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Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

This is for a nursing class

Link here for grading rubric:  Joint Commission guideline grading rubric

Dropbox – Submit to Dropbox with file name “Last Name_JointCommission”. An automated message is sent to your email upon successful submission; have you made this a habit yet?

Assignment:  Write a paper on the Joint Commission 2014 Critical Access Hospital and Hospital National Patient Safety Goals as follows:

1.  Open and read the Nursing Care Center (under '2014 NPSG Program Links' (National Patient Safety Goals), based on The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Mission and goals, found at this link:  Joint Safety  

2.  Link again to the (Joint Commission 2014 National Patient Safety Goals, page.  Choose an area of interest from the following any of Healthcare Programs listed under 2014 National Patient Safety Goals

Heathcare areas of interest:

Ambulatory Health Care
Behavioral Health Care
Critical Access Hospital
Home Care
Long Term Care & Medicare/Medicaid Certification-Based Long Term Care
Office-Based Surgery
3.. Choose TWO of the goals listed under your selected area of interest to address in the paper.  

Write a brief introduction to your paper (i.e. what is joint commission’s purpose and the area and goals you will focus on).

4.  Search the e-library databases and literature for scholarly literature/articles on why this is an important goal. (2 articles per goal).

(Here is an example of area of interest, one goal, and one scholarly article: Area of Interest:  Behavioral Health Care.    Goal 1:  Improve the accuracy of the identification of individuals served.  Link here for an example of a scholarly article that supports why this is an important patient safety goal:  Pediatrics 2012 article

5.  For each Goal (1 & 2 that you’ve chosen),

Provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in the practice setting.
Discuss if you believe this goal is realistic.  
Identify obstacles that impede implementation and identify actions that will facilitate implementation.
What examples of Practice habits do you notice in your own practice setting?  (NOTE:  these practice habits are not the primary focus of the paper, just use as an illustration for the further synthesis of your paper).
Use APA title page, running head; headings, spacing, citations, and reference page (notice that APA formatting is worth 20, yes 20 points.  So make sure your PERLLA is set; or you have your APA 6th edition book handy).  For headings, use “Goal 1” and “Goal 2”  You will have at least 5 references:  2 articles for each of the 2 goals (4 references) AND (1) the Joint Commission web address.  You may use more if you want.

Grading criteria    Points
Introduction (to Joint Commission and your 2 goals)

Goal 1: Search literature for why it is important to have this goal and

provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in the practice setting

Discuss if you believe this goal is realistic. Identify obstacles that impede implementation

and identify actions that will facilitate implementation

Goal 2: Search literature for why it is important to have this goal and

provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in the practice setting

Discuss if you believe this goal is realistic. Identify obstacles that impede implementation

and identify actions that will facilitate implementation

APA: Title page, introduction, body, summary, and reference page. Spelling, grammar, and the use of headings will be evaluated

              Total Points

574 Words  2 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Evolution and physiology of neural oxygen sensing

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Write a paper on Breast feeding/bottle feeding

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Why do you eat what you do? Keep track of what triggers you eating for a few days. Is it primarily hunger or appetite? How does your physical activity and daily habits affect what you eat? Does the world around influence what you select to eat?

55 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Choose one of the topics listed here, do a little research and compose a written summary of the information you find.  Be thorough, and include all important aspects.  Comment on things that you still do not understand or would like to learn more about.

Describe the historical development of ultrasound as a medical imaging modality.  What are the strengths and limitations for diagnosis of various anatomical structures.

Read the question or topic carefully and compose a quality answer including reference to the source of your information. Think about the topic and then compose your own original answer to the question.  You must use your own words to answer these questions. Copy/pasting from a source is not effective in helping you learn the material. 

Use proper grammar and a professional writing style.  Avoid informal language or slang terms.  Inaccurate or incomplete answers will not receive full credit. All written assignments require that you cite the source of your information. Sources should be formatted according to the APA format and must include the author, date of publication and title of the article. The URL link to the source may also be included. (Proper APA formatting rules can be found through the resources link on the course home page.) This paper will be run through Safe Assign software to be sure the paper is plagiarism free

233 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

The students will be required to complete a 3000 word essay focusing on a specific therapeutic approach discussing its potential or actual application in mental health nursing practice.
100% weighting.

What is the assignment about? 

The assignment is to encourage you to use literature to critically examine the use of a therapeutic approach. You will need to introduce the psychotherapeutic approach i.e. CBT, DBT, STEPPS, BSFT, CFT, Mindfulness. Demonstrating a critical understanding of its inception through to its current manifestation in the literature and practice. You will then introduce the client/s and specific type of distress the therapy was aiming to ameliorate. 

The bulk of the main body will then be using experiences from practice, underpinned by current theory, in order to demonstrate a sophisticated knowledge and understanding of the theory and application of psychotherapeutic approaches in mental health nursing practice. The examples from practice can be from your application of a therapeutic approach in MH nursing and/or practice that you have observed being applied in your practice. All therapeutic interventions MUST be within the limitations of your knowledge and competence and within your role as a student nurse.
There are example essays for further guidance published in this module area.

How should it be structured?

An introduction (say what you are going to say) – this should signpost the reader to what they can expect to encounter as they read through your work. Use the key points stated in the assessment task. So what is the therapeutic approach? What is the nature of distress or difficulty?

A main part (say it) – You may find it helpful to look at the learning outcomes for this module and ensure that you are able to generally include these in your work. Please remember to use examples from your practice experience and support these with relevant theory. You also need to identify where you feel you have developed further in this area. Give an account of the psychotherapeutic approach, a brief history and underpinning theory. Give examples of how elements of the approach have been used in the context of your mental health nursing experience. Remember that you need to demonstrate a clear knowledge of the approach you used and why it was appropriate for the type of issue it was applied to.

A conclusion (say what you have said and reflect what you have learned) – this should sum up your work and consider how exploring this has influenced your thinking and relational experiences.

423 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Major historical developments and prior efforts at health system reform (and policy change) have changed the organization, financing, or delivery of care over the past century.  Identify the major challenges that the post-Flexner health system has faced, highlight key reform initiatives and their impacts, and provide your assessment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its likely long-term, sustainable impacts.  Are there major challenges or problems left unaddressed?  What are likely to be the most substantive impacts of the ACA?  Provide ideas for policy innovation or health system change (that are not addressed in the ACA) that you’d like to see in the coming years.

Please limit the response to no more than 3 or 4 pages (single space, one-inch margins), and ensure that each page has your full name and page number in the header.  It is my expectation that your answers will ‘go beyond the obvious’ and reflect considerable thought and analysis.    Your work will be graded based on (1) demonstration or reflection of your understanding of our health care system and the content of the course, (2) analysis of and insight into the complexities of the issues you are addressing, and (3) the quality and clarity of your writing.  

211 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Investigate information related to food safety from at least two (2) of the websites below and then write a one-page paper (about 300 words) on “What I Need To Do To Improve My Food Safety.” 

In addition to the content, your paper will be graded on formatting. This assignment should be typed as a Word document in 12-point font, and should be personalized for you and your situation. Include in the introduction the websites that you visited in preparing this paper.


102 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


At the veteran's center you are assigned to counsel an adult client who has been diagnosed with PTSD. He is a 34-year-old veteran who is starting to have flashbacks and is afraid of being identified as mentally ill. He also has problems with his abusive father and has issues with authority.

Bring this case to the next staff meeting to discuss with the team. Explaining your initial counseling plan, initial concerns, and back-up plans for this patient, including 1-3 sentence responses to all of the following:

a description of at least 1 type of therapy you could use to assist this client effectively
an explanation of how you would utilize the chosen therapy
a description of at least 2 benefits and 1 drawback it provides
how you might convince him to try therapy
how you plan to build a therapeutic alliance with this client Are there potential transference issues? If yes, explain what it might be and why
What you can do to guard yourself against potential projective identification? If yes explain what it might be and why
If so, give one way you might handle this
Do you feel that you may have potential counter-transference issues with this client? If so, name one and how you might handle this if it comes into play. 

Respond to classmates posts as if you were in a team meeting discussing this case. Think of 2 positive statement you could make regarding the case and 2 challenging statements you might make to brainstorm this case.


265 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (850-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which they will make their decision to fund your program or project. The summary should include:

The purpose of the program or project.
The target population or audience.
The benefits of the program or project
The cost or budget justification.
The basis upon which the program or project will be evaluated

86 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions: 

Completing the Application

Do further research through Walden Library and/or the web to learn more about the patient flow challenge identified by your interviewee. According to your research, what are best practices for this process improvement issue?
Write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you address the following:
Identify the name and organization of your interviewee (unless that person has requested anonymity).
Summarize the responses from your interviewee to your questions.
Based on the interview and additional research you conducted, what is the industry best practice for this performance improvement issue?
Which key stakeholders are likely to be affected by the performance improvement effort, and how?
Provide with any further conclusions about the ED's operations or layout, and best practices as they relate to the challenges facing this ED.

139 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Jealousy in response to online and offline infidelity: the role of sex and sexual orientation

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Tragedy of the Commons

13 Words  1 Pages
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