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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a book review of Sen's Development as freedom

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The role of money in the American elections

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Henry Kissinger On China
Why did America and China seek rapprochement in the early 1970s? What were the strategic interests for and barriers to this effort on both sides? You can look at the Vietnam War, the superpower rivalry (US and USSR), partisan and factional disputes among political leadership, and the Taiwan issue. 

Whenever you use any point or information from his book, please cite the page number by placing it in brackets at the end of a sentence or paragraph

90 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

paper should include references list with in text citation. and the grading scale should get first. the academic level is final year. 

this will be a chapter on my dissertation which is about the control of East Jerusalem by Israel and its practices. In this paper I want the theoretical framework be on (Ethno-security and Bio-politics theory). this should illustrate the way of control which is more about controlling the population and how this effect their movements and access of welfare and the residence. It is more about how Israel control the Palestinians in East Jerusalem? I want to focus on East Jerusalem.

112 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

 Watch a Congressional Committee hearing on CSPAN held in 2016 or 2017 (Nothing older than this). Describe the process of the meeting, what was discussed, what decisions/conclusions were made. Finally, describe your experience and what you learned.

46 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

I need a essay written about women and politics.  The length of the paper will be 10 pages, including footnotes. Pages must be numbered and double- spaced, with 12-point font. A front cover sheet must give the title of your essay, your name, net ID, and include the MSU Honor Code. You will need a bibliography page at the end. Neither the bibliography page nor the title page will count towards the 10-page total.

83 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Please write a 5 analytic paper addressing the prompt below using the concepts, theories, and materials we have covered in lecture. Outside information may be used as needed. Keep in mind that this is an analytical paper and it requires you to more than simply parrot theories back to me. Make a stance and defend it! 
Explain the seemingly increasingly partisan nature of US politics. What is driving it? What factors are at play? Is the nature of US politics really partisan or is it just a cycle? Etc.?
Please Read and follow the slides. Use External sources if needed. 

110 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Independent study
Domestic policy 
Climate change  

I want to propose a research study on climate change. I want to study the impact of climate change on the future of earth. It has to be taken into consideration that, global warming is real and climate change is happening every day, Even as we speak right now. The misapprehension and misbelief some people and politicians have on climate change is really disturbing, but then again I think some individual are just unaware of the impact it will have on the planet in the nearest future. 
    The purpose of this study is to understand the effect global warming will have on our planet. Furthermore I want to comprehend, how rise in the number of vehicles and industries has resulted in greenhouse gases getting trapped in the atmosphere. Studying the cause and effect of climate change can will guide me elucidate the outcome of our beautiful planet.  I’m looking for regarding climate change? 
    From common knowledge, United States and china are nation’s most responsible for climate change. Being that both nations have huge population and are the top annual emitter of carbon dioxide. This isn’t just those two nations. But all countries now have responsibility. It's not just a story about China and U.S it's a story about the whole world, and the future of our planet earth. 
Furthermore I want to look into the policies and political agenda implemented to help reduce global warming In United States and other big nations that’s contributing to the change.  In Addition, I want to look into The Trump Administration and the republican political agenda regarding Climate Change

281 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a paper about: Multinational corporations' impact on north and south relations - in the case of Starbucks. No plagiarism.

29 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

I have 2 papers to pull information from and the sources are at the bottom of each paper

Section I: Introduction. 

(a) Clearly state the purpose of your paper along with the approach you’ll be taking to answer the question.

Section II: Your Main Argument.

Does having the CIA be the responsible body for carrying out covert action create a conflict of interest when CIA/National Clandestine Service is responsible for both covert action AND collecting and feeding information to CIA/Directorate of Intelligence for strategic intelligence analysis?

Section III: Conclusion.

(a) Succinctly summarize your points.

Section IV: Selected Bibliography. 

(a) Contains all sources consulted and cited in preparing your paper. At least five sources- more is better though.

126 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In considering the return of republicanism in the late-18th century, especially the democratic-republic in the United States, we are reminded of Tannenbaum's cautionary observation.  "Political progress does not always move forward in an inevitable direction but follow an uneven, uncertain, and at times reversible path."

What does our study of various concepts of republics, in various writing, including (for example) Machiavelli, Hobbes, Harrington, Locke, Jefferson and Madison tell us about this "uneven, uncertain," and challenging historical "progress" toward establishing a stable and enduring US republic.  What is unique in the idea and virtues of a republic that may account for it having endured the long gap between Republican Rome, the Renaissance Republics, and the 18th century. 

127 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a paper on Orwell, George, Animal Farm and Bellamy, Edward, Looking Backward (Utopian Societies).

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This paper just need one puzzle and then one controversy including two scholar to argue(for example, Scholar A said this, and Scholar B is Scholar A's opponent for one common thing)

40 Words  1 Pages
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