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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please respond to the following question in 300-500 words. Be sure to include a short introduction and conclusion.

How do you feel about classical music?

Do you agree or disagree that classical music is for everyone?

What are you passionate about to the level that Benjamin Zander is about classical music?

Is there anything else that impacted or moved you?

75 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your paper must include the following components: 

1) Statement as to why you chose the concert;

2) Description of the performance venue;

3) Description of the size and age of the audience;

4) Description of the participation and attention of the audience;

5) Comments on each work on the program:*

A) Which style period is it from?  B) Was it a precise performance? C) Your musical enjoyment

6) Statement and details as to whether or not you enjoyed the concert (over all);

7) Details regarding how the music affected you;

8) Statement as to whether or not you would recommend a program like this to your friends (why or why not);

9) Any other insights or observations or anything that surprised you. 

Formatting Details 
Include the title of your paper at the top (centered)
Include your name and date on the left side of the paper
Use size 12 font
Double-space the text
Expect to complete at least 3 full pages of text in answering the prompts above
Proper use of spelling and grammar is expected and part of the grading scheme

193 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The Baroque Period and the music of the Baroque Period.  If you do not have a textbook, then you are to go to and research the Baroque Period and all of its information about:

1. music in this period,
2. the social culture during the Baroque Period,
3. the 3-4 major composers, and
4. musical instruments and,
5. the kind of music that was prominent during this period. You are to write a 2 -3 page paper about Music and how music was used in The Baroque Period covering the aforementioned information.

You are not to plagiarize any information from the textbook or information on the internet.  Plagiarizing is against the honor code.  You are to write the paper in your own words and expression.  That will give me an indication if you are comprehending the information that you are reading.  This paper is valued at 25 points.  You will be graded on the researched information and the way you express yourself indicating appreciation.

178 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How does Brecht explore the corruption of society and the brutality of humanity? How does he tie these to capitalism? To what ends?

34 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Watch  Do the Right Thing (Lee, 1989) and answer the following questions in 250-300 words.

In Lubiano's "But Compared to what?" she explains her reasons for finding "the idea of Lee as a politically radical or progressive filmmaker troubling." (p259) She explains that Lee's handling of politics (race, gender, class, sexuality) in Do the Right Thing does not do justice to the political issues at play in the film. Choose a political issue (race, gender, class, sexuality) and explain how Lee mishandles the issue. Then choose a film from our filmography that does a better job and explain why.

If you feel Lee does not mishandle any political issues in the film explain why.

Do the Right Thing (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

164 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For your midterm paper, you will pick one of the genres from the class website to write about. See the website:

The paper should be double spaced, no larger than 12 pt font, and approximately 5 pages. Your paper will be emailed to me directly. Please do not send it early.

INSTRUCTIONS: Using the website as your main reference, you will do further research on the genre, the traditional musical instruments that define it, and choose at least one additional song outside of the website to discuss as a case study.  Since this course is "Global Music in America," your primary focus should be on how the genre interacts with Western or American music. 

Dig deep into the genre for this paper. Your opinion and references are important, especially if you are exposed to it or invested in it. Write like an academic paper and not a “wiki” entry. What made you choose your particular song as the case study for this paper? You may choose more than one song, preferably.

When describing a musical passage or song, be sure to include: 

* a brief introduction to the artist

Your observations on the social function and meaning of the performance. Toward what end does this music operate in this particular social circumstance? What sorts of cultural, spiritual, or political messages does this music convey?
If there are lyrics, what are they about?
Describe the style, form, mood, and social or historical values that define the music. If it relates to anything we have studied in class, explain how. 
Make sure you use the website : as the main reference. 
------ Resources and works cited page must be included !

297 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

students should find a song that addresses history, politics, or some social issue and write a1500 word analysis of it, assessing its message, its context, and most important why it’s important. Students should explore the motivations of the artist, what he or she was aiming for; go into detail about the context for the artist’s overall body of work and the particular protest piece under consideration; evaluate the effectiveness of the lyrics and music; and finally assess whether or not the song has had a lasting cultural, political, or social impact, and why?

104 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe how jazz developed in New Orleans from the fusion of African and European influences from around the turn of the century until the 1920s. What role did the cultural diversity of the city play in this development in regards to French, Spanish, American, African and Creole cultures. Use specific examples of major jazz figures of this period. Use specific examples of stylistic developments that occurred during this time.

Your research paper should include specific examples and should involve major figures and stylistic movements as well as diversity and historical issues related to jazz. You must consult at least three outside sources for this research paper. You must use appropriate citations and itemize all outside souces using footnotes and a bibliography.

132 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Watch the film Miss Representation on Kanopy. [].

After you watch the movie, relate what you’ve seen to what you’ve read in your textbook, and ideas we’ve discussed in class. Consider such elements as how gatekeepers are responsible for the view of women presented by the media; how the under-representation of women, and other groups, affects how society sees them; how advertising sets standards for the expectation of female beauty; and how the media normalizes violence against women.

The following are some questions you might consider for your paper. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ANSWER ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS. In most case, ONE question would provide you with enough material for a full paper

.Questions for Discussion: 

The director and interviewees in Miss Representation talk candidly about their experiences with sexism. What connections or empathy did you feel with the experiences presented in the film? What are your unique experiences? 

Some critics claim the “glass ceiling” no longer exists for women in entertainment. Others argue that the successes of Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin indicates that sexism is a thing of our past, not our present. What do you think? 

The opening title sequence shows real iconic women throughout history, such as Hattie Caraway and Dr. Condoleezza Rice, and the popular celebrity faces we see on-screen. What contradictions do you see between the real women around you and what you see in the media?

Academics argue that harmful representations of women persist because the media uses hyper-sexualized images to sell products/ideas/services. Who or what benefits from the misrepresentations of women in the media? Who holds responsibility?

How does a lack of diversity in decision-making roles impact what we see in mainstream media and advertising? What impact does this have on us as consumers?

What power do we have as a consumer? How can we change the way media portrays women and girls and the ways in which women and girls view themselves?

What strategies are working to promote more women to leadership positions and make sure they are respected when they arrive?

356 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please watch the movie "Terms and Conditions May Apply",

Answer the following questions. (Min 290 words).

1. Chris Soghoian, from the American Civil Liberties Union, explained the meaning of “The Third-Party Doctrine.” in  the movie. Explain what it means with your own words.
2. This movie cited several true stories related to the use of information technology. Describe one that you liked the most and explain why.
3. According to the interviews in the movie, privacy may be considered dead. What is your opinion about "privacy" based on what you learned from the movie.
4. Imagine that you have a hospitality and/or tourism company. How could you use the information from big data in your business to achieve better results than your competitors?

137 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Directions: The ONLY source I want you to consult for this paper is the film itself. Don't tell me what anyone else says about the meaning of this film. Just explore your own response to it. In this case, I care what YOU think, and nobody else.

Reflect on The 400 Blows (1959), the assigned film for this week. What is this movie really about, and how does the director communicate that to you? Discuss how the filmmaker uses technique to produce meaning. Consider choices in...
mise-en-scene (composition, the performances, the lighting, the setting, the production design, the costumes, etc.)
cinematography (how shots are composed, if there is any movement, etc.)
sound (including the music, sound effects, the dialogue, etc.)
editing (how the shots are ordered in any given sequence, montage, continuity, etc.)
OR some other aspects not listed here.

I do not expect you to discuss all elements of film form and style. Instead, focus on one or two aspects that you find most interesting (e.g. the mise-en-scene and the cinematography, OR the editing and the sound). How do these choices in film form and style items contribute to the film’s meaning? What is the theme of the film, and how do you know? Describe, in detail, examples from more than one scene, to discuss how the parts add up to the overall meaning of the artwork.

The tone of the paper can be informal, but it must go BEYOND THE PLOT. Yes, you may mention story elements—you will need to, in order to communicate effectively—but you must do more than summarize the events. AVOID WRITING LIKE THIS: “First this happened, then that happened, then this other thing happened."

298 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The purpose of this paper is for you to apply Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) discussed in class to a chosen sport/performance movie.  If you want an in-depth description of the theory and sub theories  you can  look at    but at least look at the Ryan reading from class. 
Citing specific examples, you will demonstrate your understanding of this theory. Using the components of the theory, describe the behaviors, decisions, motives and, if possible, an explanation for specific outcomes for one or more individuals in the movie. Take liberties describing situation in the context of your chosen theory; the character may not say something that fits into a theory, but his/her actions may work. Every aspect of the theory may not be depicted, so you need to describe the theory in its entirety. As a conclusion, please discuss the process of applying the elements, components, or aspects that make up your chosen theory to the behaviors of the individuals in the movie.  

DO NOT WRITE A MOVIE REVIEW!!  Focus on PERFORMANCE and MOTIVATION, NOT whether not you liked the movie or anything about its quality/artistic appeal or shortcomings.

Here is a suggested outline. 

1)    Write a strong introduction where you present your thesis that this film contains "x, y, and z" insights about how motivation is obtained and sustained and what about those insights are beneficial, detrimental, or both and should be considered by performers. Your summary of the film should be no longer than three or four sentences. 

2) Include 3 or 4 body paragraphs, each of which analyze a different aspect of the theory you’ve chosen.  For example:
        "…Research shows that ___________ aspect of self determination theory can help performers achieve___________ (citation, year).  In __x-movie__,  __x-person/team____ demonstrated this by ____________."

**Refer to ideas and provide citations from class readings (and beyond if you like) for each of your points. To illustrate each point, describe incidents from the film where the performer/coach/mentor/etc. either does or does not demonstrate that particular quality or principle of whatever theory you're using to explain motivation. 

3) Finish with a conclusion that synthesizes your arguments.  You may present your opinions about how well the movie presents these issues and how understanding the theory you chose may have influenced the outcome of the story.  However, avoid using “I” in your prose.  Just state your appraisals without referring to yourself. 

4) Include a reference list.

Helpful Hints: Concentrate on the motivation theory and how the film reveals the elements of Self-Determination Theory (a motivation theory), instead of what is says about athletes or coaches or whether or not it’s quality art. Your summary of the film’s plot should be only a few sentences. Imagine an audience for you paper that consists of performance enthusiasts who are considering watching a movie about performance psychology and haven’t seen this film. Try to avoid trite or cliché generalizations, such as “Achieving performance outcomes takes dedication…” If you need to refer to the maker of the movie, use the director’s name.

516 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Rachel Jane Carroll writes in, “Can You Feel It?: Beauty and Queer of Color Politics in Looking for Langson,” that our very own B. Ruby Rich feels "that the beauty of Looking for Langston might inhibit its political potency."1 The film may just be too beautiful for its own good. Carroll notes that, "The potential conflict between beautiful art and political action is a valid concern."2 However, "Looking for Langston demonstrates that beauty can be recruited for political resistance."3
Watch Looking for Langston (Julien, 1989). Then use Carroll's reading as a guide and in 250-300 words describe the places in the film where beauty and politics meet.

Here is a link for Looking for Langston (Julien, 1989)

1. Carroll, Rachel Jane. “Can You Feel It?: Beauty and Queer of Color Politics in Looking for

Langson.” Criticism, vol. 60, no. 4, 2018, p. 487.

2. Carroll, Rachel Jane. “Can You Feel It?: Beauty and Queer of Color Politics in Looking for

Langson.” Criticism, vol. 60, no. 4, 2018, p. 489.

3. Carroll, Rachel Jane. “Can You Feel It?: Beauty and Queer of Color Politics in Looking for

Langson.” Criticism, vol. 60, no. 4, 2018, p. 490.

216 Words  1 Pages
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