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            Compare and Contrast

            How I Discovered Poetry is a provoking and authoritative memoir of civil rights.  The author is effective in tracing her journey throughout the 1950’s. The poem is written in a beautiful way as it is motivated by racism (Nelson, 378). Ruth Forman writes beautifully in the poem on how poetry should be in the poem poetry should ride a bus.  Every stance of the poem describes emotional intensity and beauty which is referred as the characteristics of the author’s life.  In the first stance, the memory of her childhood is illustrated while the second focuses on her teenage life.  The Africa American oppression in the 20th century is well illustrated in the dehumanizing and sad chapter (Forman, 403).  The individuals have directly dined civil and human rights which included some basic rights. This, therefore, denied the race the ability to grow and the right to classroom equality was denied.

            In the poem making in Poetry, Bob Hicok utilizes a poem teller as well as a persona to achieve the poems objective. This is achieved by utilization of verbal irony that occurs in their conversation.  For instance, the poem teller is demonstrated asking the persona why there are so many small universities checks. The persona responds every question by saying that the writes poem as he said (Hicok, 438).  In conveying stronger images that are rich with history, the author additionally utilizes language that is simple and culture tone. How poetry comes to me is a poem that utilizes concentrated awareness of imagination and ranged language in order to generate a particular response of emotions via rhythm, sound as well as the general meaning.  Snyder expresses the feeling of a poem as an expected value that several individuals spend most of their lives searching for (Synder, 421). Poem by Carlos Williams utilizes the beauty of simplicity and language in evoking joy and thought. This enables the readers to generate thoughts and actions principles through his word choice selectiveness and character choices (William, 398).

The poems accomplish their objective of describing the meaning of poetry by the utilization of simple language, everyday examples, and tones, styles like imagery, allusion, allegory, and irony. The poems are all effective in enhancing my knowledge because they language allows the development of thoughts as well as feeling. This helps in connecting to the intended poems tasks.  Through the poems, poetry is fully appreciated as individuals can understand the role that poems play in their lives.  The poems are effective in arousing my curiosity as every poem utilizes a different event in bringing out the message for instance in the poem poetry should ride a bus my curiosity lied on understanding why poetry is so  crucial that it deserves the honor of riding a bus.

            The utilization of different styles and tones helped in developing my understanding in regard to poems. This is because despite that the poems utilized simple language, cultural tones and less wording the message was fully delivered.  This helped in understanding that poems utilize specific and direct words in ensuring that the statements are achieved. Making It in Poetry is different from the rest because it is written in satire nature.  However, the poem holds similarity in bringing out the irony. The tone utilized in the poems is crucial in illustrating the attitudes of the poet towards the subject. For instance in Poetry Should Ride a Bus the poet utilizes cultural tone to show the dehumanizing nature of social injustices towards African America (Forman, 403). This style is, therefore, effective in generating emotions towards the subject.

            Irony plays a great role in the poems as well as in my understanding of poetry because it is utilized to show the incongruity that exists amid what appears as the major issue, how the issue should be and the real nature of the issue.  Irony thus helped in deepening the meaning of the poems for instance how poetry comes to me by moving forward the poem’s story.  For instance in How I Discovered Poetry the poet brings out the out of civil rights as it is fully influenced by racialism (Nelson, 378).

            Based on all the above poems the messages derived from them holds scholastic thoughts from the beginning.  The titles of the poems are designed in a manner that generates the importance of poems and how relevant they are in thought and emotions development.  The poems are similar because they portray the same theme which is an illustration of poems significance.  The poems utilize language simplicity in deriving a terrific feeling as well as emotions.   For instance, William Carlos holds that in order to feel a poem the reading has to be loud. This is well illustrated in his poetry because despite the fact that he omits the utilization of adjectives in the poem the words are adequate in making the readers feel the intensity of the poem (William, 398).

            The poems additionally utilize appropriate character in order to connect the readers with the message of the poem. In Making It in Poetry the structure of the poem is satire in nature.  The author is the poet who is speaking to a banker while explaining where he is making money from universities (Hicok, 438). Through the nature of the poem, individuals can thus understand that the poet in the profession because of his passion and not because he gets fortune as well as fame. This brings us the irony that all the poems authors have utilized.  This s because despite the fact that he is earning from the writing he still holds that he is getting paid because he writes as he is supposed to.

            All the poems have utilized an illustration of the poet experience in the poem.  The poems are thus portrayed as unique because in their illustrations they do not specifically pertain to a single individual. The content of the poems are vague and the major matter of the poems is mainly poetry.  The poems, therefore, hold a similar message in illustrating the importance of a community as every reader can freely be able to relate to the given message. For instance, Ruth utilizes poetry in illustrating and describing the social injustices in the 20th century (Forman, 403).  He accomplishes this by the use of imagery the memories are those that every member of a society can freely relate to.  To her, it is poetry that is supposed to ride on a bus and not the poet. This shows the power that is held by poems.   This idea is held by all the stated poems because they work to ensure that the importance of poems is well illustrated.  The content of the poems is so simple, vivid, beautifully written and direct thus making it easier to develop imagery of the intended message.  The poems additionally utilized everyday life experiences in describing the occurrences of different events.  The utilization of such samples helps in eliminating massage distortion as it becomes easy for the Readers to interpret the message.

            Poems by William Carlos and poetry should ride a bus are similar in that they utilize language simplicity as well as imagery.  For instance, Carlos uses the word jam closet which is a fantastic term and through the reading the readers are able to begin generating visions in regard to the cat in the movement the word holds several meanings and thus utilizes the given space very well (William, 398).  This helps the reader in placing them in the provide situation of the presented object.  Poetry should ride a bus helps in illustrating the injustices that individuals are going through in the society despite the never ending efforts to overcome them. His is similar to the poem by Carols as it demonstrates how the cat tries to stay safe. This is accomplished with only the use of a few words as the selected words are utilized for a specific purpose as they speak to the poem’s facts.

            The poems are however different because they utilize different styles in generating imagery.  From the poems How I Discovered Poetry, Poetry Should Ride a Bus and Poems it is thus clear that the poets utilize real-life examples to show how poetry works. The poems utilized situational irony in depicting the reality of poems example. On the other hand making it in poetry utilizes verbal irony to show how poems are effective in generating different emotions.  These poems utilized textual evidence in analyzing different phrases.





Work Cited

            Collins, Billy. ‘’Introduction to Poetry.’’ Literature to Go. 2nd Ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014. 356. Print.

            Forman, Ruth. ‘’Poetry Should Ride the Bus.’’ Literature to Go. 2nd Ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014. 403. Print.

Hicok, Bob. ‘’Making It In Poetry. ’’ Literature to Go. 2nd Ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014. 438. Print.

Nelson, Marilyn. ‘’How I Discovered Poetry’’. Literature to Go. 2nd Ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014. 378. Print.

            Synder, Gray. ‘’How Poetry Comes To Me’’. Literature to Go. 2nd Ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014. 421. Print.

            William, William Carlos. ‘’Poem’’. Literature to Go. 2nd Ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2014. 398. Print.

1533 Words  5 Pages

Peace at Last

It is never easy

Ending each day

With thoughts, that tomorrow will be a similar day

A day full of disappointments

Full of struggles

Full of efforts without future success guarantee

Coming to school to learn

Heading home with wounds

Wounds that may expectations were not meant

Understanding is never achieved.


He said that I did accomplish what he had asked

Am I a troubled child?

Or is he the troubled tutor?

Are my friends lucky?

Or is it that they are naturally bright?

After subtracting my flaws from my strengths

In fact, there is nothing left

I cannot count on a single one

It is a culture that I have to obey

I have to learn and make people proud

But why is the motivation?

But they made it.

I should make it too.


A time shall come

When all the pain will be gone

The wounds will be gone

I will not remember anything

The present as they say will make me happy

Grow new memories

Forget the sleepless night

That day I will be me

Will be glad of the experienced pain

Will be thankful that I broke my heart

With my own hands


That day will have the capability

Of providing answers of my prior troubled self

Saying that I was the wrongdoer

Achievements with not be labeled

With the struggles and the mistakes

With pain and efforts

It will only be seen as success

The heart will not forget

In a unique way, it will label life

Finally, success will break the silence in me

Happiness will equal the struggles

The heart will be at peace

At last, life will show it worth.


281 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Provide an explication of Louise Bogan's "Medusa." For tips on poetic explication, refer to the chapter "Writing About a Poem." 
For me an explication has some specific elements to it.  I look for a paraphrase of the poem in our own words, followed by an analysis of what the poem means by identifying and explaining some of the key features of the poem like tone, imagery, metaphor, personification, etc. 

I had come to the house, in a cave of trees,
Facing a sheer sky.
Everything moved,—a bell hung ready to strike,
Sun and reflection wheeled by.

When the bare eyes were before me
And the hissing hair,
Held up at a window, seen through a door.
The stiff bald eyes, the serpents on the forehead
Formed in the air.

This is a dead scene forever now.
Nothing will ever stir.
The end will never brighten it more than this,
Nor the rain blur.

The water will always fall, and will not fall,
And the tipped bell make no sound.
The grass will always be growing for hay
Deep on the ground.

And I shall stand here like a shadow
Under the great balanced day,
My eyes on the yellow dust, that was lifting in the wind,
And does not drift away.

229 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Analyze and discuss Natalia Diaz's poem "My Brother at 3am" in terms of craft. Quote the poem frequently and be sure  to analyze the quoted language, and use the craft terms that we have learned in class(concrete language, imagery, diction, sound, tone, voice, line, syntax, and form).

The poem can be found on Google with a simple search. No sources or work cited page needed.

76 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We can Help You To Answer


i need to compare this song and poem on a deeper level. what similarities they have. Critical thinking .. I have uploaded the song and poem and picture

36 Words  1 Pages

  • Should Music Programs on the Internet Be Outlawed?
  •             There are a lot of music programs on the Internet nowadays that most people use for personal interests. Since the Internet was introduced in 1958, many musicians are able to promote their songs all over the world (Stair & Renolds 343). Music fans can access their preferred journal anytime through the Internet. Downloading of music through the Internet is quick and takes a short time. The Internet user can also send music to many friends using computers at a short time. Music programs on the Internet should not be outlawed because they have many advantages to the interested parties (Stair & Renolds 343).

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