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One of the major issues in healthcare is inequality. People do not have equal chances at a wide range of things pertaining to healthcare and because of this, often live shorter and less healthy lives. Of the following choose which you think is the most im

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Paper Instructions:

One of the major issues in healthcare is inequality. People do not have equal chances at a wide range of things pertaining to healthcare and because of this, often live shorter and less healthy lives. Of the following choose which you think is the most important problem in a healthcare system. 

1. Lack of knowledge of the healthcare system and resources.
2. Lack of money to pay for healthcare and good foods.
3. Lack of physical access (cannot get to a healthcare facility due to transportation or none in the area)

After choosing your problem, explain why you feel it is the most important. Second, what major changes do you feel could be made to help get rid of these inequalities? How could people be helped? Do you think the US is going in the right direction with Healthcare reform? or is there something more/ different that you feel also needs to happen? 

164 Words  1 Pages
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