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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Based on what you have learned about Confucius's political philosophy, interpret the following saying: One who rules with de is like the Pole Star: it simply remains in its place and receives the homage of the myriad lesser stars.

50 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Do the tenets of commonality and a shared conceptual framework validate the global citizenship ideology as critical for connecting traditional teaching and learning to a broadened global view? Why or why not? Justify your position with support with citations from the empirical research.

54 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Main Question: "We discussed three epistemological theories of truth. Explain each of the theories and how each is relevant to scientific investigation/knowledge."

-Four Sources 
(Use these sources for two of it)
-Straight to the point
-The theories are correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic 

61 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What is the nature of Aristotle’s project concerning scientific knowledge in the analytics? Does his project include the articulation of an epistemological program or not? If it does, of what sort? If not, why not? Pay careful attention to the various views of Frede, Bronstein and Burnyeat.

58 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Week 2 Assignment: Paper or Presentation – Ethical Dilemma Analysis (Groups) 
Submit Assignment 

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 3, 4, 12 (section: “The Medieval Period”)
Minimum of 2 scholarly sources  
Review the following ethical dilemmas:
A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later, she is offered a position with another newspaper chain, offering a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action, but what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically?
An airline pilot receives his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor knows this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding information from the company regarding the pilot's condition.
An office worker has had a record of frequent absence. He has used all his vacation and sick-leave days, and has frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers have expressed great frustration because his absenteeism has caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. However, the individual believes he is entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Is he right?
Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussions usually consist of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first, Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people with whom she has a close relationship; but then she decides it does no real harm, and she feels no remorse for joining in.  
This is a group activity. Your instructor will assign your group at the beginning of the week. You may wish to meet throughout the week to share ideas. Collaborate with your team, using email, phone meetings, or any collaboration tool you find useful or prefer.
Use the resources assigned for this week and additional research to decide which ethical dilemma you believe is most problematic and why. Address the following:
Apply the ideas of "good vs. evil," "wrong vs. right," and "ought/should be vs. what is."
Determine the ways in which Augustine and Aquinas would have solved the problem. In what ways do Augustine and Aquinas differ and why?
Present your finding as individuals and as a team in one of the following ways:
A written report
An oral presentation (using VoiceThread or a PowerPoint narrated slide show)
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)
Presentation Requirements
Length: 2-3 minutes
This activity will be graded based on Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric.
Weekly Objectives (WO)
WO1.4, 2.1, 2.2
Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday
Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric - 75 pts (1) 
Ethical Analysis Grading Rubric - 75 pts (1) 

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

5.0 pts 
Meets length requirement

0.0 pts 
No Effort

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

10.0 pts 
Addresses all aspects of the assignment.

8.75 pts 
Above Average
Addresses most aspects of the assignment.

7.5 pts 
Addresses some aspects of the assignment.

6.0 pts 
Below Average
Addresses few aspects of the assignment.

0.0 pts 
No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

20.0 pts 
Throughout the whole work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writer’s evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.

17.0 pts 
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writer’s evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.

15.0 pts 
Throughout some of the work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writer’s evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.

12.0 pts 
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, the writing shows depth of critical thought; leverages readings and course materials in support of writer’s evident effort to understand ethical problems; establishes good use of theoretical underpinnings.

0.0 pts 
No Effort

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

20.0 pts 
Ideas are logically organized, including inviting introduction (with a thesis statement) and a satisfactory conclusion, that come together in complete concepts.

17.0 pts 
Above Average
Ideas are well organized, including inviting introduction (with a thesis statement) and a satisfactory conclusion, with complete concepts.

15.0 pts 
Organization and concepts need some restructuring.

12.0 pts 
Below Average
Organization and concepts are difficult to follow and incomplete.

0.0 pts 
No Effort

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Writing / Presentation 

10.0 pts 
Throughout the whole work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety; has a professional and consistent format and articulates clearly (presentation).

8.5 pts 
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety; has a professional and consistent format and articulates clearly (presentation).

7.5 pts 
Throughout some of the work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety; has a professional and consistent format and articulates clearly (presentation).

6.0 pts 
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, the writing/presentation actively engages with the topic; is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety; has a professional and consistent format and articulates clearly (presentation).

0.0 pts 
No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
APA: Citation and Reference Formatting 

10.0 pts 
Throughout the whole work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).

8.5 pts 
Above Average
Throughout most of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).

7.5 pts 
Throughout some of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).

6.0 pts 
Below Average
Throughout little of the work, in-text references are formatted using APA style; references page/slide includes complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style; format (margins, spacing font size) adheres to APA style (paper).

0.0 pts 
No Effort

10.0 pts
Total Points: 75.0

1247 Words  4 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

either through films, tv shows, newspapers or even course materials, Choose three instances through which the ideology of capitalism was communicated and portrayed to the receiver or viewer. Analyze these situations and link them all together, addressing how they can affect one subconsciously controlling people's thoughts and ideas. Also, mention the importance of such control as one's ideology can change one's view of the world.

76 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

First, please read “The Case for Reparations,” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. You can find it here:

Then, answer this question: Has Coates made a persuasive case for reparations for slavery? Why or why not?

Your answer should be about a single page, double-spaced, size 12 font. Do not use any direct quotations, and there is no need to use parenthetical citations

75 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Present arguments in favor of or opposing a theory of space from before 1800.  You should discuss how more modern scientific advancements either support or disprove the philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Kant or Newton (for example).  Pay particular attention to modern paradoxes that arise from the Lorentz factor equation and its implications.

63 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Raise a philosophical question of your own and answer it in a paragraph or two?

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In recognition of Black History Month, list 10 African American philosophers.

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Of the 10 African American philosophers, choose one you prefer and share your understanding of their personal philosophy that has impacted your life?

34 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Define the word Philosophy and explain your personal philosophy regarding life?

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In light of reviewing the Pre-Socratic Philosophers, What do you personally believe is the source of all things?

29 Words  1 Pages
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