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Have you ever thought about how you will balance work and family?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Although many more women earn high salaries and hold prestigious occupations than in the past, few women occupy the highest positions in government and corporations. In her bestselling book, Lean In, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg shares an anecdote about a conversation with a female co-worker who was so worried about balancing her career and family that she was considering taking a step back from her career. The surprising thing was that this woman didn't have any children, let alone a boyfriend.

Have you ever thought about how you will balance work and family?

Identify several structural (macro-level) factors that might lead young women to believe they should remain the main caretakers of children and plan on careers that allow them to balance work and family, while few young men are concerned about these things.

Be sure to reference the test or other scholarly material in your post.  Your original post should be a minimum of 4 paragraphs. 

168 Words  1 Pages
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