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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The nature of religious festivals

14 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Description:  The University of the Incarnate Word prides itself on its community service and on service learning opportunities for students and faculty.  It is through our classes that we assist students to extend their learning from the classroom to the outside world.  Students connect their thoughts, gifts, and passions with service to others.

In this course of God and Human Sexuality, we will substitute a service-learning experience for a project.  A number of ways to make this work are listed below.  You need to choose one of them, and upon completion write a short review of your work, and how it fit into your classroom content.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Discuss Spong’s suggestions with someone not in this course.  What were the reactions?
2. If possible, discuss divorce with someone who has gone through it.  Did he or she receive any support from his or her faith?
3. Invite someone from a different religious background to attend a service in your church. Interview that person concerning his/her experience in doing so.
4. If you are a non-practicing religious person, seek out one that is, and spend an hour or so discussing your differences in regard to Spong’s suggestions.
5. If you have some other suggestions that fit into the service-learning concept, please share them with us.

In writing your paper in response to this lesson, include the following answers: (4 components)
1. What was your project?
2. Why did you choose this particular project?
3. What did you do to fulfill the requirements of the project?
4. What did you learn from the project? You should be able to write this on one page.  

284 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

How is Buddhism’s relationship to Hinduism similar to and different from Christianity’s relationship to Judaism? Identify the key aspects of these relationships including: historical context, founders, and theological / doctrinal aspects? Your response will not be exhaustive, but should reflect the emphasis given in the textbook and class notes. One focus should be on the development of one religion from another.  Comment on similarities and differences in Buddhism’s development from Hinduism; Christianity’s from Judaism.

83 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Describe the relationship between philosophy (of religion) and theology using one of the major thinkers from the reading.

27 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This assignment uses the information you have gathered for your weekly World View Chart Assignments. Choose one (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus on for this assignment. Consider how the selected aspect relates to each of the religions covered and to your own social or work experiences.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Select one (1) category from the completed World View Chart. Provide a rationale for choosing this category.
Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.
Provide one (1) specific example of how the selected category is manifested in your social environment.
Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using APA Style for in-text citations and references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.
Your assignment must:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

256 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This option requires selecting an IT related policy problem, conducting a policy analysis, and presenting your analysis. Choose public IT related topic of interest and identify the key problem or issue and the implications for the solutions proposed to address this problem. Paper topics are largely your own to choose from within the extensive field of public administration, but should contribute to the substantive objectives of the course. Your discussion should be primarily analytical (not descriptive). Your grade depends both on the substance of your problem definition and the clarity of your presentation. Your presentation should cover the following:

What is the problem? Why it is important?
What have been done and/or what need to be done to solve the problem?
What are your suggestions for solving the problem?
What could be the implications?

143 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Choose 2 of the following 3 prompts and respond to each of your chosen questions in approximately 2 pages (each)

    •    Throughout the course of this semester, you have studied eight religions and six dimensions of religious experience. Has your study lead you to any changes in your perception of what makes a religion a religion rather than a philosophy or way of life? What influences your understanding of the term “religion” at present? If you had to argue for your position on what makes a religion to a person holding an opposing viewpoint, what would you say and why?

    •    Refer to Smart, p. 134.  Using information from any of the material we have discussed this semester, respond to the questions he poses: “To what extent is religion a reflection of what goes on in the structures of society, and to what extent does it bring these structures about?” “What effects does religion have, or is it in itself an effect?”

    •    In today’s world, it is more common than ever for individuals to reject beliefs entirely, or to hold separate beliefs regarding church and state (i.e. “My religion says that belief or practice A is incorrect, but in civil matters, belief or practice A should be respected”). Why do you think this is happening, and how is it affecting the way modern practitioners of traditional religion understand the role their faith plays in civil society?

247 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


17 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:


  1. Where in the world most of the members of the religious group live.

    2. What differences exist in the community in the United States today from how the community might live and pray in the part of the world where members would be a majority group, rather than a minority group (if they are).

    3. What periods in time are considered to be formative apart from the time of the religion's origins.

    Your paper should, of course, also incorporate a discussion about the religion's main beliefs and practices, and how these are lived in the members' daily lives.
108 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Remember that this is not a book report.  What is wanted are your reflections and opinions on some of the major concepts presented in the book you chose. 

Book Required : Rethinking the Buddha

43 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This paper should be about how the church and mass incarceration. the exact notes are in the first attachment. Also attached is additional writers you can use, however, you only need to use at least 2 of them. You can use more if needed but they need to revolve around the main topic. Please do not use Wikipedia at all.

69 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Tilley provides five ways of assessing faith which are, revealing the hidden, cohering, promoting authenticity, teaching fidelity, constancy in seeking the truth . buffs argue foe the necessity of christian faith being done in the context of global poverty and god's demand for acts of justice. using tilley ,do you find the buff's interpretations of christian faith to be of value? that is, how

do you assess librations theology as faith ?

make sure to talk about all five ways and is some or all can be connected to buffs

98 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Globalized Islam paper (1,200-1,600 words)
1. Choose a radical Islamic group or an Islamist organization.
2. Contextualize the group/organization politically and theologically utilizing Olivier Roy’s terminology.
3. Analyze the construction of religious authority within your chosen group/organization.
4. Explain the recruitment strategies of your chosen group. Give examples.

Make sure you write an analytical paper, avoid long descriptive sections. You can answer the questions in any order you like.

80 Words  1 Pages
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