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Invisible boarders between people,… And how people become invisible…

  • Invisible boarders between people,… And how people become invisible…
  •             The filmmaker of the movie known as “A Nasty Story” shows how different kinds of people differ in a manner of thinking in relation to matters of religion. Dostoevsky, who is the filmmaker, tries to illustrate the moral fable in relation to religion. In the movie, the filmmaker depicts how the invisible boarders between people exist especially because of religious purposes. He also tries to explain how people become invisible due to various borders. Other outstanding issues that the movie depicts include the story he demonstrates about urban life and the exposure of hypocrisy. The movie also illustrates more information about a vignette of failure.
  •             According to Dostoevsky, an invisible boarder exists between people who have a strong foundation of faith in religious issues and those who are faith saturated. Most of the story in the movie is about how people view the commands provided by God. In the movie, Dostoevsky illustrates the problem of people on various issues they raise concerning the existence of God. According to the movie, Dostoevsky illustrates that there is a group of people who totally belief that God exists. This group of people has a strong foundation in faith of the holy trinity. The other group of people is of those who associate with a certain religious organization but have various doubts about the existence of God.
  •             According to the movie, it is hardly to recognize the above two groups of people. Dostoevsky illustrates that most of the dialogical meeting between these two groups if people almost give similar ideas concerning the word of God. He illustrates that it is hard to depict the truth that an individual offers concerning matters of religion. He indicates that, truth is not born within a particular person nor found in the head but one can find the truth in a group of people collectively searching for it. In this case, Dostoevsky indicates that the invisible boarder exists because one cannot tell the truth in a particular unclear issue.
  •             The movie depicts that in matters of social life there are invisible boarders. A clear view of this illustration is on the issue of Petersburg bureaucratic classes. Dostoevsky illustrates that it is hard to depict whether those people in bureaucratic classes have a strong connection with God or not. The movie illustrates that many of this people associate with religion but one cannot judge whether they hold any religious motivation or their association is for social welfare. Dostoevsky states that some of the people related to religion perform immoral values that are against their conscience. He states that there those people who have the responsibility of leading others in religion matters but their conscience is unclean.
  •             Referring to the case of St Petersburg, some people may receive invisible images in their lives. In the movie, the audience can depict this illustration by the example from Dostoevsky. He illustrates that he is able to see a man who he barely recalls his portrait but he cannot find out his identity. In this case, he indicates that there are invisible boarders that prevent people to recognize some of the hidden issues especially that relate to religion matters.
  •             The movie illustrates that there are various reasons that make people invisible to matters relating to religion. One of these issues is failing to accept how an individual’s conscience indicates. If a person ignores what the conscience indicates about doing what is right or wrong, one end up becoming invisible. Dostoevsky also illustrates that people may become invisible by failing to accept the word of God. According to the movie, the main reason why people become invisible is by going against religion.        
618 Words  2 Pages
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