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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Each week throughout this course you will explore both sides of an environmental controversy. This week you look at the issue of science and politics. Review the background information. Then, using the References along with resources from your own research, write a 1-2 page response to the questions that follow. Remember to cite your sources using proper APA format.

Background Information

Today there are many complaints over the politicization of science. Many people believe politics should not play a role in science, but once government funds science, the funding decisions become political. In most social institutions, disagreements are settled by debate. Science in contrast, uses experiments to prove or disprove theories. Science is testable, and is self-proving. If a better explanation for a phenomenon is found, it will replace other explanations. This is why careful distinctions must be made between Frontier Science, Consensus Science, and Junk Science.

Many difficult controversies surround the environmental problems we face in the world today. Problems include: Air and water pollution, global warming, species and ecosystem biodiversity, energy, hazardous waste, population, and food supply issues. Politics control the financing of scientific research and development to help solve these issues. In politics passion wins over logic.

Science is not politics and cannot be debated in the same way politics are. Mixing politics with science produces bad science. Government efforts to fund research interfere with the maintenance of high scientific standards. The current Congress consists of 535 members. Of these members, 7 (1.3%), are scientists, and 21 others are healthcare professionals.
References     References

Use these references along with resources from your own research to help answer the questions that follow.

    Lamb, G. (2005, September 27). Science and politics: a dangerous mix. Christian Science Monitor, 97(213), 11-13. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

    Link to article

    Pielke Jr., R. (2006, Spring2006). When Scientists Politicize Science. Regulation, 29(1), 28-34. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Business Source Complete database.

    Link to article


Do you feel that scientists should be cut out of the policy making process, particularly on environmental issues, when their research is proven and widely accepted and is being ignored and disputed? Politicians ultimately make the decisions, but shouldn't the scientists have a voice?

Do you feel that lobbyists and special interest groups exert too great of an influence and act as an impediment to finding solutions to, and providing the funding for, research for the environmental problems we face?

416 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Please read article  Restoring the Promise of the American Dream and respond to  questions below, on Civil discourse from the link below.    Once you have read article please analyze the article with the following questions in mind: 

Here is the link to scroll down to find article

Does the argument make any valid points?

Does it use Social Media in responsible and educationally relevant way?

Does it Promote Online Social Discourse?

What puts the "civil" in Civil Discourse?

Why is online discourse different from other forms of Civil Discourse (such as the proverbial soapbox on the street corner or the town hall meeting)?

Why do we care or do we? Should we?  Your analysis here.

127 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

  1. Using two references and in your words, defines Weapons of Mass Destruction?

    2. Explain Sanctions against Foreign Persons as presented in Executive Order EO 12938?

    3. In your own words, compare and contrast counter proliferation and Combating WMD (CWMD)?

    4. Identify three resources the U.S. Government is using towards Weapons of Mass Destruction Counter Proliferation efforts?

    5. Do Weapons of Mass Destruction pose a threat to the United States? If so, where does the greatest threat stem from?

    The paper should be approximately 2 pages (single spaced) total for the body of your work (the Works Cited page will be the 3rd page)
    Points will be deducted for submissions under or over 2 pages; not including the questions and references.
    Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and single space.
    Please have the question and then answer the question below the question.
    At the end of your work, include a reference page noting your references.
165 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

To prepare for this Discussion:

Consider how having a POS and PDP will guide you in your academic and professional progress.
Reflect on the process of completing the POS and PDP. What did you learn about your specialization and what is to come as you progress through your program? What challenges might you encounter along the way?

With these thoughts in mind: a summary of how you will use your POS and PDP as a guide for academic and professional progress. Describe the developmental process of completing these materials-for example, what did you learn about your specialization and about your journey while completing these documents, and what challenges did you identify that you will need to address in order to earn your degree?

132 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

How might a liberal philosopher argue for the view that it was right to grant an exemption in this case? How might a liberal philosopher argue against this view? which side has the stronger argument?

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

As US citizens we are concerned about the increasing acts of violence by and against the police in our major cities. According to Washington Post, “ fatal shootings by officers increased from 465 in the first six months of last year to 491 for the same period. This year has also seen more officers shot and killed in the line of duty and more officers prosecuted for questionable shootings.”  As we hear more voices of protests and our hearts are filled with grief and sympathy for the victims, we hope we could do something to end this senseless violence.

Write an open letter of 300-400 words to President Obama. In your letter based on the information you have gathered about President Obama’s “call for unity” (After watching the video and reading the relevant texts you have been provided through the link below), respond to the position of President Obama in his published statement about his policies and suggested course of action. (See the link below for information on formatting business letters)

The challenge is to address the president tactfully as you will be indirectly addressing a wider community that might read your letter. 

President Obama’s Call for Unity

Washington Post’s Report about Fatal Shootings

220 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

  1. Answer at least one of the following discussion questions.
    Topic 1 - United Nations  
    The United nations established the Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. This committee has been instrumental in developing the five international treaties on international space law. Discuss and explain each of these treaties and their purpose. 

    Topic 2 - Commercial Space Treaties
    Discuss the major legislation that addressed the development of commercial space transportation and describe the civilian companies and personalities that are making commercial space transportation a reality.

    II. Read and comment on the answers posted by your classmates.

    Although you are only required to answer one of the two discussion questions you must respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates on a different topic and engage one another in lively discussions.
141 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

Answer each question with one paragraph detailed explanation. 

Define “bureaucracy” and answer the question:  is bureaucratization inevitable?    

Explain the doctrine of “Judicial Review” as part of the American system of governance.  And give your OPINION as to whether or not this doctrine’s continued effectiveness will endure or whether it will give way to the majoritarian process.  Support your answer.  

Compare and contrast the “Common Law” and “code law.” 

4. Compare and contrast the “entitlement" system and the “welfare” system.  Give your view as to which of these approaches makes more sense.  Support your answer. 

Give your OPINION:  What is the greatest strength of the American system of government?  And, what is the greatest weakness of the American system of government?    

Support your answer with facts and/or examples. 

141 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

2012 Aurora shooting

Who and What

15 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Mosque Bombing in Saudi Arabia by ISIS

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Comparison and Contrast Civil Rights Movement in Different Parts of the Country.

21 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Why the pursuit of weapons that will inherently threaten the United States, Russia and China from an existential perspective?

28 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

What is R2P?  Is it an effective tool in fighting humanitarian crises.?  State specifically why or why not.

28 Words  1 Pages
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