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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In the Crito, Socrates attempts to convince Crito that accepting his friends’ help and escaping from jail in order to avoid the death penalty is unjust.  Please explain the arguments given by Socrates in the passage running from 48c5-54e. Please provide a philosophical critique of some aspect or aspects of these arguments.

1) an introductory paragraph which includes a thesis statement, 2) an exegetical section where explain the arguments, 3) a critical section where analyze the evidence offered by the philosopher in support of the conclusions, and 4) a brief conclusion stating what have argued in paper.

1. DO NOT USE SECONDARY SOURCES, including internet sites, in writing this paper.  The point of the assignment is for you to engage directly with the primary text.
2. The text must be properly and thoroughly referenced using the Stephanus numbers in the margins of the text, e.g. 337d4.  You may use footnotes or you may simply enclose the relevant citation in brackets at the end of the sentence in the body of the text.  Paraphrases as well as direct quotes should be referenced.
3. Each question is based on a specific section of the text, but note that you are responsible for knowing any relevant definitions or accounts from other sections of the text that inform the specifically assigned passages.
4. Each question is based on material that was not covered in detail during lecture; where the questions overlap with the lecture material you must build your account directly from the text and you must provide exact referencing for these points.
5. Papers will be graded according to the accuracy, completeness, and focus of your exegetical section and according to the philosophical sophistication and clarity of your critique.  You will also be graded on organization, spelling, grammar, and writing style. 

308 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Include: Introduction, Body, and Summary. You must demonstrate that you have researched the topic in addition to your own thoughts on the issue. Your paper should contain a balanced/fair analysis of both sides of the moral issue.

Must have minimum of 3 sources of reference 1 book, 1 online, 1 optional; the more citations the better.

Online Resources: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Links to an external site.)

98 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

this is a Peer review paper!!

@Topic Choices:    Labor Trafficking ( must be related to businesses)

@ Your argument form should look like this:

A.  Make your claim/position (1Page)
      Ethical Argument:  Make a decision as to what is the right thing to do or what should have been done in this case. 
      You need 2 supporting premises to make your argument.
      Decide what is the moral issue in the case.
      There may be more than one.
      What is the most important?

B. Offer 2 premises which support your claim/conclusion  (2 Pages)
      a. Pertinent Facts:  
          What are the facts in the case that are necessary to make an ethical assessment? Disregard superfluous information.
      b. Stakeholders: 
          Who are the persons who have something at stake in the decision? 
          Who was or could be harmed?
      c. Decision-makers: 
          Who are the persons who had or have the power to make decisions in this case?

C. Support your position with applying an ethical theory  (1Page)
      must and just use ONE of four main theory:
          1. Utilitarianism
          2. Kant’s Ethic
          3. Rawls’s Theory of Justice
          4. W. D. Ross (Prima Facie Obligations)

• Consider an opposing view and refute it (1 page)
      Consider an argument against your position and refute it.
      If you cannot logically refute the argument, you need to reassess argument.

• Conclude/ REFUTE(1 page)
      Affirm the outcome of your ethical assessment:

@!!!Related information in the attachment

@1 page Works Cited; Works Consulted 
MLA format (MUST properly cite both in-text citation and the end of the paper)
NO cover sheet

265 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


This paper should be mainly on the sources (Our class sources) but you can use other web/online sources in addition. Mainly sources that I will attach. Even if many of the resources are not directly related to them, draw similarities, and refer them to those sources. Main part of the grading is the course concept applications. Use the sources deeply.

Here's a rough outline 

1. Purpose statement: This is what I'm doing. Put it in your first sentence.

2. Theory, Background, Context, Assumptions.


4. Data Analysis.

5. Discussion (What I have learned)
Here go back to your purpose statement. What I show you after analyzing the data (It is here that papers usually fall apart) Connect your analysis with your purpose. What is new? Draw connection with your literature review or your sources, eg, this reminds me of Hill or Althusser or is different from Hill or Althusser.

6. Concusion, Summarize, possible directions


172 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a paper about Alienation according to Karl Marx

18 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Choose one of the lectures/presentations/readings from this semester and write a personal essay on why/how some aspect of it has transformed you. Quote and provide specific examples/references where possible.

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Re-write one of the myths we have studied and include a 2-page analysis of how your re-write changes its meanings and potential for human experience and identity.

36 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

What do you feel is the significance of understanding the hero’s/heroine’s journey in these contemporary times? Again, use examples from mythos, and contemporary story to make your argument.

37 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

How does knowing and understanding archetypes assist the individual in her/his everyday life? Use an example from myth and/or film/and/or your own life to highlight your points.

36 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Can myth as a map of the psyche assist us in understanding present day cultural/political dilemmas? How? Give examples.

28 Words  1 Pages

   Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

What is the importance of the artist’s role in creating myths? Give examples.

22 Words  1 Pages

Question We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

What is the importance of mythos in today’s world? Give examples. 

20 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Your final project is to write and creatively present a “Myth for These Times”. In addition to the myth creatively presented, you are required to write an analysis of your myth, discussing its possible meanings, using universal, cultural and psychological analytical methods, and speaking to archetypal motifs and characters.

Write a myth that speaks to the issues that society as you know it is facing at this time. A myth that holds within it the possibility for transformation. Consider the myths and legends and fairytales we have explored and discussed in this class. Recall that a myth holds within it both the ailment and the cure for that ailment. Consider your own social, spiritual, political concerns; what ails society, and what is the myth that could transform or ‘bring medicine’ to that ailment? What story will you tell? Use any of the structures and concepts we have examined in this class: hero’s and heroine’s journeys, alchemy, model of the psyche, archetypes, symbolic representations. I am looking for a mythic sensibility rather than literary prowess. Explore, experiment, tell an old story from a new perspective. Surprise us. Scare us. Inspire us. 

NOTE: Your myth may be anywhere from 1 to 4 pages typed, double-spaced, 12pt font, and may be accompanied by images. Remember, if you read from your myth, you will only have 7 minutes which translates into 3 and 1/2 pages of double-spaced prose. If you choose to read for your presentation, you will not have time to read the whole thing. You may summarize to introduce and read an excerpt to give us a glimpse of the tale you are telling. See Final Project Rubric for more information.

In your analysis of your myth, discuss its possible meanings using the universal, cultural, and psychological analytical methods explored in this class. This means you will be required to compare your myth to others to observe similarities; compare your myth to others to observe differences; and apply the model of the psyche and archetypes to analyze the possible psychological significance of your myth. 

Consider the following in your analyses:
•    What themes are significant? 
•    What symbols reveal deeper, more complex ideas? 
•    How are these themes and symbols similar and different from other myths we have studied? 
•    Is this a typical hero’s or heroine’s journey? If not, how does it differ, and how do you see that difference interrupting old meanings, or creating new meanings? 
•    Do you use alchemy as an underlying structure, and if so, to what end?
•    Are there archetypal images, processes, and/or characters in your myth? How do their presence and/or interactions affect the meaning of your myth?
•    And, finally, what do you think this myth is saying? Why do you consider it a myth for these times?

NOTE: Your analysis should be 3-5 pages typed, double-spaced, 12pt font. You are required to back your analysis and interpretation up with at least two secondary sources – i.e. use the works of psychologists, artists, scholars, mythologists, etc. to expand on points you are making, and to cite your sources using MLA format and a Works Cited page. See Final Project Rubric for more information.


541 Words  1 Pages
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