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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


1.  Livermore, David. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success. 2nd ed. New York: AMACOM, 2015. (READ CHAPTERS 7 - 8, PAY ATTENTION TO 8 EPILOGUE)

1. Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( READ CHAPTER 11 - 12 ) pay attention to chapter 12


1. Romans chapter 16


Topic: Intercultural Communication, Cultural Intelligence, and the Great Commission

Thread Prompt:

1.  How can intercultural communication and cultural intelligence, built on a biblical worldview, help the church overcome the cultural barriers to complete the Great Commission both locally and globally?

NOTE: Write more on the paper and don't put too much on the references or Bibliography, answer the question in detail.

Do not Apply for the paper unless you have access to the textbooks required pls.

161 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please write based on attached case study and cite from books I've attached.

Case study paper describing assessment, counseling, and possible referral of an individual and family dealing with an addiction. 

-  Briefly describe the individual with the addiction, type and history of the addictive behavior, and the individual's family system

- Briefly describe your assessment of how the individual and the family system is or have been affected by the addiction

- Describe your counseling plan with the individual and the family system, including resources available for use by you, the individual, and/or the family system

- Indicate the criteria you would use to make a referral for the individual and/or the family system, and possible referral sources.
- Include a brief (1 page) theological reflection on this particular case

142 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

700-800 words. 3 references minimum with works cited page (no in-text citations needed): 

Pick only ONE of these four religions:
        Confucianism  OR

Write about the book, founder, a major division  OR  a practice      (examples: a holiday/ religious festival, 
wedding ceremony, or becoming a monk or shaman, one of their martial arts or foods or crafts…) 

ü    Attention: Only weddings from Indian religions will be accepted and NO papers on Christmas like Santa or trees or Easter bunnies or eggs will be accepted… Please avoid saying what you think other people should believe. Write about a religion you know little about…I want you to learn.  Secondly, teachings/ doctrines are more important than the “window dressings”/ practices, so please focus on them.            
ü    Typing is required (double spaced; at least 12 font), do NOT use plastic page covers
ü    At least three references, beside the textbook required; no in text citations needed
ü    All references (only) should be in MLA format on a separate Works Cited Page
ü    Put your name and class time and word count on the cover sheet
ü    Pet peeve: Don’t use the word “you” EVER              but DO capitalize proper nouns!!!
ü    It is “medically necessary” according to documentation on file with SPC that I avoid smells on your essays like perfumes, cigarette and especially marijuana smoke 
ü    Turnitin Receipt must be printed and included (hard copy) with your essay
ü    A folder is required, your paper must be attached to the folder
ü    Pictures, charts and/ or maps will help your presentation and grade
ü    Grammar, spelling and punctuation errors will reduce your grade
ü    No less than eight (8) paragraphs per essay!!!

295 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Use the recommendation to let Augustine read located in Conf. 3.12.21 as a thesis to explore the role of “secular” reading in Augustine’s journey of conversion. Remember to deal with Cicero, Astronomy, and Neo-Platonism. In your conclusion, consider the implications of Augustine’s literary and intellectual journey of faith for your generation and the modern college and university curriculum

71 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. What was the anti-mission movement?  What was the Baptist position on predestination vs. Arminianism?  What was the Baptist Church in their view?  

    11.    Please discuss Fundamentalism, how it came about, its primary beliefs, and what this movement is attempting to restore.
52 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Integration of Faith and Learning 

Responsibility: To ourselves and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The Scripture verse from the Old Testament (Joshua 1:9) says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

In a (12 point, double-spaced) document that is in current APA format, discuss this Scripture verse within the context of marketing management. Relate this to a specific marketing organization of your choosing. Use two additional scholarly sources as references. 3 scripture verses must be included and in text citations for the verses such as (Mathew 1:2, New International Version).

Discuss how Christian faith impacts marketing management decisions in the selected organization, including how faith was the source of its marketing management decisions, and how many company founders have demonstrated such faith.

158 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Age of the Roman Empire

2 page paper =>

How are Ambrose and Athanasius explaining ‘healing’ in their work? 

your reflection must include at least one quote from Ambrose and Athanasius where they explain the concept of  "healing". the quotes must come from the links provided. be sure to analyze the quotes and compare and contrast the thoughts and ideas of the different writers.

1. AMBROSE original work 

Redemption (Healing), Amend (Healing)

Ambrose (1885).  Concerning Repentance. (P. Schaff, Trans.). Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers.  Series 11, Vol. 10:  Ambrose:  Selected Works and Letters (para. 3).  ). 
Retrieved from.

2. ATHANASIUS original work 

St. Athanasius (n.d.). Chapter 4. The Death of Christ. On the Incarnation of the Word. 
(Sections 19-23)  Retrieved from

147 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The Importance of Studying the Bible in education.

Title: The Importance of Studying the Bible in education.
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the important role Scripture holds in education
Compose two pages of paper, not including references page citations. Minimum one reference of hard cover or ebook and don’t forget the in-text citation. 

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For the Critical Assignment the students will write a creed on the Christian faith. A creed (from the Latin, credo, "I believe") is simply a statement of belief, or a doctrinal summary. The creed in this case will include two components: it will express the beliefs of evangelical Christianity as presented in the course material (lectures and readings), but it will also express the students’ own personal beliefs and reflections on the course material. The lectures and the McGrath book will be important resources for this assignment.McGrath, Alister. Theology: The Basics, 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. ISBN: 978-1119158080.

The creed should be divided into 8 sections:

Scripture and Truth
God, the Holy Trinity
Humanity and Sin
The Person of Christ
The Work of Christ
For each of these 8 sections, the students will include 2 sub-sections:

1.) 1-2 paragraphs on the beliefs of evangelical Christianity on the doctrine in question. By "Evangelical Christianity," I simply mean conservative, gospel-believing Protestantism, that is, the viewpoint expressed in the lectures. This section is more objective, and you will be graded on the accuracy and thoroughness of your presentation of the evangelical view.

2.) 1-2 paragraphs on your own personal beliefs and reflections on the doctrine in question. If you are in fundamental agreement with the course material, you may choose to reflect on the significance of the doctrine for your own personal faith and practice. Or you may choose to register some disagreement with the doctrine in question or to interact critically with the course material. This is your chance to reflect upon what you believe and why you believe it. As such, this section is more subjective. Disagreement will not be penalized, but you will be graded on the thoughtfulness of your interaction.

For each section, be sure to include Scripture references in parentheses that support the beliefs in question (3 Scripture references minimum per section). You do not need to cite any sources beyond the McGrath book, but if you do use other sources (in print or online), be sure to cite them. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in higher education; so do not use any material that is not your own without proper citation.

Use the template provided in week 8 (there is no need to make this assignment conform to MLA or APA style). See the rubric attached to the assignment in week 8 for more details on how the creed will be assessed.

422 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How would you summarize the message of the Old Testament? What is the storyline from beginning to end? What are its central events? What are its key themes? How did the story end? How is your life (and in what ways) is your life a continuation of that story?

60 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Chose a topic that interests you on some issue involving either Indigenous Religions (Module B) or Jewish Traditions (Module C). Here are some examples, to help you get started in picking a topic that interests you: Public Policy Issues re Indigenous Women in Canada, Public Policy Issues re Payments to Those Abused in Residential Schools, The Rise of Anti-Semitic attacks in North America, Controversial Archaeology in Jeruslaem’s Old City, Policy Issues re Ultraordox Jews in Israel, or any other topic that is current and of interest to you.  

99 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Apa format write about the Haydn Planterium museum according to psalm 102:25  Jewish museum  Jewish experience of culture faith and practice.  Met cloisters Christ and the fine arts, herbs bibilical horticulture. Christ and the crucifaxtions.  5 pages on each museum

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

3 pages, MLA, Scriptural identification ( Ex. Mt: 2:23-25), in text-citation (Sanders, 10 or Powell, 128), shouldn't really need outside resources. See rubric on grading at top of page.
Prompt: Jesus was convicted in a religious court and trial and sentence in a political court. 1.) What for? (give evidence from the readings) 2.) Reflection: If Jesus was put on trial and killed today. How might that look today? (How, what for, why the narrative details you choose) 

91 Words  1 Pages
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