth.

1375 Words  5 Pages

Questions We Can Help to Answer

This assignment is designed for you to find out about your representatives at all levels of government, where they stand on one issue you care about, and what you think/feel about what you find out. You must type up—double spaced, in at least 6 pages—the following: 

1.    What is the issue you have chosen? Write a paragraph (or no more than a page) explaining what it is about this issue that is important to you. Why is it an important issue to you? How does it affect your life, family, friends, and community?

2.    The second part concerns your representative’s views or position on the issue you have chosen. After you have identified who your representatives are (described below), write a few sentences or paragraph on where EACH of your Five representatives at all three levels of government stands on the issue you care about. What is THEIR position on the issue you have chosen? Do not tell me where they stand on other issues—stick to your issue. Write up whatever information you are able to find for all five of your representatives (Again, see below—and the handout—for sources to find out how to identify who your representatives are). 

3.    The third and final part concerns your reaction to what you find out. Write a page about how you feel and what you think about where your representatives stand on your issue. Now that you know that they agree/disagree, what might you be willing and able to do about it, given what you have learned in the course thus far? Make sure to write a summary of your reactions about what you learned. This can also include what you learned about the processes of how you went about obtaining information about who your representatives are and what their positions are in regards to your issue. 

Your FIVE Representatives at each of the three levels of government are:


a.    Your elected official in the House of Representatives

b.    One U.S. Senator – in NY, either Kirsten Gillibrand or Charles Schumer.


a.    Your representative in the NY State Assembly (or the same if you live in another state).

b.    Your representative in the NY State Senate (or ditto if in another state)


a.    Your city council person

There are many ways to reach your representatives. The websites below are very helpful, especially the first few.  You can contact them by phone, email, by in writing, or by going to their district office, which may be close to your home. Also, many representatives have a website about where they stand on issues.

440 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Generally speaking, Latino immigrants in the U.S. have better overall health outcomes than most Americans. Latino immigrants arrive healthy, so why don’t they stay that way?

Please be sure to address all the questions below and number your responses accordingly.
1. What scenes or pieces of dialog stuck out to you in the video clips/episode? And why?
2. How do you think that these issues relate to Cleveland and the Cleveland Latino community?  Does the “Latino paradox” exist in the Cleveland Latino community? 
3. According to the Health Equity Quiz ppt presentation, recent Hispanic/Latino immigrants have the best overall health when compared to native-born Whites, native-born Hispanics/Latinos, and native-born Asian Americans. Brainstorm and share some hypotheses as to why you think recent Hispanic/Latino immigrants have better health outcomes even though they generally represent a poorer population.  
4. How does the distribution of power, wealth, and resources shape opportunities for health?

160 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Describe how South Dakota and two adjoining states regulate voting, elections, and campaign finance. Similarly? Differently? How so? Look at a variety of elected positions - federal and state legislative positions, judicial and local. Have they been redistricted in the last 10 years? How did that affect the elections? 

58 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You to Answer

Paper Instructions:

For each paper, you will be asked to watch a documentary film and connect it to the relevant course readings and materials. Papers should reflect that you have watched the documentary and done the relevant course readings. That said, please do not just summarize! This assignment is not asking for a synopsis of the film and/or readings. I am asking you to analyze the film and make an argument, using the class readings to support your argument. Please write in a clear and organized way (e.g. within the first 2 paragraphs it should be clear to the reader what your argument is!). Make sure to proof-read your work and do not just rely on spellcheck. You are not required to use any outside sources – nor do I expect you to do additional research for these papers. However, if you have read articles for other courses/etc. and want to use them in addition to readings assigned in this class you are certainly free to do so. However, this should not be at the expense of drawing connections with the assigned class readings. While I am not specifying a minimum number of readings that you should cite, please use all the readings you feel are applicable to support the argument you decide to make.


223 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Masters Thesis Proposal

Based on the Thesis statement "The New Development of Latin America and the Rising of China in the 21st Century," come up with a detailed outline. It must include chapters, sub-chapters and very thorough and related to the Thesis statement. Must have at least 5 chapters. Each chapter must have sub-chapters, recommendation and conclusion.

67 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Using an existing homeland security-related policy, present a four- to six-page executive briefing presenting the legal basis for the policy. The format should comply with APA (6th) using the executive briefing template.

Grades are based on the following:

Identification of the legal basis for the policy 
Fully performing the task assigned 
Offering creative and/or critical opinions 
Expressing yourself clearly and concisely 
Forming logical arguments and conclusions 
Use of the executive briefing template 
Grammar and compliance to APA (6th)

87 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Please follow instructions if you don't understand please let me know. you have over 13 days to work on assignment.

Legal Process Project

The Legal Process Project corresponds to the following course objectives:

Describe the structure of the Constitution and the powers and rights conferred in it.
Name historic threats to homeland security and describe how the nation formed policies to address them.
Describe how public policy evolves into law through the interaction of the legislative and executive branches.
Describe how the judicial branch reviews laws and creates public policy by finding that the laws sponsored by the legislative or executive branches are consistent or inconsistent with the Constitution or other existing laws.
Identify and discuss the pertinent legislative acts of the Global War on Terror. 
You have 15 pages to work with for the overall length of the document, to including the cover page, table of contents, and reference page. Please be concise in your responses to each question so you can complete the task.


(a) Analysis of the Constitution

Read and analyze the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Choose the institutional power and the personal right you believe to be the most important, and explain why; choose the institutional power and the personal right you would remove, and explain why; and add a power and a right that you would include, and explain why.

(b) Two Examples of Homeland Security Issues in Art or Popular Culture

For this task, identify two expressions, representations, statements, etc. of a homeland security topic and explain the relation and significance of the work.

For example, English singer Billy Bragg wrote and recorded "Help Save the Youth of America." Take a look at the lyrics online and see below for a sample commentary:

In the song, Bragg presciently identifies a number of topics that will become central in the homeland security dialogue. Written in 1986, some 15 years before the events of September 11th, Bragg's core theme circles around the familiar accusation that U.S. foreign policy is too isolationist. This accusation has been made numerous times, most notably during the twentieth century's two world wars. This is an ironic argument since the United States ultimately became a major contributor, and arguably—perhaps even obviously—the catalyst for victory in each conflict.

Bragg also opines upon globalization, U.S. military engagement, illegal immigration, consumerism, crime, and the general narcissism/naïveté of American culture. These topics ...

(c) Identification of Two Pre-9/11 Homeland Security Events

As we study this new concept of "homeland security," we quickly learn that threats to national security are not new. In fact, the United States faced major threats to its existence even before it was officially a nation. Identify and describe two such events in U.S. history that occurred prior to September 11, 2001, and explain why this event/threat was similar to current homeland security events.

(d) Legal Counsel Exercise

Assume that you are legal counsel for the Scorpions, a militant nongovernmental subset of a Serbian political opposition group, the Bosniak Srpska. During a strategic planning meeting with top officials, Scorpion Subcommander (there are no commanders in the Scorpions in order to mitigate assassinations) Bensayah Belkacem is discussing his plans to commit violent attacks against U.S. citizens and property. Subcommander Belkacem confides that these acts will be performed on behalf of the internationally recognized government of Pasdora, a small country in Southwest Asia near the Caspian Sea.

Subcommander Belkacem knows that you have been educated in the United States and have studied legal and political issues involving U.S. domestic and foreign policy, particularly in the areas of homeland security and the U.S.'s professed Global War on Terror/Overseas Contingency Operations. During the meeting, your opinion on the following matters is asked:

1)    If the United States learns about the Scorpions' plan, is President Obama empowered to order a military attack against us? If yes, how would he most likely justify his actions?

2)    If U.S. Army soldiers detain our fighters and transfer them to Saudi Arabia (a country known to torture people) for questioning, what is this process called? Does U.S. public policy allow for such a practice? If the current U.S. policy is to allow such a practice, is this policy lawful?

3)    As part of its Global War on Terror, the Bush Administration took many captured fighters to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. If our soldiers are taken there, is it likely that they—none of whom are United States citizens—will be able to access the U.S. federal court system and wage litigation warfare? What is the background and current status of this issue?

4)    What is a military tribunal? Has the United States used military tribunals in the past? Is the United States currently using military tribunals and, if so, what is their status?

5)    Is it true that the United States spies on its own citizens? What are some of the governmental organizations/agencies involved in doing this? Is it lawful for the military to participate in this type of domestic activity?

6)    If we believe the United States is going to attack us, is it lawful for us to attack them first? How would we justify it?

7)    We understand the United States has a document called the Constitution. Describe its framework and the main concepts, powers, and rights that it contains?

8)    Which branch of the U.S. federal government is the most powerful?

(e) Statute Draft

For this task, you need to identify the next great idea in homeland security. Articulate and format your idea as the introduction to a new legislative act. Below are a few paragraphs from the USA PATRIOT Act as an example of how to format the task:


To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) SHORT TITLE–This Act may be cited as the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001."



(a) ESTABLISHMENT; AVAILABILITY–There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a separate fund to be known as the "Counterterrorism Fund," amounts in which shall remain available without fiscal year limitation—

(1) to reimburse any Department of Justice component for any costs incurred in connection with—

(A) reestablishing the operational capability of an office or facility that has been damaged or destroyed as the result of any domestic or international terrorism incident;

(B) providing support to counter, investigate, or prosecute domestic or international terrorism, including, without limitation, paying rewards in connection with these activities; and

(C) conducting terrorism threat assessments of Federal agencies and their facilities; and

(2) to reimburse any department or agency of the Federal Government for any costs incurred in connection with detaining in foreign countries individuals accused of acts of terrorism that violate the laws of the United States.

(b) NO EFFECT ON PRIOR APPROPRIATIONS–Subsection (a) shall not be construed to affect the amount or availability of any appropriation to the Counterterrorism Fund made before the date of the enactment of this Act.


(a) FINDINGS–Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and Americans from South Asia play a vital role in our Nation and are entitled to nothing less than the full rights of every American.

(2) The acts of violence that have been taken against Arab and Muslim Americans since the September 11, 2001, attacks against the United States should be and are condemned by all Americans who value freedom.

(3) The concept of individual responsibility for wrongdoing is sacrosanct in American society, and applies equally to all religious, racial, and ethnic groups.

(4) When American citizens commit acts of violence against those who are, or are perceived to be, of Arab or Muslim descent, they should be punished to the full extent of the law.

(5) Muslim Americans have become so fearful of harassment that many Muslim women are changing the way they dress to avoid becoming targets.

(6) Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, who is believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and is now missing.

(b) SENSE OF CONGRESS–It is the sense of Congress that—

(1) the civil rights and civil liberties of all Americans, including Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and Americans from South Asia, must be protected, and that every effort must be taken to preserve their safety;

(2) any acts of violence or discrimination against any Americans be condemned; and

(3) the Nation is called upon to recognize the patriotism of fellow citizens from all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds.

(III)  Grading

The Legal Process Project constitutes 40 of 100 points of your final grade for the course. The project elements are assessed as follows:

Legal Process Project Deliverables

Task 1: Analysis of the Constitution
5 pts

Task 2: Examples of homeland security issues in popular culture
10 pts

Task 3: Identification of pre-9/11 homeland security event
10 pts

Task 4: Legal counsel exercise
10 pts

Task 5: Statute draft
5 pts

The Legal Process Project will be evaluated using the following rubric:

1605 Words  5 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Patterns of terrorism within a civilization

Please choose a country and look up what the definition of state terrorism

28 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

ISIS Threat to the United States

15 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

This paper should provide an examination of the various elements that comprise the intelligence community from local law enforcement to national agencies and how each of those entities contributes to the development of homeland security intelligence. In crafting your paper it would be good to remember the lessons learned from the 9/11 Commission on intelligence sharing and analyze how those lessons/recommendations are being addressed. Lastly, your examination of the question should include the issue of domestic versus foreign intelligence. 

88 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

If imports of Brazilian ethanol begin to rise sharply in the future, what do you predict will happen to the size of the import tariff levied on this good?

38 Words  1 Pages
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