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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What is the value of doing this assignment? In this assignment, you will reflect on the qualities, values, strengths, areas of improvement, and accomplishments that capture who you are and how they connect to the 10 Skills and your personal, academic, and professional goals. You‘ll then practice your communication skill by writing about what you‘ve identified in ways appropriate for a CV or résumé. You‘ll use this information in Assignment 3 to create an action plan for developing skills that will help you reach your future goals. After completing this assignment, you will have a document you can bring to the Career Center where counselors can help you further develop your career strategy.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Reflect on and communicate your skills, goals, and accomplishments.

Steps to complete: In Week 4, complete and submit your assignment using the following steps:

STEP 1: Complete the four questions in Part 1: About Me, reflecting on your values, aspirations, key qualities, goals, strengths, and areas of growth.

STEP 2: Complete the three steps in Part 2: Accomplishment Statements by reflecting on your past accomplishments, using the template to identify the challenges, actions, results, and details, and then writing two concise stories using the accomplishments formula provided.

STEP 3: Complete the four-question reflection in Part 3: Reflect on Your Experiences, considering Parts 1 and 2 of this assignment and the connections you have made to the 10 Skills.

STEP 4: Save the template with your completed responses as a Word file titled Your Name, WRK100_Assignment 2 Reflection and submit it in Blackboard in Week 4.

276 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Examine your text, the Strayer Library, or Internet to learn about the "Greek Running Girl Artifact." This artifact reveals the restrictions women had to endure in the Olympic Games. Review the different restrictions for women versus men in Greek athletics and discuss the following:

Examine your text, the Strayer Library, or Internet to learn about the "Greek Running Girl Artifact." This artifact reveals the restrictions women had to endure in the Olympic Games. Review the different restrictions for women versus men in Greek athletics and discuss the following:

How did these restrictions reflect the role of women in Greek society?
How does what you learned about the restrictions on women's roles in Greek society influence your thinking about the issues or restrictions women face today?

138 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
For this assessment, write a 750–1000 word blog post, based on the scenario and instructions below. (You will not actually post this blog on the Internet.)

Your professional training includes a great deal of self-reflection. Your instructor has given you an assessment applying developmental theories to your own adolescent and early adult development, so that you may be able to do the same in the future for a client. 

Think about how the developmental theories—cognitive, psychosocial, moral, attachment, and ecological—relate to helping you better understand your own development. Think about your life experiences during these stages and how those experiences shaped your development in specific areas. For example, you might consider how certain educational (or other) experiences helped you reach formal operations thinking in your cognitive development. Also think about your identity development and the relationships or experiences in your life that contributed to your sense of identity.

Please note: Since this assessment is asking you about your personal development, it is appropriate to write in the first person. However, you must still follow APA guidelines for references and citations. 

Select two specific areas of development on which to focus:

In your assessment, be sure you address the following:

Explain what theory informs the areas of development you selected.
Describe at least two life experiences during adolescence and two experiences during early adulthood that were significant in shaping your development in each of the areas you selected.
Apply ideas and concepts from theory to explain your behavior, thoughts, and emotions during adolescence and early adulthood.
Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements
Font: Use 12-point New Time Roman font, double-spaced.
References: Include a final page with 2–4 scholarly or professional citations.
APA: Use APA format and style.

Please see attached Scoring Guide for guidance and inclusions.

I also included other helpful references.


352 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How did the education system change and what is the impact of college education, such as job and marriage rate.

The paper must have a thesis statement that is effectively argued and supported by evidence. Academic writing style, argumentation, and proper citation will all factor into your grade.
An outstanding paper must have an organized format, a central thesis that is clearly supported by evidence, show thorough and appropriate research, be free    of mechanical errors, and be engaging in style. You will be graded on the    quality and coherence of your argument, analysis, and use of evidence.  

6 sources for your paper from a mix of books (monographs or edited volumes), academic journal articles, and primary sources, in Chicago Manual of Style Works Cited format.

Intro paragraph with thesis statement in bold and a brief informal outline of
the remainder of the paper.

154 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a 3 page paper describing the physical, social, and cognitive changes that are typically found in middle adulthood for both men and women. Describe how these changes impact the psychosocial stage of generativity versus stagnation. Identify the challenges of individuals in the sandwich generation. What 3-4 recommendations do you have to help someone currently experiencing the sandwich generation? What are examples of historical changes over the past 40 years that have increased the strain on men and women in their middle adult years?

To complete this assignment address each of the following in your paper:

    Describe the physical, social, and cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood for men.
    Describe the physical, social, and cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood for women.
    Describe the psychosocial stage: generativity versus stagnation.
    Describe how physical, social, and cognitive changes can impact this psychosocial stage.
    Identify the challenges of the sandwich generation.
    Provide recommendations 3 to 4 recommendations for someone currently in the sandwich generation.
    Describe historical changes from the past 40 years that have increased the strain on men and women in their middle adult years.

196 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Assignment Preparation
When we write academic texts, we frequently need to use sources to support our claims or to inform an audience. While the audience may vary, and the sources may be wildly different from the texts we write in our daily lives, the ways we collect and cite them in our papers is not that different from the ways we talk about the events and news of our daily lives, or the ways you may be familiar with citing events in a field report at work.

You will begin this week and next week to create the first stages of a working annotated bibliography that you will come back to later. You will submit this first stage version for feedback next week, and then revisit it in Unit 7 to continue building it with more sources for your project.

We will use APA format for the structural formatting of the academic writing we do in our classes here at Capella, and that includes the ways we cite our sources. See The Annotated Bibliography resource on Campus for help in developing your annotated bibliography. This is one of many methods of structuring a document and citing sources. It is based upon guidelines presented by the American Psychological Association, and many organizations and businesses use it as their model for presenting information and structuring documents, as well, since the date of publication is one of its primary ways of determining the value of sources.

When we conduct research, we have many different sources that we must read through and determine whether or not they hold value for us as writers and researchers. One way to manage our research is to keep a record of what we have read and what those items contain. One such record is an annotated bibliography. Most researchers find it helpful to begin an annotated bibliography at the beginning of their research journey, when they first have the idea of a topic.

To that end, you are invited to join the community of researchers and to create your own annotated bibliography for your future research project in this course. For our research project later this term, we will be returning to the Boston Globe's Timeline: Jared Remy's Troubled Past. 

Look ahead to the instructions in the Unit 5 assignment, Creating an Annotated Bibliography. As you start your research, begin to compile your annotated bibliography.

2nd part
2nd part
2nd part
2nd part
2nd part

unit 5
The annotated bibliography begins with a two-step process. Create a cover page, then on the second page, create an APA formatted bibliographic entry for the Boston Globe's timeline, linked in Resources. You will also need to annotate the entry. This means that after the bibliographic entry, you will need to write a short paragraph (about 2–5 sentences) that summarizes the story for you, the researcher, to know what the text was about when you return to your bibliography at a later date. Understand that researchers frequently work in teams or share their annotated bibliographies publicly in other ways or for other purposes, so your annotation should be one that is understood by other researchers, as well as your instructor in this case.

You should then find at least one other source about the Jared Remy case that you can add to the annotated bibliography. You may search the Capella University Library or search the Internet to find this article. The article should shed new light on the case in some way. In other words, it should not simply provide the same information that the timeline already provides to you, having been written by a different author. Add a citation to the annotated bibliography in complete APA reference list format, followed by your short annotation for this article. Then submit the first part of your annotated bibliography.

Follow the guidelines presented on Campus for creating an annotated bibliography, linked in Resources. Also be sure to meet the following requirements:

Upload your profile report to the assignment area, so your instructor can provide feedback.

Written communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Length of paper: 2–3 pages.
Font: Arial, 10 point.

711 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You will research one of the following topics:
•    The argument that U.S. higher education cost does not equal the value
•    The argument that U.S. higher education is failing to educate
•    The argument that elected officials impact higher education negatively

Argue both sides of the issue using scholarly articles from the library. Your paper must include a statement of the problem, a summary of the literature you found, any theories and approaches suggested by authors, and a conclusion with the recommendation to best address the issues

References: Include a minimum of seven scholarly resources.

109 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, create a blog post that highlights cognitive and language development. In addition, focus on customizing meaningful learning experiences for different educational settings. For example, select a specific subject, then model meaningful learning experiences for an elementary class and then a high school class.

In your blog entry, be sure to address the following:

    Provide insights from at least two classic theorists of cognitive development (i.e., Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky) on what they offer about how to assess and potentially foster children’s or adolescent’s cognitive growth.
    Explain the language capabilities you could expect in students at different grade levels.
    Discuss strategies to help bloggers accommodate diversity in their students’ cognitive and language development, while customizing meaningful learning experiences for different educational settings.

In addition to creating your own blog, submit a copy of your blog along with the link to your blog, as with all other written assignments.

Length of blog: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages. Support your blog with a minimum of three scholarly sources.

Your blog must be effectively designed and must meet the following criteria:

    Locates a website that your professor can easily access. It is suggested that you use a free website such as
    Contains text that is readable (e.g., appropriate size of font, type of font, contrasts with background, contains sufficient white space).
    Includes information within the blog that supports the assignment.
    Ensures all the links are active and work.
    Contains at least one graphic.
    Contains the same template throughout with a consistent design.

Your blog should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your submission should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

309 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1) Three to five pages long; full pages with no white space or excess spaces. 
2) Discusses selected culture in terms of family structure, parenting styles, and how biology (nature) and environment (nurture) play a role in that culture.
3) Organized logically and moves from one point to the next with effective transitions.
4) No errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
5) APA format is followed throughout the paper, and in the reference page. At least three sources are cited.Resource:
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
(Abstract is optional).
6) Online Culture presentation is clear and informative. Picture of prop or artifact is shared, along with details about that item. This sections should be clearly labelled in the paper.

146 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1) Discuss what meant by the two- system hypothesis
2) Describe piaget's four stages of developmental. what are the significant milestone s and abilities of each stage?
3) How can the theory of Operant conditioning be applied to your personal life.i.e. parenting

55 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How could we improve the online classes, so that we can do quizzes and tests during the online classes?

30 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Compare and contrast the focus of early year’s education, on play or on academic skills, between Japan and USA

30 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The purpose of this paper is to compare relationship advice that appears in a popular source (e.g., a Buzzfeed article, blog post, or a popular magazine like Cosmopolitan or Men’s Health) with actual research (3 peer-reviewed sources minimum) on the same topic.

Your job will be to determine the accuracy of the popular source as compared to published relationship research. If the advice is only partially or not at all supported by research, you must suggest ways actual research findings could have been conveyed instead.

You should use a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources for your research comparison (but you may find it helpful to use more!) Please use APA in-text citations and an APA formatted reference page.

130 Words  1 Pages

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