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Life is a learning experience and every individual has things that make them unique in their own way. Every individual has something innovative and distinctive that makes them who they are and this are what are known as personal strengths and weaknesses. I believe that being able to recognize one’s strengths and weaknesses can greatly help one to become a better person. Knowing who you truly are in regard to the strengths and weaknesses; and accepting these weaknesses can greatly motivate one to work extra harder to overcome the weaknesses and thus improve one’s life. This is my first online school and college paper I have ever written. In this assignment I will be discussing strengths that I currently possess such as time keeping, great believer in team work among others and the way that I use them in my normal everyday life. Although, as we both know, nobody is perfect and cannot possess every skill and be proficient with it, so I will also be discussing some of my weakness such as poor communication and writing skills. I will illustrate how these weaknesses affect my academic and career life and how I plan on improving on them to help me become a better person in the society. 


Personal Skill Strengths

One of my greatest strength I believe is on organization. I am great believer in having things organized which is why I keep a daily diary where I record all my plans for the day from the  most important to the least important. By doing this, I am able to ensure that all the important deadlines are met and this helps to keep everything in my life in order.

My second strength is my believe and passion in teamwork, I believe in having good relationships with the people around me whether it is at work, at school or even at home and giving everyone an opportunity to express their ideas. I understand that team work is a great element that helps in ensuring goals are met.

 My other strength is that I am very passionate about helping other people without any bias; I am that person whom everyone feels free to ask a question about anything. This is one of the reasons why even I was selected as the group representative for the youth group that I am in our estate because I am always ready to help the members when they come to me with their personal problems.

Time management is another of my strength that I can confidently say that I have developed over the years, though it was not easy to acquire it especially with my busy schedule at school and also at my part time job.  Today I am always able to meet my demands by ensuring that I have balanced all the activities that I have to do in my life. This balance is effective because it greatly helps me to have peace of mind knowing that at the end of the day, all the demands for the day have been met.

Personal Skill Weaknesses

My weaknesses are things that I have been trying to really work on to see if I can improve and live a much better and successful life. My first weakness is in concern with communication and presentation skills, I am not very good at mingling and meeting new people and this means that I do make a lot of conversations. This has negatively impacted on both my communication and presentation skills. I understand that good communications as well as presentation skills are both important in helping one to effectively grow and develop most especially in career matters. This has greatly affected my social life because I always fear speaking in a place where there are many people and sometimes I have really great ideas.

Another major weakness that I have is that my writing skills are not really that good. I understand the basic skills and I can complete an essay but I always find the content to be shallow and not as convincing as it should be.  Good writing skills is something that I really need with both my work and school life because I know that I will often be required to write projects and assignments something that I really struggle with. I have in the past had constant complains from my teachers to improve on my writing and this has greatly impacted on my academic results.

Personal Improvement Plan

A weakness is something that one can work on and try to improve for better performance which is why I am making a lot of effort to try and work on my weaknesses. I believe that improving on both my communication and writing skills are important in helping me become a better individuals and this will help me improve on both my academic and work performance.

In regard to my communication skills, I have been trying to work on this weakness by joining youth groups in the society where we hold discussion groups and they have been motivating me to talk more and it is really helping me gain courage while speaking in a crowd. I have also been investing more time attending more educative conferences where I get to meet and interact with more people something that is really helping me improve on both my presentation and communication skills.

In regard to my writing, I have come up with a schedule with one of my friends who is really good at writing essays. She will be helping me become a better writer and this means that I have to write three essays every week where we go through the essays together to help me understand how to structure my essays. I have also subscribed to various educational blogs that discuss writing skills, where I interact with other people struggling with writing problems and we get to understand how we can better improve on our writing skills.



Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses is something that is very important and every individual should try and assess their skills to understand what weaknesses and strengths they possess. This has been a very educative assignment that has helped me understand and accept truths about myself that I have always been reluctant to address. I now understand that my greatest strengths include; believe in teamwork, time management and also my organization skills. These are skills that will greatly impact on both my educational and career paths, thus helping e become a better individual. I however also understand that communication and writing skills weaknesses could negatively hinder this development and that is why I should work extra harder to try and improve on these weaknesses. I believe that with the help of the plan that I have come up with to improve on these weaknesses, everything will work out well and I will achieve my life goals and become a better individual.


Sukiennik, D., & Raufman, L. (2016). The career fitness program: Exercising your options (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.


1172 Words  4 Pages

Parent/Caregiver early childhood guidance Strategies and Newsletter

Early childhood education from birth to 5 years-old


 Parents create a positive impact and children’s  positive experience by setting clear rules, protecting and caring for them from birth. Parents are expected to build a nurturing caregiving relationship to improve the child's well-being, social life, and cognitive development.  These actions promote supportive environments, children's behaviors and help them encounter positive life experiences. However, parenting or providing child guidance is a challenging task as parents feel overwhelmed by various tasks including providing food, shelter, emotional need, teaching, and creating work-life balance. Parents always have higher expectations about their children personality but they lack the knowledge and ability to ensure their children's positive behaviors and well-being.  To ensure positive parenting, parents should support their children and this paper provides parenting-related knowledge, guidance strategies, and practices that will help parents create positive developmental outcomes.

Paternal involvement

 Parents should nurture and support their children during early childhood development. Paternal involvement has a positive influence on a child's behavior in that as parents spend more time to interact and discipline their children, the children develop self-discipline personality and self-control (Kim Man, 2013). Parents play a significant role as they act as the role model and as a result, the children improve psychological development, develops language skills, respect, personality and different virtues of life.  Thus, parents should be at the forefront to build a healthy learning environment by disciplining them and acting as role models.  Many parents do not understand the importance of early learning and interrelationship but they spend more time on their work. It is important to understand should obtain learning opportunity from their parents and so,  parents need to spend more time with their children educating them, giving them counsels, behavior therapy and cognitive therapy (Kim Man, 2013).  These are important elements needed in a child's psychological development.

 Guidance strategies and practices

 During early childhood, a nurturing caregiving relationship plays a vital role in a child's development especially in children living in poverty.  Early adversity affects the damages the child's neurological and immunologic systems and to prevent these negative outcomes, there is a need for nurturing and stable relationships (Morris et al, 2017).  The following are important programs for parenting, guidance and strategies and these programs will help parents promote nurturing and supportive relationships, promote parent-child interaction and improve the child's physical and mental health. 

Social support

  Some families are economically disadvantaged and such families experience chaos, stress and poor health associated with neurological and immunologic effects.  However, parents should provide their children with social support such as emotional support, child-care, personal advice, and positive reinforcement (Morris et al, 2017).  Even though poor families find it hard to access resources and social capital, parents should form social networks to improve mental and physical health and as a result, offer positive parenting, and reduce maternal depression.

 Parent-child  interactions

 In addition to providing social support to children during early childhood development, parents should also build nurturing relationships.  From birth up to 5 years, children depend on their parents or guardians for physical and mental needs. Thus, parents should build healthy parent-child interactions and as a result, children will experience positive cognitive development and have the ability to explore the world (Morris et al, 2017). Note that when children are emotionally secure, they are well-adjusted, unlike children who have insecure attachments. The attachments make the parents become sensitive to children's physical and emotional needs.  In addition, parent-child interaction develops pro-social behaviors and improve their behavioral and mental health (Morris et al, 2017).  Through interaction, children develop reading skills, conversations and cognitive development.

 Praising and rewarding children

 In daily interaction, parents should promote nurturing behaviors and attachments by praising their children. When a child behaviors in a negative way, parents should reinterpret the behavior in a negative way in order to support the child and help him or her engage in pro-social behavior (Morris et al, 2017).  Praising and rewarding is a strategy of guiding children toward their growth and development.  Parents should praise and acknowledge specific good behaviors so that the child can feel motivated, increase performance in doing good activities and learning (Morris et al, 2017).  If a child completes eating food or places toys in a better place, a  parent can praise him or her by saying ‘well done', ‘thank you', ‘great work', good girl/boy', ‘I am really pleased' and so on.  In addition to giving praises, parents should also give a reward such as visiting the park, swimming pool, doing painting, playing together, giving stories and so on. Note that praises and rewards will make the child feel good, develop a sense of belonging and increase the ability in learning and development.

 Ignore annoying behavior

  Parents should ignore annoying behaviors which do not surpass the ground rules or behaviors which are not dangerous or damaging.  It is important to allow children to learn by mistake and solve simple matters (Miller, 2015). In addition, if a parent notices unacceptable behavior, it is important to stop concentrating on the mistake and focus the attention elsewhere to help the child resolve the problem.

Redirect negative behavior to positive behavior

 When a child does unacceptable behavior, the parent should involve the child in positive behavior.  For example, a child who is cleaning her nostrils using her hand can be given a handkerchief or a tissue and teach how to use it. The parents should redirect the inappropriate behavior or undesirable actions by providing an alternative method can help the child learn.

 Maintain objectivity

 Parents should know that child guidance is not an easy task but it needs commitment and hard work.  In providing guidance, parents should avoid the threat of harm and anger since it will not assist in learning but rather it will cause more harm (Miller, 2015.  Note that children at the development stage pays attention to the parents and absorbs the information when they are calm. On shaping the child's behavior, parents should focus on the reality of the situation and avoid, overpowering, negative feelings and expression of anger.

Clarity of expectations

 Parents expect positive behaviors from their children but this cannot be achieved if there is no clarity of expectations. Parents should set instructions and ensure that the children understand fully what they are intended to do (Miller, 2015. In various cases, parents use general terms such as ‘be nice'.  Note that children need specific statements about what to do, how to use objects, how to speak and so on.   After setting clear expectations, parents should maintain consistency. Children cannot behave in a positive way if parents do not maintain consistency. Thus, parents should provide the children with a day-to-day rule to remind them of what they are expected from them.

Part 2


The above guidance strategies and activities were selected since they are appropriate in promoting a child's social and cognitive development.  These activities have a significant impact on early childhood development.  The newsletter targets both poor and wealthy families since children from both settings need a nurturing caregiving relationship.  Parents from both settings have been informed about the best practices to perform while raising up their children.  They should offer social support, child-parent interaction, set expectations, and reward and praise the child's behavior (Kim Man, 2013). Parents are also informed on how to address undesirable behaviors, how to reinforce behavior's, and sources of social support.  Even though nursery and kindergarten teachers build a healthy environment for the young ones by teaching them language skills, combination and hygiene,  this newsletter targets parents because they are the first participants in building and shaping the foundation of character and behavior (Kim Man, 2013).  In the first five years, parents have the role of building a good learning environment where the child develops both physically and mentally.



 Early childhood development is an important process that shapes the children's behavior and personality through creating a strong bond with their parents.  However, parents encounter several challenges in providing proper guidance. They lack knowledge and effective strategies for effective parenting and children's development. Parents should follow the knowledge provided on guidance and practices for parenting and they will experience a positive outcome. In specific, parents should focus on building a supportive environment to promote social support, promote parent-child interaction and be sensitive. During early childhood, children need stability, guidance, sense of agency, and a positive environment so that they feel secure. All these can be achieved if parents can only provide autonomy and allow children to make choices during development.

















Kim Man, M. M. (2013). The Early Childhood Experience In Psychology Development. International Journal of Management & Innovation, 5(2), 89–98. Retrieved from


Morris, A. S., Robinson, L. R., Hays, G. J., Claussen, A. H., Hartwig, S. A., & Treat, A. E. (2017). Targeting

Parenting in Early Childhood: A Public Health Approach to Improve Outcomes for Children Living

in Poverty. Child Development, 88(2), 388–397.


Miller F. Darla. (2015). Positive Child Guidance. Cengage Learning







1502 Words  5 Pages

Describe how you could contribute to or benefit from campus diversity?

According to Charles Darwin, genes are the fuel driving evolution of nature or living things in general. In fact, through evolution man became more intelligent and consequently, its species survived over time. Hence, diversity is vital for reproduction, survival, and thriving. Similarly, diversity strengthens communities in terms of the variety of experiences, points of views and contribution.

            In intend to pursue journalism at the University. The educational atmosphere at the university needs to be inclusive and varied for journalism to prosper. In my perspective, diversity does not rely on race, religion, traditions, sexual preference, or language spoken by people, but also on aspects of personal identity. Therefore, journalism contains various voices and personalities of which can enlighten stories and drive change within the campus. Simply put, diversity within classes such as journalism improves experience and it is a mouthpiece for voicing and defending people from different backgrounds.

 In terms of shaping my personality and view on other people, a diverse campus surrounding would advantage me with all the knowledge I require to gain insight on how I can handle various audiences from their own point of view. Thus, a diverse academic environment is the best background for nurturing a career in journalism. One cannot tell the stories of people he or she has no knowledge and understanding on. Thus, how well I tell my stories will depend on early association and acquaintance with other people. On other hand, diverse body of students provides a basis for creating relationships and learning.

261 Words  1 Pages

My position and how it shaped the intervention strategies

 From the assignment, I gathered information on how to keep a community can change their lifestyle to a more healthy routine. As a result of the challenges associated with the proper management of community health, effective interventions and health practices will come a long way in mitigating and managing the associated effects. In the present age, hospitals no longer shoulder sole responsibility of maintaining health and creating interventions for the community. Thus, the shift from hospital to community gave room to community health providers, government and personal measures who guide protect rather than render treatment.

 What I learnt about obesity

 From my own point of view, community nurses are responsible for initiating interventions based on risk factors such as obesity and even unhealthy food intake. The first step is raising awareness of obesity risks and other cardiovascular, which will, in turn, increase knowledge among community members. More information means that people will be able to prevent, manage, and rehabilitate themselves even without the help of caregivers. Informational outreach or campaigns make use articles, social and traditional media. Campaigns go hand in hand with educating people about cardiovascular diseases. Besides, Personal education assists eradicate risky health behaviors consequently reducing obesity risk factors within a community.

 Apparent things I learnt

 I learnt that creating an environment that supports the application of health interventions. Putting up cardiac laboratories within reach of community members will provide regular services to people suffering from obesity diseases. More so, I can testify that nurses can establish a constant connection with a member of the community to assess any progress and any emerging issues. For example, physiological evaluations of body weight can inform nurses of the next intervention and best diagnostic methodology.

 I would say that the government needs to improve health policies so that it can prioritize and subsidize obesity related services among community members. At a personal level, each person takes initiative and change their lifestyles based on medical guidelines provided by health workers. In the end, everyone gets a chance to increase their will power against obesity disorder and purposely live a healthy lifestyle away from the heavy nutrients foods.

 Factors that surprised me

 I share the view that health workers can set up workshops for educating communities on the best possible ways of handling heart attacks at home. The workshop is a simple way of establishing a constant presence in the community. More so, emphasizing patients with critical heart attack and stroke issues will assist nurses to assess and develop preventive measures from worsening.

 Challenges encountered

Obesity seems like an avoidable tragedy to the naked eye but digging deeper into the chronic illness reveal more than lifestyle behaviors and a sedentary lifestyle. Most food flooding the market has harmful ingredients, to the ignorance of consumers.

            In summary obesity and its associated risks are predictable. Therefore, healthcare practitioners have a responsibility of coming up with a holistic and effective approach to dealing with the health-related challenges both at home and in hospitals. Campaigning and educating helps people manage their health status and change lifestyle for the better.


521 Words  1 Pages


  1. Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire

            Considering the information collected from the VARK questionnaire, the scores obtained were: Visual 10, Aural 6, Kinesthetic 4, and Read/Write 2. This implies that the highest score of visual is my preferred learning style with the rating of 10. From the results obtained using the VARK personal learning profile, my next preferred learning style is the auditory with the score of 6. This then means that visual and auditory are in the same balance, implying I really desire a big picture or demonstrations and listening in the process of learning. Unfortunately, the multimodal did not score.

  1. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style

                                                Preferred learning style

            Despite that, his implies that I am a visual and auditory learner that is a person who learns best through actively taking part in demonstrations and other visual aided means in the learning process. In most cases, I do learn easily through engaging my hands in experimentations and other associated activities. Attending classroom sessions, listening to speeches is one of my interesting means of arousing my mind (Prithishkumar & Michael, 2014). I have to dedicate my time so as to stay motivated and actively involved so as to grasp and remember all that could have been taught during that session.  Taking notes and highlighting is not my area of expertise as far as my learning process is concerned (Khanal et al., 2014).

                                                Strategy comparison

            Comparing the identified VARK learning strategies, my current learning strategies are similar. Taking part in class demonstrations and actively participating in lectures are some of the definite comparison (Khanal et al., 2014). In the process of using all my senses that is hearing, touch, taste, sight, and smell to experiment with, is what has the potential of improving my learning process. In the act of executing things once, for instance dedicating my time in listening to class lectures and demonstrations, gives me the opportunity of memorizing the information given (Prithishkumar & Michael, 2014).

  1. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners

            Each individual learning technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. The reason for that is because each student or learner has his or her own means of learning. Typically, this also has the potential of affecting how learners grasp and process information. Providing students with tools will enable them to be actively engaged in their studies as well as assisting them to be better learners (Peyman et al., 2014). The provision of tools, for example, learning styles, have the potential of guiding the educator to utilize various teaching methods based on the various learning styles of the learner. Such learning styles are used for the purpose of pointing out the various styles to use to collect, convert, interpret, coordinate, and think about the information provided.

            In most cases, a student has the ability of using different ways to learn which in return assist him or her to increase their learning process more quickly. That will only happen in case he or she has the ability of making use of some of the preferred learning styles. Basically, the main value of establishing the learners’ knowledge on his or her learning style is the one which guides a learner in understanding their weaknesses and strengths (Khanal et al., 2014). Although there are various means of categorizing learning styles, the VARK model is considered to be the ultimate means of doing so. Usually, it has been realized that visual students always gather information through seeing: handouts, diagrams, videos, and charts while auditory students gather information through hearing.


  1. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

            For a person taking part in health promotion with the objective realizing the desired outcomes, the use of the VARK feature is the one which will assist the learners to decisively reflect on what they are likely to learn on their fieldwork familiarities as well as enhancing their upcoming learning process. Furthermore, VARK research indicates that an assessment made using this tool is the one which has the capacity of developing effective teaching as well as learning strategies for the learners, both clinically and academically (Peyman et al., 2014).

            Due to the fact that the VARK online learning questionnaire is perceived to be one of the multimodal learning strategy or preference, about 60% of the entire population is the one which have the chances of fitting into the multimodal learning preferences. The reason for that is because for any behavioral change, the learning style of each student ends up varying taking into consideration the scores obtained as several combinations always exist. From VARK outcomes, some of the learning styles used by learners are what end up making them be more flexible on their learning processes as compared to those has one VARK learning preference (Prithishkumar & Michael, 2014).

            In order to accommodate different learning styles in health promotion, it is important for learners to ensure that they have utilized multimodal learning strategies other than limiting themselves to one or two strategies. The reason for that is because it is the one which will assist them to be contented that they have grasped enough on a certain topic (Balasubramaniam & Indhu, 2016). Moreover, in order to accommodate all that, it important to believe that the information gathered is sufficient in enhancing professional learning experiences.

















PEYMAN, H., SADEGHIFAR, J., KHAJAVIKHAN, J., YASEMI, M., RASOOL, M., YAGHOUBI, Y. M., … KARIM, H. (2014). Using VARK Approach for Assessing Preferred Learning Styles of First Year Medical Sciences Students: A Survey from Iran. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 8(8), 1. Retrieved from:

Khanal, L., Shah, S., & Koirala, S. (2014). Exploration of preferred learning styles in medical education using VARK modal. Russian Open Medical Journal, 3(3), 1–8.

Prithishkumar, I. J., & Michael, S. A. (2014). Understanding your student: Using the VARK model. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 60(2), 183–186.

Balasubramaniam, G., & Indhu, K. (2016). A Study of Learning Style Preferences among First Year Undergraduate Medical Students Using VARK Model. Education in Medicine Journal, 8(4), 15–21.





1099 Words  3 Pages









Semester reflection









Semester reflection

            Education is important as it equips one with the information, skills and knowledge needed to not only secure a good career but also learn the basic workings of things that occur in society as well as the interactions between people. Due to its importance, people have a tendency to focus time, money and energy into their education but this is often made difficult by other factors that are just as important such as family, work or a personal life. Other factors in a person’s life could be a hindrance or a motivator to how much people commit to learning as well as their performance in school and is something I got to better understand this semester. According to the Smarter Measure Learning Readiness Indicator, I scored 75% (Smarter measure 3) on the life factors scale with my greatest strength being reason and time was identified as my greatest constraint.

            Life factors greatly contributed to the performance I had in all my classes this semester. Having to divide my learning with my personal life, I had to sacrifice some time meant for studying to do personal things but had to ensure that my personal life did not affect my grades. I decided to make time to do things like staying with family, hanging out with friends and pursuing my hobbies because they are essential parts of living. I also decided to make sure that I commit to learning and get my assignments done and study whenever possible to keep my grades up. My greatest motivator was my learning environment as well as my reason for studying. Both at home and in school, the environment was conducive enough to encourage studying. My parents are aware of how important education is to me and they always ensure that the house is quiet and I am rarely disturbed when I’m studying. Having my own room helps a lot because I get to focus on my studies without being bothered by family and friends. The school also has a fully stocked library that is quiet and an ideal place for studying. The good learning environment and my desire for success greatly contribute to my reasons for going to school. I am determined to achieve academic excellence, get a promising career be able to provide for my family as well as give back to the community.

            Although resources are a bit tight, my parents went out of their way to ensure that I do not miss out on school for financial reasons. All my fees were paid in time and I was provided with all the learning equipment needed to pursue my studies. The school is also well equipped with books and other learning material and this ensured that I had access to all I needed to improve my performance this semester. In relation to skills, I believe that I am competent enough and have the skills and knowledge to go on with my pursuit for education. This semester helped me to achieve a lot as I was able to improve my academic performance and learn more skills. I was able to improve my grades and learn better ways of studying and solving academic problems. I believe that the life factors greatly helped me to manage myself and I will strive to keep improving my skills and becoming a better student.

            While life factors are often beyond someone’s control, there are those that can be altered to prevent them from affecting academic performance. Factors such as place, resources and time are difficult to change because they are mostly out of my control (Bransford 165). To prevent them from affecting my semesters in future, I plan on creating a timetable so as to better manage my personal and school life. The place is conducive enough so I will not focus so much on changing it. As for resources, I will try and do part time jobs and use the money to fund my educational needs. There are however factors that can be easily altered such as reason and skills. I plan on improving my skills to become a better student and this will give me even more reasons to aspire to be the best, for the next semesters, I plan on using life factors as a boost rather than a challenge and this will greatly improve my academic performance.

            The study also identified my learning style as Solitary which means that I prefer to study on my own in silence. I also learnt that, in order to cater to my learning style, I need to show people how to respect my study time and maintain the silence I crave when I’m studying. While it is difficult to achieve this in some environments, I learnt that libraries, parks and my room are ideal places to study in solitude. This course has made me a better critical thinker as it has taught me how to manage my time, control my learning environment and also what I can do to improve my performance. It has taught me how to plan my academics and personal life and how to ensure that one aspect of my life does not affect the others. From this course, I learnt that there is always room for improvement. Even when life factors prove to be a challenge,, there are things I can do to ensure that I create ample space and room for education while still living a fulfilling life and this will greatly improve my academic journey.



Work cited

Bransford J, “How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school” Princeton, 2006, print.

Smarter Measure, “Learning readiness indicator” 2018


943 Words  3 Pages

 Education and the community

            Education plays an important role in the community as it is used to teach and prepare members of society on how to go about engaging with one another and performing duties that go a long way in improving the community. Through education, people learn skills and pick up knowledge that helps them to make developments, secure jobs and engage in conduct that facilitates personal and societal growth. Although there are different forms of learning, the learning methods can be successfully combined to enhance education and in doing so, facilitate growth.

            Formal education for instance creates a foundation that puts everyone that goes through the system in the same playing field[1]. This is because formal education follows the same set of principles and guidelines as well as a curriculum that is aimed at making students successful people in the community[2]. It teaches them to follow guidelines as well as equipping them with skills and knowledge that is applicable in most aspects of society.

            Informal and non formal education on the other hand are the most beneficial as they give the educators and trainers the authority to set the teaching methods, goals and locations for teaching[3]. The freedom ensures teachers can pick a certain element in society that needs to be addressed and teach lessons that will equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to work or improve certain areas within the community[4]. When used together, formal education can help students get acquainted to the learning process while still instilling knowledge. Informal and non formal education can then be used to teach students more practical lessons especially those structured to help people adapt; improve; and survive in the community they live in.





Enhancing Education, (2018) “Formal vs. Informal education” retrieved from,   

Latchem C, (2014) “Informal learning and non-formal education for development” Journal of      Learning for Development, retrieved from,   

Linguistics Integration of Adult Migrants, (2018) “formal, non-formal and informal learning”      retrieved from,    informal-learning

Young Adult, (2018) “Education: Formal, non-formal and informal” retrieved from,



[1] Young Adult, (2018) “Education: Formal, non-formal and informal”

[2] LIAM, (2018) “formal, non-formal and informal learning”

[3] Latchem C, (2014) “Informal learning and non-formal education for development” Journal of Learning for Development

[4] Enhancing Education, (2018) “Formal vs. Informal education”

392 Words  1 Pages


“Tradition and Individual Talent” and “The Studio” Articles


‘Tradition and Individual Talent’ does some digging into concerns and redefines the word ‘tradition’. In the first paragraph of the book, Elliot claims that people rarely talk on traditions but use it for an abhorring effect. According to Elliot, critics should focus on other things other than the uniqueness of a poem. How a poem fits in with past works is an indicator of prowess and gives the poem a good historical standpoint. On the other hand, ‘The Studio’ explains the financial might of studios producing movies year in and year out. This essay will explore reasons for looking critically at various bodies of art rather than just concentrating on fame and financial success.

In the two articles, any form of art becomes pure as long as it educates and imparts values to its audience. The article ‘Tradition and The individual Talent’ focuses on incorporation of skillsets from past poets or writers. Thus, the author advices other writers or poets, “It is not desirable to confine knowledge to whatever can be put into a useful shape for examination, drawing-room…” (Elliot 6). Movie content needs to cut across all audiences and pass powerful message rather than senseless entertainment. “The final music cue designed to give the audience an emotional lift...” for the sake of memorability. A good movie should engage a viewer’s emotions, mind, and address societal challenges. Gold is not the only thing that glitters. In this case, a good poem or movie does not need to have the majority vote and instead, be ‘traditional’ in its nature, “The article of so and so is traditional” (Elliot 3). In his introductory, Elliot suggests that people should categorize a poem as traditional only if it qualifies and not mention the word for a fruitless reaction (Elliot 3). He further goes on to the words appreciates the death and shows the stand of the living on matters pertaining poems and other forms of art. The concept of creating art is to keep the memory of others on the mind of the current society rather than seeking to stand out above the rest for fame, fortune, and prosperity.

            Criticism is part of life and since no one leaves independent from other people, the society must judge the motive behind a poem and derive its direct or indirect meaning. Thus, artists should make their concepts with others in mind in order to reflect the life on communities and share their ‘great labor’ with others because, “Tradition is a matter of great significance” (Elliot 4). Generosity is an aspect of art. More over movies need to implement need to share unique ideologies that affect other people in the society than concentrate on grossing millions of dollars. For example, movies have made it a point making expensive movies even the content is wanting. Theatres construct expensive setting to attract a wider audience rather than “If the picture plays well, they quiet down” (Studio 203) due to quality than the circus meant to distract audience from the contents of the play.

A movie and a poem are tools of art used to pass information from generation to generation and therefore they are prone to honest criticism from the public. Thus, they should be wholesome, filled with past wisdom and knowledge. One of the most tasking job of poems and other bodies of work is the capability to exhibit relevance through the eyes of other people. The past is in the past but no individual has ‘meaning alone’, “In a peculiar sense he will be aware that he must be judged by the standards of the past” (Elliot 5). The thoughts, fears, and pleasures of thousands of writers appear in past poem, written in line with various styles, relevant to that day and age (Elliot 5). To channel an energy of appreciation to the men and women who lived before you and have wider perspective and wisdom on issues, the incorporation of traditional concepts would be a good starting point. Mores so, views of others creates room for solutions through the shared language and emotional connection and through various ancient forms, “Every comment is being absorbed by the studio people”  for future reference (Studio 206).Since ancient times, humans passed skills from one person to another and the sharing of information through traditions should not end now. Recently, movies bring in finances, based on technology applied or expensive computer generated images but none focuses on issues that solve problems or create a continuity of memories of past incidences for the sake of preservation. In other words, the integrating the past helps one see the future more clearly. During the early days of holidays, directors concentrated on making films that could invoke feelings, which would in turn push the viewers to interpret the meaning behind the film unlike presently where money is the main objective of movies.

The two articles have a sense of selflessness. A movie producer and a poet have to cater to the needs of their audience through extensive research of past works. Consequently, an artist can assume a different personality and go on to reveal another reflection through their works. An artist can assume a different personality and go on to reveal another reflection through their works. An artist is ‘self-sacrificing’, hence “What happens is a continual surrender of self” (Elliot 6). Even the definition of artistry alone is service to others. An artist has to apply many concepts outside of his personality and domain to become an artist. A movie has to come up with an intensive but captivating storyline through which people can internalize their lives and that of past generations which in turn unveils “what should be fixed, changed, shortened or redone can become surreal” (Studio 208). To bring out a movie that proportionately shows the appreciation for past worlds, the right script coupled with the right people need to end up in the movie. On the other hand, a movie with a low budget may lack the funds to compete with an expensive movie. In the end, money may create an unfair advantage to other pictures with good quality content.

A movie may contain scenes filled with rich content for educational purposes and for assessing ancient social history without keeping and at the same time entertain the audience with humor or an intriguing story line (The studio). The studio article notes that, “I have no idea what the correlation is between the numbers and eventual financial success of any movie.” This translates to the fact that the decision for movies to increase ‘validity’ via finances often leaves out the important cultural aspects of the movie. An expensive movie may shift its objective to gaining higher profits rather than education through past societal knowledge and other necessary knowledge. The same aspects applies to poets or writers they “seldom speak of tradition” (Elliot 3) in their work

The fact that a movie and a poem relies on the eyes and ears of listeners, movie producers and poets have a duty to bring out all the attributes shared with their audience so as to focus on mirroring the society rather than producing art just for the sake of it. More so, “It should be kept in mind that data derived from audience reaction surveys are not necessarily predictive box-office success or of a film’s market-ability...” (Studio 209) for connecting with audiences. Getting an audience response is crucial. In the movie business, writers may die poor but studio heads may make good profits from their movies. The unfair system tends to take advantage of dead poets or writers from whom content creation occurred via ‘continual surrender’, that is for ‘Movies are art’ (Studio 217).The progress of any society or art form for that matter relies on continuous sharing of information from person to another and integrating the values, principles and moral ethics in the right amount so that everyone may experience change through the work of the artist. As long as an artist is not a pioneer, he or she needs to keep up updating his style with grains of wisdom from past artists. It is vital to note that sharing is not from the past alone but even via inspiration movie makers can influence future movie producers by what they do today. Furthermore Elliot suggests that “Every nation, every race, has not only its own creative but its own critical turn of mind,” (Elliot 3) hence writers should tap into traditions for better writing content.

Both articles elaborate on the process of handing down information from one artist to the next inclusive of selecting procedures that would see to it that most valuable features of past artists live again from the ashes. As Elliot, notes, it is important to realize that combinations of various, “transforming catalysts,” (Elliot 8) happen when the poet represents the work of past great past poets in his or her work. Then, the poet’s mind becomes a catalyst as it activates past knowledge, which captivates other people’s feelings, imagery, and memories (Elliot 6). Hence, the cohesive nature of past works should map out the future and keep the field cohesive without any queries. In addition, movies are also an art form and sometimes borrow numerous concepts from past film makers who helped shape the industry to what it is today (Elliot 6). Money does not change the fact that a low grossing movie might be better than movie with high sales and “the change everyone looks for occur around the ending” (Studio 210) cementing further the fact that it is not always about money.

In summary movies and poetry are all forms of art. Art is a continuous process and does not rely on the unique work of an individual hence the need to incorporate the work of other cultures as a token of appreciation and give perspective under an experienced past of the society. In fact, the inclusion of past works aims at shading light at relevance of art and caters to needs of the audience. Thus, an artist is a giver who needs to have a holistic approach to his or her art.


















Works Cited

Elliot T.S. Tradition And The Individual Talent

The studio. Was It All For This?




1717 Words  6 Pages


Lessons learnt depend on the experiences and the interpretation of the same lessons based on skills and applications derived from the scientific papers. The connection between teaching and research lessons relies on a person’s particular views. Hence, the teaching and researching sides give various views and depending on the approaches presented to the learner. This paper will discuss and evaluate the lessons I acquired throughout the entire course, at the group level and the personal level. In addition, I discuss the impact of the lesson acquired from primary resource searches and the relationship between science, literature, and societies.

Role of primary research in student development

Primary research is a tool that helps facilitate creativity and drive passion due to the original nature of the tasks (Looi, & Teh, 2015). Simply put, primary resource required new data and assessment, which pushed me, further to learn more and in the process acquired more. In the end, I was able to develop new skills, information, and new skillsets due to the practical components of the primary research.

 The work ethic and the procedure of the primary research put in place by scholars, for the purposes of  processing information and findings gives one a framework of thoughts in line with known scholars (Looi, & Teh, 2015). Therefore, the ability of piecing together an academic research gives me the confidence needed to conduct other kinds of researches and arrive at conclusive answers.

Furthermore, the first lesson of the research was knowledge acquisition and the second was diving into new unexplored sectors with various theories and rationalities, which in turn constructs new strategies and perspectives. The third lesson was the practical aspects of skills and controlling various elements for the sake of collaborative, coordination and teamwork (Looi, & Teh, 2015). At the end of the day, cohesion and learning through other team members infuses teamwork for overall implementation of the work.

Engaging academic activities increased my ability to capture a perfect picture and get actual results from the learning material while at the same time giving a good record of the other student’s thoughts during the entire study session (Secord, 2014). Thus, the learning material contained all of the necessary needs to enhance learning and keep other key concepts learnt before relevant and usable to students like me.

 The major issue is acquiring the critical thinking tools and applying them in line with the information acquired (Secord, 2014). Moreover, primary research is a demanding way of gaining understanding, as it needs the correct amount of evaluation. Furthermore, the research has to align its outcomes with common facts within the scientific field.

 Connection between science, literature, and society

Science and literature are two basic factors even though they are different from each other in major ways (Secord, 2014). They both play vital function in the human societies. Literature portrays the perspectives of people in terms of experiences within the human societies and may use science as a tool to propagate information or achieve the impossible within the societies.

 Ancient science defined and shaped the meaning of information through tests and evidences (Secord, 2014). The common theme between society and science is the experiences they share through a connection of knowledgeable systems within the natural ecosystems.

 The activities within the research scope is helpful in demonstrating the correlation between, the society, science, and literature. The literature mirrors into theories and concepts of the societies and its presence is persistent and continuous. It is no surprise that since science came of age and influenced civilizations, it had a toll on literature (Secord, 2014). Whether subtly or strong and openly, science left its figure prints in any literature ever written on earth. For example, the concepts learnt from philanthropically reactions do not obscure literature but rely in it for sending their message across the board and giving people a chance to know the clarity. In the other side, philosophical transactions seek to find justice and equality amidst the reality of societies and human interactions.

When comparing science before the science era and science after science gained its foot in human society, a total difference shows the correlation and interdependence of the two sectors. Furthermore, before science, there were religious beliefs and simple metaphysics rather than proves derived from intensive research (Looi, & Teh, 2015). Although religion and metaphysics still have a place in human societies, the place science curved for itself remains essential and undisputable.

Literature has a role to play when it comes to shading light on the plight within the society in terms of values and history (Looi, & Teh, 2015). However, science, unveils the facts and myths and it is up to the society to decide on what to belief. Besides, among the three, science had a powerful impact due to its practicality and its applicable nature.

In summary, the material of the entire course helped in developing new skills and application into real life situations. Moreover, the persistence and shifting the problem through understanding and giving a proper definition to the context of the condition helped to enhance practical skills and critical thinking during the entire learning sessions for the sake of attaining the main objectives.



















Looi, C. K., & Teh, L. W. (Eds.). (2015). Scaling educational innovations. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Secord, J. A. (2014). Visions of science: Books and readers at the dawn of the Victorian age. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press












902 Words  3 Pages

Integrating Curriculum

The activity which will be used for the sensory development during the early childhood education is Primary Colours Squishy Bag Experiment. This activity will be appropriate for the group of children from 3 to 5 years old as this experiment will be helpful for them in the process of understanding the process of colors mixing and will give them the opportunity to develop their visual, motor and logic skills. This activity should be used for the group of children in early childhood category as it can help them to develop their language skills as they will describe the process and the colors which they get. Also, children after the activity will be able to apply this experiment to the experience which they can get in real life. What is more important the main role of this activity is to help children to develop their ability to recognize colors and understand the principles of their creation (Davis, 2015). Describing the activity, it is important to note that the children will mix three colors - red, blue, and yellow - in a zip lock bags in order to see how these colors can form a new one and it will allow children to explore the world of art and science as well. According to state standards in New York state with the help of early childhood education should demonstrate the understanding of the main colors and also it is recommended to “sing songs and read books that name colors or identify shapes and objects with similarities” ("New York State EARLY LEARNING GUIDELINES," 2012) in order to give the children more clear understanding of the differences between colors. Analyzing national standards it must be noted that it states “even infants and toddlers are beginning—through play, relationships, and informal opportunities—to develop the basis of later knowledge in areas such as mathematics, visual and performing arts, social studies, science, and other areas of learning” (National Association for the Education of Young Children & National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education, 2003). It means that according to requirements on the national level children should represent the understanding of the basic things in visual art which also includes colors differentiation. This activity will be used as a catalyst for the development of an integrated curriculum unit as this activity is also designed to help children to get the basic understanding of scientific experiment.

Also, it must be noted that this activity can be used with the additional activities in order to develop the social and emotional development of children. Such activities as association game will help children not only to develop their social and emotional abilities but also will help them to develop their language skills. “As children develop social and emotional skills, they gain the confidence and competence needed to build relationships, problem-solve, and cope with emotions” (Darling-Churchill & Lippman, 2016). Also, the defined activity can help the children to be aware of the main principles of the associations in the visual arts as the game with colors will help them to apply the gained knowledge into the real life.

The format of the integrated unit will be defined by cooperative learning with the help of parents and teacher. This format will help the children to gain the necessary level of understanding of the main principles of visual art and what is more important will have a positive impact on their ability to social communication. “The process approach uses child-initiated developmental play in a prepared environment with social interaction and mediation as the media to encourage the formation of symbolic mental representations” (Lauritzen, 1992). This format also will give the opportunity to parents to learn how to cooperate with their children and how to develop their interest in science and visual art.

It must be noted that parents and families of students should be involved in the process of development, implementation, and evaluation of the unit. First of all, parents will be integrated into the unit, and in cooperation format, they should help the teacher to decide how to develop the plan for the unit for their children in the most effective way. However, before starting the development of unit in cooperation with parents, it is important to explain to them which benefits they and their children will get from such format of the work. Also, it must be noted that parents know their children from another point of view from the teacher, so they can help to define the right activities and the right format which will be interesting for their children in the class.

During the stage of implementation of the unit the teacher will need the help from parents as they should actively participate in the activities and help the teacher to involve students in this activity This experience also is very important for parents as it is a great chance for them to be involved into the process of the education of their children and what is more important it gives the opportunity to children to learn how to communicate with parents in the context of education.

For the evaluation stage, it is important to provide parents with the opportunity to leave the feedback about the understanding of their role in this project and how it influenced their ability to communicate with their children in such context. It must be noted that integration unit can be helpful also for the evaluation of the ability of students to learn the new things in the format which is not familiar to them and in the circumstances which are different from what they used to see during their education before.

Catalyst Activity of Primary Colors Squishy Bag Experiment

The primary colors and squishy experiment is a mentally stimulating activity or catalyst. The children have to identify colors, differentiate, and combine them to form new colors based on what they like (Lauritzen, 1992). Unlike other usual patterned activities, this particular exercise hinges on creativity and critical thinking capacity of a child. The more colors formed by a child signals the catalytic nature of the experiment. Even if a child forms one color that does not imply that, he or she did not revive the catalyst factor of the experiment. Therefore, the experiment is a two-way traffic, the more colors formed stimulates the brain to think of other colors not formed.

 Just like in the chemical world where the reactant gains energy and form more products, Primary Colors Squishy Bag Experiment is an activity that challenges the mental ability of a child to think widely and deeply while maintaining his or her attention on the task at hand(Lauritzen, 1992). The fun factor of the experiment is that the child will not recognize the tedious work associated with the experiment until he or she completes the activity at hand. Furthermore, the utilization of hands evokes feelings, which then contribute to bringing out the catalyst nature of the experiment. In fact, it is rare to hook a five year old or a nine year old to an activity for more than thirty minutes before losing interest and diverting to another task. Therefore, the experiment is effective enough to bring out vital developmental concepts in a child and apply them to fruition. On the other hand, color mixing is messy and gives. In the end, the child becomes expressive and improves on his social and mental skills.

Primary Colors Squishy Bag Experiment and Mental or cognitive improvement domain

            As stated earlier, the squishy bag experiment evokes the brain to learn, obtain, and execute the duties at hand with ease. Other learning opportunities arise from the mental capacity of the brain (Darling-Churchill, & Lippman, 2016). Hence, if the activity upgrades the cognitive talents of a kid, this only implies that the child can get better at education and in handling other real life situations, which may in turn accumulate into an all-round character and newfound independence. All in all, the activities related with the experiment help in the development of the entire brain. The resulting intellectual ability increases brainpower and improve performance of the children as they mature into next childhood stages of life.

 Researchers revealed that the learning opportunity associated with squishy bag is general knowledge. Consequently, improved cognitive capabilities enhance quick reasoning laying the foundation for mathematics, scientific concepts, social integration, and readiness to engage problematic contexts within the real life sector. Cognition opens up the mind of a child to patterns and relationships in the scientific life (Darling-Churchill, & Lippman, 2016). One may prompt the question why cognitive abilities only affect social life and the science domain of a young person. However, science contains subject matters that need the critical thinking and always stimulate the cognitive part of the brain. More so, general knowledge consists of social concepts and common facts that can assist a child attract vital skills for survival and gain insight on global economic markets and the mannerism of science and other skills. In the end, the child has an authentic foundation and the ability to ensure the mentor with a sustainable future.

  Primary Colors Squishy Bag Experiment Template

Topic/ Ideology driving the Activity: critical thinking through stimulation of cognitive acitivities.

Teacher’s Name: __________________

  1. Topic under study: Acquisition of logical reasoning through the interpretation of colors.

Activities such as touching colors under the blobs, mixing colors, and identification of the colors formed correctly. Squishing the colors and observing them mix is also a vital part of the exercise.

  1. Objective Questions

Yellow + blue =__________________

blue+ blue=_____________________

red +yellow=_____________________

  1. Materials needed to facilitate the activity: sandwich bags, removable colors, several sheets of cardboard, and a carpeted room.
  2. Setup of the experiment; children should work in individual sections but close to each other to enable transfer of ideas and morale of completing the tasks
  3. Reflection of the process: Each child should identify the colors observed and state lesson learn during the sessions.












In conclusion, it must be noted that activity which will give the opportunity to students to learn how to see the difference between the colors and what is more important to mix these colors to see the new colors is very important for their development. Also, it must be noted that in the context of an integrated unit with their parents students will get the ability to learn also how to communicate with their parents in such circumstances and the results of the activity will be different to some extent. Also, it must be noted that the process of the implementation and the evaluation of the unit is very important for the results of the activities which will be helpful for students in the development of their ability to understand the main principles of visual art and emotional and social communication.










Lauritzen, P. (1992). Facilitating integrated teaching and learning in the preschool setting: A process approach. Early Childhood Research Quarterly7(4), 531-550. doi: 10.1016/0885-2006(92)90073-8

Darling-Churchill, K., & Lippman, L. (2016). Early childhood social and emotional development: Advancing the field of measurement. Journal Of Applied Developmental Psychology45, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.appdev.2016.02.002

New York State EARLY LEARNING GUIDELINES. (2012). Retrieved from

National Association for the Education of Young Children & National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education. (2003). (Retrieved from

Davis, J. (2015). Primary Colours Squishy Bag Experiment. Retrieved from

1902 Words  6 Pages

Prompt one

Achievement gap

In the education sector, it refers to the discrepancies that exist among students in terms of their academic performance (Altintas 98). Achievement gaps materialize in grades, school dropout rates and other factors.

Education gap

This refers to the differences in education facilities, systems, and infrastructures existing from region to region likely to affect the quality of education a student acquires.

Prompt two

After the assessment of the Coleman report, Americans tried to reduce the education gap based on the findings of the report. For instance, the evidence from the report turned into social policies encouraging parents to impact positively their children’s lives. In the end, the Coleman report proved that a child’s background influenced his or her school performance (Downey 97). In other words, statistics confirm that education gaps between black and white is down by 0.15 standard deviation. This number is an overall observation from preschool to college.

Prompt three

How schools propagate inequality

            Schools serve students based on their social class. For instance, some schools cater to the poor while others can accommodate the rich. Consequently, they divide the society on financial capability (Downey 120). For example, public schools serve everyone in the community while private schools accept students with deep pockets. Perhaps one of the factors that cause inequality is school resources. A school with vast resources has libraries and laboratories, which assist students, acquire knowledge on various perspectives. A student with from a poor background cannot easily access good facilities.

Generally, students from working class or marginalized communities perform below average in education. Whereas, students from middle income earning backgrounds get better grades than their working class peers (Altintas 118). The answer in the contrast lies in social and economic variation. The schooling among working class and elites differs greatly which forces students to perform based on their level of academic exposure. In other words, a well-equipped school is able to give students better exposure than an ill-equipped school.

 The ‘head start’ program gave children from marginalized communities a chance to access quality education. Moreover, the program insulated children from social and economic shifts. ‘Head Start’ was an effective intervention in offering children from low class families preschool courses (Ashurst, and Couze, 167). Administered by nonprofit entities; it would integrate school activities into the social life of poor children. In fact, the program facilitated free medical services.

 On other hand, a program such as ‘No Child Left Behind’ ensures that needy students have access to education (Ashurst, and Couze, 45). In addition, the program is under a public law that meets the needs of poor children by providing financial assistance. In return, the children improve academically.

Prompt four

Main Challenge in the American Education system

From my own personal perspective, the biggest challenge in the American education system is lack of an efficient learning surrounding, which is able to accommodate habitable classrooms and school infrastructure (Altintas 112). The learning surrounding forms an essential part in the learning procedure. I am of the opinion that students and teachers need a clean, serene atmosphere.

The other challenge is lack of funding from stakeholders or educators (Altintas 81). Expansion of infrastructure to house more students and upgrade facilities to cater to the needs of the students without compromising on the quality is a problem that needs attention.



 As past researches proved, reforms solely cannot improve problems faced by American schools. The first solution has to do with standardizing schools and ensure no student is left behind in terms of curriculum (Ashurst, and Couze, 138). For instance, sitting for common examinations will help ensure uniform standards across America. Secondly, School funds, and programs should be easily implementable across the board, allowing managers to balance student requirements. Every child should have access to school resources. Third, students should have the authority to shape students into respectful individuals, able to conduct themselves responsibly without any query. In short, American schools should focus their energy on major principles and not bureaucracy.












Works cited

Altintas, Evrim. "The widening education gap in developmental child care activities in the United States, 1965–2013." Journal of Marriage and Family 78.1 (2016): 26-42.

Ashurst, Francesca, and Couze Venn. Inequality, Poverty, Education: A Political Economy of School Exclusion. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Downey, Douglas B., and Dennis J. Condron. "Fifty years since the Coleman Report: Rethinking the relationship between schools and inequality." Sociology of Education 89.3 (2016): 207-220.





743 Words  2 Pages


            Review of ‘Keys to Educational Psychology’



Eloff, I., & Ebersöhn, L. (2004). Keys to educational psychology. Cape Town: UCT Press.

Psychology education is an important element that has been incorporated in almost every sector including schools, hospitals, court rooms and NGOs among others. ‘Keys to Educational Psychology’ by Irma Eloff and Liesel Ebersohn is a book that talks about the concept of educational psychology with a basis of South Africa. This is a country where there are many cases of HIV/AIDS, poverty, unemployment and the post-apartheid landscape that greatly affects the children there (Eloff & Ebersöhn, 2004). The book tries to explain the ways that educational psychology can effectively be introduced in schools to help these children lead better lives.

Liesel Ebersohn is a professor of Educational Psychology in the University of Pretoria, where she has worked for the last ten years and she is also the head of Educational Psychology Department. Irma Eloff is a registered psychologist and the dean of the faculty of education at the University of Pretoria. Both these authors are registered researchers who are rated by National Research Foundation of South Africa.

This is a very interesting book that every person should have in their book shelf; it is a book that is easy to understand for everyone including students and people in various professions. One thing that I particularly liked about this book is that unlike in other psychology based books, Eloff & Ebersöhn clearly define all the psychological terms that are used in every chapter beforehand which makes it very easy for one to understand concepts clearly. There are three teaching methods that are discussed in the book including use of visuals, cooperative learning and inquiry based instruction. Eloff & Ebersöhn (2004) illustrates that cooperative learning is important because it encourages the learners to interact with one another something that promotes self-confidence as well as enhancing critical thinking skills for the learners. The disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming and it may not be effective for large classes. Visualization is encouraged with the illustration that it helps the learners to understand how lessons learnt in class can be applied in the real world and it also helps them to remember concepts better. The disadvantage with this method is that it can lead to a lot of distractions for the learners which could affect the overall objective of learning. Eloff & Ebersöhn (2004) encourages the use of questions during learning because it helps inspire the students to think critically and investigate their own ideas that lead them to gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts. The disadvantage of this method is that it is time consuming and it could negatively impact the timid students.

The book gives a clear understanding of what educational psychology is all about with clear sectioning of every chapter. The chapters of the book can be read in any sequence because the book provides numerous bases to the range of themes in educational psychology in the contemporary world. Each of the chapter presents an integrated overview of the key concepts, quotations from professionals and students, and it includes reflective questions that can greatly help to guide one’s practice. Eloff & Ebersöhn (2004) ensure that indigenous knowledge within the book is infused with international perspectives and there is equal emphasis that is placed on the learners and on the social context, on assessment and intervention and on matters of theory and practice.

One issue that I can attach to this book is the fact that it is mainly based on issues relating to South Africa. Even though the issues discussed within the book are things that can be applied all over the globe since these are things that happen and affect societies all over the world. This element could easily affect the way that people in other countries identify with the concepts because South Africa keeps being referenced within the book. In the overall, ‘Keys to Educational Psychology’ is a book that is extremely valuable to students, but it can also be used valuably by instructors, psychologists and even health professionals.








685 Words  2 Pages

ESOL 0354 Advanced Composition

Summary-Response Essay Outline

IMPORTANT Reminder #1: You MUST completely paraphrase the main ideas and major details in your summary.  NONE of the original language from the reading should be left.  You MAY NOT use direct quotations from the reading in your introduction or summary paragraphs.

IMPORTANT Reminder #2: You cannot summarize (repeat) information from the text to explain WHY you agree/disagree with it (this shows a lack of critical thinking skills – I agree with it because it sounds good, NOT I agree with it because I can PROVE it to be true).  To explain why you agree/disagree, you will need to give your own, personal experience/ideas.


  • Author’s name and the title of the article: David Brooks, ‘’The Gender Gap at School.’’
    • Author’s main idea(s) in your own words: Boys and girls tend to like and dislike different books
    • Background information about audience and purpose: Gender affects the manner in which children think about their surroundings. In school girls are interested in the books that talks about emotions and society while boys like books about masculine men defeating criminals.
    • Thesis statement giving your response to the main idea:

I agree that boys and girls differs in terms of emotions and thinking

I disagree that selecting customized books for boys and girls might be helpful in ensuring that students are focused to reading since diversity will be discouraged.

  • Summary Paragraph:
  • Topic Sentence restating author’s main idea (in different words than the introduction):

Girls read better than boys in school for several reasons.

  • Key supporting ideas from the text in your own words:

Each gender has a different brain structure and thinking abilities.

The education system should prioritize these gender differences.

Response Paragraph #1 (Point You AGREE With): Boys and girls are different in terms of emotions and thinking.

  • Topic sentence identifies idea & your opinion about it:

Brooks (390) notes that evidence suggest that the male and female brains operate differently. I agree with this statement because both genders respond different to various situations.

  • Explain why you agree: Boys have proven to be competent in natural science which is characterized by complexity while girls are good at social sciences due to the emotions involved.  
  • Examples to illustrate why you agree OR evaluate how well the author explains the ideas:

For example girls are good at expressing themselves since they tend to talk more than boys. Another example is that girls can differentiate more colors than boys.

Response Paragraph #2 (Point You DISAGREE With): creating a different education system might help to improve their ability to read.

  • Topic sentence identifies idea &s your opinion about it: Brooks asserts that the learning curriculum was designed to create equal interest of reading among both genders. I do not think that differentiating the curriculum will be beneficial since school only need to customize learning to suit the needs of each student.
  • Explain why you disagree:  While most boys are interested in books that talk about masculinity some of them might also be interested in books dealing with societal issues or those that encompasses emotions.
  • Examples to illustrate why you agree OR evaluate how well the author explains the ideas:

Not all girls and boys are interested in the same things when it comes to books. Girls tend to be feminist but boys can also get to learn that being emotional is not wrong.


  • Restate main idea of the reading: people respond differently to various events based on their brain structure and social encounters. Schools provides opportunities for students to discover their strengths and explore opportunities.
  • Restate thesis: Boys and girls think differently which influences their books choice.
  • Prediction or Call to Action: The reading curriculum should remain as diverse to allow students to discover what they like.
629 Words  2 Pages
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