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While Henrik Ibsen and Yasmina Reza represent different historical contexts, both playwrights imagine worlds that reflect parts of our own. Compare and contrast the plays Art and A Doll House, focusing on dramatic structure, characters, and language.

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Paper Instructions:

While Henrik Ibsen and Yasmina Reza represent different historical contexts, both playwrights imagine worlds that reflect parts of our own. Compare and contrast the plays Art and A Doll House, focusing on dramatic structure, characters, and language.  

What do the plays share and where do they diverge? And, why bother comparing these: what new insight might emerge? 

You may consider the themes of the works’ content and/or the texts’ potential as blueprints for “live” theater. 

Please include brief quotes from both plays. 

Art and A Doll House:

101 Words  1 Pages
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