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Genetically Modified Crop plants

Assignment 2: Gene Technology

Genetically Modified Crop plants

Genetic modification of plants as well as of animals has grown to be a common practice in the contemporary society. Individuals have been engaging in the changing of crop plants genomes for quick and increased production. Genetic production rule is to change the organism’s genetic materials generally the genome of the plants or animals (Halford, 2012). Crops that are modified genetically are utilized in agriculture in that their DNA is customized with the utilization of engineering genetic techniques. In most instances the objective is usually to create fresh traits to the plants which are not common in a natural development (Halford, 2012). GMO can thus be described as the laboratory production procedures where certain genes are obtained from a given organism are installed artificially into the Genes of organisms that are not related. The genes that are installed in the organisms might have been acquired from bacteria’s, animals or different viruses.

GMO of crop plants is thus a procedure through which the organism’s genetic content is altered so that DNA of a different plan can be utilized in giving more dominant characteristics.  The modern agricultural practice is mainly regarded as DNA technology that allows the mixing of DNA portions without any consideration of the sources except the dominating features (Halford, 2012). The primary objective of the practice is to copy the existing protein in some plants genes, determining the functions and the capability of certain genes, the investigation of expression of genes patters as well as the creation dominant plants. The primary application of GMO is the creation of pants crops that are customized in a more beneficial structure for the consumers as well as the manufacturers. Crops plants genetic modification usually occurs to offer the crops with bacterial genes that holds increased pest’s resistance. Practically this is aimed at lowering the amount of chemicals that a farmer utilizes in fighting against the attack by pests and illnesses (Kempken, 2010). Through the modification the farming costs are lowered generally while creating high yields for the consumption by the public and maximum earning for the producers.

Crops plants are generally modified so that they can attain the desired features such as diseases and pest resistance. This is not just a cost effective strategy but it additionally increases the ability of resisting draught since yields can be acquired within shorter periods and have the capability to resist the occurrence of draught (Kempken, 2010). The other objective of crops modification is the creation of herbicides resisting crops because a number of crops have the high capability of tolerating certain herbicides. This therefore allows farmers to utilize simplified strategies that does not necessitate tilling which is known to be facilitating soil erosion thus lowering carbon emissions. In general crops plants modification s more targeted at increasing the survival rate of the crops. Genetic modification of either crops or animal has caused controversial arguments globally. However some states have highly embraced the practice as the primary sources of food production and as the mode of developing the economy. Tomato was the initial crop to be genetically modified and commercialized GM crop which was accounted for safe consumption post to its testing by FDA in 1992 (Kempken, 2010). With time more and more crops are being modified such as cereals, fruits as well as vegetables. A significant number of persons generally agrees that the altering of nature is not right while others maintains that the embedment of animal’s genes in plants is immoral.  This views have led to the implementation of policies which requires labeling of the foods so that the consumer can make informed options. GMO has been accounted to be one of the leading carbon gas producers globally because most of the modified crops are grown in green houses. Through the activities the production has contributed to earth warming which in most cases affects water sources and the natural surroundings (Kempken, 2010).

However most individuals argues that GM is essential as it leads to the avoidance of draught and by creating illnesses resisting crops. Due to the climatic changes that have been influenced by individuals activities in the contemporary society such as the advancement of motors which mainly contributes in gases releases GM of crops helps in sustaining stable food supply (Stewart, 2004). Unlike the modern farming GM ensures that food is provided at all the periods to the consumers through shorter period’s productions as well as increased volume. In this context farmers are able to acquire maximum gains while the consumers generally benefit from consistent supply. These are mainly the primary rationales behind the practice which places the consumers as the priority. It is highly argued that the modified crops are unhealthy for consumption mainly because they are developed with the utilization of high content chemicals. However, this s not true since the crops are produced with the combination of genes from other dominating and unrelated crops which thus implies that no amount of chemical is utilized in the procedures. In addition the crops are normally tested prior to being commercialized and consumers are expected to choice which foods they should settle for. More than the previous decades the development has led increased crops production which would not have been achieved without such advancements (Russell, Herz, & McMillan, 2015).

In my opinion I believe that GM of plants crops is a positive practice rather than a negative one as perceived by most. The practice of testing and acquiring animals as well as plants DNA information is good as it helps in the creation of illnesses resistance crops (Tzotzos, Hull, & Head, 2009). This is a form of discovery for some of the persisting illnesses that affects crops. In addition this leads to reduced costs of the general production since the farmers are not generally required to utilize more chemicals in the fighting of my belief the practice of customizing and artificially installing dominants characteristics in crops is not an immoral practice it is a beneficial one that is not just only aimed at benefiting the producers in terms of income but also it benefits the public through ensuring that there is consistent food supply (Tzotzos, Hull, & Head, 2009). The practice so a form of technological advancement that is aimed solving some of the climatic issues that have led to less agricultural production. In addition genetic modification has presented more solutions as compared to issues and it additionally provides consumers with informed choices. Through the modification several development have been acquired which has resulted in the creation of more dominating and illnesses resisting crops.












Halford, N. G., & World Scientific (Firm). (2012). genetically modified crops. London: Imperial College Press.

Kempken, F. (2010). Genetic modification of plants: Agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Berlin: Springer.

Russell, P. J., Herz, P. E., & McMillan, B. (2015). Biology: The dynamic science. Cengage Learning.

Stewart, C. N. (2004). Genetically modified planet: Environmental impacts of genetically engineered plants. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tzotzos, G. T., Hull, R., & Head, G. P. (2009). Genetically modified plants: Assessing safety and managing risk. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.

1184 Words  4 Pages
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