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Earthquakes disrupt sperm whales' ability to find food

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Earthquakes disrupt sperm whales' ability to find foodReview the “Top 10 Greatest Scientists Who Changed the World” video, and the article “What Has Science Done for You Lately?” in this module’s resources. Consider what scientist and milestone scientific discovery helped pave the way for the natural-science topic you identified in your news story in Project 1. Provide a response to the following in your initial post:

Identify the major historical scientific discovery that is the foundation for the natural science news story you have examined throughout the course. You may find the background information for this in the course materials in previous modules. If you find that you need to conduct your own research, you can do so using the resources provided in Modules Four and Five.
Provide a brief (2- to 3-paragraph) summary of the scientist who made the historical scientific discovery you identified in the first question. Use examples from your news story to show how this historical scientific discovery impacts our world today.

Earthquakes disrupt sperm whales' ability to find food

194 Words  1 Pages
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