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The Beyonce effect

Lemonade is the second visual album of Beyonce. The album is accompanied by an hour film. The album has been widely acclaimed for the best and the boldest crafted work by Beyonce to date. The album has been inspired by Beyonce grandmother as well as her husband. As Beyonce describes it she had been given lemons but she made lemonade from it describes the journey of every woman of healing and self-knowledge. It shows that there are up and downs and how to find the inner strength and pull up things together (Trier, 2016). Beyonce is seen to walk down in the street demolishing the cars packed using a basketball bat. This shows that whatever is going on cannot be talked in a pub.

Lemonade address infidelity as she throws her wedding ring at the camera while roaring a final warning if another case of infidelity arises he is going to lose his wife. Memes had it that it was directed to her husband who is a rapper as he appeared stricken.  At the end of the film, Jay Z appears with their daughter Ivy and there is a soft tone which suggests that lemonade is not critically accepted divorce announcement. It is more poignantly an experience of the black women as they are the most disrespected people in America (Trier, 2016).

It is true to say that Beyonce as a strong feminist due to her brave act. She believes in equality and that is why she stands for the rights of the black women. Her performance places her feminist side in the lights. In the lemonade album, Beyonce proves that there is a thin line between hate and love. The album is deeply personal yet it is a bold political and social statement as well (Trier, 2016). It is true to also say that Beyonce is seen to be courageous as she talks about issues that affect many people. The album is raw and relatable as it is a clearly visualized music that has a unifying apparition which can be considered packaged mixture of real life situations.

The credentials of Beyoncé as a public female feminist in her super bowl show. The song was about her Negro nose that had dancers wear black. This signaled a politicized part of her career. Beyonce was endorsed as a feminist as she was seen to go political since Jay-Z was not the only one who was nervous about Beyonce. She is considered as a black woman with a political intention (Trier, 2016). Lemonade further expressed openly about the race and the in specific the experience of the black women. In a minute long video of the music, a number of black celebrities are featured while some mothers are also seen holding photographs of their deceased sons who are black.

The impact of the lemonade album goes beyond the entertainment that comes with the music itself as it is fuelled with different expressions of disbelief and joy in such a high ranking profile made for the black women by a black woman (Trier, 2016). Beyonce can be interpreted as a modern day feminist in the album as she believes in political, social and economic equality which has been pushed aside and the black people have resigned to accept it. Lemonade portrays Beyonce feminist awakening where she broadly defines herself through her life experiences.







Trier-Bieniek, A. M. (2016). The Beyoncé effect: Essays on sexuality, race and feminism. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company

587 Words  2 Pages

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