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Brain Aneurysm, Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes

Brain Aneurysm

It is caused by weakening of arterial wall due to extreme enlargement of the artery. The condition can remain silent or even rupture which leads to severe problems or death.  It can occur in arteries that transmit blood to the brain and the aorta or large artery from left ventricle and passes through one’s chest and abdominal cavities (Salvo, 2009).  The rapture can also happen in peripheral arteries.  The enlargement of the artery allows the blood to extremely and abnormally extend artery wall. Rupturing of cerebral aneurysms is majorly the cause (Salvo, 2009).


While this condition does not itself cause symptoms, some individuals may report lower back pain or abdominal pain, and others abdominal pulsating sensation. Others include chest pain, difficulty swallowing or wheezing, instant extreme headache, low blood pressure, light headedness and rapid heart-rate.  Brain aneurysm may require active treatment or regular monitoring through preventive measures or medication. Where rupturing occurs, surgical treatment may be needed since lack of repair may lead to fatality (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010).

Ischemic stroke

This is caused by the narrowing or blockage of arteries in the brain leading to extreme reduction in blood flow.  One cause is thrombotic stroke which happens when a blood clot is formed inside one of the artiries transmitting blood to the brain. Such a clot may result from fatty deposits in the arteries which lead to low blood flow and various artery conditions. Embolic stroke is another cause which occurs due to blood clot or debris forming in areas such as the heart and is transferred through the blood stream and lodged in brain arteries that are narrow (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010).


The symptoms if this stroke includes disorientation in speech, numbness or paralysis of legs, arms or the face more so in one side of the body, troubled vision, walking and headache. The length of these symptoms may determine the treatment decisions.  Treatment of severe ischemic stroke involves therapy aimed at preserving ischemic penumbra tissue through restoration of blood flow to the affected areas and though optimization of collateral flow. Nero-protective strategy is also used to limit the ischemia duration, protecting, and penumbral tissue and allow more time for revascularization procedures (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010). 


Hemorrhagic stroke

This occurs after blood flow to the brain is cut off or reduced significantly after rupturing of a blood vessel so that there is accumulation of the blood around this rupture. The rupture of the blood vessel is caused by aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation. Aneurysm occurs after a blood vessel section is enlarged due to chronic blood pressure or due to a weak blood vessel that is normally congenital. Arteriovenous malformation happens when veins and arteries are linked abnormally without any capillaries between the two. They are congenital meaning they are present during birth but are not usually hereditary (Ulbricht & Natural Standard (Firm), 2009). 


Symptoms differ from one person to another but appear almost always after the stroke occurs. They include loss of consciousness completely or partially, vomiting, severe or sudden headache, nausea lack of balance, disorientation in speech and seizures (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010). Immediate treatment involves the control of bleeding in the brain and reduction of pressure due to bleeding. In this case drugs are used in emergency treatment. In case small rupture, bleeding and pressure, treatment involve supportive care through rest, IV fluids, physical, occupational or speech therapy. Serious cases may require surgery for repairing blood vessels (Brunner & Smeltzer, 2010).


Salvo, S. G. (2009). Mosby's pathology for massage therapists. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier. 184-186

Brunner, L. S., & Smeltzer, S. C. O. C. (2010). Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 1902-1905

Ulbricht, C. E., & Natural Standard (Firm). (2009). Natural Standard medical conditions reference: An integrative approach. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier.


643 Words  2 Pages

Laboratory Practical three: liquid crystal display (LCD)

            Laboratory objective

In the laboratory there is the presence of LCD component availability. This is an industrial customary LCD 2*16 that is influenced by a dedicated driver.  A single LCD can accomplish numerous functions like characters display, numerical values display as well as animations with the utilisation of LCD custom library.

Exercise One:  Demonstration of the LCD Library Custom

Objective of the Exercise

To accumulate a provided package in order to view the LCD libraries functions working in the specific program.


One of the jobs for the project development for the section of LCD was generally to engage customised LCD files in the whole project and this has been accomplished by the created project. Based on the code study there is a clear demonstration that the project operations through the flow chart below.





















The project’s code is:

// Filename: Lab3Ex1.c

// Version: 1.0

// Date:

// Author:

// Description: Simple demonstration of the LCD custom library functions

#define _XTAL_FREQ 3276800 // This tells the compiler that the 16F877A

// is clocked at 3.2768 MHz. Required by the

// __delay_ms macro.

#include <xc.h> // Required for all MPLAB XC8 source files

#include "LCDdrive.h" // Header file needed to access to LCD custom

// library

void main(void)


char myString[] = {"Embedded Systems"}; // Initialise an array with a string

unsigned short i; // Indexing variable

LCD_initialise(); // Initialise the LCD ready for use

LCD_puts(myString); // Display the myString string

LCD_cursor(0,1); // Move the cursor to the 2nd line

LCD_cursor_on(); // Turn flashing cursor ON

// Illustration of the putch() function

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_putch('A'); // Print character A

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_putch('B'); // Print character B

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_putch('C'); // Print character C

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_cursor_off(); // Turn flashing cursor OFF

for (i=0; i<1000; i++) // Set up loop to display counting numerals


LCD_cursor(4,1); // Move the cursor to the column 4 on the 2nd line

LCD_display_value(i); // Display the value of x at the cursor position

__delay_ms(100); // Short delay



The primary sections are;

Showing mathematical value

for (i=0; i<1000; i++) // Set up loop to display counting numerals


LCD_cursor(4,1); // Move the cursor to the column 4 on the 2nd line

LCD_display_value(i); // Display the value of x at the cursor position

__delay_ms(100); // Short delay



An irregular cursor

LCD_cursor_on(); // Turn flashing cursor ON

Printing of separable characters

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_putch('A'); // Print character A

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_putch('B'); // Print character B

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds

LCD_putch('C'); // Print character C

__delay_ms(2000); // Wait 2 seconds


Production of a string

LCD_initialise(); // Initialise the LCD ready for use

LCD_puts(myString); // Display the myString string



            The uploaded program performed through the demonstration of roles that had been designed and developed for the particular exercise. The context is demonstrated on the LCD and the delay of characters is displayed after   each two seconds. The characters of the messages are them demonstrated at a hundred milliseconds delay. The program designed worked correctly based on the expectation.


Through the particular program LCD custom build libraries demonstration has been received.

Exercise Two: LCD display Animation

Objective of the Exercise

 Through the utilization of LCD library roles animation is to be generated.


The program’s given code has been compiled and indicated below

// Filename: Lab3Ex2.c

// Version: 1.0

// Date:

// Author:

// Description: Simple animation using the LCD custom library functions

#define _XTAL_FREQ 3276800 // This tells the compiler that the 16F877A

// is clocked at 3.2768 MHz. Required by the

// __delay_ms macro.

#include <xc.h> // Required for all MPLAB XC8 source files

#include "LCDdrive.h" // Header file needed to access the LCD custom

// library

void main(void)


char myString[] = {"LCDs are great"}; // Initialise an array with a string

unsigned short i; // Indexing variable

LCD_initialise(); // Initialise the LCD ready for use

LCD_puts(myString); // Display the myString string

while(1) // Infinite loop


for (i=0; i<16; i++) // Set up loop to move character


LCD_cursor(i,1); // Move cursor into position

LCD_putch('O'); // Display character

__delay_ms(200); // Short delay

LCD_cursor(i,1); // Move the cursor back to original position

LCD_putch(' '); // Erase character





The sequencer flow chart imitated from the clarification and education of the code is provided below:











            The particular program was structured so that the animation can move to the LCD right side of the screen and after reaching the final step the directions   are transformed.  The primary program’s added code has thus been indicated:

// Filename: Lab3Ex2.c

// Version: 1.0

// Date:

// Author:

// Description: This part has been done to bring the character back

#define _XTAL_FREQ 3276800 // This tells the compiler that the 16F877A

// is clocked at 3.2768 MHz. Required by the

// __delay_ms macro.

#include <xc.h> // Required for all MPLAB XC8 source files

#include "LCDdrive.h" // Header file needed to access the LCD custom

// library

void main(void)


char myString[] = {"LCDs are great"}; // Initialise an array with a string

unsigned short i; // Indexing variable

LCD_initialise(); // Initialise the LCD ready for use

LCD_puts(myString); // Display the myString string

while(1) // Infinite loop


for (i=0; i<16; i++) // Set up loop to move character


LCD_cursor(i,1); // Move cursor into position

LCD_putch('O'); // Display character

__delay_ms(200); // Short delay

LCD_cursor(i,1); // Move the cursor back to original position

LCD_putch(' '); // Erase character


for (i=15; i>0; i--) // Set up loop to move character


LCD_cursor(i,1); // Move cursor into position

LCD_putch('O'); // Display character

__delay_ms(200); // Short delay

LCD_cursor(i,1); // Move the cursor back to original position

LCD_putch(' '); // Erase character





The program that was uploaded performed through the demonstration of the string as well as animation running movement.  The structured code then worked in ensuring that the animation running changed after reaching their last level destination.


A complete animation running program has been developed through the utilization of the functions of LCD.


Exercise Three: numerical information Display

Objective of the exercise

The primary aim  of this particular exercise  is to gain  the capability  of  developing a program that  can effectively sort odd  numbers that exists amid 1 and 99  followed by  displaying  them on the LCD with a period  delay  of 0.5 seconds  between every update.


This program was initially designed to establish how   to detect odd numbers with the use of a program. This can thus be accomplished with the use of an ease division that utilizes division 2.  In order to identify the odd numbers they will be characterized with remainders while the even ones will not thus detecting the odd numeric.


// Filename: Lab3Ex3.c

// Version: 1.0

// Date:

// Author:

// Description: Display of the odd numbers between 1-99

#define _XTAL_FREQ 3276800 // This tells the compiler that the 16F877A

// is clocked at 3.2768 MHz. Required by the

// __delay_ms macro.

#include <xc.h> // Required for all MPLAB XC8 source files

#include "LCDdrive.h" // Header file needed to access to LCD custom

// library

void main(void)


unsigned short i; // Indexing variable

LCD_initialise(); // Initialise the LCD ready for use


for (i=1; i<100; i++) // Set up loop to display counting numerals


if (i % 2)



    LCD_display_value(i); // Display the value of i at the cursor position


} // Short delay



__delay_ms(500); // Short delay




Flow chart:
















This specific program correctly demonstrates all the odd numbers that exist amid one and ninety nine by showing them with a period delay of 0.5 seconds on the screen of LCD.


The necessary program has been designed, developed and tested efficiently.


1339 Words  4 Pages

            General Biology Questions

  1. Describe Angelmans Syndorme and Proder Willie Syndrome and discuss the cause of each

            Angelmans Syndorme and Proder Willie Syndrome are two different disorders that are linked with mental and anomalies retardation but they share same and uncommon basis in the context of genetics. Proder Willie is a disorder syndrome  that is mainly caused  by  a disruption  and deletion of  genes located  in  the 15th  proximal  arm chromosome which is additionally regarded as  disomic of maternal in the 15th chromosome.  The disorder is associated with obesity, mental retardants, stature that is short, hypotonic, and fetal activity. Proder Willie o the other and is a genetic complex disorder that mainly impacts the nervous system.  This disorder is characterized by delayed growth, movement issues, intellectual issues and speech impairment.  The disorder is caused by genes disorders (Sutton, 2016).

  1. What is the function of methyl tags in the expression of genes?

Methyl tags helps in showing how genes are added. This therefore helps in demonstrating the general expression of DNA. The methyl tags   helps in modification of one of the four letters of chemicals which are T, G, C, and A which are the compositions of the DNA code (Sutton, 2016).

  1. What is the epigenome (“above the genome”) and epigenetics?

            Epigenetics is an encompassing of all he procedures that result in heritable transformation in the expression of gene development without the occurrence of DNA sequence transformation.  However epigenome experiences changes. Epigenome is described to ass all the states at the general genome level.  This means that a multi- cellular organism that is characterized by a single gene by with numerous epigenomes (Sutton, 2016).

  1. Describe the rat studies comparing high licking mother’s vs low licking mothers and their effects on the genetics of their offspring.

Some rat’s mothers spend most of their existence liking and taking care of the pups which is regarded as high licking however some do spend less time.   The rats that are highly licked tend to develop and become calm rats while those that receive less leaking develop to be characterized with anxiousness.  The difference between the two rats development is not a genetic origin but an epigenetic.  The nurturing of the rat mother helps in shaping the growth of epigenomes of the pups and the epigenetic that is established lasts longer (Sutton, 2016).

  1. Epigenetic changes in gene expression may underlie human diseases. Give examples and outcomes of experiments with MDS leukemia

            The epigenetic cells piling up, results in the development of different diseases. This is due to the activation and rearrangement of genes.  The experiment is aimed at suppressing the leukemia disease.   This helps in avoiding the act of killing the cells through reactivating them and changing their behaviors.  This leads in the disappearance of the disease (Sutton, 2016).

  1. Multitude of complex diseases may have epigenetic triggers. Evidence for autism

            Autism is a mysterious complaint that is characterized by social withdrawal. This results in an illustration of differences that are caused by epigenetic triggers.  This results in wield behaviors which cannot be changed.  The disarrangement of genes causes the formation of a brain structure that does not have positive behaviors as it results to low brain and general development (Sutton, 2016).

  1. Evidence from Swedish study that genes may not be all that passes from generation to generation. Explain how the impact of famine may be captured in the egg and sperm and have effects two generations later.

Poor nutrition directly affects the health of individuals which may affect the formation of genes.  The event that occurs in a particular generation is capable of affecting the upcoming generation.  Epigenetic is responsible for the occurrence.  For instance  if the ancestors  were characterized by unhealthy eating the  grandson holds  four more times probability of  becoming  diabetic (Sutton, 2016).

  1. Describe the research of Michael Skinner from Washington State as to how pesticides affect pregnant rats and their offspring.

            Pesticides affect pregnant rats as well as their off springs through altering the rat’s epigenetics. This therefore alters the variation of cells which may later develop illnesses in the affected rats off springs (Sutton, 2016).

  1. Why is it so important that mapping of the human epigenome should be carried out?

Human epigone should be carried out because it is objected at identifying, interpretation and catalogue of DNA methylation genome patterns.  This activity helps in developing a better understanding of how diseases such as leukemia grow and the specific cells that are responsible for driving the development of disease.  This therefore helps in cancer diagnosing, individual medication identification and grounds for expansion in the future (Sutton, 2016).


Sutton, M. (2016). PBS Nova S35E02 Ghost in your Genes. Retrieved from




779 Words  2 Pages


1 State the differences between radial and bilateral symmetry? (Alters, 2000)

  1. Radial symmetry is when the body is incised into two identical parts they do not resemble each other the same as bilateral symmetry
  2. Radial symmetry is when a body is cut into two parts and the parts are equal while bilateral symmetry is when a body is cut into two parts they are unequal
  3. Radial symmetry is when a body is cut into two parts are equal similarly to bilateral symmetry
  4. Radial symmetry refers to when a body is divided into two parts but they are not equal while bilateral symmetry is when a body is divided into two parts they are equal

2 What does asymmetrical relate to animal organ? (Alters, 2000)

  1. This is when the animal body parts resemble each other
  2. This is when some animal body parts are similar while others are different
  3. This is when the body parts of an animal resemble each other but are not equal
  4. This is when an animal has parts that do not correspond

3 Give an example of a radial symmetric animal (Alters, 2000)

  1. Frog
  2. Whale
  3. Dog
  4. Corals


4 What are the differences between endotherms and exotherms? (Brusatte, 2012).

  1. Endotherms are animals that rely on the environment for heat and are warm-blooded while ectotherms are animals that generate their own heat and are cold blooded
  2. Endothers are animals that generate their own heat and are cold-blooded while ectotherms are animals that rely on the environmental heat and are warm blooded.
  3. Endothers are animals that rely on the environment are cold-blooded while ectotherms are animals that generate their own heat and are warm-blooded
  4. Endotherms are animals that generate their own heat and are warm-blooded while ectotherms rely on the environment heat and are cold-blooded.

5 What is an epithelial tissue? Provide an example (Alters, 2000)

  1. This is a human tissue that is densely filled with cells that are found in the basement membrane that acts as a coating the various cavities and body surfaces such as connective tissues, muscle tissues, and nervous tissue
  2. This is an animal tissue that is sparsely filled with cells found on the membrane that acts as a covering of various cavities and body surfaces such as neurons and cuboidal epithelium
  3. This is a tissue only found in vertebrates that are densely populated especially on the body surfaces that help regulate the temperature.
  4. This is an animal tissue that is densely filled with cells that are found in the cellar membrane that acts as a lining or a covering of various cavities and bodily surfaces such as muscle tissues, connective tissue, and nervous tissue.

6 What is a connective tissue? Give an example (Starr, Evers & Starr, 2014)

  1. It is a material that comprises of numerous nerves that help the body perform its function such as adipocytes and leucocytes
  2. It is a material made up of veins that form the structure that supports the body organs such as skeletal and leucocytes
  3. This is a tissue in the organs that helps the body regulate the body temperature such as peripheral nerves.
  4. This is a material in the body made up of fibers that form a structure that supports the body organs and tissue such as macrophages and fibroblasts.

7 What is a muscle tissue? Give an example (Starr, Evers & Starr, 2014)

  1. It is a hard tissue found on the skin of the animal that enables the body to regulate temperature such as the skin
  2. It is a soft tissue that consists of various nerves that enable the animal to feel a touch such as nerve tissue
  3. It is an internal tissue that is made up of fiber that enables the body to balance such as the brain.
  4. It is a soft tissue that consists of muscles in the animal that enables the body to contract such as cardiac and skeletal.

8 What is a nervous tissue? Give an example? (Starr, 2012)

  1. It is a secondary tissue of the spinal and peripheral nerve that regulates and manages the body breathing system such as the lungs
  2. It is a primary tissue that regulates body movement and manages the activities of the body such as walking
  3. It is a tissue found in the brain and the central nervous system that manages and coordinates body activities such as the muscle and the spinal cord.
  4. It is a primary tissue of the peripheral and central nervous system that regulates and manages the body function and activities such as the brain and spinal cord.

9 where are the nervous tissue found in the animal body? (Starr, 2012)

  1. Brain, heart, and lungs
  2. Legs, liver, and spinal cord
  3. Small intestines, eyes, and brain
  4. Peripheral nerves, brain, and spinal cord

10 what type of tissue composes cartilage and bones (Starr, 2012)

  1. Fiber and muscle
  2. Nervous and connective
  3. Muscle and connective
  4. Bones and cartilage






Alters, S. (2000). Biology: Understanding life. Boston: Jones and Barlette Publishers.

Brusatte, S. (2012). Dinosaur paleobiology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.

Starr, C., Evers, C., & Starr, L. (2014). Biology: Concept and Applications. Cengage Learning

Starr, L. (2012). Animal structure and function. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole.


861 Words  3 Pages

White Tail Deer


The scientific name of the white tailed deer also known as whitetail is Odocoileus virginianus. The deer is the phylum chordata,class mammalia and in the family of cervidae. The deer is brown during summer times while it changes to grey brown during winter. It has white color in some of its body parts including the stomach, tail, neck and even around its nose. Male whitetails usually have antlers and thus cannot be confused to be females. Therefore this paper will discuss the whitetails, describing them, their reproduction cycle, habitat, range and their diets.

Species description

The male whitetails weigh more compared to the females since males weigh even up to 300 pounds while females go up to 200 pounds (Hansen et al, 2015). The whitetails are the smallest members of the North American deer families and are mainly from south Canada and southern part of America. During summer time, they look for new habits in the coniferous since they need shade and the coniferous suit best because of the large branches. In addition, during winters they look for coniferous since the forests prevent them from suffering the harsh weather conditions that come with winter (Hansen, 2013). The animals are herbivores thus feed on green plants, herbs and woody plants. The animals are usually confused with the black tailed deer but at close range one cannot confuse them since they are white tailed and smaller in size.

Reproduction/breeding/life cycle

The deer are known to reproduce quickly since a healthy and fertile herd can double within a given year if the conditions are favorable. The mating season of the deer well known as rut is usually around October in the autumn where mature females have had good food since reproduction is not possible without favorable conditions such as good weather and enough food (Hansen, 2013). Reproduction too depends on the population density thus young female deer move away from the males during this period. The average maturity period of female deer is roughly 18 months where copulation takes place which is mainly an ejaculation power which takes place within the shortest time possible (Hansen, 2013). After the copulation period females stay for period of roughly eight months before giving birth to young deer mainly known as fawns. The fawns usually have spots which they lose as they grow and weight over 35kg during this winter periods. During this time, the male fawns usually have higher weighs compared to the female ones (Hansen, 2013). During the first four weeks, the fawns lie in the forest vegetations while the mother go looking for food since the young ones are still small and vulnerable thus cannot go searching for food (Bestul, 2016). After some weeks they follow their mothers in the search for food so that they can learn tactics and the type of foods most suitable for them. The young ones wean for about 10 weeks though some prolong those periods depending on their mothers since some mothers nurse their young ones even after the spots are no longer present (Hansen, 2013). Lacks of spots indicate that the fawns are no longer young ones but have now grown. Males take one year to leave their mothers while the females stay with their mothers even up to two years. The males are mature when there are 1.5 years old and thus continue with the breeding process.


The whitetails live in the wooded places or areas where overpopulation of these animals has been a key problem. The people have hunted down their predators mainly the wolves and lions that controlled their populations in the Northern part of America (Piccolo et al, 2010). The main predators currently include people, boy cats and dogs which often kill the deer. The population of the deer is on the rise since there are no many natural predators to control the population of the deer. Many deer often starve to death since the environment cannot support the large populations of the deer since food and water are scarce compared to the rising population. In most rural areas hunting of the deer is not prohibited unlike in the urban areas where it is prohibited therefore making deer population remain out of control (Piccolo et al, 2010). Often diseases and pests kill deer and this happens especially during winter. Winter is the most uncomfortable and unfavorable time for the deer and most succumb to the illnesses that come with this season. Currently humans and deer are sharing similar habits since people have developed and reached to their habitat which is causing human wildlife conflicts. People have over developed and this makes the deer to interfere with the human development where they walk into gardens and get food since their vegetation has been cleared (Piccolo et al, 2010). The problem of the deer is becoming a major problem since as the human population is increasing, the deer population too is increasing but the environment remains constant.

Range and diet

The deer is found in the southern part of Canada and in the United States apart from in Alaska and Hawaii. The home range of a deer is usually not more than 1 square meter where male bucks live together in groups of three except during the mating season where each buck stays in solitary (Stegemann, 2002). The mothers and fawns live together in a herd where they move together and search for food together. The whitetails are herbivorous in nature and feed exclusively on plants. The whitetails are known to feed in the morning and later in the afternoon. The whitetail diet may change depending on the season and the habitat at that time whereby during summer, the deer feeds on green plants. During summer the deer feeds on nuts and corns while during winter it feeds on woody plants especially the twigs since there are no green plants and herbs present (Stegemann, 2002). The whitetails are ruminants meaning that their stomachs are divided into four parts that assist them during digestion. This digestive system ensures that whitetails consume plants such as the woody twigs which other plants can fail to digest. The deer population is favored by availability of enough food, water and good climate since all these are the factors that ensure the population keeps rising.


The whitetails as discussed above are easily available animals since their population is annually increasing. The deer is a fast runner and thus able to move to different places. In addition the deer is a good leaper and a good swimmer too thus it is advantaged against the predators that do not posses such characteristics and behaviors. The deer often alarms other deer of impending danger mostly by stomping its wolves. The deer can raise its tail as another sign of warning the others which is the most strategy used by mothers to warn their fawns so that they can run and follow them. Therefore the animal is special and has special characteristics that are not present in many animals. Learning about this animal will ensure that people take good care of this species to prevent it from becoming extinct.





Hansen, T., Kenyon, M., & Robinson, A. (2015). White Tail Management. (Cover story). Outdoor Life, 222(4), 57.

Bestul, S. (2016). Seven BEST DAYS of The Rut. Field & Stream, 121(6), 39-50.

Piccolo, B. P., Van Deelen, T. R., Hollis-Etter, K., Etter, D. R., Warner, R. E., & Anchor, C. (2010). Behavior and survival of white-tailed deer neonates in two suburban forest preserves. Canadian Journal Of Zoology, 88(5), 487-495. doi:10.1139/Z10-026

Hansen, T. (2013). White-Tail Variations. Midwest Quarterly, 54(2), 159-161.

Stegemann, E. (2002). White-Tailed DEER. New York State Conservationist, 57(2), 15-18.






1283 Words  4 Pages


Part 1

Neurological Development


Cognitive development refers to the child’s development in relation processing, language learning, intangible resources, perceptual skills and brain development. Neurological development refers to the course that creates shapes and re-modifies the nervous system.


 An example of this case is when a boy is probated by an office that if he is caught in a fight he will go to a group home. The boy uses recalls this information and restrains him from getting into a fight.


 In shows an interesting pattern of the brain to achieve break taking milestones. It tends to establish how culture influences brain structures which in return affect the influence of the culture interpretation. Numerous prolonged developmental transformations in tardy teenage years transpire within neural circuitry from and to the PFC (Iselin, Coster & Salekin, 2008). PFC amplifies steadily with age which later decreases and it is considered to be an indication of connectivity within the circuit that is more focused and refined.  PCF is unswervingly accountable to cognitive control abilities that include inhibition, awareness, and memory. The cognitive skills such as executive functioning and intelligence relate to psychosocial maturity which is defined by problem behavior, work orientation, self-reliance and identity (Iselin, Coster & Salekin, 2008).

Part 2

Dual Process Theory


The dual process theory founded on cognitive psychology conceptualizes on two distinct processes where an individual chooses whether the information is relevant in order to be processed further and abandon the irrelevant information in the current situation. This enhances reasoning that helps the individual to overcome obstacles as they have better reasoning power (Iselin, Coster & Salekin, 2008).


An example of this case is an individual who has high criminal maturity have advanced proactive control in adult prison, the use of alcohol and drugs more frequently.


Criminal maturity is related directly to perceive the cues without necessarily engaging in a number of cognitive resources as there is no mental maintenance required. This enhances decision making which is mostly required for the criminally adult actions that seeks the capability to conclude successful suggestions in a given circumstance. Distancing maturity enables specific information about the way to intervene and interact with the individual offenders. Maturity model indicates that criminal offenders with a high criminal adulthood skills and low prosocial skills can be considered to be an individual who possesses some level of suitable maturity skills (Iselin, Coster & Salekin, 2008).


















Iselin, A.,Coster, J.,& Salekin, R. (2008). Maturity in Adolescent and Young Adults Offenders: The Role of Cognitive Control. Springer



427 Words  1 Pages

Alternative Nutrition

Food nutrition is important as it advocates for healthy balanced eating off the diet as it is vital for human wellbeing and good health. This is because food provides human bodies with energy, proteins, vitamins, essential fats and minerals that help them live to grow and function properly. It is, therefore, important to have the right proportion of foods that have the right proportion of nutrients. Herbal products play an important role in nutrition as it provides an alternative choice that people can choose from.

Parsley is a herbal plant that is widely known for its common use of decorating a meal. The herb is delicious and has a vibrant taste. Parsley has great healing properties that are mostly ignored by many due to the role it plays of a table garnish. It is highly nutritious and its availability is encouraging enough to promote its eating. Parsley is a herb that is less calorific which helps the body in controlling blood cholesterol and offers protection from cancer. It is important in the therapeutic application that is antiseptic for gum diseases. The herb also reduces blood sugars among diabetics.

Parsley is an alternative nutrition that is readily available. It can be found in many areas globally. The product healing and nutritional value are mostly under-appreciated. Parsley exists in two forms that are curly parsley and flat leaf Italian parsley. The Italian parsley is less bitter and it provides more fragrant. The nutritional value of parsley is high as it consists numerous items. It consists of vitamin A, C and K, Magnesium, potassium, calcium, fiber, zinc and copper. It contains two unusual components that provide the unique health benefits. The volatile oil is one of the components that contain myristicin that has been proven to reduce tumor formation particularly in lungs and prevents body damage through activation of the enzyme. The second component is flavonoids which are a source of anti-oxidant nutrients that prevents damage to oxygen cells. The herb also promotes a healthy heart and protects the body against arthritis. These nutrients play an important role in the body health as they contribute vital components that the body needs in order to function in a strong manner and also enhance body growth.

The target group for this herbal plant especially the Italian flat leaf parsley is all ages. This is because it is an edible herb that children of five years and above can comfortable takes in. It fragrant is friendly to any age bracket. The target is mainly in the restaurants that only offer it as table garnish should change that system and start offering it as a meal by its self. This means that it should comprise a big share of the plate proportion. Parents at home should also use it more and encourage their children to eat it as food in order to change their thinking towards it. By changing the thinking of the young generation to take in parsley as a herb will be of great success as they comprise the large portion of the population. Parsley can be served as a sauce in order to encourage many people to consume it. Its target group also includes the European and the Mediterranean population as it can be served in their cuisine as it blends well with almost every meal.











554 Words  2 Pages

Complete exam

  1. This is an example of bottom-up sensation given that it is driven by data where perceptions begin with a stimulus. The stimulus is the green substance.
  2. Neuroimaging helps in inking the various neural activities to certain cognitive processes inside the human brain and therefore, employ some given patterns of the neural activity which facilitate perception and sensation.
  3. When someone looks at an object, the reflected light’s wavelength determines the color they see. The person’s brain responds to the stimuli produced when the light reacts with various cone cells in the eye. The waves hit the at the back of the eye where retina that has the cones is located and which allow one to recognize the color.
  4. The cone cells in the retina for developing individuals have high tolerance for light variations which means that they can withstand since they are still young and light sensitive.
  5. The striate cortex neurons blur the images by eliminating component gratings which have spatial frequencies that are high and also allow the high-pass filters to eliminate component gratings that have spatial frequencies that are low.
  6. The study on lesson is an important method of finding out the correlation that exists between a certain area of the brain and a human behavior.

Part iii

  1. Majority of neurons communicate with one another by discharging one of the many various kinds of neurotransmitters. Every neurotransmitter is fixed to its receptor on the adjacent neuron surface. Nerve impulses from the neurons are transmitted on to other neurons at synapses. The impulses can be transmitted directly at the electrical synapses or across the gap by neurotransmitters in absence of a physical link.
  2. Selective adaptation is used in the identification of the mechanisms that underlie a visual processing. It is used to isolate the mechanisms which underlie the processing of color vision. This involves measuring detection threshold for foveal contrast for a broad range of temporal and spatial conditions. It also involves a spatial frequency which measures how fast a stimulus changes across a given space. Selective adaptation helps in understanding the processes in which a visual system changes in operating properties as a response to variation in an environment.
  3. The structuralism theory holds that there perceptions originate from pure sensation but Gestalt theory maintains that perceptions do not correspond to pure sensation. The later theory rather holds that perception and recognition of n object is basically a problem in the processing of information. The theories, however, agree that recognition happens very fast and accurately and thereby allowing the observers to have a successful interaction with objects in a given environment.



433 Words  1 Pages


Probiotics: the new Sheriff in Town.

Bacteria that are resistance have been thriving as a result of improper use of antimicrobial and scientist are researching on new methods of treatment for infections caused by these micro-organisms. A growing field of interest is how the micro-organisms can be used to provide health benefits.  A basic idea behind probiotics is that good bacteria inside human body parts such as intestine compete with the harmful bacteria for resources and this keeps the harmful bacteria in check. Some studies have suggested that probiotics have benefits while others have found no such benefits. Any given pathogens population can contain few organisms that normally have partial or complete resistance which is acquired in the bacteria cells either through chromosomal genes mutation or obtaining resistance genes outside DNA extra chromosomal cells. When an antimicrobial drug is absent, the resistance cells are normally less efficient compared to normal neighboring cells. The information in this chapter is necessary considering resistance organisms infections  becomes hard to treat  ,needing costly and at times alternatives that are very toxic . Aggressive actions are thus needed to counter the issue.

Microbes in Sushi

Raw fish can have microorganisms that are quite harmful such as anisakids – parasitic roundworms and can result to human gastrointestinal systems. It is a requirement by the U.S Food and Drug Administration that sushi is frozen for 7 days at -20 degrees Celsius or for 15 hours at 37 degree Celsius. Such freezing, however, does not eliminate all viral or bacterial pathogens. Consumers should be informed that eating any type of raw food can results can lead to food poisoning caused by such bacteria as Salmonella. To counter the issue vinegar is used in preparation of sushi to acidify rice below 4.6 below pH value there by becoming too acidic to enable the growth of pathogens. Sushi bars, wasabi have antimicrobial properties making sushi safe. People having compromised immunity and pregnant women should avoid it. The summary provides necessary information that can be considered by sushi lovers. It provides vital details on why one should not consume raw food.

Prescription Bacteria phages

The bacteria phages feed on bacteria and approaximately after each two days, half of bacteria on earth are eliminated by these phages. After being used in early 1900s for treatment of diseases such as diarrhea and cholera, they were abandoned across United States in 1940s due to development of antibiotics like Penicillin. Due to growing resistance of antibiotic by bacteria, scientists are considering investigating further on phage therapy.  One phage can multiply into trillion of phages in short period eliminating about 99.9 % of the host bacteria.  This treatment is only effective if a phage is matched with the bacteria causing the disease. This treatment presents some dangers since some phages treatment may become very lethal.  The information in the passage provides details on possible alternative micro-organisms that can be used in place of antibiotics as bacteria become more resistant.  Having a variety of treatment methods is essential for combating bacteria caused infections.


Community associated MRSA

  • When Julie was getting the tattoo or being pierced, the harmful bacteria could have been passed on from the artist, the tool used or from Julie herself. Given that MSRA bacteria can live in one’s body as a carrier in absence of their knowledge and having no effects seen, the artist could be the carrier. Even a carrier can infect if their skins gets pierced.
  • The reason for CA- MSRA being an emerging diseases is the increased the increasing predisposing factors such as increased body contacts with infected people due to overcrowding , increased sporting activities that make people to have more ski-to –skin contact and poor hygiene.
  • The concentration of the infection in South America and Africa can be attributed to concentration of people in majority poor areas which makes people to share staffs such as razors, clothing and towels. These areas also seem to have poor hygiene in many areas predisposing people to such infections.


668 Words  2 Pages

DNA Finger Printing

The good side of DNA Fingerprinting to human healthcare research and in the justice system is that DNA can provide evidence of a hidden privacy. In the healthcare, the good side of DNA fingerprints is used to suspect the biological evidence of blood. DNA fingerprinting helps to know about the background of the family, for instance, to know who parents or siblings are. The good side of DNA in the justice system is used in solving crimes and establishing paternity in custody in addition to supporting the litigation of an innocent child. By the DNA fingerprint, the real proof of crime can be detected easily hence reducing the number of wrongful convictions, for this reason, DNA fingerprinting as a good side in the justice system. Basing on the bad side of DNA fingerprinting to human healthcare research, unfair practices of using medical policies is dictated and the denial of health insurance on the basis which makes the affected person suffer many diseases. Supporting the bad side of DNA fingerprinting in the justice system, loss of privacy may occur since the result can be shared with other organization for the research hence violating the privacy of a citizen and of civil liberties (Biotechnology Industry Organization, 2003).

With this technology of DNA fingerprinting, medicine and agriculture have to take the advantages. For the possible case of medicine benefiting using this technology is that medicine has detected paternity dispute may determine the custody, therefore, supporting dispute of a child in paternity cases. Agriculture is benefiting from the use of this technology because an agriculturist is achieving something in making insecticide and pesticide which are helping to protect the plants against insects and pest as well as helping the plants to grow quickly (Amna, 2011).


Amna, A. (2011). What are the benefits of genetic engineering?


Biotechnology Industry Organization (2003) DNA Fingerprinting: Other Uses.


317 Words  1 Pages

Zika Disease causes and effects in society

Causative, symptoms and treatment of Zika disease

Zika disease is also known as a mosquito-borne disease that caused by Zika virus which this virus is an asymptomatic infection. The virus of Zika disease is spread primarily by infected mosquitoes for instance Aedes species through the bite. The virus of Zika disease can also be spread through sexual transmission through semen from infected men, through pregnant to her developing child and also can be spread through tissue, cell, and blood donation from infected donor to the recipient (Musso 359-361).

The major symptoms of Zika disease are, red rashes on the skin covered with small bumps which often start on the face and spreads in the body. The infected person has red eyes and his or her joint swell mainly in the small joints of hand and feet. The infected person has a low-grade fever which ranges to 38.5 degree Celsius which cause weakness, headaches and lack of energy (Duffy et al. 2536-2543). Zika disease has no cure only that treatment aims to relieve symptoms. Nevertheless, Zika virus disease can be prevented by protecting yourself from mosquito bite at all times. Pregnant women should avoid traveling especially areas in U.S where it mosquito-borne is reported. If a woman becomes pregnant after her travel, it is recommendable to wait at least two months before she tries to conceive so as to clear the possible infection of Zika virus. When a woman gives birth after being infected with Zika disease, she can have a baby with a smaller head which this condition is Microcephaly. Microcephaly occurs because a baby’s brain has not develops properly during pregnancy because a woman has been infected by Zika virus. Microcephaly can bring other problems such as, problem with movement and balance, hearing loss, disability to the child and vision problems among others. For men, it is recommendable to avoid sex or wear a condom during sex so as to protect possible virus in his semen for 6 months travel (Mécharles et al. 644-649).

The social aspect of Zika disease

The socio-economic characteristic of those suffering from Zika disease is that virus does not pose an existential threat to large numbers of people given its mortality rate.  Those who are suffering from Zika disease possibly in the outmost level of threats related to human security as it possibly impacts the emotion and economic security of families. Another socio-economic characteristic of those suffering from Zika disease is that are not posed on national or international scales. The birthrates in the society lower in a high percent due to fearful of women about the impact of the virus on their unborn babies. Dr. Lobal of Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI)   estimates that women infected with Zika disease during the first trimester are at about one in a hundred (Fokke et al. 33-43)

The geographical distribution of Zika disease started in Uganda where it was detected in the year 1947 in a forest in Uganda. Then the first outbreak reported in Micronesia in the year 2007 and later in the year 2013 it was reported in French Polynesia. The Zika virus has now reached Central and South America, the Singapore, Cape Verde, Caribbean and some of the island like Pacific and rapidly the viruses are spreading to the U.S and the report says it will continue spreading (Duffy et al. 2536-2543). The historic position of Zika disease started in Uganda in the year 1947 it distributed in some country such as Southeast Asia and in Africa. In the year 2007, the outbreak hit Micronesia and other Pacific Islands and more case was documented in the year 2013 where another outbreak occurred in French Polynesia. During the year 2015, the Zika disease distributed into 22 countries in south and North America and the outbreak of Zika virus is expected to spread throughout since there is no cure (Musso et al. 359-361).

Cases of Zika disease in North America for instance United State it was documented 29,891 are confirmed cases of Zika disease. According to the Centers of Disease Control and prevention, these cases of Zika disease 25,955 cases were detected in United State territories of Puerto Rico and 3,936 cases were detected in the continental United State. In the year 2016 June, Zika spread rapidly in Puerto Rico after detected from donation of blood. 11% of the donors were confirmed contaminated with the Virus of Zika. In the continental United State few cases occurred as it is compared to Puerto Rico case. In the continental United State Zika disease was spread by infected mosquitoes (Gather et al. 269-273).

Zika disease cases in South America for instance Brazil, it is confirmed 91,387 case in the year 2016. The number of Zika disease cases increased in Summer Olympic in Rio. During the Summer Olympic Zika disease case increased from 65,457 cases to 91,387 cases. Zika disease cases in Brazil were spread by sexual transmission and through mosquitoes bite (Gather et al. 269-273).

The Ministry of health in Singapore has monitored the Zika virus situation and has introduced several measures so as to enhance the surveillance and prevention of disease in Singapore. Vector control is taking place in Singapore since all Singaporean take appropriate precaution so as to prevent the risk of Zika disease. The different countries affected by Zika disease can prevent it by early detection of the disease and this can help to seek medical attention before the symptoms of virus develop. Awareness of the disease is also spread by the Ministry of Health to all continents so as to prevent a large number of Zika diseases. There is no comparison of the World Health Organization (WHO) prevention and treatment of Zika disease because they are similar to others (Foy et al. 880-882)

Zika is a disease caused by a mosquito infected by the Zika virus. Zika disease is distributing all over in a high rate where it is started in the forest in Uganda. Zika disease has caused the birth rate to lower since women are fearing the infection to get to their unborn babies. Zika disease has no cure but it can be prevented in various ways such as preventing yourself from being bitten by Mosquitoes. And for traveler they can avoid sex or use protection for instance condoms for about 6 months.












Work Cited

Duffy M, Tai-Ho C, Thane, W. Zika Virus Outbreak on Yap Island, Federated

States of Micronesia, N Engl J Med. 2009. 360:2536-43

Fokke C, van den Berg B, Drenthen J, Walgaard C, van Doorn PA, Jacobs BC.

Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome and validation of Brighton criteria. Brain.

  1. 137(Pt 1):33-43


Foy BD, Kobylinski KC, Chilson Foy JL, Blitvich B, Travassos da Rosa A, Haddow

A, et al. Probable non-vector-borne transmission of Zika virus, Colorado, USA.

Emerg Infect Dis. 2011. 17(5):880–2.


Gather D, Kohl A. Zika virus: a previously slow pandemic spreads rapidly through the Americas.            J Gen Virol. 2016. 97(2):269-273.


Mécharles S, Herrmann C, Poullain P, Tran TH, Deschamps N, Mathon G, et

  1. Acute myelitis due to Zika virus infection. Lancet. 2016. pii: S0140-



Musso D, Roche C, Robin E, Nhan T, Teissier A, Cao-Lormeau VM. Potential

sexual transmission of Zika virus. Emerg Infect Dis. 2015. 21 (2):359-61.



1217 Words  4 Pages

Internal Briefing Report




CASE NO. 56787           

Partial Autopsy X   Inspection 5y

JURISDICTION: Suspicious                                                     DME/FI




                           Age: Unknown       Sex: Male      Race: White

DATE OF INCIDENT        :  Found, July 18, 2014      TIME: Found, AM

ADDRESS OF INCIDENT:   64 Church Street, Virtual, MD, located just next to the Westview housing project

PRONOUNCED DEAD       : Morning         Time: 2:18 AM


DME/FI/OCME NOTIFIED: July 18, 2014             TIME: 3: 15 AM

BY WHOM                           : Danson Mathews                            



PERFORMED BY                  : Johnston Livingstone

CAUSE OF DEATH               : (a) Self drug overdose                Natural

                                                    (b)                                            X      Suicide

                                                    (c)                                                    Homicide

Other significant conditions:

The victim had lacerations in the face and also contusions in the skull and the skull was also damaged at the back since it had caved in which appears to have been knocked to a rocky surface really had causing the cave in on the back head. However, there was no sign of blood on the rocky surface around which the body was discovered.

HOW INJURY OCCURRED: Subject overdosed drugs and hit the head on a rocky surface

Name: Joseph Austin

Case Number: 56787






A partial autopsy was performed on the body of John Michael Philips at the office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the state of Maryland on the 18th day of July.


The decedent was wearing a pair of blue trousers 34 in size, a size large white t-shirt, 10 in size medium white athletic pair of shoes with stripes blue in color and also no any pair of socks. The decedents possessed gold in color Citizen Wristwatch, one beaded necklace, several textile type costume jewelry, and single silver in color ring on the ring finger. The decedent was also carrying a large amount of cash $117 (5 $20 bills, 1$ 10 bills and 7 $1bills). He also had in possession $1.45 (4 quarter, 3 nickels and about 3 dimes). Apart from the clothing, every other belonging was taken away by the fatality detective who was assigned the sight by the medical examiner’s office and submitted later to the law enforcement.


  1. Drug overdose

The victim had needle by the hand clear evidence that he had overdosed on drugs causing the victim to collapse. The decedent had multiple contusions and also the face and scalp had lacerations presenting another version of this case to the police department since it looked like a staged scene. The cause of death was treated as suspicious since the appearance of the head injuries seemed to have been caused by a much harder surface. The decedent had also no injuries to the back except for the head. The decedent had all white and natural teeth. No wounds on any body part or any surgical cuts either on the head or other body parts.



The victim’s body was opened by an incision in the head and in the stomach. The body had no adhesions but abnormal body fluids which were observed in the blood vessels a clear indication that the victim had an overdose. Drugs such as the cocaine are known to cause some psychotic behaviors; they also cause seizures and death due to taking an overdose of the same drug (Dürsteler, 2012).


The scalp and face had lacerations and also multiple contusions presenting a diversion about the decedent having an overdose only. It can be explained that the victim may have experienced a brain damage forcing the decedent to hit the head on a very hard surface. The skull was broken and a blood clot was observed in the back of the head as a result of the skull injury that seemed to be very severe (Dürsteler, 2012). The damage on the head and also the face even remain unrecognizable to determine the age of the individual since these body parts are damaged beyond recognition.


  1. Drug overdose
  2. The decedent had a needle by the hand: this appears that the victim injected himself with an overdose therefore causing the brain damage and thereby the cause of death.
  3. Injury to: skull and scalp therefore to the brain.


This middle aged individual appears to be a middle-class living status person due to the items, jewelry and the money found with him. He died of the drug overdose and also damage to the skull causing the brain damage. The manner of death is, therefore, SUICIDE.

Johnstone Livingstone                                                             Tom Mason

Assistant Medical Examiner                                          Chief Medical Examiner

Date signed: 20th July






Case # 56787          Lab: B705

Deceased Name: John Michael Philips

Medical Examiner: Brian Bwalei

Autopsied by: Mercy Brice

Jurisdiction: homicide

Specimen Submitted




Blood heart





Drug test (comprehensive)

Citalopram positive



Drug test(comprehensive)

Other drugs such as cocaine and marijuana Present


Blood heart

Drug test(individual)




Toxicologist: Peter                                   Medical Examiner: Brian Bwalei













Dürsteler, K. M. (2012). The Brain-Behavioral Connection in Substance Use Disorders and         Effects Associated with Injectable Opioid Prescription. München: Utz, Herbert.

Hanson, G., Venturelli, P. J., & Fleckenstein, A. E. (2012). Drugs and society. Sudbury, MA:      Jones & Bartlett Learning.

903 Words  3 Pages


First response

According to my perspective, marine biology is an important topic and conducting a research on negative effects of Trade Ocean is also an important theme. Under the topic on marine biology, ocean trade is an issue which needs a concern since human activities have interfered with marine environment. For example, marine transport pollutes the marine environment through the emission of harmful gases and ballast water. Noise pollution also has negative effect on marine species as they are unable to feed and to communicate clearly. Wildlife collision is also contributed by maritime transport and animals such as whales and manatees may collide and die while trying to escape the fast speed of ships. There are important issues in this topic which will make the whole research appear relevant. First is identifying the various reasons why maritime trade is harmful and the best alternatives which can be used to save the marine environment. Second, the research will appear comprehensive due to a thorough research on important of marine animals and the reasons why they should protected.


Second response

It is important to conduct a research on river environment in order to understand how the rivers are polluted and to offer solutions to the problems. In the second project, doing a comprehensive research on social and economic issues in a host country for world cup events is important in order to understand the kind of environment needed in order to achieve success. However, there is an issue which will make the topic appear problematic. Note that you have a limited knowledge and this means that you do no understand the topic clearly. It is important to note that this huge topic which need a comprehensive knowledge as well as skills in order to do a thorough research. Lack of appropriate knowledge will hinder you from finding valuable sources of information. I suggest that you find a topic of your interest in which you have an adequate knowledge   and this will help you to do a comprehensive research.


336 Words  1 Pages

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