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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Living on Minimum Wage
You will assume the role of the primary wage-earner for a minimum-wage family. You will be assigned a major US city based on the third letter of your Penn State Access ID:

Third Letter
of Access ID    City

E-K    Denver

You must develop a budget on how you will spend your family income and identify a current job posting for a job that pays close to that city’s minimum wage. Ideally select a job that is closely related to the industry you actually want to work in after you graduate. For example, if you are hoping to earn a position as an HR Specialist after graduation, you may want to find a posting for an HR Generalist in the project.

You will also need to provide supporting documents for all numbers included in the budget and the job and describe the process you used to complete the assignment in a brief report (2-page maximum). Include an appendix with your Excel tables and supporting documents on separate pages at the end (they do not count towards the length requirement).

Written material should be typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced with 1 inch margins. Please do not ask me to accept assignments that are not combined, and please do not exceed the space limit of two written pages of text–my grading will stop there. When you are ready to submit your project, please include your paper and the file containing your data.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

See the impact of increasing the minimum wage for workers who currently earn the minimum wage.
Give you some experience using data and spreadsheet software (e.g. Excel), as these skills are highly valued in today’s workplace.
Supporting Documents
For each number in the budget and the job that generates your family’s income, supporting documents should be included. These can be screen shots of webpages or printed copies of quotes. For example, if you want to spend $500 per month for an apartment you must go online and find an apartment in the area that costs $500 per month. The supporting documents prove that the apartment actually exists. If the apartment is significantly far from the job posting, be considerate of how you will get to work!

Excel Sheet
Budgets should be complete, meaning that all categories for living should be included1. Budgets should be submitted on an EXCEL spreadsheet. The total amount of expenditures should not exceed the family’s income. Recall that health insurance is now mandatory in the US and if your family has a car, you must also have car insurance. If your family decides against being insured for health or auto, you must provide justification and the fiscal impact of that decision.

You must provide supporting documentation for the sole earner in the family. You must go online and find a job description or a job category that fits within your constraints. The income and hours worked for workers in your family must be described.

Your Excel sheet will include two tabs: the first showing the budget for someone earning close to the minimum wage and the second sheet showing how your budget changes if you maintain your job (and hours worked) following an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour in Denver and Houston and to $13.00 per hour in Washington DC, Chicago, and New York City.

Process Description
You must describe how you came to the budget and work decisions, issues that arose, and overall thoughts on the assignment. Examples of questions that should be addressed include:

What did you prioritize in your budget?
What did you want to include, but could not?
What was the hardest and easiest part of this assignment?
How did your decisions change after the increase in the minimum wage?
Feel free to add other information as needed that you feel is important or interesting. As a conclusion to your project, please visit the MIT Living Wage Calculator and search for the living wage in your assigned area. How does your budget differ from the one provided by MIT?

1 Typical expense categories include food, childcare, medical, housing, transportation, and taxes. These are the minimum number of categories you need to include.

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Book is ECON 293: Macroeonomics 

Write a short (2-3 page, typed, double-spaced) essay.  Present a thorough analysis of monetary policy. Detail the key factors that influence the quantity of money that people desire to hold, the policy actions taken by the Federal Reserve, and the equation of exchange. The use of any secondary reference without providing citation is plagiarism and name all references. Be sure to go in depth on the paper creating a masterpiece from your own thoughts and findings.  This needs to be done on time or before time. I will expect nothing be outstanding original work!

108 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

What is the connection between terrorism and criminal organizations in terms of illicit finance? Sources must be referenced with in-text citations.  Minimum of 3 sources 
Avoid contractions, unfocused words like "it" and "they", spelling errors, grammatical errors, and punctuation errors.

49 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer;

How has health economics progressed over the years in refugee countries?

Topics to discuss: 
Long-Term care for Elderly, Refugee Medical Assistants (School/Training/Experience), public insurance, taxpayer funds and foreign countries, traveling bans/protocols, Medicaid, Medicare. 

APA Citation

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Book Review 

China's Foreign Political and Economic Relations

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

In a well-developed, double-spaced, typed essay of 3-4 pages, in your own words, please respond to the following:
Identify what you think is the most important issue facing America today.
Explain why you think it is so important.
Does anyone else think it is important? Who?
Is the government doing anything about this issue? Explain. If the government as a whole is not doing anything, is anyone in particular in the government trying to do anything about this issue?
How would you recommend getting other people in our country aware that this is such an important issue? Give specific actionable recommendations.
In your essay, use at least three references and give citations for these references. Do not use Wikipedia directly. If you think you will need to quote more than three full sentences at a time, put the material in your own words and give the reference source for the idea.

If you need assistance citing sources, see this resource:

I have chosen the topic " Unhealthy School Lunch" and i'd like it to be 4 pages long.

190 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Are poor countries somehow different than wealthy countries?

How can firms and markets increase the wealth of poor countries? Be sure to address each question in the problem.

37 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

One child Policy In China

14 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Health insurance, whether provided publically or privately, suffers from the problems of moral hazard and adverse selection? How can health insurers get around these problems?

33 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

300 word minimum length, not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used. Must include facts from a recent news article (published within the last 4-5 weeks if possible) about the American economy.

1) Identify a current issue being debated about the American economy.

2) Explain two competing solutions to this problem and evaluate which one is preferable.

3) Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government).

94 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Imagine you have been asked to deliver a two-part informative workshop at a local health care expo by your Director of Community Outreach. Before he approves your workshop, you have to submit a proposal for each workshop that discusses the content you would like to present.
The first half was geared to the health consumer while this second half of the workshop is more detailed and provides health care administrators with better understanding of financial and economic tools used in the health care industry, particularly cost-benefit analysis. It is important that your audience understands possible challenges in the cost of health care services as well as what impact consumers and health care reform have on the availability of health care services. You also will discuss a specific population within health care (e.g., people with diabetes, people with mental health, etc.) and their needs.
Proposal Part ll
Write a word paper in which you present the content you would like to discuss in the workshop.
Include the following in your paper:
Analyze the use of cost-benefit analysis in health care.
What cost-benefit techniques are used by providers of health care services? 
What impact does the mix of fixed costs vs. variable costs have on a cost-benefit analysis scenario? Is it better to have more fixed costs or less?
Analyze common methods and tools used to address financial and economic challenges in the health care industry.
What is the role of health insurance companies in managing the cost and efficiency of the delivery of health care services?
How do billing and reimbursement processes affect providers of health care services as well as organizations/individuals paying for the services?
Analyze the changes in health care services to meet the needs of an ever-changing population. For this bullet, select a population to concentrate on (e.g., people with diabetes, people with mental health etc.).
What are the challenges of delivering health care services to your selected population? What are the ethical implications associated with the challenges?
What are the new types of health care services that have evolved to support your population?
What impact does the increase of preventive care services have on the health of your population?
Analyze the drivers and barriers for health care reform.
Currently, what role does the government play in the delivery of health care services to consumers?
What are the challenges and/or problems in providing/requiring health insurance for all consumers?
Cite at least 4 sources, including your textbook.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

427 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Discuss and explain the impact of inventory policy on cash flow of profit and not-for-profit organizations

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Summative Assessment Paper/Presentation: All other things held constant, an increase in the number
of buyers for a product or service will increase demand. Baby diapers and retirement villages are two
products designed for different population groups. The US Census Bureau website provides population pyramids (distribution by gender and age
demographics) for countries for 2000- 2050. By using the Data Access Tools on the website (including
but not limited to demographics indicators, population pyramids, source information, etc.) assess and
compare the changes in the following five countries: U.S., Mexico, Japan, Chine, and another country of
your own choice. Your analysis should include the following:
1. Which country will have the greatest percentage increase for demand in diapers between 200
and 2050?
2. Which country will have the greatest percentage increase for retirement villages between 200
and 2050?
3. Which country will have the greatest absolute increase for each diapers and retirement
You must:
4. Utilize APA 6th edition format for the paper
5. Utilize Geert Hofstede for cultural differences
6. Explain your conclusions with data
7. Explain how these changes would impact each country on a microeconomic level
You will submit your paper and give a 10-15 minute oral presentation on your findings during the last workshop

223 Words  1 Pages
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