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literature review about the loan growth in both Germany and KSA and how did it affect on the business, banks and the economy as a whole (2017) + the saving and borrowing in (KSA  and Germany) for business purposes or farm purposes+ the saving and borrowing form business institutions in both (KSA and Germany

65 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
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Baby Suggs, Sethe’s mother-in-law, gathers the Black community in what is called The Clearing, to preach her gospel to the gathering.  It is a gospel drawn from her experience as a slave woman. “Uncalled unrobed, unanointed, she let her great heart beat in their presence”. (102)  Baby Suggs also takes her message to the area Black churches – but the topic of her ‘sermon’ is different. “She did not tell them to clean up their lives or to go and sin ni more. She did not tell them they were the blessed of the earth, its inheriting meek, or its gloybound pure” (103). Discuss why her sermon is different – what is she ‘giving’ to her community? (103-105).

129 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
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Digital Documentary
Plants, Landscapes, & the Environment, HORT 100, Spring 2020
Dr. Sam Wortman, University of Nebraska – Lincoln 
75 points

Digital Documentary (40 points): Investigate a unique challenge in plant and landscape systems, explore at least three possible solutions, and develop a recommended plan of action. Communicate your findings using digital media (which might include, but is not limited to: podcasts, YouTube videos, social media platform “threads,”, or websites). 

Find a challenge or topic area we did not discuss in class, or dive much deeper into a topic we did discuss. Some examples of “challenges” we discussed in-depth during class include: 1) sustainability of peat moss in the greenhouse industry (your 1st decision-support matrix), 2) GMO biotechnology applications to reduce food waste, and 3) labor shortages in the produce industry. The goal is for students to uncover new information about a challenge and possible solutions, not simply to repackage knowledge gained during lecture. However, lecture information should supplement and support discovery and analysis of your challenge area.

The biological, ecological, socio-economic, and/or environmental principles and background of the challenge should be presented in addition to three possible solutions to the challenge and an evidence-based recommendation for future action (see further details in Decision-Support Matrix and grading rubric below). 

Identify a target audience and choose a digital media type that is most appropriate for them (as an extreme example: if your target audience is pre-school children, you would not include any text in your presentation because there is an expectation that your audience cannot read).

The only formatting requirement is that the documentary must be hosted online and available to instructors and peers via web link (can be public or private, but must be online). No file download should be required for the viewer (this creates problems when files are too large or the file type is rare). If your documentary is recorded (e.g., podcasts), it should be between a minimum of three and a maximum of five minutes long. If it is not recorded (e.g., websites), it should take a similar amount of time for the average person to independently navigate the content. 

Decision-Support Matrix (25 points): The digital documentary, particularly sections on “solutions” and “future,” should be supported by completion and submission of the decision matrix below. 

Peer Review (10 points): Each student will be assigned to review six other students’ documentaries. Each review must include completion of the grading rubric provided in Canvas (and shown below) and at least two specific suggestions (typed in the comment box) for improving the documentary (positive feedback is always welcome and encouraged, but not required). Students are required to review only the documentary, NOT the decision-support matrix (though it will be visible to reviewers in Canvas).

Criteria and Qualities
4 or less

The plant and landscape system challenge is clearly described. The scope and magnitude of the problem is well-defined. Important scientific principles are explained.
Challenge is described, but the scope and magnitude of the problem are not well-defined, or key scientific principles are left unexplained.  
Challenge is not well described. Scope, magnitude, and scientific background of problem are unclear. 
Challenge is not identified.
Science-based analysis of status quo approach and alternative solutions are clearly presented with ample evidence. 
Status quo and alternative solutions are presented, but lacks clarity and sufficient science-based evidence.
Status quo and alternative solutions are presented, but not analyzed using science-based evidence. 
Status quo and alternative solutions to the challenge are not presented.
Recommended solution or plan for future action to address the challenge is innovative, evidence-based, and potentially impactful. Solution implications are discussed within context of appropriate plant and landscape systems.
Recommended solution or plan for future action is innovative and potentially impactful, but lacks sufficient evidence-based justification or systems context. 
Recommended solution or plan for future action is likely not an improvement over the status quo, and was not justified with science-based evidence. The solution is not evaluated within the context of the broader plant and landscape system.
A recommendation for future action is not presented or is unclear.
Documentary Quality
Documentary is creative, engaging, and persuasive. Content is well-polished and free of technical mistakes. Digital media is most appropriate for content delivery to target audience. 
Documentary is creative, engaging, and persuasive, but has some technical mistakes or media choice could be improved.
Documentary is complete, but lacks creative, engaging, or persuasive elements.  
Documentary is poorly produced, contains many technical mistakes, and media chosen is inappropriate for target audience.
Peer Review
Student reviewed six assigned documentaries and provided a complete rubric with at least three specific suggestions for improvement.
Student reviewed six assigned documentaries and provided a complete rubric, but specific suggestions are incomplete.
Student did not review six assigned documentaries, and rubrics and specific suggestions are incomplete. 
Peer review was not completed.

***Final Project Form to be submitted via Canvas***

Name: _______________________________________
Challenge Topic: _______________________________________
Link to Documentary: __________________________________ (please also include link as a comment with your submission in Canvas)
Solution Matrix. (3 points)

Solution Performance Scores (1-4; 1 = poor, 4 = excellent)

Factor Weight (0 to 1)
Status Quo:
Solution 1:
Solution 2:
Solution 3:

Decision Factor 1:

Decision Factor 2:

Decision Factor 3:

Decision Factor 4:

Aggregate, Weighted Solution Score

Within the appropriate matrix cell, using 10 point font, please provide:

•    A science-based justification (including citations when necessary) for each decision factor and factor weight. (6 points)

•    A science-based justification (including citations when necessary) for each solution performance score. (12 points)
Multiply each solution performance score by the factor weight, and add all weighted scores within a column to determine the aggregate, weighted score for each solution.

•    Which solution is best based on the weighted solution scores? Does this match the solution that you “believed” to be best before beginning the exercise? Why or why not? (2 points)

•    How will these results inform your plan for future action? Is there room for innovation beyond the solutions compared here? (2 points)

1016 Words  3 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

10 sources minimum, use foot notes Nd Chicago manual of style. Talk about the current debt in Kenya and how it is being paid and its effect on the economy. Talk about the foreign equity. Advantages and disadvantages of the private and public sector in Kenya. Talk about the industries, the GDP, what kenyan economy relies on. Talk about the vision 2030 in terms of the economy and where it will be. This paper requires an indepth writing, great research and 100% free plagiarism.

95 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write 3 Sentences on each article below.

PCE and CPI Inflation: What’s the Difference?

Inflation or No Inflation: Should the Fed Pursue Complete Price Stability?

The Fed’s Inflation Target: Why 2 Percent?

53 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This reading synthesis should be based on two readings that you choose from all available readings and should include three sections: 
(1) citation, keywords, and summary for article #1, 
(2) citation, keywords, and summary for article #2, and 
(3) your reflections on how the two papers relate to one another. 
The citation should be in APA format. The keywords should be a list of 3-5 words or phrases related to the main content of the reading (e.g. pest control, bee diversity, cover crop management). 
The summary can be written in bullet points or full sentences, should be ½ page long, and should include items like research questions, location, methods, and management recommendations. 
The reflection should (a) comment on how the two articles relate to one another in terms of content and methodology, (b) include questions or ideas the readings sparked for you, and (c) be ~1 page long.
Your reading synthesis should be about 2 pages total, double spaced, and should have your name at the top of the page. 
Reading syntheses will be graded based on completeness of the summaries and thoughtfulness of the reflection section.
article 1: Hanson, H. 1939. Ecology in Agriculture. Ecology 20(2): 111-117
article 2: Park, S., Hongu, N., Daily, J.W. III. 2016. Native American foods: History, culture, and influence on modern diets. Journal of Ethnic Foods 3(3): 171-177

237 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For Week 6 you will find two topics. Select one topic, then post and concisely defend your view. You may post to both topics, but are required to only select one for your initial post. Be careful to identify the positive reasons for your normative position. Read and respond to your fellow student's postings at will. The topics to choose from are:

Examples of Outsourcing. Identify one example of outsourcing that you have observed or desire to research. Be certain to apply the economic analysis of Chapter 28 in your post and tell us what you believe was the most significant economic factor in the outsourcing you described. Examine the labor and product markets involved. Lastly, should there be any changes you would favor to any laws or regulations that accommodated the outsourcing?
Determinants of Income Differences. Identify one of the determinants of income differences as enumerated in Chapter 30 which you have personally observed or desire to research. Be certain to tell us what you believe was the most significant economic factor in determining the wages for the labor market you selected. Lastly, should there be any changes you would favor to income policies and why?

208 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How Black Businesses can Help Improve the Black Community

Minimum of 10 sources

Explain How Black Businesses can Help Improve the Black Community

Although there are few black owned businesses; I would like for you to include black owned churches, banks, health facilities, real estate companies, Law firms, industrial work, entertainment centers, stores etc.

Explain how these businesses can help improve black children development, and  career readiness, Closes the Racial Wealth Gap,  Strengthens Local Economies, Fosters Job Creation, Celebrates Black Culture and Serves Communities, and Holds other Companies Accountable

Also expand on how the important black moguls like Jay-Z, Diddy, and Nipsey Hussle help improve their community.

120 Words  1 Pages

 Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
    Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
    Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

64 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

As you all know, on March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) to be a global pandemic. As of March 23rd, nearly 378,000 cases have been detected globally and more than 16,000 are dead. Besides taking a toll on human life, the spread of a virus can have a profound and serious impact on global, national or regional economies. For instance, global markets continue to tumble since the outbreak. Businesses are being closed, and sporting events and other private gatherings are being cancelled to prevent the spread of the disease. The evidence from the SARS coronavirus outbreak nearly 20 years ago shows that China’s economic growth slowed from 11% in the first quarter of 2003 to 9% in the following three months.

As a student of a health economics class, explain how this pandemic will have an impact on the Canadian economy, especially the health care sector, in the short term and long term? Clearly highlight in your arguments its impact on the cost to the health care system, allocation of health care resources, health insurance companies, GDP growth rate and fiscal implications.

I encourage you to read the following articles that will help broaden your understanding. Another great resource will be the national news which can provide tangible statistics and information on the economic impact.

1. Coronavirus and Spanish flu: economic lessons to learn from the last truly global pandemic

Available at:

2. Throughout history, pandemic have had profound economic effects

3. COVID-19 and the US economy: FAQ on the economic impact & policy response

4. Pandemic Risks: How large are the expected losses. Available at:

296 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Another important law in economics is the “law of marginal returns or the law of increasing costs". Discuss in terms of your study in this course, how might you know that you are at a point of diminishing returns, or where more study will not benefit you like it did before? Can you identify any of the costs discussed in this lesson in your decision about how much study is enough?

82 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

My question is: for how much longer are the community of students and teachers to be fooled by confusing theories about macroeconomics?
The universities are full of politically biased narrow-minded teachers of the old and messed-up theories in economics that were spoiled over a century ago when John Bates Clark and his friends responded to the industrialists and unions by claiming wrongly that both land and buildings are capital. The confusion that resulted has enabled student to pass their exams without they or their teachers really needing to properly understand their subject!
My recent book "Consequential Macroeconomics--Rationalizing About How Our Social System Works" has at last converted the old pseudo-science into a real one and I would be most glad to share it for free with any serious/sincere student or teacher

142 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe the costs and benefits of privatization of state-owned enterprises. In which cases would privatization seem most advisable?

29 Words  1 Pages
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