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Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom

Theoretical Orientation

 "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." —Viktor Frankl.  People often react without thinking and are unaware of the space that capsulate a choice to reflectively react. Being aware of the present moment equips a person with the tools to guide them through that space. One of the things that drew me to psychology is the utilization of science and artform.  As a clinician, I use a collaborative approach filled with empathy, genuineness, and warmth to create the space for the client to explore freely. It also helps to develop a relationship that facilitates dialogues that lead to positive change.

 I use cognitive-behavioral interventions to help clients process psychosocial and mental health barriers to treatment. This helps to examine their thoughts, recognize when there is an incline to their negative thoughts, and what strategies to apply to change the negative thoughts hence promoting self-control. I conceptualize problems across various systems within the person and their environment.

Cognition, emotion, behavior, physiology, and the environment are contexts that aid in conceptualizing the client's presenting problem.  For example, clients bring their experiences, culture, background, social support, and rituals, which are all things that partake in developing their constructs and schemas.  Clients are diverse, and so are their experiences. 

 In my approach, I use reliable and valid assessments that provide baseline information for case conceptualization.  Assessments represent part of the person's presenting problems. I collaborate with the client to collect the presenting problem information, gain collateral from the client's family/social support, and then discuss the findings with the client and elicit feedback. My sessions involve active engagement that places value connecting metaphors or examples of psychoeducation to the client's life or culture.  Treatment plans are directly tied and are a result of my case conceptualization.

I utilize assessments to track progress and compare past and current performance of the client providing a platform to discuss growth and goals. As a clinician, I provide necessary tools for the client to continue the therapeutic work on their own out of the clinic. Besides, community resources are adjunct to therapy and it is essential to provide culturally responsive and sensitive services to families from diverse backgrounds. Working with a multidisciplinary team provides an outlet to coordinate care and gain perspectives or insights, which is critical in developing an effective holistic treatment for the client.

I am eager to gain additional training to better hone my competency in psychological evaluation, particularly in the use of projective and personality measures. I am zealous in having a more exceptional aptitude in administering, scoring, interpreting, and writing comprehensive psychological evaluations. I want to expand my ability to conceptualize cases using multiple empirical and conceptual models and also advance my knowledge and experience integrating diversity issues into both assessment and treatment.

482 Words  1 Pages
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