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  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  1. Outline the major symptoms of the disorder discussed in the case
  •             Some of the major symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder include:
  1. Problems with attention: this means that children with this disease simply ignore various details. They are always distractive and fail to complete tasks.
  2. Hyperactive behavior: the children with this disease seem to be restless and unable to sit quietly.
  3. Excessive impulsivity: the children constantly interrupt and they are unable to wait their turn.
  4. Briefly describe the client’s background

  • Cancers
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Which part of the body is affected?
  •             Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that affects most of the old men. The cancer forms in the tissues of a gland in the reproductive system known as prostate. The prostate gland is situated below the bladder and in front of the rectum (Mason & Moffat, 2010).

  • Microbiology
  •             What is the purpose of the heating and cooling procedure?
  •             The main purpose of heating and cooling process is to enhance the application of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009). Through this process, it is possible to produce large amounts of DNA segments. This process is mostly used in clinical and forensic procedures that require more work and thorough investigation. This is because a small sample of DNA is the only requirement that may be necessary for any of the required procedures to take place. The heating and cooling process assist in making regions of DNA to be amplified (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009). For example, it is possible to apply this procedure from a single drop of blood. The issue regarding the process is that it is automated. This makes it possible for each round of replication to take just a few minutes. Moreover, it is well to note that even after the process of heating and cooling, the original strands of the sample remains (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009).

  • Relationship between Test Anxiety and Its Effect on Test Performance
  •             The significant aspect of conducting this study is to look for the relationship between test anxiety and its effects on the overall test performance. This paper will provide further understanding on how test anxiety relates to the overall performance of students in most of their exams. This will therefore give a chance to most of the researchers in finding ways that they can help students to overcome anxiety and perform well in their academic careers.

  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease)
  • Introduction
  •             Osteogenesis imperfecta also referred to as brittle bone disease is one of the common diseases associated with causing failure in the production of collagen. The significant role of collagen, which is a protein, is to provide support to the human body. Collagen appears in several types in the body. However, the most common known and abundant one is referred to as type I collagen. This form of collagen is found in various different part of the body. Most of the parts that type I collagen tends to appear include sclera of the eye and on the teeth. Moreover, the collagen also tends to appear on the ligaments of a patient. I would like to discuss more about diagnosis and the treatment of this disease.

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