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  • Microbiology
  •             What is the purpose of the heating and cooling procedure?
  •             The main purpose of heating and cooling process is to enhance the application of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009). Through this process, it is possible to produce large amounts of DNA segments. This process is mostly used in clinical and forensic procedures that require more work and thorough investigation. This is because a small sample of DNA is the only requirement that may be necessary for any of the required procedures to take place. The heating and cooling process assist in making regions of DNA to be amplified (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009). For example, it is possible to apply this procedure from a single drop of blood. The issue regarding the process is that it is automated. This makes it possible for each round of replication to take just a few minutes. Moreover, it is well to note that even after the process of heating and cooling, the original strands of the sample remains (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009).
    1. What is the ultimate goal of the researcher?
  •             The ultimate goal for a researcher to apply PCR is to be able to amplify a tiny sample of DNA (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009). The researcher is able to perform this process many times within a short period. The researcher is also able to carry out the reaction process in an efficient manner if the DNA polymerase remains stable (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009). In order for the polymerase to remain stable, it requires many heating cycles. Heating and cooling process enable the application of DNA technology to have no limitation. Therefore, a researcher can be able to apply this procedure through a number of specified areas like crime scenes. However, the process requires ultimate carefulness in order to avoid technical pitfalls that might occur (Lieberman, Marks, & Smith, 2009).
  •             Plasmid refers to a DNA molecule that tends to be separate from the chromosomal DNA. Plasmids are commonly double-stranded (Snyder & Champness, 2007). The other significant feature is that in many cases, they are circular in shape. Moreover, they occur naturally in bacteria. However, research indicates that it is possible to find plasmids in eukaryotic organisms. Bacteria plasmid refers to a strand of DNA. However, this is mostly in unicellular microorganisms. Moreover, the microorganism ought to be independent of the bacterium chromosomal DNA. One of the features associated with plasmids is that they are able to replicate on their own. Researchers also consider to be transferable genetically elements. The plasmids applied in genetic engineering mainly are referred to as vectors (Snyder & Champness, 2007).
    1. Describe a plasmid and its function.  
  •             The most significant function of plasmid is that they are able to express particular genes (Snyder & Champness, 2007). Moreover, the plasmids contain genes that tend to be useful in various circumstances. They contain genes that are coded for enzymes. Advantages of the encoded genes include they are resistance to some if the toxic materials present in the environment. The encoded genes also play part in the product of antibiotics and the resistance toxins. Another function of plasmid is that they contribute to the persistence of the host bacteria mostly in the inhospitable environment. Some of the areas that the plasmid-encoded traits may assist the host bacteria are in resistance metals that include all those under ions (Snyder & Champness, 2007).
565 Words  2 Pages
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