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Part 1


Vincent Aron Irene, aged 45, died peacefully on his way to the hospital after some heart complications. The condition had affected him most of his life and he was on and off medical institutions. Most people will remember him as a father and kind hearted man who touched the hearts of many people all over the world. In his 20s he served in the army and assisted in bringing peace to war ton nations such as Iraq and Iran. For the sake of bringing to place his achievements, he had promised his family members his real estate and other material things. His family members will remember him as a man who had been committed to the betterment of his community. Friends will know him as a man who came to terms with everybody and was not afraid to make amends whenever called upon to do so.  His coworkers will always remember him as a person who stood by his word and hardworking in every way.

Part 2

 His core values revolved around a love for himself and others. Even though everyone speaks highly of him, he ensured that the foundation of his life was based on teamwork, and even pleasing his family was one of the primary things that defined his family life. Through the lens of society, work, friends, and people in need, he was a central pillar of hope the radiated all-around people. This does not necessarily mean that he exercised most of these values constantly, but he was intentionally able to cater to the needs of most people who had come to terms with his life and future. In other words, the core values are exemplified through integrity, respect for other people. Obligation to solve challenges within the communities he lived in and servant types of leadership exemplified everywhere he went. Anyone who impacts both the family and community so said to be generous and even social for the sake of coming to terms with his legacy, he kept on coming to terms with the issues that found him culpable of engaging more people.

Part 3

If I had one semester to live, I would not try too hard to be a legend, but I would ensure I am impactful in each way I decided to live. For the most part, I would adhere to the law and contribute to the well-being of others. I would be involved in more than two community services projects.  The reason for engaging in community service would not forcefully leave behind a mark but to impact as many people as possible. Secondly, I would fight for the rights of the needy in actionable ways. For instance, helping information of more than one way of bringing to light their plight. This will need courage and the ability to confront issues that might be wrong in society. In the long run, fighting for the rights of the underprivileged not to ensure people remember but because that was part of life and the values upheld in the long term. One thing in life that one might love to be associated with is one family. Family reflects on the relationship people have with society. Therefore it is important to impact the family positively. In the end, a life well lived has to be a done in a true manner that reflects on humanity.

561 Words  2 Pages
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