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Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Barrack Obama Comparative performance Evaluation

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Donald Trump’s Administration as the new U.S President

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

This Discussion Board will examine the hypothesis that U.S. security would be more effective if efforts were focused more on the economic, social, political, and religious causes of terrorism than expending heavily in military, security, and law enforcement measures.

In the United States, organizations that charter to safeguard civil rights and constitutional structures are among the critics of the hard approach to security. Even at the international level, where there is no general agreement on the definition of terrorism, there appears to be an effort to endorse soft measures to counter terrorism as a more effective, long-term approach that does not infringe on basic civil liberties.

In this context, examine the balance between security and individual rights established by the Constitution. You are expected to use previous course work and research from current publications to analyze and discuss whether this approach is a feasible and viable alternative to current security strategies. Include answers to the following questions:
•How would you characterize the U.S. approach and measures to counter terrorism and secure the homeland? How does it compare to the approach advocated by critics of security and military measures?
•Is there an optimal balance between security and individual liberties? Are there options to minimize the encroachment of civil liberties while enhancing security?
•Is there a way to develop an adaptive approach to security that includes an all-of-the-above strategy and optimizes security measures in the homeland and abroad? 

288 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Texas research paper about two issues or policy positions currently debated in Texas government or politics.

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Research an Interest Group that works at the National level that interests you and research the organization, what the group does, how they carries out their mission, and identify the leadership of the group. Write a five to seven page paper that addresses the following:

Explain the interest group’s history/origin, what is the main interest of the group, describe its past and current operations, who is top leadership and the way it is organized, and provide a brief explanation of the group’s mission. If you conduct an interview with someone from the interest group, provide a transcript of that interview as an appendix to your paper.
Analyze and explain how the group gains influence, and what services they provide to the public, if any. Who are their main contributors i.e. how are they funded, are they meeting the goal the interest group was created for, and does it align with the original mission of the interest group?
What is public opinion of the interest group, the leadership, and/or the people who work(ed) in the group?
Looking at the overall research you have conducted on the interest group, their mission, and the effect the groups has on the public and/or government officials. What do you observe about how the group is managed and lead? Is the group a benefit to the public or a specific segment of people?

Grading rubric for an excellent paper:

An excellent paper must be five to seven pages in length, formatted correctly, free of grammatical errors, and with perfect APA formatting. The paper must begin with an introductory paragraph and must address the topics with critical thought, logical ideas, and end with a persuasive conclusion. An excellent paper will demonstrate creative thought and innovation from the leadership perspective. The reader of the paper should come to a decision to support the program based on the arguments presented in the paper. Finally, for full credit an excellent paper will use a minimum of two credible and reliable sources in addition to the textbook including current research or public or non-governmental public programs that address the problem.

358 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

This is your research paper rubric/guidelines/requirements/best buddy.
You all have your specific topic that you are writing about; whatever is of interest to you. Way to go, you just developed your own prompt at the collegiate level! Nicely done.
I have taken you through a staged writing process this semester. First, you chose your topic/prompt and determined why you wanted to write about it. Second, you began work on your bibliography and got a jump start into the research process. Third, you started writing your actual paper (!!!), grounding your research in a solid thesis statement and introductory paragraph. Now, you get to throw up everything you have read, researched, studied, and learned into your final paper. Below are the requirements:
Minimum 5 full pages, no maximum length (~7) – not meeting the minimum page requirement will result in a lower grade.

Double spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font, 1” margins – not following these layout requirements will result in a lower grade.

Page numbers, top right corner of each page (Elwood 1, Elwood 2, etc.)

Title Page (name, date, class name, instructor name, title of research paper – be creative!) – no title page will result in a lower grade.

Works Cited list (15 alphabetized sources, MLA format – you need to add 5 more to your original list, and you may have more than 15 if you need) – lack of MLA citation style will result in a lower grade.

Introductory paragraph with a solid, clear, concise thesis statement – no thesis statement will result in a lower grade.
Proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, syntax (Tutorial Center!) – poor paper construction will result in a lower grade.

Make sure your paper is fluid and easy to follow. Make your arguments clear and proofread your paper to make sure that it is straightforward and flows nicely – poor paper construction will result in a lower grade.

This paper is going through to check for plagiarism. Please cite your sources, use quotation marks when necessary, and use your own words and thoughts. Any paper with a similarity score of 25% or higher will be carefully examined. Any paper with a similarity score of 40% or higher will be considered grounds for failure and reporting to the dean, unless everything that is similar is cited properly and in quotations and deemed appropriate by the instructor.

405 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

The paper should compare the anti-Islam discourse of Medieval Europe that fueled the crusades to 19th century Orientalism that generated European colonialism.
-should consult at least 4 academic sources
Introduction: should state the purpose of the paper, highlight the research question and the thesis statement, and an overview of the remainder sections of the paper.
-Literature review/Contexts: provides an overview of the different positions while showing its strengths and weaknesses and relates them to the argument.
-Method/Approach: in this section should explain the approach or method used in trying to answer the research question.
-Bibliography: lists the sources used in writing the paper

111 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

US versus Canadian Democracy

14 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Research topics must focus on an Urban Affairs issues
Microsoft Word, double-spaced, including minimum of 6 scholarly references.

3.Research Paper Format

a. What is the problem? 
b. What is the history or chronology of the problem?

a What are the key issues? 
b.What are the associated issues? 
c.Who is impacted; not impacted? 
d.Has the problem been addressed in the past and with what results? 

3. Solutions a.What are the alternative solutions? 
b.Which solutions do you see viable? 
c.What is the cost/benefit of these solutions? 

4.Recommendation a.Which solution do you recommend? Why? 
b.What impact does it have on Public Administration? 

Failure to follow instructions will result in a cancelation of request. 

132 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Prepare a consulting report analyzing the current capabilities in your organization to monitor and participate in the public policy process on issues of greatest interest and where it may be possible to affect the outcome of the issues. This is the opportunity to apply what you have learned in this course to your organization.

the consulting project should address the following:

1.    Examine the existing capabilities for monitoring and participating in the public policy process in your organization. I realize that current capabilities may be zero or minimal.

2.    Consider opportunities for improvement of these capabilities. What could be done and how could these capabilities be improved? Suggest how support for these changes could be created in your organization. Discuss how changes could be implemented. 

•    Consideration should include but not be limited to, improved monitoring of the political environment of the organization, improved access to information about important public policy issues by employees, political education for employees, grassroots capabilities, and PAC operations as well as the use of lobbyists and trade organizations.

•    This consulting report is a test of how you can apply what you have learned in this course to a real organization with which you are familiar. TN #2 is especially important for this report.

•    The report format will be a combination of text and illustrations. Graphs, charts, diagrams are helpful in getting your message across. I will leave it up to each person to organize their material as they see fit. Please limit your report to no more than 3000 words.  Print the word count and your name on the first page. Use subheadings, short paragraphs, and list all references with footnotes or endnotes linked to each new fact or quote.

297 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Is it possible to formulate an objective definition of terrorism? Or is the term inherently subjective and politically biased?

29 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer
Paper Instructions;

Analyze a defining moment in intelligence history from 1901 to now?

21 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help to Answer

Liberal Democracies and Illiberal Democracies

14 Words  1 Pages
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