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  • Cancers
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Which part of the body is affected?
  •             Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that affects most of the old men. The cancer forms in the tissues of a gland in the reproductive system known as prostate. The prostate gland is situated below the bladder and in front of the rectum (Mason & Moffat, 2010).
  • What are some warning signs?
  •             The following are some of the warning signs associated with prostate cancer although they may not appear in some men (Mason & Moffat, 2010).
  • Are there any treatments?
  •             Various treatments are available for this type of cancer. However, the treatments vary from one person to the other. The treatment for the prostate cancer patient varies with the age. The other issue that determines the means of treatment is the grade of tumor. Moreover, the number of biopsy tissue samples that may be present in the cancer cells also determine the kind of treatment that the patient ought to undertake (Mason & Moffat, 2010). Some of the common established form of treatment includes:
  1. Urinary Problem
  2. Having a serious problem of completely not being able to pass urine
  3. The affected always have a hard time when starting to urinate. He may also have a hard time when trying to stop the flow of urine.
  4. The affected may be having the need to urinate often. This case applies most of the night sessions.
  5. When urinating, the affected may be having difficulty in erecting
  6. Pain in burning when the affected is urinating
  1. Active surveillance
  2. Surgery
  3. Radiation Therapy
  4. Hormone therapy
  5. Chemotherapy
  • Approximately how many people are affected with this type of cancer?
  •             Prostate cancer affects about 240,000 men in the United States. The number of men who tends to lose their lives from of the disease is about 30,000 (Mason & Moffat, 2010).
  • Are certain people more at risk than others?
  •            Some people tend to be at risk of having prostate cancer than others. One of the main risk factor is age. Those men who are over 65 years tend to be risky in having the cancer more than others have. Another risky factor is family history. Moreover, race also tends to be a risk factor. For example, the cancer is common in black men compared to white ones. Certain prostate changes also tend top be one of the risky factor of this particular disease (Mason & Moffat, 2010).
  • Is it more prevalent in certain areas of the world?
  •            Some cancers are more prevalent in some areas. For example, stomach cancer tends to be more prevalence in Japan (Mason & Moffat, 2010). This is because of the atomic bomb that exploded in the country some years ago.
  • What are your thoughts about cancer in general?
  •             Cancer is a disease that affects many people in the world. Cancer affects people of all races and the main of the disease tend to be out-of-control cell growth. Cancer manages to damage the body cells eventually causing tumors. However, various types of cancer are treatable, while others are very complicated to treat.
  • Does it seem that there are more cases of it in today's society? If so, why might this be the case?
  •             There are more cases of various types of cancer in the whole world nowadays. The numbers of established types of cancer are about 100 (Mason & Moffat, 2010). This means that there are more established cases of cancer nowadays. The main reason for more cases of cancer to appear nowadays is change in lifestyle and environmental healthy. Obesity tends to be one of the influential factors that cause quite a number of cancers. Another influential factor is the change in environment conditions. Pollution in the environment tends to be the main cause of skin related cancers.
  • Do you think human-made or natural compounds are more responsible for causing cancers?
  •             Although most of these compounds are not the most contributors in causing cancer, they tend to play a role in developing various types of the disease. For example, 1, 4-dioxane is an organic cancer causing compound. Most of the established human-made compounds that cause cancer are associated with cosmetics industry (Mason & Moffat, 2010).
  • Do you have any personal experience of knowing someone with cancer?
  •             One of my close friends was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. Fortunately, through extensive medication, she is now healed.
  • Would you like to share your personal experiences with cancer?
  •             The experience of having a relative or close friend having cancer is a sad one. My friend who was pregnant during the time of diagnosing had to lose the unborn in order to undergo vigorous medication of the disease. One of the breasts was cut off in order to eliminate the cell that had the cancer. She also underwent chemotherapy treatment. Unfortunately, she also lost her beautiful hair because of the disease.  
    • References
    • Mason, M., & Moffat, L. E. F. (2010). Prostate cancer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
807 Words  2 Pages
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