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Wild Geese by Mary Oliver


Wild Geese by Mary Oliver


‘Wild Geese’ is a poem which was published in 1986 by Mary Oliver. The poem mainly touches the life of human being and how life is connected with natural world. Oliver is speaking directly to the reader and she informs the reader about how life should be and in specific she tells the reader that instead of struggling to be good, human beings should do what they love to do with respect to the nature and its beauty. Generally, Oliver informs the reader that it is not necessarily to follow the society rules in order to get a reward but rather a person should be part of the world and follow the nature.

‘Wild Geese’ is a free verse poem with eighteen lines and it does not contain internal or external rhyme. The author employs soft and sensual tone and repetition to capture the reader’s attention and let him or her understand that there is no need of struggling to show goodness to the world but rather people should follow the will of the heart. Oliver uses a soulful mood and puts emphases on how to handle life despite of challenges and difficulties (Fry, 2005). She says that ‘you do not have to be good’ and at this point she urges the reader to open eyes and see the beauty of life and free from burdensome rules which might be followed by negative consequences (Oliver, 1986).  Oliver employs metaphor when she says that ‘meanwhile ‘the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain’ (Oliver, 1986). She tells the reader that in natural world, there are times when things are fine and good and other time things are bad. Thus, it is important to take life as it is in order to survive and thrive. In addition, Oliver uses imagery to inform the reader that he does not need to walk on knees many miles to show humility and find acceptance, since these things will  turn to suffering and pain. In the poem, Oliver is interested with the natural world and wishes if people could become connected with the nature in order to live a happy life. She urges the reader to open eyes and be imaginative and foresee how life would change by being closely connected to the nature and its beauty. Oliver uses an inspiring language which pulls the reader toward what the world offers (Fry, 2005).

 The author introduces a historical context back in 1980s, a period which was connected with traditional values in the context of political and social cultural practices. During this period, President Ronald Reagan brought changes in society values and emphasized on the need for individuality and materialism (Fry, 2005). On political and economic arena, Ronald focused on eradicating federal regulations and allowing business to increase production for high consumption. On social and cultural areas, Ronald focused on applying traditional values and morals standards. However, racial groups, feminists and other minority groups were underprivileged as they could not fit in the societal convections. This means that the underprivileged group suffered and passed through challenges and difficulties but the poem urges on forgetting the past things and moving forward. There is no need to strive to be good since natural world does not require goodness (Fry, 2005). In addition, the society shifted to civilization standards which would be characterized by development, advanced culture and social domination.  However, being connected with natural world   provides satisfaction and happiness and there is no need to struggle in order to fit to the civilization standards. Indeed, happiness is provided by natural world than the society standards (Fry, 2005). Being a free verse poem, the information flows and the reader captures the key issues which are being stated by the other. The author urges the reader to see the landscape and be connected with the nature and its beauty

In her poem, she employed conversational and conventional styles in emphasizing on the need to be connected with nature. The author urges the reader to free from materialist things and stick to the nature and its beauty. For human beings to gain a sense of peacefulness and free from wars and violence, he or she must be connected with nature (Fry, 2005). When the author say that ‘ you only have to let the soft animals of your body love what it loves’, she means that  rather than struggling to be perfect, human beings should  follow the desire of the heart and enjoy the beauty of the nature (Oliver, 1986). 



Oliver wrote a nature poem which changes people’s life through understanding the beauty of nature and its role in providing peace of mind and happiness. Importantly, nature becomes the subject of the poem and the need to show human beings that they should have a strong sense of nature where they will develop their identity and live a happy life while enjoying the family of things in the nature. The main message which the author is delivering to the readers is that rather than striving to be good people should enjoy the physical pleasure and loneness, guilty and repentance should not be a barrier to happiness.








Oliver, M. (1986). Dream work.

Fry, S. (2005). The ode less travelled: Unlocking the poet within. Place of publication not identified:

Arrow Books.


886 Words  3 Pages
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