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Art and passage analysis

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a short essay (3-5 paragraphs, 300 word maximum) in which you compare and contrast one image from the Global Image Gallery or assigned art reading and one literary work. They may be from different cultures or periods. How are they similar and/or different from each other, and what does that suggest about the author/artist or culture of origin? Why is it interesting to look at them together?

Consider both subject matter and style. Include a close reading of one short passage and visual analysis of the image.

NOTE that am aware that they are not technically from same period, although commonly mistaken

works to compare:
Dante Alighieri, The Inferno, trans. Pinsky (Farrar Straus) (978-0374524524)
and one of the images attached of your choosing, whichever you think is strongest
first is: Botticelli: Portrait of Dante Alighieri
second is:Botticelli: Judith and Holofernes

152 Words  1 Pages
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