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Discuss the process of crop domestication, using specific examples. What are some of the main cultural impacts of the switch from hunting and gathering to crop domestication?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Discuss the process of crop domestication, using specific examples. What are some of the main cultural impacts of the switch from hunting and gathering to crop domestication?

2.  Discuss the history and cultural significance of aphrodisiac foods. Use specific food examples.

3.  Discuss the history and significance of spices in regional cuisines. Use specific examples.

4. Discuss the history of chocolate as well as its possible health and intelligence impacts on people.

5. What are food taboos? Why do they exist? Give specific examples.

6. Salmon represents one of the few modern foods that is still harvested (mostly) from the wild in large numbers. Discuss the life cycle of salmon, as well as the likely health benefits of salmon consumption. What are your views on genetically modified salmon?

7.  Review the transfer and transformation of chili peppers—including their uses and cultural significance—from Mexico to Europe.  

8. Review the domestication of animals for food.  Also, discuss the historical and cultural significance of turkeys.

9.  Discuss the origin and cultural significance of potatoes. Explain how (according to McNeill) the humble potato changed world history.

10. Discuss the development and spread of American fast food. Use examples, including the story of Taco Bell.

211 Words  1 Pages
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