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Paper Instructions:

Reflect on your proposed problem of interest.

Critically think about your research question or problem of interest.

Step 2: Consider the following questions:

What is the purpose of conducting a literature review?
What are the steps a nurse researcher would take to conduct a literature review?
What would be the primary and secondary questions regarding the research question or problem of interest?
Consider the importance of including sources with a variety of results when identifying sources pertaining to your proposed problem of interest.
Step 3: Consider who your audience might be if you were to deliver your presentation in person.

What would you want them to know about this topic?
What would you expect them to already know?
Step 4: Create a seven- to ten-slide presentation that summarizes the purpose of a literature review.

Explain the steps in conducting a literature review. In your presentation, describe how you would approach conducting a literature review pertaining to your problem of interest. Identify one primary question and one secondary question regarding the problem of interest.

Step 5: Review your presentation.

Ensure that you are using best practices for formatting slides.

Include a title screen and summary screen.
Avoid making slides too text heavy or dense with text. As a guideline, limit text on each slide to five bullet points of six words each.
If using graphics, be sure that they are professional, reinforce your points, and are not used merely for decoration.
Be sure to add what you would say if delivering the presentation to a live audience in the notes section of each slide.
Cite any sources in APA format.

Step 6: Save and submit your assignment.

Defining Terms

Some fundamental terms that are essential in understanding the topic of discrimination against Muslims are Middle Eastern, Arab, and Muslim. To begin, there needs to be a distinction between what makes someone Muslim, what makes someone Arab, and what makes someone of Middle Eastern descent. Some Secondary Research orchestrated by Zane Pratt, author of “Common Confusions About Arabs and Muslims”, describes that an Arab is someone who belongs to an ethnolinguistic category and who speaks the Arabic language. “Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim? What’s the Difference? ”,  an article by Teach Mideast sees eye to eye with Patt’s definition and says an Arab is  “an ethno-linguistic category, identifying people who speak the Arabic language as their mother tongue.”  That same article defines the Middle Eastern as belonging to or from a geographical area located between west of Meditarainian and east of the Indian Subcontinent. Something important to note is the definition of  the “middle east” is not clear cut and may vary from map to map. Some examples of Middle Eastern Countries that are given are Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, and Palestine ( “Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim? What’s the Difference? ”) Akeel Bilgrami, philosopher, wrote an article by the name of, “What Is a Muslim? Fundamental Commitment and Cultural Identity'' and in this article, he explains the complexity of Muslims and how diverse each one is. He argues that Muslims, just like other religions, can be moderate and extreme. Ultimately, Bilgrami and Pratt agree on the term Muslim meaning the followers of the religion, Islam.





Literature Review


In order to understand the discrimination Muslim face, it is crucial to recognize Islamophobia and be conscious of the role it plays in internalizing stereotypical portray. Previous research done by Bridge Initative (2018) indicates that islamophobia is the maximal hate of the followers of Islam. Zafar Iqbal (2020), author of Islamophobia : History, Context And Deconstruction, says that islamophobia is a, “construct having multiple facets/dimensions.” Iqbal’s definition is not so simple, but he argued that islamophobia has had many interpretations and meanings that all root back to anger and hostility towards Muslims.  It is also important to understand that anger and hostility towards muslims has been established.  Bridge Initiative (2020) depicts that islamophobia has been around since the Middle Ages and makes it known that it existed before 9/11. Iqbal (2020) agrees with that point and dates it all the way back to the creation of Islam in the 7th Century. He also indicated an increase in  islamophobia in 1997 when the Runnymede Report was released. The Runnymede Report that Iqbal refers to a think tank located in the U.K Britain where they first “coined” the term Islamophobia (Islamophobia, 2017). According to the Bridge Initiative (2020), this report by Runnymede “popularized” the term islamophobia. Iqbal  (2020) notes that islamophobia in the United States had the largest increase after 9/11. This proves that 9/11 largely contributed to the islamophobia Muslims face since and today. The article, “What is Islamophobia” (2018)  compares islamophobia to anti-black racism, anti-semitism, and homophobia. An article written by Lauwers (2019) titled, “Is Islamophobia (Always) Racism?” opposes this and actually created a distinction between islamophobia and racism. Lauwers argued that islamophobia is hatred toward Islam’s essentialized idea whereas racism is hatred toward the innate and unchangeable Muslim identity. Dividing the two allows people to better analyze and comprehend islamophobia.


Before 9/11

            Islamophobia or discrimination against Muslims dates back before 9/11.  Khaled Beydoun (2019) wrote a book titled, AMERICAN ISLAMOPHOBIA : Understanding the roots and rise of fear. In this book, Beydoun critically analyzed structural anti-Muslim roots that fed the start of islamophobia. By using other people’s anecdotes he portrays real stories that depict the discrimination Muslims faced before and after 9/11 on a daily basis. He analyzes immigration cases to show how Islam was portrayed and molded into an anti-white and anti-American religion.  Another point is that Trump’s Muslim Ban is argued to be enabling this stereotype that Muslims are a different type of immigrant and unassimilable. According to Banu Gökariksel (2017) author of the article, “The Body Politics of Trump’s “Muslim Ban”, Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Proposal perpetuates anti-Muslim “rhetoric” that acts only as a catalyst to stereotypes, racism, and impedes the growth of a positive correlation of Islam in America. A key take away from Beydoun (2019) and ‌Gökarıksel (2017) is that from 1790-1944, America prohibited Muslim immigrants from becoming American citizens. Muslims were seen as a threat to the national identity, an enemy race, and potential terrorists. Whiteness was defined by Christianity and this means that Muslim religion was legally contradictory (Beydoun, 2019). Mariam Elba, a writer for The Intercept, interviewed the author Khaled Beydoun and expanded on some of his points in an article titled, “How Islamophobia was ingrained in America’s Legal System Long before the War on Terror.” Elba and Beydoun discuss what the most “significant turning point” in the image of Muslim’s were before 9/11. The Iranian hostage crisis that took place in 1979 is mentioned by Beydoun as an answer and is defined as, “Iranian students seized the embassy and detained more than 50 Americans, ranging from the Chargé d’Affaires to the most junior members of the staff, as hostages. The Iranians held the American diplomats hostage for 444 days” (The Iranian Hostage Crisis 2019). Beydoun argued that this crisis fundamentally played a role in shaping the narrative that Muslims are “savages”. He describes it as one of the first times Americans began visualizing the stereotypical “Muslim terrorist”. Beydoun, in his interview with Mariam Elba, explains that the institutional “racism” Muslims face needs to be eliminated by starting with the policies and laws in place. These policies are specified in his book and include but are not limited to, The Naturalization Act of 1790 and Trump’s Muslim Ban Proposal. The Naturalization Act of 1790, according to Beydoun, “curbed” Muslim’s appetitite for migration to America because they were conscious of the religious opposition people had towards Islam.

After 9/11

            Now that we’ve discussed the extent of islamophobia before 9/11, it is time to analyze secondary research on islamophobia post 9/11. MM Raihanah, Hashim Suliza, and Yusof Noraini are authors of an article named, “Islamophobia and Muslim Minorities in Post 9/11 Fiction.” The authors interpreted the effects of 9/11 on Muslims and had some concentration on it’s affects of Muslim women specifically. They argued that 9/11 put the west and east at an “us” versus “them” stigma. A book called  Islamophobia and Racism in America, written by Erik Love (2017)  agrees with Raihanah, Suliza, and Noraini’s and amplifies their point. Although Love argues that Islamophobia is systemic and roots from a broken institutional culture in America, (like Khaled Beydoun’s earlier point in AMERICAN ISLAMOPHOBIA) he admits that 9/11 has had a substantial effect on how Muslims are treated in the United States. For example, hate crimes and prejudice are so strong that they are isolated from American societies. Men and women experience different gender racialization in that men are seen as a threat to national security and women are seen as helpless victims who are insensitive to American values.

 Two Pew Research articles (2009 and 2016) declare that Muslims are highly discriminated.  The first Pew Research articles titled, “Discrimination and Conflicts in U.S. Society” (2016) gives an exact statistic of 82% of Americans believing that Muslims are discriminated against. ”.  Researchers did a poll regarding who faces the most discrimination as well and 6 in 10 adults see Muslims as the most discriminated against. The second Peer Research article, “Muslims Widely Seen As Facing Discrimination” (2009) explains that since 9/11, 1 in 6 Americans feel that Muslims are discriminated more than other religions. Americans were asked how much discrimination they think or see a certain group faces in our society and 57% of Americans reported that Muslims face “a lot” of discrimination in comparison to other groups. While they both relay the same information, the latter goes in depth and hyperfocuses on Islam rather than other minorities. “Muslims Widely Seen As Facing Discrimination” also has polls that show readers how many Americans see Islam as a religion that promotes violence, can relate Islam to their own religion, and on the knowledge of Islam. The last poll about American’s knowldege of Islam brings up an important topic discussed in an article done by Gallup Inc, (2020) titled, “Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West.” It talks about how Islamophobia roots in negative biases and stereotypes that simply aren’t true. Another root of Islamophobia is ignorance. Most people don’t know about Islam, like “Muslims Widely Seen As Facing Discrimination” shows in the polls, so they believe anything they hear about it. This type of ignorance can be enabled with negative stereotypes that the Gallup article also discusses. The numbers and points made by each source display the increase in discrimination against Muslims since 9/11.



‌Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim? What’s the Difference?! (n.d.). TeachMideast.

‌Beydoun, K. A. (2019). AMERICAN ISLAMOPHOBIA : Understanding the roots and rise of fear.

Bilgrami, A. (1992). What Is a Muslim? Fundamental Commitment and Cultural Identity. Critical Inquiry, 18(4), 821–842.

Discrimination and Conflicts in U.S. Society. (2016, December 8). Pew Research Center.  Retrieved October 01, 2020, from

‌Elba, M. (2018, May 6). How Islamophobia Was Ingrained in America’s Legal System Long Before the War on Terror. The Intercept.

‌Gökarıksel, B. (2017). The Body Politics of Trump’s “Muslim Ban.” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 13(3), 469–471.

‌Islamophobia. (2017). Runnymede Trust.Org.

Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West .(2020, June 08). Gallup. Retrieved October 01, 2020, from

Iqbal, Z. (2020). Islamophobia : history, context and deconstruction.Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

Lauwers, A. (2019) Is Islamophobia (Always) Racism?. Critical Philosophy of race. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

‌Love, E. (2017). Islamophobia and racism in America. New York, Ny New York University Press.

Muslims Widely Seen As Facing Discrimination. Pew Research Center.(2009, September 9). Retrieved October 01, 2020, from

‌Peretz, M. (2011, January 10). The Invention Of Islamophobia. The New Republic.

Pratt, Z., Keller, T., McCracken, B., Carter, J., Kruger, M., Hodges, M., . . . Howard, B. (2015, January 06). Common Confusions About Arabs and Muslims. The Gospel Coalition. Retrieved October 01, 2020, from

Raihanah, M. Suliza, H. Noraini, Y . (2015). ISLAMOPHOBIA AND MUSLIM MINORITIES IN POST 9/11 WOMEN’S FICTION [Review of ISLAMOPHOBIA AND MUSLIM MINORITIES IN POST 9/11 WOMEN’S FICTION]. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10(1).

Robert Fulford: A history of “Islamophobia,” a word of dubious value. (n.d.). National Post. Retrieved November 3, 2020, from

‌The Iranian Hostage Crisis  (2019) - Short History - Department History - Office of the Historian. State.Gov.

What Is Islamophobia? (2018) - Bridge Initiative. Retrieved from Bridge Initiative website:





1849 Words  6 Pages



Literature Review on the Effects of Different Parenting Styles in Adolescence

Parenting style plays a significant role during early development. For instance, good parenting is associated with positive cognitive development and a negative parenting style is a risk factor for psychological problems in young people (Piko & Balázs, 2012). Many parenting styles have been proposed to explain their effect on child development. However, this review will focus on two parenting style known as authoritative style and authoritarian style. The current research report that authoritarian parenting use power and coercion and parents have high expectations (Vera et al, 2012). Authoritarian parenting style is associated with behavior problems due to lack of individual autonomy and as the child strives for autonomy, they develop internalizing and externalizing behaviors. On the other hand, the authoritative parenting style finds that this style of parenting helps parents meet the child's psychological needs through adequate parental monitoring (Valente, et al 2019). There is an adaptive mechanism where a child gains self-control hence positive behavioral and psychological outcomes. Thus, the literature proposes that the authoritative parenting style sets good behavior and promotes safety hence minimizes the risk of adolescence alcohol use, drug use, and psychopathology symptom. However, the authoritarian parenting style increases the risk of engaging in antisocial behaviors due to parental psychological control which affects autonomy and identity development hence the adolescences develop externalizing behaviors. 

 According to Konopka et al. (2018) emotional and psychological disorders are common among adolescents. The mental health professionals report that adolescent's hospitalization due to depressive and functional disorders is high. American investigation and Italian investigation have found that the rate at adolescence are developing psychological problems is high and this has motivated the investigators to study the etiology of psychopathological. After conducting rigorous research on psychological problems among adolescents, scholars have found that factors such as genetic, biological, and situational factors contribute to psychological problems. However, they have also found that the family environment affects adolescents' social and personal development.  For example, children are likely to develop depressive symptoms during adolescence if they have negative relations with their parents.  America's youth aged 12-17 years’ experience authoritarian parenting style and they show depressive symptoms than adolescents whose parts use authoritative style.  A point to note is that authoritarian parents are extremely strict and they control their children using threats, punishments, and other methods.    

Eun et al (2018) and Liem, et al (2010) agree that adolescents whose parents use authoritarian style develop externalizing and internalizing behaviors. For example, they struggle with self-control, they have low self-esteem, and they develop risky behaviors.  On the other hand, authoritative parents apply discipline but they ensure that the purpose of the discipline is to change behavior. They combined discipline with love and warmth.  As a result, adolescents have high self- control and they are less likely to engage in antisocial behaviors such as alcohol and drug use. 

Braber (1996) suggests that parental psychological control is problematic for adolescences. This is because psychological control affects a child's activities and behaviors hence affect the child's development's. The author points out that parental psychological controls is associated with love withdrawal. Parental psychological control contributes to risky behaviors and depressive symptoms. Castellanos-Ryan et al (2016) add that adolescents are vulnerable to antisocial behavior such as substance use due to anxiety, hopelessness, among other factors. The authors suggest that in studying the parenting style that affects a child's development, it is also important to study cognitive-behavioral interventions to prevent psychopathology symptoms. According to Nunes & Mota, (2017), there is an empirical evidence that adolescences with insecure family bonds have more mental health problems. Such young people experience mistrust and they lack self-with. Insecure emotional bonds increase their vulnerability to suicidal acts. The article suggests that authoritative parenting behaviors promote interpersonal relationships which minimize the risk of developing psychological distress. Visser et al (2013) assert that adolescents need autonomy and parents play a significant role in the socialization process. However,   parents who overprotect their children increase the risk of developing behavioral problems which may lead to alcohol use. The author suggests that the authoritative parenting style provides the child with love and emotional warmth and as a result, children develop self-control which regulates behaviors such as alcohol use. Low et al (2012) advises parents that it is important to use effective monitoring. The latter will help parents gain knowledge on youth's behaviors and set rules and limits and more importantly build parent-child trust. Parent monitoring is also important in encouraging youths to disclose information.  The author puts it clear that the authoritative s parenting sty; is the best style that can promote the maternal-youth relationship.

Bebes et al (2013) are also against the parent psychological control as they state that psychological control withdraws affection and it disrupts autonomy development. Adolescences develop externalizing problems such as lower-self-esteem and also depressive symptoms. The authors support behavioral control as it influences a child's wellbeing. Gulley et al (2013) say that point out that many factors contribute to mental disorder but one factor that should not be overlooked is negative parenting. In specific, the authors suggest that the authoritarian parenting style contributes to child anxiety due to rejection.  Note that the authoritarian parenting style is characterized by disapproval, judgmental, and shaming tactics. Children develop poor emotional regulation abilities due to a lack of support. However, parents can reduce adolescent's behavior problems and suicidal attempts by using positive parenting (Boeninger & Masyn, 2012).

This literature has shown that the parent-child relationship plays a significant role in a child's development. A point to note is that many of the adolescence psychological and behavior problems are routed from parenting styles (Mensah & Kuranchie, 2013). This means that a negative parenting style such as an authoritarian parenting style affects a child's behavior in that this type of parenting increases the risk of aggression and intelligence. On the other hand, authoritative parenting promotes high self-esteem, self-control, and positive behaviors. Thus, the literature has demonstrated that authoritarian parenting affects adolescences' behavior (Garcia & Serra, 2019). This suggests that the authoritative parenting style is the best parenting method as it is associated with a child's autonomy and parental support. 













Barber, B. K. (1996). Parental psychological control: Revisiting a neglected construct. Child

development67(6), 3296-3319.


Bebes, A., Samarova, V., Shilo, G., & Diamond, G. M. (2015). Parental acceptance, parental

psychological control and psychological symptoms among sexual minority

adolescents. Journal of Child and Family Studies24(4), 882-890.


Boeninger, D. K., Masyn, K. E., & Conger, R. D. (2013). Testing alternative explanations for the

associations between parenting and adolescent suicidal problems. Journal of research on

adolescence23(2), 331-344.


Castellanos-Ryan, N., Brière, F. N., O'Leary-Barrett, M., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A.,

Bromberg, U., ... & Garavan, H. (2016). The structure of psychopathology in adolescence

and its common personality and cognitive correlates. Journal of abnormal

psychology125(8), 1039.


Eun, J. D., Paksarian, D., He, J. P., & Merikangas, K. R. (2018). Parenting style and mental

disorders in a nationally representative sample of US adolescents. Social psychiatry and

psychiatric epidemiology53(1), 11-20.


Garcia, O. F., & Serra, E. (2019). Raising children with poor school performance: Parenting

styles and short-and long-term consequences for adolescent and adult

development. International journal of environmental research and public

health16(7), 1089.


Gulley, L. D., Oppenheimer, C. W., & Hankin, B. L. (2014). Associations among negative

parenting, attention bias to anger, and social anxiety among youth. Developmental

Psychology50(2), 577.


Konopka, A., Rek-Owodziń, K., Pełka-Wysiecka, J., & Samochowiec, J. (2018). Parenting style

in family and the risk of psychopathology. Advances in Hygiene & Experimental

Medicine/Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadczalnej72.


Liem, J. H., Cavell, E. C., & Lustig, K. (2010). The influence of authoritative parenting during

adolescence on depressive symptoms in young adulthood: Examining the mediating roles

of self-development and peer support. The Journal of Genetic Psychology171(1),



Low, S., Snyder, J., & Shortt, J. W. (2012). The drift toward problem behavior during the

transition to adolescence: The contributions of youth disclosure, parenting, and older

siblings. Journal of Research on Adolescence22(1), 65-79.


Mensah, M. K., & Kuranchie, A. (2013). Influence of parenting styles on the social development

of children. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies2(3), 123.


Nunes, F., & Mota, C. P. (2017). Parenting styles and suicidal ideation in adolescents: Mediating

effect of attachment. Journal of child and family studies26(3), 734-747.


Piko, B. F., & Balázs, M. Á. (2012). Control or involvement? Relationship between authoritative

parenting style and adolescent depressive symptomatology. European child & adolescent

psychiatry21(3), 149-155.



Valente, J. Y., Cogo-Moreira, H., & Sanchez, Z. M. (2019). Predicting latent classes of drug use

among adolescents through parental alcohol use and parental style: a longitudinal

study. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology54(4), 455-467.


Vera, J., Granero, R., & Ezpeleta, L. (2012). Father’s and mother’s perceptions of parenting

styles as mediators of the effects of parental psychopathology on antisocial behavior in

outpatient children and adolescents. Child Psychiatry & Human

Development43(3), 376-392.


Visser, L., de Winter, A. F., Vollebergh, W. A., Verhulst, F. C., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2013). The

impact of parenting styles on adolescent alcohol use: the TRAILS study. European

addiction research19(4), 165-172.

1520 Words  5 Pages


Motivational and Transformational Perceptions of Women with Felony Histories Reentry after Incarceration

  • Introduction to the Literature Review.

            This section provides literature review based on reentry of women with felony history, with the target of setting up an examination centered perspective on the current understandings in regards to detainee reentry and reintegration. Almost 66% of women released from detainment will recidivate (Cuellar & Cheema, 2012). Numerous reintegration programs do not equip women with the information and aptitudes they require for effective reintegration into society. Many imprisoned people get no reintegration programming by any stretch of the imagination. Since women reintegration needs are not the same as those of men, an away from what can help effective reintegration for women are required. In this examination, the aim is building up a superior comprehension of women viewpoints of their needs while returning the network after detainment. Investigating their points of view may reveal insight into better methodologies for tending to their necessities as they return to the community. The objective of this exploratory study is gathering understanding dependent on reintegration encounters of formally detained women who have been successful upon reintegration for at least three years.

            This section of the literature review serves as an establishment for the investigation, including data relevant to the topic. It includes connecting literature to various books, peer reviewed articles, explored diary articles, academic works, and appropriate online resources. A specific consideration regarding writing is given in this area correspondence to this present investigation's hypothetical system while talking about how different scientists have used a portion of its key ideas. It additionally audits contemplates which have analyzed women encounters while in the jail just as in the restoration programs, and during reintegration to the community. For this situation, the consequences of the current investigation add to the collection of writing supporting reintegration methodologies for women in the justice system.

  • Theoretical Orientation for the study.

             Feminist hypothesis, which draws on a wide scope of points of view and topics explicit to women, is the hypothetical establishment for this investigation. Feminist hypothesis has a wide extension, tending to not just gender orientation contrasts, gender disparity, and gender mistreatment, yet additionally auxiliary abuse. Even though there is a wide range of varieties of feminist hypothesis, these topics stay fundamental to them all. The feminist hypothesis is utilized to feature the significance of perceiving and obliging gender contrasts in guilty parties, just as to note society's underestimation of the examination populace. Feminist hypothesis was first started after Mary Wollstonecraft presented it in her article "A Vindication of the Right of Women in the year 1792 (Bansal, Smith & Vaara, 2018). This original work would lay the preparation for women to tie down the privilege of instruction, which would prompt force and impact in the community. In her content, Wollstonecraft posted that women had thinking capacities that rose to those of men, and in this manner, ought to be allowed indistinguishable open doors from men. In her content accordingly, the primary contention depended on uniformity among males and females. 

            Even though my attention was on women with felony history necessity upon reintegration into society, feminist hypothesis includes unmistakably more than basic gender orientation contrasts and gender specific requirements. The essential suspicion of current feminist hypothesis is that in a male commanded culture, the necessities, issues, patterns, and issues explicit to women might be ignored. While this might be valid, it is imperative to abstain from considering feminist hypothesis as a dualistic idea. Feminist hypothesis is, at its center, planned for accomplishing equity, correspondence, and opportunity for all people, paying little heed to gender, race, or economic wellbeing. Feminist hypothesis underpins perceiving women gender orientation explicit needs and making intercessions that mirror this acknowledgment, not mediations produced for men, and afterward changed for women.

             Feminist hypothesis has been applied in research in many areas, for example, treatment, social work, governmental issues, guiltiness, and training. People are multidimensional creatures, and thus, these themes will be connected in some design in some random individual's life. The interdisciplinary idea of feminist standards and study can be found in this connection of different features of life. Intersectionality is the thing that permits feminist hypothesis to cross such a significant number of various areas. Intersectionality recognizes that the world is not direct, and cannot be diminished to individual circumstances and logical results articulation. It is a never-ending changing idea that gives the capacity to look at the interrelation of individual characters, lived encounters, frameworks of persecution, and factors such as age, gender, conviction, sexuality, incapacity, and semantics or race (Waleed, 2010). Contemplating the cooperation of these diverse aspects of a person's or a network's presence takes into account assessment and expected change in frameworks of disparity and power imbalance.   

            Scientists have utilized feminist hypothesis in a several qualitative studies of women with felony history after their delivery from detainment. Blau & Kahn (2013) utilized feminist hypothesis to interface adolescent girls offenses to the components in their lives that they accept donated to their deficient conduct. Quinney & Shelden (2018) utilized feminist hypothesis to represent the minimization of imprisoned mothers as a population. Percy, Kostere & Kostere, (2015) utilized feminist hypothesis in a quantitative report to help decide if people have distinctive hazard influences for reoffending by utilizing the Level of Facility Reviewed Record. Their objective was to represent how sexual orientation contrasts sway repetition and to utilize their discoveries to make a revolution in outlook in the conveyance of behavior and reintegration administrations to females. In this investigation therefore, the feminist hypothesis is used with the point of directing the investigation of gender explicit difficulties looked by women with crime history while reappearing society, and of the variables that may assist them with being effective upon reintegration.

  • Review of Research Literature and Methodological Literature Specific to the Topic or Research Question.

Women crime rates in the United States

             Even though women represent a very small percentage of crimes done in the United States, crime percentages are on the ascent for women. The examination has indicated that imprisonment rates for women are expanding quicker than for men. The quantity of detained women in the United States developed by over 600%  between 1980 and 2015, which is more than double the rate for men (Richards & Hemphill, 2018). The kinds of violations carried out by women tend to be not quite the same as the sorts of wrong doings submitted by men. Men are bound to perpetrate brutal wrongdoings than women, while women all the more regularly submit property or medication offenses (William, 2015). Women are additionally definitely more likely than men to be captured for prostitution (Dadashazar, 2017). While four year re-offense degrees for women are inferior to men, these rates for women are still concerning.

Treatment and Reentry Programs for Women in Prison

            All women with felony history want help with reintegration that goes past gathering their essential needs (Ahmed & Lång, 2017). Women have gender orientation explicit requirements that should be recognized during detainment, just as during the reintegration procedure to offer them an improved possibility of being effective upon discharge. Preferably, getting ready for reintegration should start. At the same time, women are still detained, and ought to incorporate business preparing or arranging, because fruitful reintegration is more outlandish without adequate salary (Creswell, 2013). There is no single definition or depiction of reintegration programming since programming differs by area and office. The groundwork for delivery can start while imprisoned, for example, when a detainee takes an interest in a substance misuse advising program. Reintegration projects might be network-based, jail-based, or parole based, and may include a mix of at least two of these methodologies (Caponize, 2011). These projects likewise shift in degree and length (Rodermond, Kruttschnitt, Slotboom & Bijleveld, 2016). For a few, reintegration programming may just be actualized upon discharge. A few prisoners will get no reintegration programming by any means, and be delivered legitimately into the network, without management of any sort.

            Various specialists have concentrated on sex and injury-specific necessities of women  while imprisoned, taking note of plain bearings for women  treatment programs, given those requirements (Stoddard, 2017). Quantitatively analyzed the connection between youth exploitation and the resulting emotional well-being issues, medicate utilization, and erotic exploitation that trailed. The number of inhabitants in this investigation comprised of 115 woman detainees who were destined to be delivered. Like Stone et al. (2018) contemplate talked about in a past area, this investigation had the option to interface exploitation to tranquilize use and hazardous sexual practices. The investigation generally concentrated on which sorts of misuse were associated regularly with sedate use or unsafe sexual practices, and extravagantly exhibited the intricacy of the connection between emotional wellness issues, exploitation, and substance misuse. More important to the retreat and flow research is the finish of this examination, which lights up the requirement for acknowledgment and convenience of injury-related issues in jail treatment programs. The creators stress the significance of executing multimodal treatment for women in jail, tending to issues identified with substance misuse, yet additionally to psychological well-being issues, and injury. 

Reintegration Challenges for Female Offenders

            More than 500,000 women with felony history are delivered and sent into their networks every year in the United States. These women with felony history should be set up for reintegration and must have the fundamental aptitudes to be fruitful upon reintegration. Nevertheless, there are numerous difficulties looked by guilty parties reappearing the network after imprisonment. These incorporate discovering lodging, getting to clinical and mental consideration, tending to issues identified with child-rearing and acquiring work that is adequate to pay for everything. A portion of these issues is worrying about female deliveries.

             Female offenders regularly face homelessness upon discharge since housing is frequently hard to find (Van Ginneken & Esther, 2015). Numerous offenders have stressed associations with relatives and cannot remain with them upon discharge (Steyn & Booyens, 2017). A few women with felony history may fit the bill for open housing dependent on budgetary status. Yet, the kind of wrongdoing they submitted may keep them from being qualified for open housing programs (Morenoff, & Harding, 2014). Getting a place to live on their own is frequently impossible because numerous landowners direct individual verifications for new candidates.

            Relational connections play a huge job in reintegration. Regularly, women with felony history have a background marked by drawing in with freak friends or relatives, which undermines their capacity to cease from sedate use and crime upon discharge. When guilty parties can keep away from these kinds of relationships upon reintegration, they have an improved likelihood of resistance (Yukhnenko, Blackwood & Fazel, 2019). In any case, Adams, Chen & Chapman (2016) noticed that in any event, when guilty parties endeavor to maintain a strategic distance from degenerate companions, here and there peers search out the women with felony history once delivered.

            Getting to clinical and mental consideration is as well a great challenge for the women after incarceration. Most previous offenders have no clinical protection (Battle, 2019). It extraordinarily confines their alternatives for clinical, dental, and emotional wellness care, incorporating substance misuse treatment. Even though there are network emotional well-being and substance misuse treatment programs accessible, the openness of these projects might be influenced by separation or space accessible in the program (Rakis, 2005). Discovering transportation to arrive at these administrations can likewise be an obstruction to getting treatment.

            Discovering work is also another challenging issue experienced by women with felony history reemerging the community (Ahmed & Lång, 2017). Numerous businesses are hesitant to recruit people with a criminal record. Moreover, previous guilty parties are ordinarily less taught than those in the overall population, and women will, in general, have less instruction than men (Richie, 2001). Britt et al. (2019) state that men are bound to make sure about work upon discharge than women. When work is acquired, the compensation earned is frequently too low to even think about supporting an individual, significantly less a person with youngsters.

Impacts for Successful Reintegration

            Clarifying why people start criminal conduct is not the same as disclosing how they come to a halt from criminal conduct (Binswanger et al., 2007). In a 2007 subjective investigation by Binswanger et al. (2007) investigated the protective factors that make grown-up offenders fruitful upon discharge into the network. Members were both male and female and had fluctuating levels and recurrence of detainment. Members recognized a few protective factors that they saw as having helped them remain effective outwardly, just as variables that compromised their prosperity. Overwhelmingly, they distinguished the accompanying defensive variables; distance from medicating use, instruction and occupation preparation, acquiring an authentic business, collaborating with prosocial loved ones, and cutting binds with freak loved ones. In any case, this investigation did not address any sex graphic elements, such as injury, psychological maladjustment, or child-rearing, and the member bunch comprised of most men.

            There are a few factors that expand the chances that a woman will have a superior possibility of progressing outwardly—improving her instruction-level while in jail is advantageous. Many guilty parties gain their G.E.D. while detained, giving them a superior possibility of getting utilized upon reintegration (Yesberg et al., 2015). Offering gender orientation explicit reintegration writing computer programs is likewise useful (Sawyer, 2019). Exploration shows that even though mediation projects might be expensive, the money related advantages of keeping individuals out of prison far exceeds the expense of the projects themselves (Shelupanov & Ali, 2010). Accepting the various desires and hazard issues for people is likewise basic with the goal that experts in rectifications can tailor mediations to the particular needs of guilty parties, which would result in a perfect world outcome in better reintegration results (Rade, Desmarais & Mitchell, 2016). Also, investment in serious case management delivery can lessen the probability of perpetrating new violations.

  • Synthesis of the Research Findings.

            Despite their expanding contribution in the criminal equity framework, female guilty parties remain moderately under-considered and under-speculated inside criminology (B.J.S., 2020). It has been changing as of late, with various examinations concentrating on women and young women culpable and the job of gender orientation for both male and female women with felony history, with more noteworthy subtlety and multifaceted nature in their estimating and investigation (Binswanger et al., 2007). The current investigations center on the "doing" of gender orientation and how it is formed by people's social structure (Richie, 2001). Presently with the development of solid writing on the reintegration and the security outcomes of detainment, the encounters of women are again peripheral to the field (Richie 2001). Female guilty parties have been designated "twofold freaks" since the two of them abuse the law and gender orientation standards (Van Ginneken & Esther, 2015). Hypotheses and experimental investigations of both liability and discipline will, in the global spotlight on men, or have a little example of women. The individuals who do examine female women with felony history regularly contend that the main speculations of guiltiness do not make a difference to women. For instance, Ahmed & Lång (2017) reasons that the hypotheses of differential affiliation, naming, and anomie lack in clarifying female guiltiness since women  will, in general, be protected from criminal learning encounters and are bound to learn well-behaved conduct, and have diverse job socialization. Stone et al. (2018) recognize two issues in building speculations of sexual orientation and wrongdoing: the generalizability issue and the sex proportion issue. They contend for the need to investigate issues of sexual orientation and wrongdoing through a subjective and gendered point of view to comprehend the social setting molding the lives of female guilty parties and against the "include women and mix" way to deal with understanding female culpability and sex contrasts in criminal conduct and criminal equity framework association.

            Examination on networks and imprisonment has concentrated on the destabilizing effect of high paces of detainment on neighborhoods (Stoddard, 2017). Neighborhoods with high centralizations of previous prisoners may likewise encounter the consequences of the "coercive versatility" associated with imprisonment and reintegration (Stone et al. (2018). Moreover, at any rate, one investigation has discovered that area independently affects recidivism (Rade, Desmarais & Mitchell, 2016). Inhabitants in neighborhoods with significant levels of populace thickness and pay disparity experience more prominent paces of rearrests. Guilty parties coming back to an old neighborhood additionally are likely coming back to old informal communities, including irritating systems, and accordingly improving the probability of recidivism (Ahmed & Lång, 2017). While these investigations center on results of the centralization of women with felony history and jail discharges, they tend not to concentrate on the significance of neighborhood and neighborhood decisions for the ex-guilty parties themselves. 

  • Critique of Previous Research.

             The essential objective of this investigation is to discover the mind-boggling public activities of women with felony history and how their delivery from jail impacts and is affected by their connections. The first territory of intrigue is the way different gatherings affected – women with felony history , their bosses or likely businesses, proprietors, loved ones, colleagues - deal with the procedure of detainee reintegration. Little is thought about the real day by day lives and encounters of women with felony history or how, when, and with whom their ex-guilty party status is striking. Indeed, even less is thought about the experience and systems of female women with felony history. I investigate the issue of reintegration from these viewpoints subjectively, with an emphasis on female women with felony history. I contend that the reintegration experience is an intelligent one, among guilty parties and their private, regional, and open interpersonal organizations. These different connections assume fluctuating jobs in the reintegration procedure of ex-guilty parties, impacting their capacity to rejoin society effectively.

  • Summary.

             Upon reintegration, there are day-by-day battles that are one of a kind to women, yet numerous reintegration programs overlook this (Quinney & Shelden (2018). For women, fruitful reintegration after detainment requires a complex, multifaceted methodology that tends to housing, work, childcare, carriage, and clinical and remedial treatment. These endeavors would start during incarceration and proceed after delivery to accomplish the most extreme viability. Instructive projects which lead to the accomplishment of a G.E.D., or other affirmation that would take into account expanded acquiring potential would be enormously useful for women intending to reintegrate in the community. Current research declares that reintegration programs for women ought to be gender orientation explicit, all-encompassing, helpful, given personal requests, and fitting for the network (Rodermond, Kruttschnitt, Slotboom & Bijleveld, 2016). Upon discharge, numerous offenders are pushed into an unsafe way of life. They are required to flourish autonomously, yet do not have a portion of the essential aptitudes and administrations should have been effective. In the mission for experts to decide how to best assist women with felony history with reintegrating into their networks, they would in a perfect world execute an individualized methodology, thinking about gender, ethnic, racial, and different contrasts. The numerous contrasts among women with felony history light up the purposes behind their various reactions and achievement rates in action and through reintegration.



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3919 Words  14 Pages

Literature: 2 Works Stay and Why, 2 Works Remove and Why


Literacy is vital to an individual’s learning development and wellbeing. Literature is the mainstream to knowledge acquisition and development in learning. Understanding and appreciating the contribution and diversity of literature are mainly determined by making proper selections of literary works. It is not just a matter of reading rather than gaining value from literature. Certain abilities that require writing and analytical skills are derived from the experience with written literature as they help in defining expectations and norms about literature and the real world. In satisfying the needs of the assignment four literacy works two of which should be included and two should not be discussed. The current course materials cover a wide breadth of literary works and provide a comprehensive overview of the Modern era; however, the course materials could be improved through reducing the number of works and specifically focusing on the elements of the best works of each week.

What Literary Works That Should Stay

Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe narrates a heartbreaking tale of the Nigerian based tribesmen who in spite of the prevailing changes that are related to modernity preserve their traditions. This story is highly appropriate for the course given that it addresses a modern issue. Through the struggles of the community, the author explores the issues that are related to corruption as well as oppression by the British colony. Imperialism is a concept of the modern era that has left many of the colonist countries suffering even though the matter is perceived to be a light one. While Achebe reveals many salient concepts through the story beginning with the issue of colonial morality, friendship, individualism and social structures all touching on contemporariness. Achebe highlights ‘’ the white people are very intelligent’’ (Ogede 22). This shows how they exploited Africans. The most important is on the ground that the story focuses on distinct descriptions of morality by arguing that the rising conflict is caused by the fact that the colonialist tend to dominate even in the social structures. 

The decision to recommend the literacy works by Achebe to be included is grounded on the fact that it adheres well to literature elements and from the detailed stories that are not mainly fictional, it is easy for the readers to understand the concepts. The literacy will also contribute to enhancing the success of the course as well as ensuring that the set objectives are met within the stated period without fail for everyone.

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad in the ‘’ Heart of Darkness’’ explores the most common issues that are related to imperialism in the contemporary society (Song-cun 117). In this context issues such as oppression, isolation, corruption, and selfishness are explored. The author connects with the readers by centering on imperialism and colonialism which leads to the oppression of Africans in the colonist nations. Generally, imperialism tries to force foreign rules on the native governance and individuality. This means that the colonist is focused on creating complications and conflicts by exploiting that which does not belong to them. Conrad successfully integrates most of the recurrent concepts in regard to the imperialism issues. He states’’ it grew to be a place full of darkness’’ (Abu-Snoubar 4). This illustrates the existing evil. Through this the author allows the ready to understand the human suffering as well as how imperialism and modernity are related.

The storyline is more focused on imperialism which is a contemporary concept in general. This literacy work should be included in the course because it mainly involves and addresses certain concepts that are related to modernity. In addition, all the literature related concepts are fully considered which makes it suitable for learning as it will be expanding on the concepts that have been instilled throughout the course in a more comprehensive style.

What Literacy Works Should not stay

Death in the woods by Sherwood Anderson

In the ‘’Death in the Woods’’ by Sherwood Anderson presents a reader with more naturalism than modernism and was also chosen as the work students most wished to edit. The storyline focused on the survivalist nature of Mrs. Grimes whose primary position in the reading focused on providing food. In addition, Mrs. Grimes was also not given a voice to allow the reader to assume she had free will of being of help to others. Anderson basis the story of his observation of the woman whose life ended in the woods thus gaining a higher appreciation of his own life. The story is more of a naturalistic focus because the main theme is based on that life is generally treasurable but not most people appreciates what it offers.

The literacy work should not stay for the course because based on its literature elements it does not conform to the concept of modernity. This is not a correct literature genre for the course not because it fails to offer knowledge but on the ground that it is a fictional story that addresses a social and naturalism issue that has little to do with the concepts of the modern era. The story generates a personal rather than a general conflict. Hardly, no one notices the presence of this old woman in the woods. Anderson notes’’ but no one noticed her, it must be quite a load on such an old body’’ (Gale 6). Grimes lives with her unkind husband and thankless son miles away from the nearest town. It is evident that grimes refers to dirt that is covered by unhygienic stuff. The woman’s past that is full of sadness forces her to commit to ensuring that everything is fed including her animals (Gale 6). The story mainly addresses an issue about naturalism and human suffering and therefore can be excluded from the learning. This will help in focusing on the stories that mainly addresses the most suitable issues that regard to modernity. The conflict raised by the story from the narrator’s point of view is a naturalistic one.

A passage in India by EM Forster

EM Forster addresses the theme of friendship in the novel titled ‘’ A passage in India.’’ Forster presents to the readers a more societal issue rather than modernity through the story by highlighting some of the pressing issues that are fueled by the society particularly with respect to the colonized nation (Sarker 14). The theme of friendship is mainly explored through the story’s protagonist from the Indian origin Aziz who in the course of living attempts to create fake associates with some people from Britain. In all the cases, even though at the start of the friendships the relationships seems promising, problems dominate which are not exclusively conquered. This best illustrates that the story is more centered on a social issue that has nothing to do with contemporariness. The story lacks some elements of addressing modern era concepts by focusing on societal based problems. He notes ‘’ India is not a drafting room, you should understand how people feel’’ (Sarker 14). In that, the conflict based is related to colonialism. The story starts and ends by creating the query on whether Indians and Englishmen can ever create positive and lasting relationships.

Forster utilizes the notion of colonialism as the outline in the exploration of the general problem of political control by Britain political rulers in India through a rather personalized state through friendship. The author allows the leader to understand that the struggles of such relationships are natural because Aziz is subjected to suffering based on the set standards by their cultures. In other words, he illustrates that suffering is at times an optional thing that is generated by mentality since English tolerance and rationalism makes Fielding suffer as this pride obstructs him from understanding the actual nature of Aziz’s real feelings thus running their relationships and affecting their confidence. Based on the focus of the novel it should thus be excluded from the reading list so that a more modernistic focus can be acquired.


In summing up, from the up analysis it is evident that the current course’s materials cover a wide breadth of literary works and provide a comprehensive overview of the Modern era; however, the course materials could be improved through reducing the number of works and specifically focusing on the elements of the best works of each week. It is recommended that the literacy works ‘’ Things fall Apart’’ and ‘’ Heart of Darkness’’ be included to the course but ‘’ A Passage in India’’ and ‘’Death in the Woods’’ be eliminated. This is based on the fact that the two that should stay by Conrad and Achebe is more focused on the concepts of modernity or the modern era while the other two focuses more on societal and naturalistic challenges faced by the human race. 






Work Cited


Abu-Snoubar, Tamador Khalaf. "Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness: Debunking the Two Basic Imperial Clichés." European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies 5.5 (2017): 1-11.

Gale, Cengage L. Study Guide for Sherwood Anderson's "death in the Woods.". Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, n.d.. Print.

Ogede, Ode. Achebe's Things Fall Apart. London: Continuum, 2007. Internet resource.

Sarker, Sunil K. E.m. Forster's a Passage to India. New Delhi: Atlantic Publ. & Distributors, 2007. Print.

Song-cun, Z. H. A. N. G. "On the Three Themes of Heart of Darkness." Sino-US English Teaching 14.2 (2017): 116-119.



1577 Words  5 Pages

Report 1

            The research paper will mainly focus on the legendary nature of Kate Chopin’s literature. From my reading, I have learned that in writing a research, adequate and proper citation is essential as it increases the credibility of the researcher and thus allows readers to locate the sources where the information has been gathered from.  MLA citation is helpful as it helps in avoiding the occurrence of plagiarism as failure to sources documentation results into direct plagiarism (Gibaldi, 58).  The researcher readers should be able to establish how the thoughts of the research were formulated. This is essential in arguments justification as an argument without adequate evidence is not valid.  In MLA style of formatting, this is conducted via a brief in-text citation system which leads to a work cited entries list.  MLA formatting strategy is very flexible in the context of ordering and inclusion of particular information (Gibaldi, 59). The work cited list should appear at the end of the paper and the title should be centered without the use of quotation or italic formatting.

MLA style is mainly utilized in writing papers and citation of papers that are within the humanities and liberal arts (Gibaldi, 58).  Referring to through the utilization research or study done by other individuals in MLA is conducted through the utilization of parenthetical citation.  This strategy involves the process of placing a relevant source of information in digression after each paraphrase (Gibaldi, 218).  The information that is required in this citation relies upon the medium source which may involve, the web, and print and so on. Every source that has been included in the in-text citation section should directly correspond to the work cited section. In short, this means that each paraphrase that is provided to the readers in the research text must appear on the work cited section.

MLA formatting follows the approach of author-page in the general in text citation. This, therefore, implies that the last name of the author and the exact page number from which the information is taken from should appear in the research text and a full reference should appear on the work cited list. The name of the author can appear as a whole or in form of parentheses which follows the paraphrased quotations. However, the page number should appear in form of parentheses, not in the sentence text (Gibaldi, 228).

I have found various sources which talk about her writing and the criticism that her writing faced.  I plan to incorporate these sources to ensure that her legendary writing nature is well analyzed.  From the sources, it is clear that she focused on domestic violence which was a common thing in the society.  According to Stein, (1), Chopin acted against the expectations of everyone because she was the conduct and all that she wanted to do is to increase awareness.   Kate based her entire writing on reality which made her realism as she looked women through their own eyes to discover what they were generally going through. According to Thrailkill, despite the fact that her writing describes her as a disgusted and angry person she did that to ensure that her messages were well understood by the readers (Thrailkill, 16).







Report 2

            Work Cited

Anonym. "The Story of an Hour" - Kate Chopin's Voice against Patriarchy. München: GRIN Verlag, 2010. Internet resource.

Bloom, Harold. Kate Chopin. New York, NY: Chelsea House, 2007. Print.

Carroll, Aileen M. 150 Great Short Stories: Synopses, Quizzes, and Tests. Portland, Me: J. Weston Walch, 1989. Print.

Chopin, Kate, Emily Toth, Per Seyersted, and Cheyenne Bonnell. Kate Chopin's Private Papers. Indiana University Press, 1998. Print.

Chopin, Kate. The Awakening and Other Stories. London: Bibliolis Books, 2010. Print.

Gibaldi, Joseph. Mla Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. , 2009. Print.

Golgotha, Press. The Life and Times of Kate Chopin. Bookcaps study guides, 2012, Copyright.

Holtzclaw, Jill. A Life in Fiction: How Kate Chopin’s Biography Changes How We Interpret Her Work. 2009. Pdf Retrieved from

Kennedy, X J, and Dana Gioia. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and writing. New York: Longman, 2002. Print.

Madsen, Deborah L. Feminist Theory and Literary Practice. London: Pluto, 2000. Print.

Mizic, Jessie. 19th Century American Women’s Literature. The Importance of Symbolic Meaning in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. 2015, Pdf.  Retrieved from;sequence=1

Rennemo, Louis. Exploring the Female Self in the Works of Kate Chopin: A Study in the 19th Century Literature, Science and Ideology. 2015, Pdf. Retrieved from

Stein, Allen F. Women and Autonomy in Kate Chopin's Short Fiction. New York [u.a.: Lang, 2005. Print.

Thrailkill, Jane F. Affecting Fictions: Mind, Body, and Emotion in American Literary Realism. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2007. Print.

Trotman, C J. Multiculturalism: Roots and Realities. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002. Print.

Wan,  Xuemei. Kate Chopin’s View on Death and Freedom in the Story of an Hour. 2013, Pdf. Retrieved from

            Werlock, Abby H. P, and James P. Werlock. The Facts on File Companion To The American Short Story. New York NY: Facts On File, Inc, 2010. Internet resource.



            Report 3

            Research Paper

Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin is known as a legendary and a brilliant writer. Her general career in writing began the late 19th century (Carroll, 16).   Chopin lived in a period where women were suppressed sexually and their desires and opinions were not appreciated.  Kate Chopin is well established as an extremely smart woman. She wrote a total of twenty-nine literature pieces where twenty were fiction pieces, three short narratives, and six whole novels. Chopin’s writing holds more in mutual with the time period than the period after the civil war.  Despite the fact that some of her writing was not published due to criticism and customary laws of the period and her life being full of deaths she lived as a happy woman by writing in such a daring and bold nature as she did.

Most of Chopin’s stories are based on the 19th-century societal issues.  This is based on that on individuals from the century and especially women had to struggle in attaining freedom which she thought that it was right of everyone (Golgotha, 43). Chopin believed that freedom should not be restrained by anything not even traditions as every should has to feel it.  Unlike most writers who wrote encourages women to join activists and that movement that was fighting  for women rights Chopin was exceptional because her writing was grounded  on her  the oppression can be  left behind.  She did not believe that  women required to  make  such huge efforts and waste much time in attaining freedom rather  she believed  that  women only required to change their perspective of these challenges and life in general

When examining literature work literature theme is an essential element of determining fiction.  Kate Chopin is a literature legendary who is well established for being a realistic writer in the 19th and 20th century (Thrailkill, 18).  Kate Chopin’s work is clearly fictional but the literature is a depiction of realities Starks in life.  Her work was an exceptional depiction of what was clearly taking place and not based on what most individuals in the century wanted to hear.  This made her a realistic writer despite some of her work being denied publication.

            Kate Chopin is not only considered as one of the legendary social and psychological fictional writer of the modern era but she is considered as one of the most authoritative writer.  Throughout her writing the author utilized a mutual theme which made it essential and simpler to interpret her general stories meaning.   In the story the awakening, the story of an hour and the storm   Kate Chopin utilizes a mutual theme which is independence and female oppression of the female gender as well as freedom from those things that oppressed them (Bloom, 21). Kate Chopin is a late 18th century writer who is well known for her women’s struggle to attain freedom and southern culture depiction (Trotman, 131).  During this period based on the American history women did not have an opportunity to raise their desires or develop decisions individuals.  Based on the customs women were being governed by the male gender which held the right to develop decisions.  In general most of the women in the century agreed to follow the customary mode of life.  However Kate Chopin’s thoughts were very different (Carroll, 129).  This is because the boldness of Chopin Kate in portraying women’s struggle in towards the completion of the 19t century is very evident in her stories.

According to Stein, Chopin worked boldly beyond all her precursors in authoring about the individual emancipation and sexual longing by women in the century (1).  Despite the fact that most critics refers her as her feminist she is a legend who worked beyond custom laws in ensuring that  she represents the oppressions that women had to go through.   This can be explained by the fact that she was never involved in activism and did not even join suffrage movement that belonged to women in the 19th century society (Stein, 1).  Chopin viewed freedom as a matter of an individual spirit or a soul that was not held back by any constraints. 

Chopin was a realist writer because in her writing Chopin did not even attempt to encourage the movements conducted by women because she wrote what she felt. In the writing Chopin released and believed that a true artist is that individual that defies traditions, rejects respectable morality, conventions and literary success formulas (Stein, 3). Chopin is a legendary who attempted to show how women would change their general views in regard to life and authority. Through the stories characters Chopin illustrate how one can change their views regardless of customary constraints.  In her stories she permits the female characters to have individualized views in regard to their sensations and actions by permitting them to have an affair.  This affords are not performed based o love but based on the desire of the women to experience passion in life.  This helps in transforming the women’s feeling and views that challenging them to struggle to attain freedom (Stein, 1).

Chopin provides detailed and great deals of thoughts in all her writing to the social issues that she perceives as important. According to Thrailkill, Chopin was encouraged not to grow and become a person who has no use. Chopin therefore bases her ideas on becoming a woman that is characterized by independence (Thrailkill, 19).  By this Chopin means that she had to be a person that is capable of developing personalized decisions on what she felt and even how to act.

The storm is Chopin’s greatest fictional instance in the practice of its scenery.  Chopin utilizes the stories scenery to affect the reader’s minds as well as exemplify the moods and the activities of the characters.  She accomplishes this through the use of great selection of short descriptive terms in describing her story’s setting (Thrailkill, 19).  For instance she states “when the storm experienced a burst it generally shook the store that was made from wood. This appeared to be engendering excessive troughs in the ground that was distantly located.  The rain weary on the shingled  rooftop  low with such excessive strength as well as bang which  provided a threat of breaking the entrance to flood all of them inside’’ (Kennedy, and Dana, 121). This is thus significant in thrusting the reader into the feeling of being involved in the storm which is affecting the characters.

Chopin’s description of her stories setting helps in making the characters feelings and action’s to be more authoritative as well as exciting to the readers as compared to when the story would have occurred in a distinct setting.  Chopin’s selection of setting is additionally in coincidence with sensations as well as actions of the characters. She describes the passion of the characters who are the lovers with the storm. she states ‘’ they did not even  heed the torrents crash and as the storms elements roared more she laughed more as she felt the comfort  of lying in his arms’’ (Kennedy, and Dana, 121).  Her elaboration of the storm and the sensations of the characters were so clear in delivering her message.

Through her literature Chopin describes the oppressions faced by women in the century through the utilization of distinguishing and impressive vision style.  This writing style changed most views individuals in the 19th century in the context of readers and writers.  While her writing may have faced criticism it is clear that her use of fictions is well understood.  Her legendary is well established by her ability to demonstrate the condition of women in the society in detailed manner. She is therefore a realistic writer who wrote on the reality that most people did not what to hear.

A well-demonstrated literature is essential in providing the readers with visions to comprehend theory of an era and life which highly necessitates a good comprehension of their issues. Through the legendary writing of Kate Chopin women in the 19th century were able to understand where their oppressing was coming from and those things that they would do to solve the issue.  The 19th century based on history studies gave women less control over their sensations and actions.  These issues were however not being revealed in the particular century which leads women to form movements.   Such customs resulted in individuals developing psychological challenges on deciding what they needed to do or what they felt.  This was the major ground for the social issues that were facing societies in the period (Madsen, 35).

            Chopin demonstrates the issues in a dramatic mode through a description of the 19th century.  Through her writing Chopin’s characters are portrayed to be expressing struggles due to the traditional customs (Madsen, 35).  Chopin, therefore, permits the characters to transform their views of the customs and work to fulfill their sensations.  In this way, she helps the characters in establishing solutions to the issues that restrain them from achieving greater things.

Chopin additionally identifies herself as a legendary writer because she creates unique writing style which dramatics the social issues in the 19th century.  Despite the fact that Chopin addresses a critical issue in the era she demonstrates a prose that is full of attachment as a woman by strangely calm.  She utilizes simple and well-elaborated language which helps in depicting the complex image of the individual’s challenges (Chopin, 5).  The images that she develops in her writing do not require must explanation as the reader can clearly interpret them.  This image, therefore, speaks clearly to the readers.  She ensures that the readers feel as if they are involved in the stories by providing every single detail to the story’s actions as well as the feeling of all the characters.  This depiction, therefore, sensationalizes the ongoing struggle of the characters and individuals in the era (Chopin, 5).

Possibly Chopin’s most interesting style of writing is the ability to develop situations in her work that cannot be solved by anyone one else except those that are involved. She does this to show that the issues that were being faced by women in the century world not be solved by anybody else except themselves (Rennemo,16).  This is based on the fact that one’s issues are a better understood by self rather than another individual due to the involved attachment. In addition, she is also an exceptional writer in the way that she provided challenges and solutions in her literature.  She did this by ensuring that the views of the women involved in the stories transformed their views and permitted their sensations to dominate by working against the customs.

An additional interesting style of writing that was depicted by Chopin’s writing is the capability of developing literature that cannot be justified from a single view (Holtzclaw, 14).  She permitted the developed images in the stories to clearly talk to the readers which can be interpreted in different strategies.   This implies that Chopin’s stories hold two different meanings in that they are a representation of women oppression’s intensification and a representation of the oppressive living.  This, therefore, shows that whichever critic that one chooses it cannot be enough to provide an adequate interpretation of her meaning.

            In her, writing Chopin ensures that the characters are faced with uncertainties. This is essential in explaining why she is an elastic writer (Mizic, 23).  She ensures that the characters are faced by weirdness in the quest of unchaining themselves from their oppressions.  This writing style can be referred as art personification which is essential in elaborating situations and showing why a change of perspective would help in attaining freedom for the women (Rennemo, 17).

The fact that Chopin literature faces negative criticism shows that she is an influential writer (Wan, 15).  Her writing is based on real and important issues in the society which necessitate solutions and all she does is address the issues and develop solutions.  This makes her a legendary artist who provides more opportunity for critics to talk in regard.  She generates stories by releasing their sources, challenges, and solutions. These stories are relevant because they are characterized with essential symbols that can be established in a simple manner whose attempt of clarifying the symbols results in criticism.

This criticism is essential in explaining the theory that everything s contrarily to another.  One’s individual view is bound to differ from the views held by another (Holtzclaw, 14).  Based on the fact that Chopin wrote in order to address the issues that were being faced by women due to traditions she would not escape experiencing criticism.  She, therefore, utilizes uncertainty, conflict, and hopelessness   as a bind to her literature.  This style was essential in enabling the readers to connect to the issue that she presented in her writing and the issue that characterized the lives of women.

Chopin composed hundreds of narratives amid 1889 and the occurrence of her death in the year 1904.  Most stories were published in national and regional newspapers as well as magazines. However nationally a free stories were syndicated. One of Chopin’s story whose publication was canceled without any justification was titled ‘’ a vocation and a voice’’ Chopin, Kate, Emily (Toth, Seyersted, and Cheyenne, 133).  This short story was based on an adolescent who is torn amid hiss religion commitment and his dense attraction to a young lady (Toth, Seyersted, and Cheyenne, 133).

’The story of an hour’’ is a short story by Chopin is a representation of a marriage negative perception through presenting the readers with a female who enjoys the fact that the own husband is dead (Anonym, 2).  This expression is achieved through emotions and language. This story depicts the struggles that the character goes through in order to attain freedom which she got after the loss of her husband.  According to Chopin marriage is something that constrains the woman as she has to be subjective to her husband.  Chopin utilized simple language in the story to show the actions of the characters and their feelings towards each other.  She provides detailed explanations of the characters feelings.  Chopin shows that the construction of language is essential in building the understanding of the eaters of the provided characters.  Through this the readers can be able to feel the sensations of the characters based on the expanded simple language sentences that Chopin provides (Kennedy, and Dana, 415).

Chopin is a legend who utilized self-rule and individuality in writing.  Chopin’s characters are faced with deep inner conflicts where the protagonists try to gain control of their existence.  The female characters presented by Chopin are mostly unconventional who chooses to reject societal ethical standards. Chopin continuously portrays the women’s choices in a sympathetically manner rather than condemning them (Werlock, 619).  This, therefore, shows that   her writing is based on reality and feelings. The Desiree’s baby focuses on the concept of identity and race where the character is able to realize that the child is not completely white. 

Chopin’s writing is primarily influenced by the emotional and the physical likelihood of the characters. In the story of an hour, Millard gains temporary body strength due to the joy of losing her husband but later dies due to the shock.  On the other hand, Desiree is rejected because of giving birth to a child with who are both white and black. This was a representation of the 19th century which was characterized by racism as well as discrimination.  On of Chopin’s writings are based on female oppression and the struggle to attain freedom.  Chopin does an excellent job of representing the feelings and the actions of her characters in overcoming the oppressions as well as the consequences. Through her boldness in regard to female oppression writing in the 19th century Chopin can be termed as a legend in her own nature.













3487 Words  12 Pages


It was a cool moment of the day with city residents going about their normal activities while others enjoyed the serenity of the beach weather. The carefree atmosphere in the area indicated a people that had become accustomed to their normal lives; adults undertaking their responsibilities while children ran around playfully. Suddenly, the ground beneath started shaking, sending everyone on the beach scampering for cover with the memories of previous earthquakes still fresh.  Afterwards, a strong earthquake rocked the whole city and the lands beyond and everything seemed chaotic with children and adults alike screaming for help but with no one to come for rescue. It happened so suddenly that not even the metrological department raised the alarm. The sea had receded leaving no sign of impending disasters. As beach tides started pulling out into the salty sea, people realized what was going on. A tsunami was about to sweep through the city. Tsunami waves are known to gigantic and capable of retaining the destructive force over long distance (Levin & Nosov, 3). This one looked exceptional.

The tide kept growing bigger and before long a huge blackish sea wave rose to unimaginable height, and to everyone watching it, there was nothing or no one powerful enough to stop it.  The ships in the sea could be seen being tossed and capsizing not to be seen in the wild waves. At first the wave seemed so far but it was approaching the city rapidly and from watching from the bridge, it seemed just a small wave. As it approached the bridge, it was evident that no one could stand it.  It was sweeping anything along its path with undeterred speed and everyone on that bridge had to run for safety. The gigantic wave came crushing the bridge and was high enough to submerge the bridge with its strong pillars. The sound of the water hitting the bridge was quite frightening with the explosion of water which seemed to burst from some of the sandbanks.

The wave devastated a large part of the city leaving behind wreckages of destroyed cars. The force on impacts shattered many houses at a go and killed many who had no clue of the occurrence. The bridge had all along been seen as an unshakeable structure but now lay in ruins as a reminder of this monstrous tsunami.

Works cited

Levin, B. W., & Nosov, M. A. (2016). Physics of tsunamis.3

407 Words  1 Pages
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