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Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Select one of the following topics and write a response

The automobile industry is one of the industries seriously affected by the recession that began in late 2007. General Motors and Ford are among the companies affected by this economic slowdown. They responded, among other measures, by downsizing and undertaking layoffs in order to reduce cost.

Topic 1: Discuss the market structure these companies operate in with specific assessment of degree of competition. Discuss income and price elasticities of demand for cars made by these two companies.


Topic 2: Evaluate the effects of emphasizing cost cutting approach to ensure profitability (consider fixed, variable, marginal costs and economies of scale as they apply to these companies). Consider a hypothetical merger between these companies and evaluate the effect it has on their profitability and on the industry as a whole. 


At least 350 words long (not including title and reference )
Use at least 2 academic papers from credible sources to support your ideas (avoid sites such as wikipedia, investopedia, ehow, yahoo answers, etc)
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a list of references (identify all items taken from other sources. 
This is a research paper
limit personal opinions on the issues
Do not copy and paste basic definitions of concepts from the text or other places – show the applications of these concepts in the real world
The major portion of the paper needs to be written in your own words

250 Words  1 Pages

  Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

U.S. Reaches Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal With 11 Pacific Nations

20 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

For this News Analysis, I want you to discuss the situation in Syria.  Assume for the purposes of this discussion that ISIS was just (completely) defeated and a stable government was formed (that everyone recognized and followed--whatever that government is).

How would the current GDP and GDP per capita of Syria compare to the GDP and GDP per capita of Syria before the Syrian civil war broke out?  Explain why (in terms of the model presented in the chapter)

What could other countries do to help Syria's GDP recover to pre-conflict levels?  How would this illustrate the model in the text?


The analysis should be one full page--do not include headers (name, class, and so on) or references in that count.  The paper should be double spaced, 10-12 point font, one inch margins, and use APA style if you use external references--though I don't think you'll need to explicitly reference any external materials).  Make sure you tie your analysis into the model we covered in class and in the text.

180 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

· The literature review should make references to at least 10 journal articles drawn from either economics journals such as the American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, and should be no longer than 1500 words. You can also consider using working papers and chapters from academic books.
· There must be an accurate and exhaustive bibliography at the end of your review. The bibliography does not count towards the word count.
· The literature review should be written and structured like an essay.

· A critical review provides a clear summary of the findings of various papers; it highlights the consensus, or lack of it, in the literature; it identifies areas where further research is needed; it discusses whether data issues are likely to have affected past research, etc.

146 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

Modules 30-32 of the textbook talk about fiscal policy. In 2010-12 the European Economic Union imposed austerity measures in Greece in exchange for helping with its domestic budget crises. Greece, along with other European nations raised taxes and cut spending to reduce government debt. Some argue this has pushed the EU into a record recession. Meanwhile, it is not clear whether the austerity measures are having the desired impact. Read these articles for background:

Write a short essay (no longer than 1 page) explaining 
1)    Why large government debts in the face of a recession cause a policy dilemma
2)    How austerity measures in a short run might harm an economy, including increasing the current deficit,
3)    How austerity measures could have beneficial longer term effects on the economy

144 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

  1.   Country Analysis
    2.1 Economic situation
    2.2 Politics
    2.3 Business Risks
    2.4 Accounting System
    2.5 How environmental factors affect GAAP
    3.    General Differences between US GAAP and PRC GAAP
    3.1 General introduction of US GAAP and PRC GAAP
    3.2 Gray-Based Comparison
    3.3 Compare presentation of Financial Statements

    Please do this two parts of the paper. 
    Country: 1 page and half page
    General dif: 1 and half page

    Please reference the material in Prezi link below

    Trade and Exports
    Private Enterprises 
    Foreign Direct Investment
    Chinese Economy Growth Model
    United States
    Gray-Based Comparison

    Rule-based versus Principle-based
    Presentation of Financial Statements
    Borrowing Costs

    Financial Statements
    Costing Method
    Reversal of Inventory Write-downs

    Property Rights
    Corruption and Fraud
    Increasing labor cost
    Shortage of Mgmt and skilled workers

    Business Risk and HR Issue
    TANG DYNASTY (618-907AD)
161 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

Topic 1 

You have learned that changes in price or other factors such as income or number of sellers will impact the demand and supply sides of the market. Recall that changes in current price are illustrated by movement along the curve and cause changes in either “quantity demanded” or “quantity supplied.” Other factors will cause either the demand or supply curve to shift and are referred to as changes in “demand” or changes in “supply.” 

Choose one of the following and determine whether there is correct usage of the terms “demand,” “quantity demanded,” “supply” and “quantity supplied.” Why or why not? 

a.    The price of Burger King’s Whopper hamburger declines causing the demand for Whoppers to shift to the right.

b.    Because of a shortage of potatoes, the supply of French fries decreases.

c.    Wage labor in the peanut butter industry increases causing the quantity demanded for jelly to decrease.

d.    In the six months following Hurricane Katrina, the quantity supplied of oil in the Gulf of Mexico declined by 25 %.
It is a snowy winter and snow shovel prices have increased. Suppliers increase supply to take advantage of these higher prices. 

Topic 2 

Higher education has become increasingly expensive. And although the rate of increase has declined, education now costs much more than it did. One of the ways the government controls prices is by setting a floor or a ceiling on the market. Explain what might happen in the market for higher education if the government placed a price ceiling on the cost of one undergraduate credit hour? Consider the following: 
1. Does it matter whether or not the ceiling is set above or below the equilibrium price? 
2. Who might benefit from this price restriction?
3. Who might be harmed from this price restriction?

Explain your answers using economic theory.

319 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

The essay will be a take home project covering a uniquely selected country (England). You will be expected to study and analyze the country background and current events and news, history of its financial system, currency devaluations and revaluations, political stability and likelihood of government nationalization/confiscation of assets, economic freedom index, debt-to-GDP, balance of payments, level and trends of interest rates (nominal and real), degree of sophistication of its financial system, currency controls and other capital outflow constraints, trading patterns, unemployment trends, demographics and population growth, inflation and shadow inflation, existence of cartels and price fixing, quality of products and services, overall competitiveness of products abroad.

115 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Topic 1

        We use economic concepts on a daily basis without even knowing it! When you decide whether or not to eat lunch at a restaurant or make a sandwich at home, you are making a decision based on the costs and benefits of those options. Economists use these same basic tools to examine economic issues. Think about one choice you made in the past several days and explain how this could be analyzed using economics concepts such as tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and marginal analysis.

Think about one choice you made in the past several days and explain how this could be analyzed using economics concepts such as tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and marginal analysis. 

Discussion Checklist: 
A.How does the concept of “tradeoff” relate to “opportunity costs?”
B.What is the difference between monetary and non-monetary opportunity costs? 
C.Why are opportunity costs based on a person’s tastes and preferences? 

Topic 2

        Comparative advantage dictates which good or service a particular region specializes in and exports to other regions. List one good or service that your home region specializes in and where it exports this good. Why is your region particularly good at the production of that good or service? 

The book for this class is:

Title: Economics 4th Ed.

Author(s): R. Hubbard and Anthony O’Brien

Physical Text ISBN: 9780132817257

Publisher: Pearson

Digital Book or Physical text: Digital Book

238 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Topic 1

        We use economic concepts on a daily basis without even knowing it! When you decide whether or not to eat lunch at a restaurant or make a sandwich at home, you are making a decision based on the costs and benefits of those options. Economists use these same basic tools to examine economic issues. Think about one choice you made in the past several days and explain how this could be analyzed using economics concepts such as tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and marginal analysis.

Think about one choice you made in the past several days and explain how this could be analyzed using economics concepts such as tradeoffs, opportunity costs, and marginal analysis. 

Discussion Checklist: 
A.How does the concept of “tradeoff” relate to “opportunity costs?”
B.What is the difference between monetary and non-monetary opportunity costs? 
C.Why are opportunity costs based on a person’s tastes and preferences? 

Topic 2

        Comparative advantage dictates which good or service a particular region specializes in and exports to other regions. List one good or service that your home region specializes in and where it exports this good. Why is your region particularly good at the production of that good or service? 

The book for this class is:

Title: Economics 4th Ed.

Author(s): R. Hubbard and Anthony O’Brien

Physical Text ISBN: 9780132817257

Publisher: Pearson

Digital Book or Physical text: Digital Book

238 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Capital mobility and globalization have had a dramatic impact on twentieth century United
States economic history and development. We often view capital mobility as a relatively
recent phenomenon. Not so, says Jefferson Cowie. Cowie’s describes this change beginning
in the United States and later extending Ciudad Juárez. In Cowie’s telling of the story
reasons and effects of capital mobility were well established long before RCA decided to
begin manufacturing its products in Mexico.
In your essay, you should use Cowie’s analysis of RCA to address two sets of questions:
First, why did RCA move? Second, as you survey RCA’s movement nationally and
internationally, can you identify any patterns in the experiences of the workers and
communities where RCA established production facilities? 
Citation Format: This paper is required to follow Chicago Manual of Style or MLA
guidelines for proper footnotes and bibliographic citations. There is only one
source for the paper, but proper citation of evidence and arguments is a good
practice to get into.

173 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Choose one of the following topics or any current macroeconomic issue that is relevant to the topic that is being covered in class. You can not write more than one paper with the same topic. 

1) GDP (Gross Domestic Product). 2) Economic Growth. 3) Economic Recession. 4) Unemployment Rate. 5) Inflation or Deflation. 6) Government Budget Deficits or National Debts. 7) Fiscal Policy. 8) Monetary Policy. 9) Trade deficits (Export or Import). 10) Exchange rates. 11) Housing Market. 12) Outsourcing. 13) Financial Crises.

92 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Study the statement issued during meeting of Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on June of 2015 and highlight their assessment of the US economy and the policies undertaken by US Federal Reserve at the meeting in order to stimulate the economy. Also graph the US GDP, Unemployment rate and inflation rate during past twelve months in separate graphs. Discuss how the Fed policy has changed based on these economic indicators.

79 Words  1 Pages
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