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Pride and Prejudice

  • Pride and Prejudice
  •             The play is a production of Jane Austen (Copeland & McMaster 51). The play portrays characters that are full of prejudice while others are proud of what they do. The main message of the play that Austen was delivering is ignorance of the people on the issue of marriage. This behavior was a common criticism in the era of 18th century. According to the Austen, the characters of that feature in the play carry out the qualities of pride and prejudice in the best way (Bhattacharyya 131). The play offers a significant lesson to the audience about how prejudice can lead to a failed marriage.
  •             The scenes in the play make a clear understanding of the message that Austen delivers to the audience. There are seven marriages that Austen describes in the play in order to explain how different marriages function. The play defines how some couples are ignorant during courtship and after engaging in the marriage. The marriage of Darcy is an example of how ignorance can affect a relationship. After experiencing various situations of difficulties, they reconciled and build a peaceful marriage. According to Austen, this was a successful marriage comparing to some of those portrayed in the play (Bhattacharyya 138). An example of a failed marriage due to ignorance is that of Wickham. The marriage comprised various scenes of prejudice especially during their youthful moments. The play demonstrates that hasty marriages based on monetary consideration because of ignorance leads to unhappiness.
  •            The acting in the play gives a clear reflection of the message that Austen delivers to the audience. According to the acting in the play, Austen presents the ignorant couples to be extravagant. They misuse their resources by purchasing luxurious materials. The marriage of Collins is an example of a couple that uses their resources in an extravagant way. Austen describes their marriage as a failure after they get various misunderstanding on spending their remaining resources. According to Austen, all the actors who participate in the play are able to portray the role that the historical British Monarch played in response to marriage unions (Copeland & McMaster 53). The acting delivers the message of romance in the whole play and this attracts more number of audiences.
  •             Sound is another area of production that creates a unique type of pressure in the play. The use of sound helps to deliver a clear message of romance to the audience. The sound helps to modify the reception of the audience in respect to the images portrayed by the actors. The rhythm enables the play to have a cinematic irony that helps to deliver message more clearly than the one from words. Austen’s way of irony towards the how the characters respond to the issue of ignorance in marriage is portrayed through the emotion and feeling depicted from the sound used in the play. In the sense that the play portrays a message of romance, the sound used influence the type of bodily presence of the characters for the audience (Copeland & McMaster 46).
  •             The play is a source of an essential message that helps couples to reflect on their marriage union. The play demonstrates that mercenary and ignorance of the people in response to marriage issues may lead to dissolution of the matrimony. According to the filmmaker, she accomplishes her intension in making of the play by delivering a positive message to about relationships in marriage (Bhattacharyya 145). The play portrays a message that the society ought to follow in relation to prejudice. Austen demonstrates how prejudice can lead a family to become a failure in its relationship.        
  • Works Cited
  • Bhattacharyya Jibhesh. (2005). Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. New York: Atlantic     Publishers & Dist, 2005. Print.
  • Copeland Edward & McMaster Juliet. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. New York:     Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print.


637 Words  2 Pages
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