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The critical race theory (CRT)


Article Analysis and Critique




The critical race theory (CRT), has been extensively utilized in the modern educational literature for the purpose of emphasizing the influences of racism and prejudice on edification opportunities as well as the assets of students of color. In this article, quantitative research methodology appear to the main antithetical to the tenets of the critical race theory (CRT) to some individuals. Despite that, the primary objective of this article entail illustrating the underlying reason as to why this is not the main reason. The perspectives of the author of this article is ultimately based on the contemporary and historical ideologies. To have the potential of building this argument, the author embarks on presenting results obtained from experiential study that utilizes data form the research of undergraduates. Conversely, the measurement theory is utilized for the purpose of quantifying the community cultural wealth of the students. Typically, the CRT framework is also used to describe the cultural assets of the societies of color.                                             

Research Question(s) and Summary of the Research Design

State the research question(s) addressed by the study. Describe the type of research, including the name of the design, the sampling methods, and variables (identify the independent and dependent variables), how data were analyzed and major results.

Research question

  1. What are the main factors that makes students of color to experience racism and prejudice in their academic settings?
  2. What are some of the social-psychological and sociological factors that increases racial bias?

In this article, the quantitative methods (QMSs) was utilized for the purpose of studying as well as addressing the problems of access and equity of the students with color. Despite that, in the CRT training, quantitative and statistical reasoning is considered to be bias-free endeavors but ultimately related to the White supremacist origins. What this implies is the fact that QMSs is a one of the fundamental components of the critical legal research and is thus a key part of the educational literature. The second sampling method used is the quantitative measurement of the community cultural wealth (CCW) which ultimately assist in lay an emphasis of the CRT framework used to examine students’ assets.  On the other hand, the critical race methodology (CRM) is utilized for the purpose of highlighting racism, race, and intersectionality of the research (Jenna, 2019). Basically, these method is used for the purpose of challenging traditional research texts and paradigms. 

During this research, data was collected through conducting online survey of the undergraduates by taking into consideration two access AANAPISIs (Asian American Native American Pacific Islander-serving institutions) in the United States Pacific. From the information collected, result of this study indicates that the trans-disciplinary observations basically reflects on the manner in which critical quantitative research of race exists in various disciplines beyond the educational literature.                                

Critique of the Research

Considering the perspectives of the author of this article, it implies that counter-narratives cannot be presented by quantitative methods since it is not the main methodology. The underlying reason for that is because it is imperative to take into account combining the tenets of the asset-based CRT with the empirical examples of the QMSs (Jenna, 2019).  On the other hand, additional multivariate analysis ought to be taken into account for the purpose of understanding the impacts of CCW. In return, it is this process that will the potential of advancing critical quantitative methodology in addressing as well as documenting college inequality issues.

Conversely, it is important to take into account demonstrating the items for assessing familial capital, residential capital, navigational capital, and aspirational capital on the validity evidence and preliminary reliability. Conversely, as much as the above methodologies are concerned will have the ability of improving empirical fit, especially at it is related to resistant capital as well as its alignment with the critical racer theory (Jenna, 2019). What this can illustrate is the manner in which implementation and design of the projects using CRT impacts the perspectives of the students regardless of the color of the skin or race.

Nonetheless, since CRT is one of the tenets in educational settings, it implies that the general advancements of the social justice as well as the implementation of the QMS will have the potential of informing policy disclosure. In return, making empirical connections between methods and theory ought to be modeled in the prevailing critical-quantitative research. Nevertheless, it means that traditional quantitative studies in education policy research might fail to have the likelihood of engaging or addressing issues regarding race and prejudice (Jenna, 2019). Furthermore, it can be argued that cultural assets can be extremely rationalized to the extent of leaving means for deficit interpretations.

The primary reason for that is because institutionalized racism might be ultimately absent from the interpretative explanations and theoretical frameworks. Similarly, it can be argued that differences based on race can be propelled beyond meek descriptive statistics by critical QMs to inferential dimension and theoretic modeling (Jenna, 2019). Therefore, the educational policy research ought to be scrutinized so as to understand the dynamic of race and how the existing methodologies addresses such issues.




Jenna, R. S. (2019). Can You Really Measure That? Combining Critical Race Theory and Quantitative Methods. University of Maryland College Park



866 Words  3 Pages
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