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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

We have covered quite a bit of ground in a survey class and discussed many significant events, eras, and moments in ‘’American history since 1865’’ from the end of the Civil War through the rise of the Civil Rights Movement. Looking back through past lectures and readings, which event, era, or moment in this time period of American history would you argue had the greatest impact on social, political, economic, and cultural life and why? (This is the question I choose) “The Civil Right Movement “so this will be the topic.  Using uploading materials lectures (in PowerPoint) and (readings sources you’ll find in Word Document you have links you’ll find in the reading sources’’) in attachment and there’s one lecture I will upload it later on today, write an essay that answers this question and makes use of a variety of sources to support your argument. There is no right or wrong answer here: the essays will have a clear thesis and a convincing argument that is well-supported with evidence. The requirements for this paper are as follows: 1. The paper will be have a FULL 4 pages. 2. The paper MUST HAVE A THESIS CLEARLY STATED IN YOUR INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH 3. For each point that you address (social, political, economic, and cultural), you MUST have (information from lectures and/or course reading)  to use at least two pieces of evidence support your arguments. YOU MUST MAKE USE OF THE COURSE READINGS. And you can use outside sources for the paper, although you must be sure to reference materials from lecture and the uploading materials sources as well.

278 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Blood-brain barriers, electrical excitability of neurons, and chemical neurotransmission

Provide a paper that addresses each subject: 200 words for each subject 800 words total. 
1.    Determine the importance of the blood-brain barriers in psychophamacology.
2.    Analyze the implications of blood-brain barriers.
3.    Compare and contrast the resting membrane potential and action potential of electrical excitability of neurons.
4.    Understand features of chemical neurotransmission.

20 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
One of the critical jobs of a professional in the historical field, whether educator, curator, nonprofit leader, etc. is to be able to effectively share historical information in an engaging and persuasive manner. For our project, you will create a Prezi presentation designed to present an argument to persuade either UN members or groups associated with the UN. 
Examples of a Prezi-

(Go to to begin your Prezi- you can open a free account using your email. When you create a new Prezi, the list of templates will appear. )
Minimum of 9 frames in your Prezi.
Word minimums are hard to decipher when doing a Prezi but if you do it on paper first and then transform it to your Prezi, your final product excluding title page and bibliography will be between 1400-1500 words. (With a Prezi, all your words will be right on the slide so make it readable – not only will I view this but so will your classmates.)
You are to have visuals throughout your Prezi and a link to at least one video.
You need to reference anything that is not your idea.
You will need a minimum of 5 sources. Three of these sources are to come from the APUS Library. All sources are to be journals or books, NO dictionaries or encyclopedias. When formatting your source make sure you include the links (the original links from the APUS Library)
Formatting is to be done in CMS. Be sure you have a frame to serve as you title page and close with a bibliography. You may create a frame or you may create a word document and insert it.  
Please note, just as with a paper, your topic with have a time period focus, but your sources, visuals, etc are not limited to that time period.  For example, you are welcome to use a clip from a video made after the Cold War, as long as the video is relevant to your presentation. 

Topic Choices (all must focus on UN issues during the Cold War)
Africa/Asian region (select any African/Asian region)- using the "Road Ahead"  template, create a presentation to convince the IMF  how the UN could have best assisted decolonization and support economic development of your selected region during the Cold War
Geneva Convention/Genocide- using the "Investigation Wall" template, create a 'legal argument' to the ICC persuading them to try a historical figure from the Cold War period for violating the Geneva Convention or participating in genocide activities (you may select the individual-- living or dead)
Israel and Palestine- Using the "Blueprint" template, create a plan to present to the UN General Assembly for a two state solution in Israel circa 1950
Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China-Using the  "From Roots to Results" template, explain the origins of the 'two Chinas' and their roles in the UN to a group of new UN delegates during the Cold War
Arms Race- Using the "World Map" template, create a presentation to explain to a UN Secretary General during the Cold War the threats to global security created by the arms race, highlighting the threat in various geographic locations
Iran/Iraq war- Using the "Timeline" template, explain to a group of NGO volunteers at the close of the Cold War preparing to go to Iran or Iraq how this war began and the eventual results. 

583 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

1. How did Hitler rise from being an anguished Austrian corporal at the end of WWI, to a veritable all-powerful emperor over a conquered Europe by 1939?

3. Once America got into the war thanks to Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, what was its general strategic plan to defeat Japan? What was its plan to defeat Hitler and why was Stalin so impatient with the Anglo-American approach to defeating the Third Reich?

84 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Read Machiavelli’s, The Prince, chapters 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, at:

    As you are reading, be aware that this translation is old and that there are two words used in a rather archaic sense. One is "mean." According to Merriam Webster online, mean can be defined as stingy or "sparing or scant in giving or spending." "Liberal" is also used in an archaic sense. According to Merriam Webster it can mean: "marked by generosity: openhanded as in a ‘liberal giver.’"

    Using this source and your text, write an essay of 700 to 900 words exploring the following questions:

    What characteristics of the Renaissance are often regarded as setting it apart from the Middle Ages?
    What characteristics of a successful prince does Machiavelli stress?
    What elements of this source make it clear that it belongs to the Renaissance and not the Middle Ages?
    What elements of this source reflect the political conditions of Italy at the time that Machiavelli wrote?
178 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Using historical examples from 1500-1877, identify strategies specific reformers used to change American society and how those strategies could be implemented to change society for the better today. Use specific examples. First, identify any contemporary problem (i.e., income inequality, corporate greed, environmental degradation, etc.).
Second, shop for an example of efforts for change (reform movements) that occurred sometime between 1500 and 1877. Identify the strategies those reformers used (i.e, forming organizations, using the media, migrating to new lands, rebelling, etc.) and explain how those strategies may be used effectively in addressing the contemporary problem that you have identified

113 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Give a comprehensive definition and description of Pan Africanism. With a particular (but not exclusive) focus on the contributions of Marcus Garvey and WEB Du Bois, attempt an analysis of 20th Century Pan Africanism and evaluate how the formation of the OAU as seen in its charter, fulfilled or disappointed the hopes and aspirations of genuine and committed Pan Africanists

71 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Give a comprehensive definition and description of Pan Africanism. With a particular (but not exclusive) focus on the contributions of Marcus Garvey and WEB Du Bois, attempt an analysis of 20th Century Pan Africanism and evaluate how the formation of the OAU as seen in its charter, fulfilled or disappointed the hopes and aspirations of genuine and committed Pan Africanists.

71 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

We talked about women's issues before spring break, but as a refresher course, here is a repeat of the Crash Course video I showed in class back in the day:

Remember, the cult of domesticity valued piety, purity, submission, and domesticity in women.

Declaration of Sentiments:

Declaration of Independence:

In your essay, compare these two documents and discuss how and why the Declaration of Sentiments is modeled on the Declaration of Independence.

Your essay should include:

1. an introductory paragraph which includes your thesis and any relevant background information or context for understanding the document.

2. Three paragraphs each illustrating a different point related to your thesis, as supported by evidence in the text. In this essay, you may use direct quotes, though they should make up no more than 25% of your paper. Remember, you must think about what the text means, rather than searching for a quote that gives the "answer." You still need to explain the quote and why it is relevant to your thesis.

3. A concluding paragraph in which you sum up your argument and restate your thesis.


proofread with minimal errors of spelling and grammar - 10 pts
Well developed writing in a formal academic style - 10 pts
Thesis clear and relevant - 20 pts
three supporting points related to your thesis and based on evidence from the text - 50 pts
conclusion that summarizes your argument and does not introduce new information - 10 pts

264 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Divide the essay into both a historical account of how Islam spread throughout Europe and the issues of Islam in Europe today. Examples include minarets being banned, anti-migration, etc. Explain how historical evidence led to this contemporary situation

49 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Produce a thorough 4-5 page report essay on the topic "Monastic Life in the Middle Ages". This paper should detail its subject's history and relevance to literature, writing, or other forms of cultural production relating to the study of English. Please cite all sources.

55 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In the aftermath of the Seven Years War in America, American colonists felt great pride in their contributions to the war effort and in belonging to the most powerful empire on the globe: the British Empire.  A minister in Boston foretold that British North America (this included the 13 colonies) would become, in “another century or two, a mighty empire.”  But he quickly added, “not an independent one.”  Within 15 years, however, those American colonists revolted, declared their independence from England, and waged a long war to create a new nation.  Moreover, within a generation of winning their independence, the Americans fought a second major war against England.  Your task in this second paper assignment is to explain 
1)    Why did the Americans declare TWO wars against England and 
2)    How were the Americans able to be victorious on both occasions.  

In developing your paper, you should focus on a few key questions: 
1) As the relationship between the colonies and the mother country deteriorated throughout the 1760s-1770s, what is the ONE critical event that made the American Revolution inevitable and why?

2) How did this critical event influence the creation of a new government (the Constitution) for the United States?

3) Some historians have referred to the War of 1812 as the “Second War for American Independence.”  Do you agree with this claim? Clearly explain your position of why or why not. (For example, were there similar grievances for both wars, similar goals, similar strategies, similar outcomes, etc.?)

Your paper must have an argument that clearly explains your position.  In other words, you must clearly explain (and support with the historical evidence) why the Americans declared two wars against England and how they won both of them.  (Just a HINT: “The Americans won two wars against the British because they wanted it more” is NOT an argument, so please do not go down this path).  You must also underline that argument.  If you cannot clearly explain your position, and underline that argument, how do you expect your TA to know your argument?  Your paper will be penalized if you do not underline your argument.  
Your paper must be grounded in the historical evidence provided in lecture and course readings (Davidson, (e-book) U.S. History: A Narrative, or After the Fact).  Evidence must be cited using footnotes/endnotes.  Any use of internet sources or texts not assigned for this course will result in an F on the assignment and may be grounds for Academic Misconduct.  Using a friend’s paper from last semester WILL result in an F for the course and a file with Academic Affairs (for you and your friend).  Please keep in mind that you cannot write a good paper if you begin the paper on the due date.  Papers that read like rough drafts, a stream of consciousness, or are copy/pastes of lecture/textbook will receive grades that reflect the lack of effort put into them.  You would not begin to study for a midterm exam hours before the exam- so do not wait until the last minute to begin/complete this major course assignment.
Your paper must be 5 full pages in length, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and 1” margins (be sure to check the default settings in your word program).  It is due before 11:00 pm Monday October 30.  You must submit this paper to the “Paper Assignment #2” link on the lecture course home page of blackboard.  No emailed papers to the TA or instructor will be accepted.
Late papers will be penalized 10 points per 24 hours.  Papers will no longer be accepted after the beginning of class Thursday 2 November.

623 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The aim of this assignment is to get you thinking about the role stories have played in creating the world of the past and, importantly, in terms of this course, the role they will play in creating the world of the future.  The research you undertake for this assignment will help you understand the dominant stories that have shaped/created the Western world.  This assignment is purposefully focused on Western stories as these are the stories that have had the most profound impact globally on shaping the world you inhabit as an individual and the world you have the potential to change as a future leader in business and society. 

As you will discover, the world does not simply 'exist'; it does not just happen by accident.  It is a product of the way we think, the values we have, the relationships we form, the ways in which we try to create a 'good' life and our hopes and fears for the future - the stories we create, and tell, about the world.  Importantly, this assignment will show you that all of the grand challenges we face as a species are the result of the stories we live by.  In addition, this assignment will help you understand that if you want to create a new world, then you need to start telling new stories - new stories will create new futures.

This assignment requires you to create an annotated Mind Map which identifies a maximum of ten stories that have been instrumental in creating today's world.  You can make your Mind Map specific to a country or to the world as a whole. You can also focus on those stories that have directly impacted your life.  Please make sure you explain the context of your Mind Map either on the Mind Map itself or in the addendum.  By context, I mean explain if you are focusing on a specific country or on stories that have affected you personally. 

Obviously, there are countless stories to choose from and it is your job to identify stories that you think have been most instrumental in creating the world of today.  A very good Mind Map will attempt to draw links between the different stories.  Importantly, in addition to identifying the stories, you will be expected to provide a short written statement of why you consider the stories you have chosen to be important.  You can include these reasons as annotations on your Mind Map, or as an addendum to your Mind Map.

Methods for creating Mind Maps will be explained in class. Some of the possible stories that could be included, will also be explored.  

A useful book to consult when undertaking this assignment is: Noah Harari, Y. (2011) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (London: Vintage Books).  Chapter 2 is particularly relevant.

In this assignment, the word stories is used to refer to the common myths that we live by - those myths that large numbers of people believe in common.  According to Noah Harari:

Any large-scale human cooperation - whether a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe is rooted in people's collective imagination.  Churches are rooted in common religious myths...States are rooted in common national myths...Judicial systems are rooted in common legal myths...Yet none of these things exist outside the stories that people invent and tell one another.  There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws and no justice outside the common imaginations of human beings. Over the years, people have woven an incredibly complex network of stories...The kinds of things that people create through this network of stories are known in academic circles as 'fictions', 'social constructs' or 'imagined realities'...An imagined reality is something that everyone believes in, and as long as this communal belief persists, the imagined reality exerts force in the world...Most millionaires believe in the existence of money and limited liability companies.  Most human-rights activists sincerely believe in the existence of human rights...Ever since the Cognitive Revolution, Sapiens have thus been living in a dual reality.  On the one hand, the objective reality of rivers, trees and lions; and on the other hand, the imagined reality of gods, nations and corporations.  As time went by, the imagined reality became ever more powerful, so that today the very survival of rivers, trees and lions depends on the grace of imagined entities such as the United States and Google. (Hoah Harari, 2011:30-6)

Whether or not you believe/agree with all aspects of this statement is not important.  The point that is being made is that the stories we believe in collectively have shaped the world of the past and will shape the world of the future.  Capitalism, for example, is a story that is based on the belief that the means of production should be in private ownership and should operate for profit.  Religious beliefs are stories shared by those who believe in the same god or deity. As we know, religion has had a huge impact on the world of yesterday and today. The stories we tell ourselves about our superiority over the more-than-human world (nature) has allowed us to exploit Earth's resources with impunity and has resulted in climate change and the sixth mass extinction.  The poor treatment of indigenous peoples around the world is a result of stories we have told about their lives being outdated and archaic and of little relevance or importance to modern, Western notions of progress. The human belief in progress is perhaps the most important story of all; it dictates much of human behaviour and drives our economic and political systems.  It is important to remember that everything we see happening in the world is the result of a story. These stories have shaped the world and these are the types of stories I'd like you to explore in this assignment. 

Grading Criteria (what constitutes a good assignment?):  A good assignment will:

- be highly creative in presentation;
- show evidence of engaged and creative thought;
- demonstrate clear, analytical and critical thinking around complex issues;
- demonstrate a clear understanding of the dominant stories that have shaped the past;
- demonstrate that research has been undertaken in order to identify the dominant stories;
- be clearly expressed; and
demonstrate rational and independent analysis.

1070 Words  3 Pages
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