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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Analyze the role that family structure, expectations, parenting styles, and involvement of caregivers played in your development.
Reflect on your experiences and share any that you are comfortable sharing. You can use questions such as the following to guide your reflection:
What was the best thing that your family said about you or did for you? Try to remember one exact day when that was said or done for you. Which person did this? Remember now what you felt then. When do you feel this way now?
Did you have a nickname? How did you feel about it?
Did family members tell you what you would end up being or doing? Was it what you wanted to be or do? How did you respond?
How do you think your family would have described you to a close friend of theirs? What were they most concerned about for you?
Would you do or react to things differently now than you did then? Why?
Make sure you evaluate your experiences in the context of major theories and concepts of cognitive, social, and physical development during middle childhood. Support your responses by citing information from the online notes and textbook and other scholarly sources. For example, describe the cognitive stage you might have been in at the time of specific events, according to Piaget, Erikson, or Freud. How did this influence how you interpreted the events?  You can also discuss the parenting style that you think was used by your parents/caregivers.

259 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Frame Your Issue
For this assignment, you will provide the context for your issue and identify preexisting organizational data as well as the data you will collect from people in your organization. You must address a specific issue or problem occurring in your own organization.

(1)  Description of the Issue
Identify your issue, then frame the issue carefully, explaining the performance gap and potential causes. The performance gap is the difference between actual performance and expected performance and may refer to organizational programs, processes, practices, or human performance.

Discuss the influence of the larger systems related to your issue. Identify the system's boundaries you have established to delineate and frame your issue. Cite data that inform and support your description.

(2)  Data
Discuss your information needs relative to the problem or issue, incorporating the following three areas: 

Existing Data: Describe or list existing records, survey, archival, document, or other existing data and information your organization collects and maintains, and how these data are stored and/or reported:

Explain how this organizational evidence and data that supports your framing of the problem. Be specific.

Is there additional institutional or publicly available information you will examine to deepen your understanding of the problem?

Note: Existing data are not to be confused with library research or information or data available about the issue in general. Locate the data your own organization collects and maintains about the issue. This may include your own department, school, and/or district- or university-level data.

Interview Data: Discuss other data or information needed to understand this issue and how you will collect it from a small number of stakeholders:

What is the development question related to the issue that will guide your data collection and planning process?

Why do you need this information? How will this information potentially lead to a better improvement project design?

How will it help you formulate interview or focus-group questions?

Are there other data collection methods in addition to individual or focus-group interviews that will help answer the development question?

With whom will you need to collaborate?

What is your initial plan for gathering this information? (Of whom will I need to ask questions?  From whom will I need to gather information?)

Memo or Journal Data (Your observations, reflections, insights): Describe plans you have to observe other evidence related to the issue as part of your journal or memos. These could include discussions among colleagues, informal conversations with stakeholders that occur as a natural part of your workday, observations about the issue during meetings, and so on.

Organize your plan in two main sections: Description of the Issue and Data.
Under the Data heading, include three subsections titled Existing Data, Interview Data, and Journal Data.
Do not answer the questions prompts one by one. The questions are provided to help convey the scope of the expected response for this assignment. Instead, present several well-developed paragraphs that address the use of data in your organization and your data collection plan to build on your understanding of the issue. 

515 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a scholarly paper examining one of the following challenges adolescents may
face: depression, suicide, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders/body image, violence (criminal victimization
or child abuse, or intimate partner or domestic familial violence), chronic illness, poverty (including
homelessness and food insecurity), substance abuse, dealing with social issues related to being from an
under-represented population (such as discrimination and oppression).

70 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

There are 2 questions so respond in 2 different paragraphs 

question 1 : The Bialystok paper provides a comprehensive and scholarly discussion of bilingualism.  The TedEd video (see the link in your syllabus if you haven't watched it yet) provides a much briefer review that covers much of the same territory.  These items (the video and the article) are intended for different audiences.  Do you think that they are basically SAYING THE SAME THING but doing so IN A DIFFERENT WAY?  Or do you think that there are points where the article and the video really DISAGREE with each other?  Support your answer with some evidence.      

question 2:One of the major controversies in the literature on bilingualism is whether or not being bilingual has an effect on other non-linguistic cognitive abilities, like attention or planning or memory.  But we also know that bilingualism involves many other systems beyond the cognitive systems - it interacts with social systems, emotional systems, and cultural systems.  In your opinion, OTHER than the (possible) effects of bilingualism on cognition, what is/are the biggest advantage(s) of bilingualism?

192 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Myers Brigg Type Indicator )Based on my MBTI which is (ENFJ) this means I am Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling and Judgement , Personality type at work, draw information from all the resources attached and gather three additional resources  (Textbook:Type Talk At Work, Author Otto Kroeger with Janet M. Thuesen and Hile Rutledge).

*Please read other chapters in the Textbook:Type Talk At Work, Author Otto Kroeger with Janet M. Thuesen and Hile Rutledgeas well 

1.Summarize the areas of compatibility and incompatibility between ENFJ and ESFJ 
  Personalities types.
2. The objectives is to improve the relationship. Based on both differences and 
    similarities of the two MBTI Types.
    Make sure to include a Reference page

122 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discuss my personality type as a whole, talk about how based on my personality type, how I can grow, then discuss the opposite of my personality type (ESFP), discuss how I would deal with this opposite personality type and discuss potential growth strategies for this personality

57 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write on a topic related to human development and use various sources.

Write a paper that uses a developmental theory (Erikson, Piaget) to understand a particular age group.

- As an example, develop a better understanding of Erikson's Trust vs Mistrust in Infants
- As an example, develop a better understanding of Piaget's Concrete Operations and 


Sample Outline #1 and Questions to Answer in the Essay

The Sample Paper provides a sample outline and the questions just below provide another outline and a way to research your topic.

What is ___ ?
Use a credible source to define and describe your issue.

When was it first recognized?
How has it developed over time?

Variations of _____
How is ____ similar to ____ ?
How is ___different from ___?
Examples: How does Fetal Alcohol Syndrome differ from Fetal Alcohol Effects?

How often does _____ occur in the U.S.? In world?
How extensive or rare is _____ ?

Diagnosing/Identifying _____
How is _____ diagnosed?
List symptoms of _____
What criteria are used to identify _____ ?

What causes ___?
What are some possible explanations for how _____ develops?

Treating/Managing/Responding to ___
What has been done to deal with _____ ?

Summarize previous paragraphs.

228 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Visit a toy store and look at the toys designed to enhance cognitive development as described by Piaget. Select at least two toys and describe why they do (or do not) enhance cognitive development. The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the terminology and concepts and apply that knowledge to your topic to synthesize your paper. Use plenty of details from the text to support your ideas.

84 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

        Distinguish between operant conditioning, observational learning, and social learning. How are these different kinds of learning utilized in the work place? Give specific examples for each one.
        How is prejudice developed and nurtured through classical and operant conditioning? Give specific examples that demonstrate each kind of learning.
        You are scheduled to present the results of your work on creating a new software program for your company. What memory techniques will you use in order to be free of too much dependence on notes and PowerPoint slides? Be specific as to how you will relate the technique to the content of the presentation.
        Name and describe the three qualities of emotional intelligence according to Goleman. If you were interviewing applicants for a position in your company and wanted to know whether they had emotional intelligence, how would you go about discovering that? Would you do that in an interview or by some other means?

    Your answers will be graded using the following guidelines (each question is worth 15 points).

        For 15 points—clearly and fully addresses the question posed; answer reflects critical thinking and is fully and clearly explained.
        For 12 points—answer addresses question posed, but it is not completely developed or the critical thinking is not fully explained (i.e., answer is essentially accurate, but too brief; critical thinking is not clearly shown)
        For 9 points—answer is incomplete and/or not well reasoned
        For 6 points—question is attempted, but answer is wrong or reasoning is faulty
        Additional points can be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.

265 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Examine changes in self-concept and self-esteem during adolescence.
Cognitive changes lead adolescents' self-descriptions to become more organized and consistent.  Personal and moral values appear as key themes.  "Self-esteem further differentiates and, for most adolescents, rises (Berk, 2010)".  When schools, parents and neighborhoods respect the adolescent's ethnicity helps support higher self esteem.

Discuss factors related to adolescent depression and suicide, along with approaches for prevention and treatment.
During the teenage years, depression can become one of the most psychological problems and girls are at greater risk.  Biological and environmental factors such as heredity, maladaptive parenting, negative life events and learned-helpless attributional style contribute to depression.  During adolescence, the suicide rate increases dramatically.  Girls make more unsuccessful suicide attempts while boys account for most of the teenage deaths by suicide.  Most of the teenagers at risk for suicide are antisocial, however, some may be intelligent, solitary, and withdrawn.  Family problems tend to be common in the backgrounds/history of suicidal adolescents.

Berk, L. E. (2010). Development Through the Lifespan (5th ed.). this reference has to be used but you can add any other ones

193 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Are lie detectors reliable means of detecting whether someone is lying?’ Why?

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Write a 450- to 700-word essay to describe the relationship between classical and operant conditioning. Explain their elements and how they differ from one another. Additionally, provide an example for how learning can occur through each mode of conditioning. Explain how Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner contributed to the study of learning and conditioning.
66 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your boss has asked you to participate in a discussion on the nature versus nurture debate with a group of incoming professionals in your field. For your discussion, you will need to be prepared, so you must write a report to present to your boss prior to the discussion. Be sure to address all of the following points:

What is meant by nature versus nurture, and why is it relevant to the counseling profession?
What arguments exist on each side of the debate?
Give examples from your own experience as well as the experiences of others to support your explanations.
Conclude the report with your stance on the topic. Do you agree or disagree with one side or the other or a combination of both?
When commenting to other students, determine whether you agree or disagree with the aspects of their stance and explain your reasoning.

157 Words  1 Pages
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