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Islam in contrast with Christianity

Prompt: Based upon the readings and slides on Islam, explain the uniqueness of Islam in contrast to Christianity and Judaism. Consider how Muhammad reinterprets Christian and Jewish history to create a unique religion that is based in Arab culture and history.

Islam in contrast with Christianity

In the Islamic religion they believe in Allah as God and do not that God is 3 persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, as the Christians believe.

Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet and not the son of God as Christians believe.

In the Islamic religion polygamy is allowed though for Christianity monogamy is practiced.

Men are allowed to divorce in the Islamic religion though for Christianity marriage is taken as a vow for eternity.

Both religions believe in life after death, and they believe that the believers in each religion will go to heaven while for the non-believers they will go to hell.

Women submission to their men is practiced by both religions but Muslims women cover their heads as a sign of submission.


The following are prohibited:

  • Worship of idols
  • Drinking of wine
  • Eating pork gambling
  • Lending money to exploit others


Exodus Chapter 20:1-26


The following are prohibited:

  • Having other gods
  • Making idols
  • Worshipping other Gods
  • Misusing the name of God in vain
  • Murder
  • Committing adultery
  • Stealing
  • Giving false testimony
  • Coveting on your neighbor’s house, wife and property



After Muhammad eliminated idols from Arabian people, Kaaba became the holiest site since its where Islam first made its place. Tis site had a lot of Arabian architecture.

The mosque of Omar is another holy site for Muslims, it is located in Jerusalem. Muslims believe it was where Adam was created and where Muhammad, took his night journey to heaven whilst for Christians it was a temple that Solomon built for the Lord.

Cordoba was used as a mosque by the Muslims and a synagogue by the Jews but to date it’s a catholic cathedral for the Christians.


333 Words  1 Pages
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