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Choose a topic that explores an interesting aspect of living with mental illness or a subpopulation (ex. Elderly and bipolar) or a controversial topic related to mental illness. Some examples of an appropriate presentation topic could be about:

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Paper Instructions:

Write a 4-5 page paper on an issue/topic related to mental health. Choose a topic that explores an interesting aspect of living with mental illness or a subpopulation (ex. Elderly and bipolar) or a controversial topic related to mental illness. Some examples of an appropriate presentation topic could be about:
The debate about medicating children
How insurance limits mental health treatment
Explore the relationship between culture and mental illness (in a specific way)
How personality disorders affect marriage or parenting
You must use at least 3 peer-reviewed studies PLUS at least 2 other sources as information. List your references on your last slide or submit it with the presentation.

120 Words  1 Pages
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