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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
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Select a company from the Fortune 500 Most Profitable Companies- list and evaluate its Corporate Social Responsibility performance. To do this, you need to go to the company's website and find whatever reports it may have posted there on CSR (the company website may use different terms, e.g., sustainability, community involvement, diversity, transparency, etc.)  Do a Google search to see if there have been any big scandals recently (or currently underway). Write an assessment giving your views on how well the company is addressing its social responsibilities. You should identify what are the key issues that this company SHOULD be addressing, and compare that to what you find about what they actually ARE doing. Does it sound like "window dressing" or do the programs seem substantive and effective? Do not just quote or summarize the corporate website. Be critical and show that you've done your own research and included your own original thinking in your essay. 

Reminders from professor: 
1. I suggest that when you're deciding which aspects of CSR to cover in your next Homework assignment, given the word limits, you think about which aspects are most significant for the particular industry your company is in. For example, what are the big issues related to apparel, or to electronics, or to banking. It's good to mention that there are other CSR efforts underway, or problems in other areas of a particular company's operations, but use your limited space to address the most significant CSR issues. 

2. Be sure to include sources. Even if you didn't quote directly from them, I want to see where you looked and how much research you did to find perspectives beyond the corporate report.
Give your opinion and base it on evidence. The discussion should support whatever conclusion you come to - that the company is doing a good job or not doing enough, or doing fine in some areas and not in others. Don't tell me how you feel about it - tell me what your analysis supports.

350 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Pojman is attempting to prove that relativism (the doctrine that there are no true answers in ethics and that, therefore, ethical argument is futile) is wrong, while Lachs is criticizing a position similar to that of Pojman. What are their arguments

52 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Compare the literary criticism (moral criticism and dramatic construction) to clips of the movie (The Shawshank Redemption).

28 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1.    In the aftermath of a shooting at a local high school, Helen starts a movement to ban the fluoridation of water in the community. She uses statistics that demonstrate how more school shootings have occurred in the years since fluoride was added to the water. Assuming that this is the only evidence she provides in her argument, explain what fallacy Helen is committing and why her argument doesn’t work.
2.    Does the presence of a fallacy in the above argument automatically prove that the conclusion is false? Explain your answer.
3.    Deborah argues that it would help the environment if Ron recycled. Ron responds that the environmentalism movement has gotten politicized to the point that people often just support environmentalist policies based on party lines. Explain what the red herring is in Ron’s fallacy.
4.    In your opinion, are there ever any situations in which appealing to popularity (i.e., arguing that everyone else is doing it) is an appropriate justification for an action? Explain your answer.

5.    Occ accuses Cooter of falling prey to confirmation bias when Cooter argues that peeing in the fire helped him bag more deer because it “worked every time, except for the few times it didn't.” Explain why this is confirmation bias.

6.    While Cooter’s theories about fire and hunting are clearly absurd, what contemporary beliefs do you think this video might be implicitly criticizing?

7.    Father McDowell presents an anti-abortion argument in which he argues that life begins at conception and that scientific studies have demonstrated that fetuses can feel pain. Roger responds to this argument by saying, “You can’t listen to Father McDowell—he’s biased because he’s a Catholic priest, so he has to be against abortion!” Explain why Roger’s statement fails to adequately rebut Father McDowell’s argument.
8.    Julio is trying to get his friend Megan to upgrade her flip phone to a smartphone. He tells her that not having a smartphone in this day and age would be like driving a horse and buggy in the 1930s when the rest of the world had upgraded to automobiles. Do you think the parallels between driving a horse and buggy in the 1930s and using a flip phone in the 2010s are strong enough for the analogy to be persuasive, or do you think Julio is committing the fallacy of weak analogy? Explain your answer.
9.    Summarize the conclusion of Nadelmann’s primary argument, as well as at least two premises that he uses to support it.
10.    Colbert opens the interview by summarizing Nadelmann’s argument to the audience, saying, “Ethan, you say we should legalize drugs and that would solve all of our problems. Go on. Sell ‘em on the idea of giving weed to my kids.” Explain how this is a straw man fallacy by describing what Nadelmann’s argument really is and how it differs from Colbert’s interpretation.
11.    Consider the following argument:

Kids should develop reading habits from an early age. Kids who don’t read are more likely to fall behind in school. Kids who fall behind in school are more likely to drop out before they graduate. And kids who don’t graduate from high school will have a much harder time getting a well-paying job than those with a diploma.

Would you consider this to be a fallacious use of a slippery slope argument? Explain your answer.

12.    Give an example of a time when either you or someone you know has been persuaded to do or believe something because of emotional appeals rather than pure reason.
13.    Jon Stewart suggests that bringing disease into the immigration debate is just a scare tactic. Using one of the video clips Hodgman cites, give an example of a way that emotions are appealed to in the arguments presented.
14.    The straw man fallacy occurs when the arguer presents an extreme version of the opposing position in order to make it easier to attack or ridicule. Do you believe that Stewart and Hodgman are attacking a straw man version of one side of the immigration debate, or are they making a fair critique of common beliefs and hypocrisy? Explain your answer.

15.    Suppose your friend forwards you an article claiming that Beanie Babies contain brown recluse spider eggs. Provide at least two reasons why that claim is not credible based on the information in the passage above.
16.    Off the top of your head, how plausible does the above claim sound? Explain your answer.
17.    Knowing what you know now, would you accept this claim as a definite fact? Explain how credible you think the claim is and why.
18.    Explain why you selected your answer to the question above. Make sure you describe what steps you took to reach this conclusion.

19.    For what two reasons was this mistake especially serious? (5.4)
20.    What basic argument regarding sunscreen does this author make? (5.6)
21.    Use the website’s Home page and describe what the purpose of the website appears to be. (5.6) SUNSCREEN MAY NOT BE YOUR FRIEND
22.    What basic argument regarding sunscreen do these authors make? (5.6) SUNSCREEN
23.    Use the website’s About Us page and describe what the purpose of the website appears to be. (5.6) 
24.    Explain to what extent you think that this website is credible. Include information such as who the author is, whether or not the author cites sources, and your ruling on this site’s credentials.

919 Words  3 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

According to current estimates there are 1 billion Earth-like planets and there should be 100,000 intelligent civilizations *in our galaxy*. This means that something like the worlds depicted in Star Wars that are filled with diverse interplanetary life forms should also fill our skies. Yet, as far as we know, space near us is silent. Where are the other life forms?

73 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explore how Vygotsky's work does or does not align with current trends and directions in social media. Be sure to think critically about whether or not the theory "holds up" to the work being done today. Perhaps the theory is out of date or perhaps educators are headed in a direction that does not make sense given what is known about learning and development. Be sure to consider how the diversity of the modern classroom may impact your thinking about your chosen topic.
•    The focus of the paper is your analysis of the issue. It should include your insights and your critique of the topic. Make a persuasive case for your exploration and be sure to use research to support your arguments.

134 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Watch the two videos below and answer the questions below

1) What is the conclusion of Olbermann's argument? Cite three reasons (premises) that he offers for his conclusion.

2) What is the conclusion of Condell's argument? Cite three reasons (premises) that he offers for his conclusion.

3) According to the criteria for rational acceptability identified in our text (see pages 25-27), who has the stronger argument? Condell or Olbermann? What makes it stronger?

Text: How to Think Logically (Second Edition), by Gary Seay and Susana Nuccetelli (Pearson, 2012) ISBN-10: 0205154980

4) How might either presenter have improved his argument?
Finally, if you could arbitrate between these two gentlemen, what would you suggest to them as a compromise?

134 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Dr. James Lovelock, a prominent scientist and inventor of the electron capture detector, developed the controversial Gaia Hypothesis nearly 50 years ago. The Gaia Hypothesis asserts that the Earth’s organic and inorganic components have evolved as a self-regulating system that dynamically maintains conditions that are suitable for its life. The system is a symbiotic whole that balances environmental processes to keep itself humming along, with no particular regard for humans. We are just part of the larger picture, although our meddling has the potential to disrupt Gaia’s equilibrium.

Your assignment is to view the video on the Gaia Hypothesis (above) and then

1) Reconstruct any one type of inductive pattern of reasoning (enumerative induction, statistical syllogism, causal argument, and/or analogy) that you detect in the video, using standard reconstruction format (premise 1, premise 2, premise n, conclusion). Please remember to identify what type of inductive pattern of reasoning you are reconstructing.

2)Evaluate the central argument of the Gaia Hypothesis in terms of the criteria our text offers for inductive arguments. Begin by defining the criteria for inductive reliability and strength that our text presents. Is the Gaia Hypothesis inductively reliable? Why or why not? Is it inductively strong? Why or why not?

213 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In 3-5 pages, write an essay that evaluates the moral goodness or badness of a recent event. Please be sure to describe the event, and any important persons connected to it. Use one of the moral theories discussed in class (deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics) to make your argument, and be sure to carefully explain both the theory and how it helps explain your thesis. You should have a strong thesis, provide clear citations of the news event in discussion, and make reference both to readings and any discussions in class.

101 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Moral, Political, and Literature of National Characters by Hume

20 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
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Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life by Gronnisaw

22 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
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What is Enlightenment by Kant

16 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Do our reasons for doing things matter? What does Kant believe they matter for? Do you agree with his argument in support of this claim? Why or why not?

40 Words  1 Pages
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