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Questions and Topics We can Help You To Answer

Using examples from your chosen media, compare the coverage between all these three categories, and highlight both the differences and common traits in the coverage. Look for some key findings across all the media categories — what issues and stories tend to feature regardless of the country the stories are published in?

The latest UK general elections were held on 7 May to elect a new government after five years of coalition rule by the Conservative party and the Liberal Democrats. 

Looking at media coverage in various countries, compare and contrast the coverage before, during and after the election. You should use:
British media
US media and English language media from Commonwealth countries (for instance Canada, India and Australia)
Media in your own home country
Using examples from your chosen media, compare the coverage between all these three categories, and highlight both the differences and common traits in the coverage. Look for some key findings across all the media categories — what issues and stories tend to feature regardless of the country the stories are published in?

186 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We can Help You To Answer

What is a capital good and what is a consumer good?  How does an economy's choice about how many of its resources to devote to capital goods
production as compared to consumer goods production affect its curent standard of living and its future standard living?

54 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

In the following cases: "Changing Times" and "Connecting the Dots" the significance of environmental analysis is showcased in two very different ways. Compare and contrast these two cases. 
Since they are both independent retail pharmacies, why did one fail to recognize the customer base and cultural changes surrounding it, while the other conducted extensive market surveillance to anticipate market changes?
In each case, how were the retailers positively and/or negatively impacted by their actions?  
PLEASE verify in your bid you have read the instructions and BOTH case studies and can address the questions from each case study from the book:

Fortenberry, J.L., Jr.  (2011).  Cases in Health Care Marketing.  Jones and Bartlett Publishers.  Sudbury: MA.  ISBN: 9780763764487. 

NO COVER Page to be included.  Just a full paper of 275 words or more. Thank you.

144 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

"Measurement and Benefit and Measuring Effectiveness " Please respond to the following:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of pretest advertisements and if this is a practice a small inventor or entrepreneur can leverage. Based on your supported position, identify an alternative.

2. Think of a product you have used and think is great product. Identify the product and the main usage(s) of the product. Establish the case for testing this product using a field or lab approach along with the expected benefits of your action

93 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Please answer the following 5 questions separately. 

1.    Suppose you wish to learn the size of the soft-drink market, particularly root beer sales, growth patterns, and market shares.  Indicate probable sources for these secondary data.

2.    Identify and summarize the three typical research objectives for secondary data studies.  Then provide examples of each and potential sources for secondary data that might be used.

3.    A newspaper reporter finds data in a study that surveyed children that reports that a high percentage of children can match cartoon characters with the products they represent.  For instance, they can match cereal with Captain Crunch and Ronald McDonald with a Big Mac.  The reporter used this to write a story about the need to place limits on the use of cartoon characters.  However, the study also provided data suggesting that matching the cartoon character and the product did not lead to significantly higher consumption.  Would this be a proper use of secondary data?  Explain.

4.  Ong & Jensen (1994) provide a critical review of the SIC classification system.  While the SIC system has been replaced by the NAICS system, discuss whether you believe this new system alleviates the concerns expressed by Ong & Jensen or if they still persist?

5.  What do psychographics contribute to our understanding of consumer (or organizational) purchasing behavior and ability to segment markets above and beyond merely knowing demographics?  What are the difficulties associated with measuring and using psychographics?

Once you are done answering these questions, please comment one comment on each of these two responses. The comment should be a few sentences not big paragraphs. For example, weather you agree or disagree with the response.
1- This would be an example of secondary data. It falls into the category of Commercial Sources under consumer attitude and public opinion research. This particular type of research can offer services from reporting findings from attitude research and opinion polls. Although the research may not be particularly helpful because it had no impact on higher consumption, it was data that was previously collected for some purpose other than the one on hand which is the definition of secondary data.

2- Ong & Jensen found several problems with the old SIC classification system. They include diversity, absence of criteria for classification, insufficient categories, and intra-industry heterogeneity. I do not think any of these issues still exist in the NAICS system used today. The expansion of the codes from 4 to 6 digits allow for more diversity, sufficient categories, and intra-industry homogeneity. The NAICS also allows for more flexibility in emerging market sectors which eliminates the absence of criteria for classification.

446 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

In this Assignment, you will engage in analyzing the marketing research process and ethical concerns that marketing research managers must consider while conducting research. Write a 2-3 page APA style formatted critical essay, answer the following questions:

Topic 1. Using the steps of the research process to structure your thinking, analyze the following marketing research scenario based on your understanding of the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 readings:

The FlyRight Airline Company was interested in altering the interior layout of its aircraft to suit the tastes and needs of an increasing segment of its market businesspeople. Management was planning to reduce the number of seats and install small tables to enable businesspeople to work during long flights. Prior to the renovation, management decided to do some research to ensure that these changes would suit the needs of the passengers. To keep expenses to a minimum, the following strategy was employed:

Questionnaires were completed by passengers during flights. Due to the ease of administration and collection, the questionnaires were distributed only on the short flights (those less than one hour). The study was conducted during the second and third week of December, as that was when flights were full. To increase the response rate, each flight attendant was responsible for a certain number of questionnaires. Management thought this was a good time to acquire as much information as possible; hence, the questionnaire included issues apart from the new seating arrangement. As a result, the questionnaire took 20 minutes to complete.

Topic 2. In marketing as in other aspects of business, it is critical that professionals make sure to act in an ethical manner both legally and socially. In this age of interconnectedness, one unethical move can become an Internet video or comment that spreads rapidly, not just locally but potentially throughout the world. From a marketing standpoint, it is critical to take into account the impact of an organization’s decisions on other people and the environment.

Consider the following situations. For each, discuss whether or not the action was morally ethical under the three methods of ethical reasoning (i.e., utility, rights, and justice approaches).

a. The director of research for a financial institution, noting that the deadline for an important research report was fast approaching, decided to cut the required sample size in half and instructed her researchers not to mention the sample size on any of the slides that would be prepared for presentation to decision makers. She justified her actions by explaining that the research wasn’t all that important anyway and “certainly not worth the cost of potentially having to fire workers if the report wasn’t issued in time.”

b. One of the researchers in the previous example also recognized that the project wasn’t going to be completed by the deadline. Fearing for his job—and working on his own—he proceeded to complete a number of surveys—106 in total—at home so that the project could move forward much more quickly.

c. Knowing that many respondents want to “help” a researcher by supplying the answers that they think the researcher wants to hear, a marketing researcher for a well-known department store began sending surveys from the unknown “Taylor Research Group” instead of using the company’s name on the cover letter. He noted that after making the change, the responses to customer satisfaction questions became less positive.

For additional requirements in relation to this Assignment, download the grading rubric below. 

Directions for Submitting this Assignment:

Review the grading rubric below before you start. For additional help with your writing and APA citation, please visit the Kaplan University Writing Center. Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft® Word® document and save it with your first name initial and last name (Example: TAlex-MT355 Assignment-Module 1.docx). Submit your file by selecting the Module 1: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Module 1.

Please refer to the book below:

Brown, T. J., Suter, T A., & Churchill, G. A. (2014). Basic Marketing Research, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning.

672 Words  2 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

You have been tasked to outline the key differences between paid and organic strategies for your topic. Explain why marketers should choose one method over another. Cite examples to support your reasoning.

41 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer
Formulate a Research Problem

In this Assignment, you will engage in developing the following professional competencies:

•Verbal Communication

This competency is also critical to your success in most jobs. Whether by phone, recorded presentation, in person, or via video conferencing or chat, your ability to articulate a message or piece of information in a clear, concise, and professional manner can distinguish you from your peers and/or competition.

Directions for completing this Assignment

Click the link below to read the case study for this Assignment. 

Case Scenario: Kinshasa Abroad — African Cuisine and Culture 

As a new marketing research associate in training, you are tasked with recording a formal oral presentation in Microsoft© PowerPoint© to demonstrate your ability to formulate marketing research problems. Using what you learned from Chapters 2 and 3 in the textbook to inform your work on this Assignment, build a seven-slide audio-visual presentation answering the following marketing research problems listed below.

a.Include a Title Slide

b.If you were to serve as a research consultant for Mr. Kabasella, what information would you need to enable you to help him diagnose his marketing problem(s)?

c.Construct a slide that explains the value of problem definition in the marketing research process for this case.

d.Formulate a research problem to assist marketing research for this case.

e.Incorporate how the interpretation of a problem definition stimulates critical-thinking and secures required information.

f.Create a list of probing questions you would ask Mr. Kabasella if you were going to meet with him to help him specify (a) the manager’s decision problem and (b) research problems.

g.Reference slide

Presentation Format

In Microsoft© PowerPoint©, create a title slide containing your name, the topic, and the date. Be sure to apply a design to your presentation. Create one slide for each of the decision problems above (a-f). 

In this Assignment, you will be using the Microsoft© PowerPoint© narration tool to create your own audiovisual presentation. Once you have done this, you can put this skill on your resume. Audiovisual presentations are used in everything from customer service response, training employees, solving problems in the workplace, explaining instructions to colleagues and responding to stakeholders concerning business issues. For a tutorial on adding audio to your Microsoft© PowerPoint© presentation, click here.

387 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Determining an Appropriate Research Design

Marketing researchers are faced with making research design decisions on a regular basis. Developing the ability to determine an appropriate research design for a study is critical to the success of the research. Researchers must have a thorough understanding for the purpose of a research study before making research design decisions. To build a strong understanding for choosing the best research design for a given study, answer the following two questions and debate the factors that influenced your research design decisions with a minimum of two of your fellow learners on the discussion board.

Topic 1. Imagine that a wireless phone service carrier is interested in improving its service. In particular, the management wants to assess if customers are dissatisfied with current service and learn the nature of this dissatisfaction. What research design would you recommend? Justify your choice.

Topic 2. What are the various types of exploratory research? Give an example of a good problem for exploratory research.

173 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

  1.   What is the difference between a concept and a construct?  In what way is the definition of the term variable similar or different?

    2.    Consider the different grading measuring scales a professor might use.  Describe what level of measurement is represented by each.  Which is the most discriminating?  Which method do you think contains that least opportunity for error?

    assigning a letter corresponding to a student’s performance
    assigning a number from 1 to 20
    assigning a number corresponding to a percentage performance scale
    assigning a P or F representing passing or failing
    3.    How can a researcher assess the reliability and validity of a multi-item composite scale?

    4.    What are the issues a researcher should consider when choosing a measurement scale.

    5.    List the crucial decisions that researchers face in trying to construct a valid and reliable questionnaire.  At what stage do you think most questionnaires directed at students are most likely to go wrong? Why?
165 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Research Design Case Evaluation

The development of deep critical thinking skills will be essential to your success as a marketing researcher in the career marketplace. When you apply critical thinking skills in the design of a study, it’s essential to maintain an open mind by considering the following: 

1) considering viewpoints from different reliable sources

2) seeking and evaluating evidence to help formulate the problem under study

3) determining what information is factual or opinion based

4) using reasoning skills and suppressing emotion

5) having the ability to adapt to change

Execute this Assignment to develop your critical thinking skills as a marketing researcher. 

Directions for completing this Assignment:

In this Assignment, you will evaluate the Chestnut Ridge Country Club case study by using your critical thinking skills. To successfully complete this Assignment, write a 2-3 page critical essay covering the following topics:
1.Formulate a research problem
2.Compare three basic types of research design (exploratory, descriptive and casual)
3.Evaluate the use of research design for each method
4.Determine appropriate research design method to use in marketing research process

191 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

  1. What is self-selection bias?

    2.  What distinguishes observation studies from surveys?  Do observation studies versus surveys tend to gather qualitative or quantitative data?  What types of information are commonly measured with observation studies versus surveys?

    3.  What potential sources of error might be associated with the following situations?  Select any three and explain why

    a.  In a survey of frequent fliers age 50 and older, researchers concluded that price does not play a significant role in airline travel because only 25 percent of the respondents check off price as the most important consideration in determining where and how they travel, while 35 percent rated price as unimportant.

    b.  A survey of voters finds that most respondents do not like negative political ads—that is, advertising by one political candidate that criticizes or exposes secrets about the opponent’s “dirty laundry.”

    c.  A company’s sales representatives are asked what percentage of the time they spend making presentations to prospects, traveling, talking on the telephone, participating in meetings, working on the computer, and engaging in other on-the-job activities.  What potential sources of error might be associated with asking such a question?

    d.  A survey comes with a Water Hardness Packet to test the hardness of the water in a respondent’s home. The packet includes a color chart and a plastic strip to dip into hot water.  The respondent is given instruction in six steps on how to compare the color of the plastic strip with the color chart that indicates water hardness.

    e.  A sample of 14-year-old school children is asked if they have ever smoked a cigarette.  The students are asked to respond orally in the presence of other students. 

    f.    A survey conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts asked,  “Have you read a book within the last year?”

    I will also add two paragraphs LATER for you to comment on. the comment shouldn't be long. coupe of sentences would be fine.
331 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

External Secondary Data Sources

marketing researchers must be diligent in finding viable secondary research resources for a study. Secondary data comes in many different forms. Based on your understanding of the various secondary data sources and their purposes, answer the following questions to demonstrate your marketing research decision making abilities:

Topic 1: Suppose your company is interested in introducing a new women's facial care product. What secondary data would be useful in helping you to make the decision whether or not to introduce the product? Identify the specific secondary sources and the data they would provide. Develop a brief report on the data that you locate.

Topic 2: Sweet Olivia, a consumer chocolate company, wants to develop a general profile of purchasers of its products in a certain trade area. What type of secondary data would be most useful for this purpose? Explain your answer.

To obtain full credit for this Assignment, you must answer the available question as thoroughly as possible. Your answer should be thoughtful and composed using complete sentences. Please follow the Discussion guidelines as provided in your Syllabus. 

•Chapter 7: “Using External Secondary Data”

Brown, T. J., Suter, T A., & Churchill, G. A. (2014). Basic Marketing Research, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning.

215 Words  1 Pages
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