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Essential Genetic and Genomic Competencies for Nurses with Graduate Degrees

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Paper Instructions:

Reflect upon emerging knowledge of and best practices within genetics and genomics. Review the Essential Genetic and Genomic Competencies for Nurses with Graduate Degrees (American Nurses Association, 2011). Consider how the MSN-prepared nurse can support these efforts and respond to the following.
•    Describe a case scenario involving an individual with genetic disease. In your scenario, discuss how the disease impacts the individual's health within the context of the health continuum.
•    Identify one professional practice competency and one professional responsibility competency from the Essential Genetic and Genomic Competencies for Nurses with Graduate Degrees. Explain how each of the two selected competencies can support person-centered care in this scenario.
•    Equipped with the competencies noted, how might the MSN-prepared nurse facilitate health promotion and disease management for this case scenario?
•    In what ways might the pathophysiological, pharmacological, and nutritional aspects of this case influence health promotion?

158 Words  1 Pages
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