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Quiz 3

Alienation is a condition or a state that an individual feels isolated from others, especially in a place where one belongs. According to karl Marx’s theory, “Alienation is a situation where an employee is made to feel new to product of his own labor.” Considering creation of commodities, it does not lead to alienation thus; termed as a satisfying product. He illustrates alienation as a facet of species-essence whereby; it impact to the social culture changes individuals from their normal form of humanity. In theory consideration, alienation is highly based by capital ways of fabrication whereby; employees easily losses their ability in examining life as well as future. Marx clearly defines alienation as a situation which, men strength is dominated by their creation thus; easily confronted of the foreign powers (Forrest 514).

Alienation is a sphere of activity whereby; the aspect of an individual is alienated them the product formed. The finished product from hard work opposes it aliens thus; generating a powerful independent to its alien. However, Karl suggests that for estrangement, it does not only impact merely but also affects the entire process of production. “Alienation is therefore easily understood in consideration that; if the labor produces is hostility then, the production process opts to be active.” It is unfair for a person to be alienated from the produce of their labor as well as the entire process of production (Forrest 515).

Alienation is a significant aspect that plays an essential role in the recent days as pragmatic physiology therefore; it becomes a prevalent doctrine that affects individual’s self- interest. Alienation manifests the working class in that in capitalist society, workers hostility from their personal humanity appears only because their labor is expressed on the basic social feature. Marx illustrates that, “Workers to be free of their productive activities since they cannot be termed as human under the conditions of alienation.” According to Karl, in some processing industries employees hardly work under their own directions thereby; they are ordered to assemble in larger factories where they work under close supervision. However, it is clear to understand that workers are the mere extension of their work rather than the equipments being the conservatory of their work. In larger factory employees are not allowed to control their working condition, simply because everything in the manufacturing does not belong to them. The employer only buys his employees labor therefore; workers do not have to perform their activities under the direction of the employers. Alienation impacts to poverty on the working class whereby; Marx considers this as absolute as well as in relative terms that employees have to eat as much as rent they can afford. Since the 19th century, condition of employees in the developed nations has highly improved whereby; employees earning is in comparison to what their employers gain (Forrest 650).

Capitalist generates profit in terms of stealing whereby; the transformation of money into capital breaks down into two discrete. According to Marx consumption of labor generates the entire process of production. Marx illustrates that profit theft is a situation whereby; surplus-value is highly deducted and impact to lower income on the workers. The deduction theory is therefore termed as the income factor of exploitation. Profit from the capital is differentiated from wages as well as labor because; it is regulated by the entire value of capital. However, in huge manufacturing industries labor is committed to the head clerk whereby; the worker’s salary should bear no regular proportion to the capital. Whenever the number of commodity increases, the prices resolves itself into wages and the profit increases. Karl suggests that profit affects workers in that they are not able to own what they produce. However, in larger factory employees are not allowed to control their working condition, simply because everything in the manufacturing does not belong to them. The employer only buys his employees labor therefore; workers do not have to perform their activities under the direction of the employers (Carver 5).

Marx suggests that exploitation of lower class individuals opts to overcome plight of alienation, especially as catalyst for change. He felt that the working class requires a development for class consciousness. Alienation is an essential feature of Marx’s philosophy whereby it displays an interesting behavior on various aspects. Low class individuals should trounce the aspect by considering its roots whereby; rejection should be responded to as a perception of social rationality. The lower class worker is bound to unwanted labor whereby; he is alienated from all the means of production. At the expense of their lives, workers can reject their wages in comparison to the work. Workers are always miserable and unhappy while working thereby; they can easily overcome these since the labor the offer is external to their work. Individuals are being alienated from the assets of their labor as well as the entire process of production thus; unable to develop all side of personality. In the manufacturing industry the lower class individual does not fulfill him because but rather denies his personality because, it is part of his nature.  According to Marx entrepreneurs should encourage their workers and generate a conducive working environment thus; encouraging them to feel themselves at home for better results. In some instances workers feel as if they belong to someone else thus; generating something alien with his activity (Carver 5).

 Under capitalism are one and the major problem in Karl’s philosophy, since many people do not have the aspect. In Marx’s writing he emphasizes on various reasons why profit robs wages of workers. It is not genuine whereby he illustrates that capitalism generates estrangement on the economic system because; the economy does not allow minority control the means of production. However, employees survives only by selling their labor ability and power to the industry. The problem with capitalism in Marx’s writing is that, workers have to work for someone else though in 21st century employees have the right in deciding on how and what activity to carry. Karl argues that work has no added value to the employee since it generates an intrinsic worth. In relation to the argument, workers lives are dominated by their personal powers generated from the economic forces. The quintessence of civilization should be developed in the ability of workers to produce even though there is no need therefore; production process should be a human satisfaction aspect. Unlike the argument by Marx that; capitalism aims at alienating individuals from their species being, human are aimed at producing for particular reason. Another problem in Marx’s theory is on perfection that it describes human best life. “Perfection is a source of assumption whereby; people are described by their unique nature (Fromm, Erich, Karl & Bottomore 35).”


In conclusion the writing illustrates alienation of product in variety of ways. Marx suggests that no matter how deeply disaffection impact on workers, the ruling class will always be driven by the system of creation. Therefore, an alienated individual is separated from the society as well was personal species being.  The entire notion of alienation is the fundamental controversial aspect of Marx’s philosophy. In his writing alienation describes a primary product of entrepreneurial scheme though, in early stages alienation is hardly a considered aspect. The lower class worker is bound to unwanted labor whereby; he is alienated from all the means of production. At the expense of their lives, workers can reject their wages in comparison to the work (Fromm, Erich, Karl & Bottomore 35).


Domination of employers over the work indicates a symptomatic of authoritative nature therefore; Marx generates a genuine understanding of class classification whereby he is able to analyze capitalism in terms of alienation. Estrangement captures all the aspects of entrepreneurship which constitute to individual’s unrestraint. Marx clearly defines isolation as a situation which, men strength is conquered by their creation thus; easily confronted of the foreign powers. Alienation is a sphere of activity whereby; the aspect of an individual is estranged them the product formed. (Forrest 813).

Work Cited

Fromm, Erich, Karl Marx, T B. Bottomore, and Karl Marx. Marx's Concept of Man. , 2013. Print.

Carver, Terrell. "Marx, Alienation and the Grundrisse Reconsidered." Conference Papers -- Western Political Science Association, 2009 Annual Meeting, p. 1. EBSCOhost,


Forrest E. Bair. Philosophical Classics: From Plato to Derrida.Routledge. 2016. Print












1392 Words  5 Pages
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