Edudorm Facebook

I have been on the team since i started high school and now i am in 12th grade          

            My ultimate goal is continuing being in the team is being an inspiration to the younger kids and being their role model.  This matches my career as a footballer as I can inspire many young boys to be like me.  The players in any activity become the most influential sport individuals in the world and in the current world.  Institutions and countries have their international fan who can overpower any other kind of sport in the world.  Based on this exposure for the sports and the players in the current generation, the players can be said to be the role models for the kids to adore the stars as a rare incidence Lehrman, 190). 

             As kids grow to be adults, they look upon that one person for inspiration, for guidance and mainly to play as our role models who can help us grow to people in the professional determination. The probability of a young fan that looks upon the professional footballer is much higher in the modernized world and more glam than ever.  Right from the way players perform in their activity field, each and every step they make is always monitored by the fans.  This does not mean that every player can be viewed as a role model.  This means that there are some players who maintain good standards which make them get considered as role models (Lehrman, 195).

            Many footballers have a great background stories which makes it their most remarkable stories to become role models.  It was in that time that I played football in high school and played a professional football and currently I lead as the attack for one of the most known global teams both in the college and in high school.  This is one of my stories that seem inspirational.  I was one of the well-mannered players who could produce magic like anyone else on the pitch where I left thousands watching over me.  I played along with more gifted players than me but it was because of hard work, discipline and perseverance that made me one of the best players ever and it is not a secret that hard work is the main feature to clinch and gain success (Lehrman, 196).   

            Through clear objectives as a player, I have been able to achieve my goals.  The team’s objective needs to be known and defined in ways that will allow each of the team players understand and have the same goal.  As a role model, I have a role in communicating a clear picture of what the fans expects from a team.  This is an approach which encourages the quiz approach is likely to show the members doubts, misunderstanding which needs to be positively managed.  I act as a positive and good leader so that I can inspire those who want to join me.  This is a shared concept that is based on the activity requirement than considering the role model position based on supremacy.  This needs flexibility in allowing the other team members to exercise the actual leadership when the skills of the members are more appropriate to the team.  Commitment to the team has increased my chances of becoming a role model and achieving my player goals.  I experience strength for my membership and sharing of the goals.  Membership is highly valued and the manner of the member influences the success of the team (Marino & Alan, 17). 







Work cited

Lehrman, Jeremy. Baseball's Mvp Mysteries: Baffling Ballots and What They Tell Us. Place of publication not identified: Mcfarland, 2016. Print.    

Marino, Patricia J, and Alan J. Musante. Keep Playing! the Six-Step Game Plan: The Non-Superstar's Guide to Playing Your Sport in College. Pittsburgh, PA: RoseDog Books, 2008. Print.

635 Words  2 Pages



Soccer has continued to evolve in the twentieth century as it has become a universal language that has led to the transformation of specificities resulting to more value of the player and various idiosyncrasies such as traditions. National soccer styles in Argentina and Brazil is considered to be everything that unites the people and nothing that separates them (Guedes, 2014). An example of Coelho Neto argued that the unity of the South Americans could be sustained by the historical terrain. Soccer is also referred to as a locus of the state in modernity as it is a signifier as the merely thing it do not signify is the nonexistence of significance. This means that soccer gives an inversely endless ground that can be used to elaborate distinct and contrasting evaluations.

Brazil and Argentina are privileged alterity due to their similar structure opposition that leads to direct confrontation such as a unique position engaged by Argentina in Brazil in 2002 World Cup showing a difficult process of homogenizing the Brazilians. During the same event, South Korea, and Japan were also portrayed as rivals. The elimination of the soccer giants such as Argentina in the 2002 World Cup was also considered to be priceless as no price tag could equate to the happening of the match (Guedes, 2014). The creation of soccer is deemed to be complex in its identification. Argentina as well as Brazil has the same symbolic bases in soccer shares.

Football popularization in Argentina and Brazil began in the nineteenth century when mass media was not fully developed. In Brazil soccer training the body is not the force but it becomes a talent when creativity takes place. In Argentina involves two strategies of an individual brilliance and a gift which contradicts the discipline of school due to the will power and the value of courage as they are portrayed as artistic, sensitive and noble improvisers (Guedes, 2014). Brazil is defined by only two types of sport which is soccer and anything else that is winning. Sports can be easily integrated in the nation if it is successful in the global scene that can be quickly transformed into the country national pride. Sports can also be used to create opportunities in the international arena to focus on conversation topics that affect the social circles and yield positive results.


The main argument of the article is why soccer is seen to unite the people but instead it separates the people. The argument is based on the earlier 20th century from Coelho Neto. Soccer has continued to leave behind a historical terrain in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile as it has exhausted the colonies to collapse (Guedes, 2014).  This is largely founded on the role of soccer as a signifier. The argument goes further into precisely to what similarities must be annulled in order to creation of specific qualities that each soccer country can nature. The author argues that it is important to begin a recuperating process in these narratives in the modern times to discuss sports in details.

Main Point

The main point that Guedes is laying out is that soccer is not only a sport but it can also be used a subject that can unity people especially due to its large number of following it has especially in the modern days. It is a vehicle that can be used to transform many things even on the social media platforms (Guedes, 2014). The mass media used by soccer has been has tremendously transformed innumerous events giving a more meaningful meaning to the soccer in the evolving world. Modernity is extensive and complex as so is soccer. There is a monopolistic capitalism that the author sees a new configuration in the nations and nationalities of a phenomenon that is old as humanity itself.


Geudes debate of modernity in regards to soccer is a diversification that has presumably faded in the national borders due to the overlap of transnational mechanisms. However despite the fact that the states have not been eliminated through the borders they have become more porous. The argument is valued because soccer from the point of view is the most popular game that dominates everyone and in return everyone attributes the same value to it even on unequal degree (Guedes, 2014).

Style of Writing, Strengths and Weakness

The author is particularly clear in his argument and evidence of the soccer impact to the people in Argentine, Brazil and the whole world. Geudes have addressed soccer as a talent and a school subject that has continued to evolve with time (Guedes, 2014). The principles that soccer applied has made it become the most competitive game that greatly contributes to the economics. The overall strength of the article has been able to show the importance of soccer and the role it plays in the modern society. The article has also been able to show a clear revolution of football and why Brazil and Argentina are considered to be the giants of soccer and why it is taught in schools. However the article has failed to prove why Argentina soccer training is an opposition to the discipline schools (Guedes, 2014).


The author is effective on the main argument as he has obtained supporting facts from other others. Some authors have process of soccer provoked new uprising nationalism as well as growth of fundamentalism that has reconnected the world nations penetrating the transnational markets and the political borders. Geudes gives a case scenario of 2002 World Cup that proves the impact of soccer in our daily lives and how important it has become. The use of Anthropological theory has demonstrated clearly the constructions of soccer that are contrasting (Guedes, 2014).














Guedes, S. L. (2014). On criollos and capoeiras: notes on soccer and national identity in Argentina and in Brazil. Routledge




990 Words  3 Pages

Why we should value walking

Walking is part of an exercise and a way to keep fit and healthy for long. This is some of the benefits that human beings and even the animals enjoy since without walking food can sometimes be challenging to get. For one to be able to walk there has to be enough walking space and distance for ease in moving around. The society is responsible for maintaining and preventing the walking spaces from being grabbed by rich or other individuals for personal benefits. If walking will be devalued in the society, the free movement from one location to the other is going to be prevented (Thoreau, 294). The building and construction of new and modern business centers will lead to the lack of space for the society. The constructed buildings and roads to individual homesteads will prevent walking since anyone who crosses the boundaries will be prosecuted for trespass in a land that used to be a road for the public. Construction of highways is of much benefit to the society but the highways should also allow a walking space for individuals. Walking can in some ways increase the healthiness of an individual and if the society does not value walking, then the society itself is in a bigger trouble that will involve hospitalization and ask for loans to further medical treatment for its citizens. It always feels very good and much satisfying to just walk around the woods free from any disturbance both in mind and body since it relaxes the body and mind fully. This can only be achieved if walking is valued and put into considerations by every individual and no politics should play to devalue this gift and nature in general.

I do agree with Solnit that if the society loses its focus on walking, the lands and the beauty in it will also be lost and therefore humanity will find an alternative to survive from diseases and everyday prosecution for trespass on private land. Allowing the takeover of the precious ways to allow politics will only lead to a more complicated world where humanity and health do not matter (Thoreau, 300). Supporting the destruction of the environment just to gain credit in the political world will leave the society at risk since politics is just a smoke which will fade away with the occurrence of new events which are now considered a priority. Walking space builds the morale and a much conducive environment where quarrels will never be experienced since the mind has the space to think big in the process. Having a room where walking space is large enough for everyone creates an environmentally friendly zone where freeness is allowed reducing the risk of disagreement as the mind is less preoccupied.

Some of the benefits that come with having a walking space are the strengthening of the heart. Heart diseases that affect humanity can be reduced to walking since it reduces the rate of fat storage in the blood veins leading to heart struggling to pressure the blood out and in the heart. Stroke is also as an effect of lack of enough exercise since the blood pressure is so high leading to strokes (Kinew, 98). Taking a walk for more than thirty minutes reduces the risk of heart-related diseases by 30 percent thereby increasing the lifetime of an individual. The society should embrace walking since devaluing walking will increase the death rates experienced in a community that does not value walking. The kind of foods taken by the current generation is full of cholesterol which reduces their lifespan and the only cheap way to reduce the risk of death is by walking.

Lack of walking increases the chances of gaining weight which largely affects both genders since fats accumulate at the joints leading to disease such as diabetes. Cancer also can be caused by lack of walking and therefore the society should embrace walking compared to preserving the space for construction of roads and other businesses. Walking makes an individual feel and stays happy always. From the reading, an individual who does not walk always has a difficult time mingling with even the loved ones such as a spouse in case of a married couple. Everyday arguments are assured in homes where both parents have no time to walk around or have spent the better part of the day seated at their workplace. This can be caused by the accumulation of stress and thinking without having time to engage in other things. Life for these individuals presents more challenges than that of a broke individual laying by the streets the difference being, the street individual exposes the mind in other several things whereas the shop attendant sits all day waiting for customers (Thoreau, 287). Walking creates moods which allow free thinking and creativity in every aspect. Using the lands preserved for walking for political gains shows how one can degrade the value of human life and success.

Walking is a topic of consideration especially for those individuals who sit all day with the anticipation of selling their items to potential customers. These individuals spend an hour of waiting and it is even a wonder that stress has not shown them a way to end their lives through suicide. Devaluing walking is like making the efforts and struggles these individuals go through day in day out as meaningless (Kinew, 56). If the lands taken by investors and the government could be used to construct fields and recreational centers then there would be a big difference in life expectancy. Such constructive ideas can reduce on funds spent by the government on medical issues.

Comparative freedom is assured for a walker since the landscape by which he/she resides is not owned by an individual but by a society where social and personal responsibility is what the society considers over money. This value can be lost is humanity and society itself devalue walking, therefore, a meaningless life to live for. Putting up fences to reduce the interaction among people brings about hatred and therefore lack of trust among community members which eventually causes theft cases all which come from using the ground as a means to earn revenue from the community around. The man has been given the privilege by God to enjoy what the grounds can produce and also enhance the living standards of the society equally but constructing barriers and man traps to another individual is cruel and eventually the common goal of living harmoniously together as one community is broken. The hills the mountains and the valleys will all be lost if the society continues to devalue walking (Thoreau, 295). The weather around will be lost since cutting down the vegetation reduces the favorable weather where one can rest comfortably.

Walking is simple and it is advantageous to the individuals who walk even after a busy day full of stress. Walking at a moderate speed or in any speed reduces back pains which are sometimes brought by sitting long hours without breaks. The flexibility of bones and muscles indicates the healthiness and therefore the society should support the idea of walking among its members as a way of living healthily. Generations to come will need the environment for survivability and if the society does not preserve the grounds, then the next generations will suffer from lack of areas where they can relieve their stress and do some body exercises (Kinew, 87). Walking can be a way of exploring the lands and having fun with nature. Bending the knees and the legs from one area to another leads to the discovery of new things which can be very helpful in life. Admiring the areas around through walking is the best way to spend the leisure hours. Nature in its all kinds is found through taking a walk to parks and other reserved areas. These locations are mostly reserved by the society and it is a clear indication that the larger society considers walking a valuable asset in human life. Individuals always have two ways to walk but the problem comes to choosing which is which and the most choose the wrong way to follow therefore making decisions which are not worthy (Thoreau, 291). Taking a walk with no meaningful reason always creates a chance for new ideas and making friendship with other individuals, therefore, living a comfortable life. Following our instincts can sometimes lead to no effective living through developing the grounds which reduce the walking of the society. 

















Works cited

Thoreau, Henry D. Waking: Top Essays: Beacon Press, 2015. Print.

Kinew, Wab. The Reason You Walk: A Memoir. New York: Viking, 2015. Internet resource.

1445 Words  5 Pages

Vancouver Stanley Cup riot

Vancouver Stanley Cup riot was a public interference that brought down the downtown of Vancouver in Canada. The riot happened as a planned incident since it occurred immediately after the win of Boston Bruins over the Vancouver Canucks in the game seven of Stanley Cup Finals. This article majors on how this media took place in spreading the roamers. It was a report on social media that one hundred and forty individuals were injured in the incident while at least four were stabbed. According to the commentary social medial is the paramount option in dispersion news since it is easily accessible by large number of individuals worldwide.  In Reference to the article the rioters were not only against the incident but also several face-book vigilantes who posted many private issues of the victims rather than majoring on the culprits. The social media action was so fascinating to follow the happening in Vancouver, since many images of drunken riots plus other non-crucial images which supposedly involved a couple kissing (Schneider & Trottier, 2011)


Several pictures on face-book concerning the occurrence on riots pictures gave an impressive power of the social media considering both good and bad. This article gives clear information on social media as a source involved in sharing; thoughts, memories especially on the happenings of Vancouver night rioters since, it able to provide full and live information within the shortest time possible. Images and cartridges which were mailed with information on every pace of the turbulence appeared on social media plus twitter within the seconds of the first sign of distress.  It was the quality of information posted all over the internet that gave the police confidence of tracking down the suspects of the incidents (Schneider & Trottier, 2011)


  • Is it veracious for the communal media especially face book to act first in spreading incidents such as the Vancouver hockey riots; if so what kind of information should they not interfere with and why? The social media is known as voice of the people, are some social media like face-book really important in spreading news? If so, what should be done to the unnecessary images posted through this media?
  • Considering the riot aftermath certain individuals of the earliest digital noticed there was a pending distress which came along in form of social media especially the face-book thereby; they decided on developing a network tracking device which probably will be capable of tracing individuals who majors on posting unnecessary information. To what range can the device track the culprits and how helpful will the device be to the society?


  • The article provides information on how a similar riot occurred back in ‘1994, should the authorities be held responsible for not conducting proper as well as comprehensive menace and peril valuation? The city of Vancouver has faced similar attack in two different years, does it qualifies to holding such events in the furture? From the article, the police were also confident that the hockey game would be safe, was it so foolish of them of being confident plus what was the basis of their self-assurance? Should the government take part in the occurrence considering the past similar happening? If so, should it contribute anything or the final cost will be directed to the taxpayers? What is the possible grievance as well as criminal charges to be dubious?


Schneider, Christopher J; Trottier, Daniel, (2011).VANCOUVER RIOT AND THE ROLE OF FACEBOOK IN CROWD-SOURCED POLICING. Pro Quest.

580 Words  2 Pages


Coaching Self- Reflection Task

Self-determination theory is concerned with the motivation that is behind people's choices which they make without external interference and influence. It focuses on how the behavior of individuals is self-determined and self-motivated comparing both intrinsic and extrinsic motives. Planning and coaching of the athletic team using Deci and Ryan (1985) model of (SDT) help in addressing the innate psychological needs that comprise of competence, relatedness, and autonomy. In planning, this helps in identifying the needs of the athletes and how they can be addressed in order to promote self-motivation. Competence will help in controlling the outcome and the experience. Relatedness will prepare how the athletes will interact, connect and care for each other as a group. Autonomy will help in coaching while integrating harmony in the team so that they may become independent (Deci, & Ryan, 2004).  The peer's observation plays an important role when the athletes showcase what they have learned pinpointing the areas that require some improvement. The process will help in creating deeper engagement during coaching, better conceptual learning and create a high persistence during learning.

Reflecting on using Self-determination theory

In order to build the athletes autonomy, there should be an offer of choice made to them. This includes a variety of exercise choices that can have the same results to the end. The training program should have a variety of them so that the athletes can choose what they like (Stelter, 2013). As a motivation tip, it is important to ask the athletes to choose what they like and enjoy so that the benefits of each exercise can be identified. Redefining the exercise is also important as this will explain what the exercise entails. In order to build competence to the athletes, there is positive enforcement and skill-specific feedback (Deci, & Ryan, 2004). This ensures that good and nice work is done. In order to create relatedness, there should be interactive communication and keep tabs with the athletes so that they can feel appreciated. A consistent approach will facilitate the athlete’s performance to be at their best (ÜNLÜ & DETTWEILER, 2015).

The best type of feedback to use with the athletes is the skill-specific feedback. The feedback is best used when coaching has already begun and the athletes have executed the skill. The results of the feedback helped the client in performing their skills correctly which creates a positive impact. Rather than having the skill-specific feedback incompetence having a process of questioning and reflective listening will play an important role (ÜNLÜ & DETTWEILER, 2015). In relatedness, the approach of a free day and social media will enhance the coaching process. The biggest challenge is balancing with the team commitments. In order to eliminate the barrier, proper balancing that will strike the balance to the two has to be designed so that the reliance of the teammates and their progress will be enhanced.

Planning & Coaching

The planning and coaching of the athlete’s team were effective as the team members recorded a great improvement. The athletes reached the session goals and realized the objective as there was self-motivation that made them work even better. This is because they all recorded less time to finish the same race. Most of the young athletes in the group were a bit slow in adapting the approaches as most of them were new to that kind of setting. However with time they responded well to the program (Brockbank & McGill, 2006). At first, there was a small adjustment of training time so that the athletes were not strained as a way of encouraging them not to give up. As a result of making this adjustment most of the team members found it easier which encouraged them to train even more as they were motivated by the fact that they were becoming more flexible to the exercise (Fenton,  Duda & Barrett, 2016). In order to increase the motivation levels engaging the new team with communication will help in identifying what they would prefer so that more proper adjustment could be made.

Peer Reflection Feedback

The peers said that the coaching process was smooth and most of the team members adopted well with the strategy. However, there were some challenges of the team members adapting to the system and they were less motivated. In order to improve the session as the head coach the channels of communication should be enhanced whereby their views can be listed to (Stelter, 2013). Their feedback on the aspect of safety was positive. This is because during planning the presence of the safety kit and a first aid given had been taken into account.

Overview of the Coaching Session

The interesting part of the session was seeing the athlete’s record a tremendous improvement at the end of each training session. The difficult part of the session was trying to pull up a few team members who were lagging behind as they require some extra training. In order to improve the whole session, I would make some extra classes for the team so that they can practice and perfect what they have been coached (Brockbank & McGill, 2006). This means that as a coach I have to make some more sacrifices. In order to make it more interesting as a coach, I will have to observe the Deci and Ryan model of self-determination more so that I can enhance motivation more and address the psychological needs of the athlete's team in the coaching sessions (Deci  & Ryan, 2004).


Brockbank, A., & McGill, I. (2006). Facilitating reflective learning through mentoring and coaching. London: Kogan Page

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. Boston, MA: Springer US

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2004). Handbook of self-determination research. Rochester, NY: Univ. of Rochester Press.

Fenton, S. M., Duda, J. L., & Barrett, T. (2016). Optimising physical activity engagement during youth sport: a self-determination theory approach. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 34(19), 1874-1884. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1142104

Stelter, R. (2013). A guide to third generation coaching: Narrative-collaborative theory and practice. Dordrecht: Springer.

ÜNLÜ, A., & DETTWEILER, U. (2015). MOTIVATION INTERNALIZATION AND SIMPLEX STRUCTURE IN SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY. Psychological Reports, 117(3), 675-691. doi:10.2466/14.PR0.117c25z1




1038 Words  3 Pages

History of sports in United Arab Emirates

Source 1: UAE. (2016). The official portal of the UAE government. Retrieved from

Summary:  The article is based on the general history of sporting activities in United Arabs Emirates. UAE was traditionally engaged in sports such as racing horses, camels, dhows, salukis and falconry as a mode of survival. However with period change as well as governing laws the activities are now performed as regulated and pure sports.

Evaluation: This article is from a government site that is located in UAE.  Being a government site this makes the source reliable and accurate as it mainly deals with activities that surrounds and characterize UAE.  The site holds various sections with reliable information in regard to UAE in general, resources, services as well as connections.

My notes: this article illustrated UAE equestrian sports, camel racing and falconry in the context of UAE sports history.  The modern sporting activities have additionally been listed which include football, tennis, rugby, motor cycling, golf and so much more.  In addition there are recreational activities which have been brought by modernization like land sailing and cycling. Modernization has changed the traditional sporting in UAE as the sporting activities have been replaced. This information was useful and relevant to me because it identifies the various changes that have occurred in UAE over time period.

Source 2: travel agents. (2016). Traditional Sports in the UAE. Retrieved from

Summary: The article has focused more on the traditional sporting of UAE.  The article emphasizes on the benefits of sports in any given nation. In addition it illustrates the general roles that sports plays in tying individuals to their culture as well as nation’s pride and heritage.

Evaluation: The site is very reliable because it is from a magazine that is located in UAE and it is very famous in provision of reliable and accurate information. This therefore makes the article reliable as it provides information that is relevant to my research in regard to UAE sports.

My notes: Sports are very beneficial to any nation and the people. The traditional UAE sports like camel racing, horse races, dhow sailing and boat racing forms an essential history of UAE sports. They are a form of heritage in culture and unity.  The article was essential in showing that sports are a beneficial links to the UAE culture and heritage.

Source 3: Expo 2020. (2016). Old traditional sports in the UAE. Retrieved from

Summary: the article presents an analysis of the traditional sports in UAE.  It holds that falconry forms the basis of sports culture in UAE.

Evaluation: The article is from a reliable source as it is academic in that is provides literature that is related to UAE.  The site provides both history and news of UAE in details for students.  This therefore makes the article relevant to me because it provides information that is related to sports in UAE which is the objective of my research.

My notes: UAE traditional sports include dhow racing, equestrian sports, camel racing and boat racing provides an adequate perspective of sports tradition in UAE.  Currently according to the article those most popular sport is football.  And the football association in UAE was established in 1971. The sport has continuous been utilized in developing individuals capabilities.  This information is relevant has it helped my understanding and developing knowledge in connection to the past and present of UAE sports.

Source 4: UAE-interact. (2016). Sporting activities.  Retrieved from

Summary: The article asserts on the role played by traditional and modern UAE sports.  These sporting activities range from golf, tennis, sailing cricket and boat riding. UAE has maintained its reputation in sports in decades as it has always subjected adequate efforts in ensuring that everything in the context of sports is effective. This information is relevant in my research as it connects the sports history with modernization to develop a better understanding.

Evaluation: The article is relevant to my study,. This is because it is from a magazine based in UAE that aims at providing news in regard to UAE. The magazine focuses on UAE’s business, economy, sports, travel, government, society as well as heritage. The sporting information provided is relevant to my research.

My notes: UAE modern and traditional spots are well established as UAE holds most of the major sporting events.  UAE is characterized with a good sporting surrounding and sports therefore play an essential role in developing tourism.

Source 5: Ten Network. (2016). Living Here: Sports in the United Arab Emirates UAE. Retrieved from

Summary: Traditional UAE sports are still conducted even today. UAE sports has been involved in transitions and it is still holds great potential.

Evaluation:  The article is from a news magazine which is particular based on sporting activities in UAE.  The article is relevant to my research as it present the history of UAE sport with detailed information of every sport both performed currently and traditionally.

My notes:  Several sports that existed in in prior decades are still performed today together with other more.   These sports includes, camel racing, horse riding, cricket football and several others.  The article is relevant to this research as it helps in relating traditional and modern sport.

Source 6: UAE-interact. (2015).Sports. Retrieved From

Summary: The article presents an analysis of both traditional and modern sports in UAE.  According to the article sports has always played a great role in UAE social and economic surroundings.

Evaluation:  the article is relevant because it is centered on UAE news. The journalists of the magazine therefore utilize most of their time to investigate about UAE.  It has various sections such as sports, society and government.

My notes: UAE sports history is mainly based on camel racing boat and horse racing.  These sports have remained relevant foe along period and they are currently in existence.  UAE sports history is unique in a way because despite cultural and economic changes today sporting remains as an essential part of UAE.  This information is essential as it helped me in identifying the general significance of UAE sports.

Source 7: Wakefield, S. (2012). Falconry as heritage in the United Arab Emirates. World Archaeology, 44(2), 280-290. doi:10.1080/00438243.2012.669644

Summary: Sports are an essential culture in UAE. UAE is perceived as the major concern of cultural developing through the creations that it develops.

Evaluation: The article is scholarly because it is from an academic site,. This therefore makes it relevant to my research because the contained information is verified. In addition the article is peer reviewed. 

My notes: Historically sports in UAE are very relevant because they form its heritage.  Sports form a general basis of the UAE which makes it relevant to my study. The article helped in establishing why falconry is a heritage of UAE and not a sport.

Source 8: Sprinting Over the Dirt, With A Robot On The Hump.  Retrieved From

Summary: the article presents a history of racing sports which forms the basis of UAE’s sports generally.

Evaluation: the article is from a newspaper by the title New York Times.  This makes it relevant because the information has thoroughly been researched. The newspapers information s is additionally utilized for study purposes. This therefore makes the article relevant for my study.

My notes:  UAE’s racing sports began to be more organized in the 2oth century.  Since then sports has gradually been developed in UAE which makes it an essential part of the general culture.  This information helped to identify how sports   developed a stable shape in the previous decades.


1280 Words  4 Pages

Emotions & Empathy in Spectating

                 Emotions play a significant role in every aspect of life in shaping the constraints and satisfaction of performances. In the history of performance, spectators outnumber performers because their experiences normally shape subsequent performances and are always significant than those of the performers (McConachie, Syler & Apller, 2015). Spectators take sides basing on their emotions. Different people express their emotions according to how they have been affected. For example spectators in a certain game will express dissatisfaction in form anger, fear, rages, shame, and panic, whereas others will express satisfaction in form of happiness, and pride. Empathy is the one’s ability to experience and understand the emotions, intentions and beliefs of the other. This leads to positive and negative engagement with others. For example to understand what someone really meant by a particular speech, empathy is normally involved. Additionally, without empathy, it could be hard for role-players to coordinate their performance and spectators would have no interest to watch them (McConachie, Syler & Apller, 2015).

                 Emotions and empathy are applicable in the day to day life and those responses are being recorded daily. For example in an entertainment, audience shows the expression of emotion and empathy in different manner. For example while spectating a drama or a play, the spectator is always affected by the actions of the performers which can either lead to a positive or a negative reaction. While watching a game say a football match, two sides are always involved. Therefore the audiences will have different feelings about the two sides (McConachie, Syler & Apller, 2015). At the end there is a side which will satisfied hence an expression of happiness whereas the dissatisfied side will express a feeling of embarrassment or sadness.


McConachie, B,. Syler, C.& Apller, V. (2015). The Roots and Dynamics of Performance:A Biocultural Approach to Performance Studies



310 Words  1 Pages

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