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How Groundhog Day illustrates Fromm's theory of Productivity and Destructivity

How Groundhog Day illustrates Fromm's theory of Productivity and Destructivity

Fromm's theory of Productivity and Destructivity gives a distinctive comparison between the evil and the good actions. The good ones are productive in nature and it is characterized by love among other virtues. Groundhog Day is a film that illustrates the Fromm’s theory by using two characters Phi and Rita. Phi is an evil man whose traits deeply illustrate the destructive nature of the humans. He is disrespectful, sarcastic, full of negligence, and also irresponsible among other negative traits.

Rita on the other hand is an honorable woman who possesses the productive characteristics of humans. She is strong and courageous; she is not easily deceived and she also has a positive. Rita’s love is genuine unlike that of Phi which is deceptive. Rita is marked as generous and kind to strangers who are in need.

Phi is totally destructive and this destructive nature leads him to imprisonment and later commits suicide Rita’s character is perfect and undefiled hence being productive to the society. The two contrasting characters have clearly illustrated the Fromm's theory of Productivity and Destructivity in an amazing way.

191 Words  1 Pages
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