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What actions can we take to live this bible passage at work?

Discussion Forum Faith Integration Week

Philippians 2:14-15

What actions can we take to live this bible passage at work?

Both leaders and followers can apply Philippians 2:14-15 at work by maintaining a positive attitude. At times, employees experience turmoil and suffering and many workers respond to such situations with complaints. However, the verse talks about the right workplace attitude. Regardless of torture environments, followers can take to live this bible passage at work by having a good attitude such as obedient, honest, polite, responsible, sincere, and cheerful.  Note that companies are full of complaining, and employees are discontent (Bishop, 2005). Paul teaches that in all things, employees should not complain or dispute but instead, their actions should reflect productive workers. Rather than being rude, rigid, and negative, employees should be positive, and as a result, they will make a difference in the organization. To the leaders, they should not complain when they lack control over a particular situation. Note that some leaders complain when they are not satisfied, when followers fail to understand the direction, among other reasons. Whenever they face challenges, they blame the followers and complain about the circumstance. The passage tells that leaders should not criticize or complain, but they should focus on responsibility, shine at work, and create an environment of excitement, and a sense of shared mission (Bishop, 2005). Both followers and leaders should create team unity to define clear goals, roles, and establish trust. Unity will prevent complaints and disputes, and more importantly, they will feel comfortable. In case of conflict, unity will enable the parties to understand the situation and find a solution.


How might it relate to how you communicate at work?

‘Do all things' includes communication- in other words when leaders and followers are discontented, they should not murmur against each other, but they should have open communication so that both parties can identify and address the issues (Bishop, 2005). Good communication will bring light and prevent conflict in the workplace.




Bishop, S. C., (2005). Faithspace in the Workplace: Fifty Days of Rediscovering Your Soul at

Work: S. Craig Bishop, Matthew T. Bishop. Harleysville, PA: Branch Creek Community



359 Words  1 Pages
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