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  • The Influence of Willa Brown upon Aviation
  •             Willa brown contributed significantly in the field of aviation. From a commerce teacher in high school she went to Chicago where she met with Robinson john and Coffey Cornelius who were both pilots. They gave technical know how to mechanics in an attempt to repair and keep the aeroplanes in good condition. Bessie Coleman was a mentor to Willa Brown. She followed the skills of her mentor until she was successful in her endeavors. Her involvement in aviation was the toughest decision that she made bearing in mind the perception of the whites towards the blacks in those times. She was black and a female a situation that shows her character as strong-willed (Robert, 2007).  

  • The Atlantic Slave Trade
  • The origin and development of the Atlantic Slave Trade
  •             The Atlantic Slave Trade refers to the transoceanic migration that took place in the seventieth century (Feelings 11). The slave trade concerned various communities from African that migrated to America. The migration was different form others that took place during the same period because of its high death rates and social dislocation (Williams 39). Most of the European countries had a thirst to discover places during the time that the slave trade took place. The European countries were eager to know various sources of wealth that existed in the rest of the world. There were on going tension in Europe and many feared that there was a possibility of war to occur. This condition made them to travel to the rest of the world while they were exploring new fishing areas. During the European countries exploration, they came across countries in northern Africa and established trading centers.

  • Colonization of Mauritania
  •             After studying the book containing information about Mauritania, I managed to gain much information about the country itself. The country has a total surface area of 1025520km2. The total population of people in Mauritania is approximately 3 million while most of the citizens reside in the capital city. Most parts of the country are in a desert land where the total water surface is 0.0km2 in a population of about 1000 people. Eighty percent of the northern part contributes to barren desert while only 20% of the country receives small-scale irrigation from the Senegal River.

  • Best baseball player in history - Cal Ripken Jr.
  •             Cal Ripken Jr. going by a well-deserved alias as the “iron man” a title he earned undoubtedly for his outstanding work with a bat. Even, with bragging rights of exceptional context Carl was a down to earth person with an attitude to match his persona. He was a surprisingly humble man with a domineer that stood out from the rest. His strong ties to his fans and the image he portrayed acted as a plus to the game more so even contributing to the business side of the game. He played for the Orioles; a team that created its own landmark by maintaining an upward run without relents through the sixties to the eighties. The oriels consisted of strong players’ each with a considerable input to the team's success though it was well evident that Ripken got the last laugh. His love for the game knew no bounds that even after his retirement in 2001 he took his passion back home building a stadium in honor of his father (Seidel xiii).    

  • Themes of Self and Society in contemporary Communist China
  • Cultural/Social Issues
  • Jiaxiong Zhu & Jie Zhag,. Contemporary Trends and Developments in Early Childhood       Education in China. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and     Development, Volume: 28, Issue: 2, Page:173-182. Jul 2008.
  •             The authors of the article demonstrate the involvement of the society in modernizing contemporary China. They illustrate that various cultural norms has contributed in making the country slow in terms of development. According to the two authors, it has taken China many years to improve the level of childhood education (Jiaxiong & Jie 173). This is because many of the citizens do not value education as a major factor to consider in their life. The authors illustrate that although the government has made various strides in improving the level of education, it has long way to go in convincing the community the importance of education.
  •             This article

  • Suetonius Tranquillus
  • Biographical Information
  •             Suetonius Tranquillus was probably born in A.D 69. He was born in one of the early provinces in Northern Africa known as Hippo Regius that was near modern Annaba in northeast Algeria. Although there is no historical, record that depicts the actual date of his birth, historians depict that he was born during the period that the four empires existed and their ruling was famous all over the world. His father known as Suetonius Laetus was a Roman Knight and served in the military. Laetus was a very rich man being an employee in the Roman Emperor where he worked as a second rank colonel in the military. He also participated in the Battle of Baetricum. His son Suetonius is one of the acknowledged Roman scholars and official. He played a significant role in writing religious issues during his time. Many people refer to his material in order to gain knowledge about the likes of his period.

  • Slavery in America
  •             The current America leads in terms of development, technology advancements and as a superpower continent. Despite the freedom that the American people experience, there is a need to recognize its origin. The freedom that the Americans managed to achieve led to the development that is experienced in the modern world (Bullet, 2004). History depicts that most of the slaves who were held as captives in America came from various parts of Africa. The slaves assisted in many areas of development that the American citizens enjoy nowadays. However, Euro-Americans who managed to arrive in North America during those early days were optimistic of creating a prosperous future in the land that they settled.

  • Race and Ethnicity in a Comparative Perspective
  • The Meaning of Race: Race, History and Culture in Western Society by Kenan Malik
  •             According to the information on his book, Malik demonstrates the meaning of race in detail. He explains that discrimination towards race seems to be everywhere in the society. Many of the nation’s categories people according to their race. Malik demonstrates that race is one the issues that brings a lot of contradiction in the society. He explains how race emerged to be of great concern in the society since 18th and 19th century.
  • Topic 1: Social Limits to Equality

  • Chinese Immigrants on the Development of American Culture
  • Introduction
  •             The immigration of the Chinese to the United States is divided in three different periods, 1849-1882, 1882-1965 and from 1965 to the modern immigration. It is worth noting that the first immigration of the Chinese to U.S started after the popular California Gold Rush (Thornton, 5). This immigration culminated with the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. The 1849-1882 immigration was triggered by economic hardships in China (Thornton, 6). In fact, most Chinese left their home country and came to America as laborers. They were conscripted in mineral and metals extraction, building of irrigation schemes, reclaiming of swamplands, developing the fish business and operating very competitive production industries.

  • American History
  • There are various reasons that contribute to the definition that the former colonists became Americans after independence. Most of the colonists were from the Northern America States. The following are the three essential characteristics that demonstrates who were truly America.
  • Jackson's presidency (Indian Removal)

  • Yanomamo culture
  • According to the Yanomamo culture, various situations depicted the same characteristics in the game. One of the characteristic that everyone could depict is that both the two teams consisted of people of the same age. The two teams could depict that they were comprised of people that performed the same obligations in their daily life. One of the Yanomamo culture situation depicts that they most of the groups are divided according to their age. Some of the young men do weapon making while others perform various obligations like tree felling for gardening.

  • Rafael Lemkin
  •             Dr. Raphael Lemkin is a living legacy because of coining the term genocide. He came up with the idea in order to encourage governments to take action regarding mass murders of European Jews. The significant issue about Lemkin is that he fought with all his mighty in order to prevent persecution of people even if they were not of his community. History indicates that his fight against innocent killings started before the Second World War. He was a profession in philology and managed to acquire competent skills concerning law. Despite fighting for the stopping of killings towards European Jews, he also tried to terminate the killing towards other communities. For example, the killings of Christian Assyrians by the Iraqis disturbed him very much where he decided that something ought to be done. Winston Churchill nominated him twice for Nobel Price because of the role he played in the fight against genocide. Unfortunately, he was not awarded the price because of various reasons as explained below (Curthoys, 2005).


Historians generally agree that the Scramble for Africa, the rushed imperial conquest of the Africa by the major powers of Europe, began with King Leopold II of Belgium.

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